v08i052: xbv - bitmap previewer, Patch3, Part01/01
William Kucharski
kucharsk at number6.Solbourne.COM
Thu Jul 12 04:40:26 AEST 1990
Submitted-by: kucharsk at number6.Solbourne.COM (William Kucharski)
Posting-number: Volume 8, Issue 52
Archive-name: xbv/patch3
Patch-To: xbv: Volume 6, Issue 37,40
The following patch to xbv cleans up a few bugs, and, thanks to Jim Wight of
the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, changes things so that xbv can read a
bitmap from stdin.
-- Bill
*** patchlevel.h.orig Tue Jun 19 11:08:47 1990
--- patchlevel.h Tue Jun 19 11:08:53 1990
Prereq: 2
*** 1 ****
! #define PATCHLEVEL 2
--- 1 ----
! #define PATCHLEVEL 3
*** xbv.c.orig Wed Mar 21 10:31:27 1990
--- xbv.c Tue Jun 19 10:56:10 1990
*** 28,33 ****
--- 28,34 ----
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+ #include <X11/Xmu/Xmu.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static void
*** 35,41 ****
char *progname;
(void) fprintf(stderr,
! "usage: %s [-d display] [-b borderwidth] [-g geometry] [-rv] bitmapfile\n",
--- 36,42 ----
char *progname;
(void) fprintf(stderr,
! "usage: %s [-d display] [-b borderwidth] [-g geometry] [-rv] [bitmapfile]\n",
*** 119,128 ****
char *wnname[1];
! char *file; /* bitmap filename */
! int argctr; /* argument counter */
! int status; /* return status of XReadBitmapFile(3X11) */
int bwidth = 2; /* default border width */
int geomask = 0; /* mask returned by XParseGeometry(3X11) */
int reverse = 0; /* reverse video */
--- 120,134 ----
char *wnname[1];
! int stdio = FALSE; /* input from stdin */
! char *stdinput = "stdin"; /* 'filename' for stdin */
! char *datap; /* bitmap data pointer */
! int x_hot; /* bitmap hot spot x coord */
! int y_hot; /* bitmap hot spot y coord */
! char *file; /* bitmap filename */
! int argctr; /* argument counter */
+ int status; /* return status of XReadBitmapFile(3X11) */
int bwidth = 2; /* default border width */
int geomask = 0; /* mask returned by XParseGeometry(3X11) */
int reverse = 0; /* reverse video */
*** 136,145 ****
hints.min_width = 1; hints.min_height = 1;
hints.flags = PMinSize;
! if (argc == 1)
! usage(argv[0]);
! while (*(argv[argctr]) == '-') {
switch(*(argv[argctr] +1)) {
case 'b':
if (argc <= ++argctr)
--- 142,148 ----
hints.min_width = 1; hints.min_height = 1;
hints.flags = PMinSize;
! while ((argctr < argc) && (*(argv[argctr]) == '-')) {
switch(*(argv[argctr] +1)) {
case 'b':
if (argc <= ++argctr)
*** 191,207 ****
if (argc < (argctr + 1))
! usage(argv[0]);
! file = argv[argctr]; /* bitmap filename */
! wnname[0] = file;
- if (access(file, R_OK)) {
- (void) fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: %s: %s\n", argv[0], file, msg(errno));
if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't Open Display \"%s\" (%s)\n",
--- 194,214 ----
if (argc < (argctr + 1))
! stdio = TRUE;
! if (stdio)
! file = stdinput;
! else
! {
! file = argv[argctr]; /* bitmap filename */
! if (access(file, R_OK)) {
! (void) fprintf(stderr,
! "%s: %s: %s\n", argv[0], file, msg(errno));
+ }
+ wnname[0] = file;
if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't Open Display \"%s\" (%s)\n",
*** 224,231 ****
root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); /* use root window for a drawable */
! status = XReadBitmapFile(dpy, root, file, &width, &height,
! &bitmap, 0, 0);
if (status != BitmapSuccess) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv[0], file,
--- 231,242 ----
root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy); /* use root window for a drawable */
! if (stdio)
! status = XmuReadBitmapData(stdin, &width, &height, &datap,
! &x_hot, &y_hot);
! else
! status = XReadBitmapFile(dpy, root, file, &width, &height,
! &bitmap, 0, 0);
if (status != BitmapSuccess) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv[0], file,
*** 234,239 ****
--- 245,260 ----
+ if (stdio)
+ bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, root, datap, width, height);
+ if (bitmap == None)
+ {
+ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv[0], file,
+ bitmap_err(BitmapNoMemory));
+ exit(2);
+ }
/* clean up window hints */
if ((hints.height == 0) && (hints.width == 0)) {
*** xbv.man.orig Tue Jun 19 11:07:30 1990
--- xbv.man Tue Jun 19 11:16:27 1990
*** 1,4 ****
xbv - display X11 bitmaps
--- 1,4 ----
! .TH XBV 1
xbv - display X11 bitmaps
*** 9,18 ****
.IR display "\|]"
.RB "[\|" \-g
.IR geometry "\|]"
! .RB "[\|" \-rv "\|]"
! .RI bitmapfile
! .I Xbv displays a window with the contents of the specified X11 bitmap file on
the specified display. Clicking a mouse button while the pointer is in the
window will dismiss the window.
--- 9,19 ----
.IR display "\|]"
.RB "[\|" \-g
.IR geometry "\|]"
! .RB "[\|" \-rv "\|]"
! .RI "[\|" bitmapfile "\|]"
! .I Xbv
! displays a window with the contents of the specified X11 bitmap file on
the specified display. Clicking a mouse button while the pointer is in the
window will dismiss the window.
*** 25,38 ****
.TP 8
.IR \-g " geometry"
Specify the geometry of the bitmap window using standard X11 geometry syntax.
.I Xbv
is one of the few ways to easily display an X bitmap without resorting to
the use of the \fIxsetroot\fR(1) command. This program is written entirely
! in Xlib and is a good \*Qsample\*U program for introductory X tutorials.
! X11R4 window managers may not respect the size information within the geometry
! specification.
--- 26,45 ----
.TP 8
.IR \-g " geometry"
Specify the geometry of the bitmap window using standard X11 geometry syntax.
+ .TP 8
+ .I bitmapfile
+ Specifies the name of a X11 bitmap file to read. If a filename is not specified,
+ input is taken from stdin. (Stdin modification by Jim Wight at the University of
+ Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.)
.I Xbv
is one of the few ways to easily display an X bitmap without resorting to
the use of the \fIxsetroot\fR(1) command. This program is written entirely
! in Xlib (with a call to Xmu tossed in for good measure) and is a good
! \*Qsample\*U program for introductory X tutorials.
! Some X11R4 window managers may not respect the size information within the
! geometry specification.
*** Imakefile.orig Tue Jun 19 10:54:08 1990
--- Imakefile Tue Jun 19 10:53:48 1990
*** 1,5 ****
SRCS = xbv.c
OBJS = xbv.o
--- 1,5 ----
SRCS = xbv.c
OBJS = xbv.o
| Internet: kucharsk at Solbourne.COM | William Kucharski |
| uucp: ...!{boulder,sun,uunet}!stan!kucharsk | Solbourne Computer, Inc. |
= The opinions above are mine alone and NOT those of Solbourne Computer, Inc. =
O'Reilly && Associates argv at sun.com / argv at ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.
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