v10i010: xdvi, Patch10, Part02/02

Paul Vojta vojta at math.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Oct 19 08:36:23 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: vojta at math.berkeley.edu (Paul A Vojta)
Posting-number: Volume 10, Issue 10
Archive-name: xdvi/patch10.2
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 3, Issues 37-39
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 4, Issue 44 (xdvi, Patch4)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 4, Issue 96 (xdvi, dvi previewer, Patch5)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 5, Issue 35 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 6, part 1/2)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 5, Issue 36 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 6, part 2/2)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 6, Issue  5 (xdvi, Patch7)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 6, Issue 49 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 8)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 7, Issue 52 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 9, part 1/2)
Patch-To: xdvi: Volume 7, Issue 53 (xdvi, dvi previewer, patch 9, part 2/2)

diff -cr xdvi_old/pxl_open.c xdvi_new/pxl_open.c
*** xdvi_old/pxl_open.c	Mon Sep 17 17:35:58 1990
--- xdvi_new/pxl_open.c	Wed Oct 10 12:00:50 1990
*** 1,5 ****
!  *	pxl_open.c(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name, read_font_index)
   *	Find and open gf, pk, or pxl files in the given path, having the given
   *	name and magnification.  It tries gf files first, followed by pk and pxl
   *	files.  The path variable should be of the form path1:path2:...:pathn,
--- 1,5 ----
!  *	pxl_open.c(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name)
   *	Find and open gf, pk, or pxl files in the given path, having the given
   *	name and magnification.  It tries gf files first, followed by pk and pxl
   *	files.  The path variable should be of the form path1:path2:...:pathn,
*** 19,26 ****
   *		*factor	the ratio of the point sizes of the requested font
   *			and the font actually found (or 1.0 if altfont is used).
   *		*name	a pointer to a string containing the file name
-  *		*read_font_index  a pointer to the read_index procedure to be
-  *			used for the given font format.
   *	If the file is not found, then the return value is NULL.
--- 19,24 ----
*** 33,53 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
- #ifndef X10
- #include <X11/Xos.h>	/* same as below */
- #else	/* X10 */
- #ifdef	SYSV
- #include <string.h>
- #define index strchr
- #define rindex strrchr
- #else /* SYSV */
- #include <strings.h>
- #endif /* SYSV */
- #endif	/* X10 */
  #include <errno.h>
! extern	int	errno;
   *	If you think you have to change DEFAULT_TAIL, then you haven't read the
--- 31,39 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <errno.h>
! int	errno;
! #include "xdvi.h"
   *	If you think you have to change DEFAULT_TAIL, then you haven't read the
*** 57,91 ****
  #define	PATH_SEP	':'
  #define	DEFAULT_TAIL	"/%f.%d%p"
  #else	/* VMS */
- #include <string.h>
- #define	index	strchr
- #define	rindex	strrchr
  #define	PATH_SEP	'/'
  #define	DEFAULT_TAIL	":%f.%d%p"
  #endif	/* VMS */
- #ifndef	OPEN_MODE
- #ifndef	VMS
- #define	OPEN_MODE	"r"
- #else
- #define	OPEN_MODE	"r", "ctx=stm"
- #endif
- #endif	/* OPEN_MODE */
- extern	int	n_fonts_left;
- extern	char	*alt_font;
  static	char	*font_path;
! static	char	default_font_path[]	= DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
  static	int	*sizes, *sizend;
  static	char	default_size_list[]	= DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES;
- 	/* the corresponding read_char procedures are handled in xdvi.h */
- typedef	void (*read_font_index_proc)();
- 	/* struct font *fontp; */
- read_font_index_proc read_GF_index, read_PK_index, read_PXL_index;
  #ifdef	sun
  char	*sprintf();
--- 43,57 ----
  #define	PATH_SEP	':'
  #define	DEFAULT_TAIL	"/%f.%d%p"
  #else	/* VMS */
  #define	PATH_SEP	'/'
  #define	DEFAULT_TAIL	":%f.%d%p"
  #endif	/* VMS */
  static	char	*font_path;
! static	char	*default_font_path	= DEFAULT_FONT_PATH;
  static	int	*sizes, *sizend;
  static	char	default_size_list[]	= DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES;
  #ifdef	sun
  char	*sprintf();
*** 93,101 ****
  char	*malloc(), *getenv();
  double	atof();
- #define	Strcpy	(void) strcpy
- #define	Sprintf	(void) sprintf
  static	void
  get_sizes(size_list, spp)
  	char	*size_list;
--- 59,64 ----
*** 117,129 ****
  	unsigned int n;
  	char	*p;
! 	if ((font_path = getenv("XDVIFONTS")) == NULL)
  	    font_path = default_font_path;
! 	else if (*font_path == PATH_SEP)
! 		/*concatenate default_font_path before font_path */
! 	    font_path = strcat(strcpy(malloc((unsigned)
! 		strlen(default_font_path) + strlen(font_path) + 1),
! 		default_font_path), font_path);
  	size_list = getenv("XDVISIZES");
  	n = 1;	/* count number of sizes */
--- 80,89 ----
  	unsigned int n;
  	char	*p;
! 	if ((font_path = getenv("XDVIFONTS")) == NULL) {
  	    font_path = default_font_path;
! 	    default_font_path = NULL;
! 	}
  	size_list = getenv("XDVISIZES");
  	n = 1;	/* count number of sizes */
*** 155,170 ****
  static	FILE *
! formatted_open(path, font, pxl, mag, name)
  	char	*path, *font, *pxl;
  	int	mag;
  	char	**name;
  	char	*p = path,
  		*n = nm,
! 	int	f_used = 0;
  	FILE	*f;
  	for (;;) {
--- 115,132 ----
  static	FILE *
! formatted_open(path, font, pxl, mag, name, count)
  	char	*path, *font, *pxl;
  	int	mag;
  	char	**name;
+ 	int	count;
  	char	*p = path,
  		*n = nm,
! 	Boolean	f_used = False;
! 	Boolean	p_used = False;
  	FILE	*f;
  	for (;;) {
*** 178,187 ****
  		c = *p++;
  		switch (c) {
  		    case 'f':
! 			f_used=1;
  			Strcpy(n, font);
  		    case 'p':
  			Strcpy(n, pxl);
  		    case 'd':
--- 140,150 ----
  		c = *p++;
  		switch (c) {
  		    case 'f':
! 			f_used = True;
  			Strcpy(n, font);
  		    case 'p':
+ 			p_used = True;
  			Strcpy(n, pxl);
  		    case 'd':
*** 195,201 ****
--- 158,166 ----
  	    else *n++ = c;
+ 	if (!p_used && count > 0) return NULL;
  	*n = '\0';
+ 	if (debug & DBG_OPEN) Printf("Trying font file %s\n", nm);
  	f = fopen(nm, OPEN_MODE);
  	if (f == NULL && errno == EMFILE) {
  	    n_fonts_left = 0;
*** 209,272 ****
  	return f;
  static	FILE *
! pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name, read_font_index)
  	char	*font;
! 	int	mag, *mag_ret;
  	char	**name;
! 	read_font_index_proc *read_font_index;
  	char	*p;
  	FILE	*f;
! 	int	*p1, *p2, pxlmag, pkmag;
! 	 * Loop over sizes.  Try closest sizes first.
  	for (p2 = sizes; p2 < sizend; ++p2) if (*p2 >= mag) break;
  	p1 = p2;
  	for (;;) {
  	    if (p1 <= sizes)
  		if (p2 >= sizend) return NULL;
  		else pxlmag = *p2++;
! 	    else if (p2 >= sizend || mag * mag <= p1[-1] * *p2) pxlmag = *--p1;
  		else pxlmag = *p2++;
! 	    *mag_ret = pxlmag;
! 	    pkmag = (pxlmag + 2) / 5;
! 	    /*
! 	     * loop over paths
! 	     */
! 	    for (p = font_path;;) {
! 		if (read_GF_index &&
! 		    (f = formatted_open(p, font, "gf", pkmag, name)) != NULL) {
! 			*read_font_index = read_GF_index;
! 			return f;
! 		}
! 		if (read_PK_index &&
! 		    (f = formatted_open(p, font, "pk", pkmag, name)) != NULL) {
! 			*read_font_index = read_PK_index;
! 			return f;
! 		}
! 		if (read_PXL_index &&
! 		    (f = formatted_open(p, font, "pxl", pxlmag, name)) != NULL)
! 		{
! 			*read_font_index = read_PXL_index;
! 			return f;
! 		}
! 		p = index(p, PATH_SEP);
! 		if (p == NULL) break;
! 		++p;
! 	    }
  FILE *
! pxl_open(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name, read_font_index)
  	char	*font, **font_ret;
! 	int	mag, *mag_ret;
  	float	*factor;
  	char	**name;
- 	read_font_index_proc *read_font_index;
  	FILE	*f;
  	int	actual_pt, low_pt, high_pt, trial_pt;
--- 174,274 ----
  	return f;
+ /*
+  *	Try a given size
+  */
  static	FILE *
! try_size(font, pxlmag, name, font_path, default_font_path)
  	char	*font;
! 	int	pxlmag;
  	char	**name;
! 	char	*font_path, *default_font_path;
  	char	*p;
  	FILE	*f;
! 	int	pkmag	= (pxlmag + 2) / 5;
! 	 * loop over paths
+ 	for (p = font_path;; ++p) {
+ 	    int count = 0;
+ 	    if (*p == ':' || *p == '\0') {
+ 		if (default_font_path != NULL &&
+ 			(f = try_size(font, pxlmag, name, default_font_path,
+ 			(char *) NULL)) != NULL)
+ 		    return f;
+ 		if (*p == '\0') break;
+ 		continue;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (read_GF_index &&
+ 		(f = formatted_open(p, font, "gf", pkmag, name, count++))
+ 			!= NULL)
+ 		    return f;
+ 	    if (read_PK_index &&
+ 		(f = formatted_open(p, font, "pk", pkmag, name, count++))
+ 			!= NULL)
+ 		    return f;
+ 	    if (read_PXL_index &&
+ 		(f = formatted_open(p, font, "pxl", pxlmag, name, count++))
+ 			!= NULL)
+ 		    return f;
+ 	    p = index(p, PATH_SEP);
+ 	    if (p == NULL) break;
+ 	}
+ 	return NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+  *	Try a given font name
+  */
+ static	FILE *
+ pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name)
+ 	char	*font;
+ 	float	mag;
+ 	int	*mag_ret;
+ 	char	**name;
+ {
+ 	FILE	*f;
+ 	int	*p1, *p2, pxlmag;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Loop over sizes.  Try actual size first, then closest sizes.
+ 	 */
+ 	pxlmag = mag + 0.5;
+ 	if ((f = try_size(font, *mag_ret = pxlmag, name, font_path,
+ 		default_font_path)) != NULL)
+ 	    return f;
+ 	if (pxlmag < mag) ++pxlmag; else --pxlmag;
+ 	if ((f = try_size(font, *mag_ret = pxlmag, name, font_path,
+ 		default_font_path)) != NULL)
+ 	    return f;
  	for (p2 = sizes; p2 < sizend; ++p2) if (*p2 >= mag) break;
  	p1 = p2;
  	for (;;) {
+ 		/* find another magnification */
  	    if (p1 <= sizes)
  		if (p2 >= sizend) return NULL;
  		else pxlmag = *p2++;
! 	    else if (p2 >= sizend || mag * mag <= p1[-1] * *p2)
! 		    pxlmag = *--p1;
  		else pxlmag = *p2++;
! 	    if ((f = try_size(font, *mag_ret = pxlmag, name, font_path,
! 		    default_font_path)) != NULL)
! 		return f;
  FILE *
! pxl_open(font, font_ret, mag, mag_ret, factor, name)
  	char	*font, **font_ret;
! 	float	mag;
! 	int	*mag_ret;
  	float	*factor;
  	char	**name;
  	FILE	*f;
  	int	actual_pt, low_pt, high_pt, trial_pt;
*** 273,279 ****
  	char	fn[50], *fnend;
  	*factor = 1.0;
! 	f = pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name, read_font_index);
  	if (f != NULL) {
  	    *font_ret = NULL;
  	    return f;
--- 275,281 ----
  	char	fn[50], *fnend;
  	*factor = 1.0;
! 	f = pre_pxl_open(font, mag, mag_ret, name);
  	if (f != NULL) {
  	    *font_ret = NULL;
  	    return f;
*** 293,300 ****
  		else if (high_pt > actual_pt + 5) break;
  		else trial_pt = high_pt++;
  		Sprintf(fnend, "%d", trial_pt);
! 		f = pre_pxl_open(fn, mag * actual_pt / trial_pt, mag_ret, name,
! 		    read_font_index);
  		if (f != NULL) {
  		    *font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(fn) + 1), fn);
  		    *factor = (float) actual_pt / trial_pt;
--- 295,301 ----
  		else if (high_pt > actual_pt + 5) break;
  		else trial_pt = high_pt++;
  		Sprintf(fnend, "%d", trial_pt);
! 		f = pre_pxl_open(fn, mag * actual_pt / trial_pt, mag_ret, name);
  		if (f != NULL) {
  		    *font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(fn) + 1), fn);
  		    *factor = (float) actual_pt / trial_pt;
*** 304,310 ****
  	if (alt_font != NULL) {
  	    *font_ret = alt_font;
! 	    f = pre_pxl_open(alt_font, mag, mag_ret, name, read_font_index);
  	    if (f != NULL)
  		*font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(alt_font) + 1),
--- 305,311 ----
  	if (alt_font != NULL) {
  	    *font_ret = alt_font;
! 	    f = pre_pxl_open(alt_font, mag, mag_ret, name);
  	    if (f != NULL)
  		*font_ret = strcpy(malloc((unsigned) strlen(alt_font) + 1),
diff -cr xdvi_old/tpic.c xdvi_new/tpic.c
*** xdvi_old/tpic.c	Mon Sep 17 17:36:09 1990
--- xdvi_new/tpic.c	Wed Sep 26 11:17:01 1990
*** 410,415 ****
      else if (strcmp(command, "sh") == 0) shade_last();
      else if (strcmp(command, "wh") == 0) whiten_last();
      else if (strcmp(command, "bk") == 0) blacken_last();
!     else if (spec_warn)
  	Fprintf(stderr, "%s:  special \"%s\" not implemented\n", prog, orig_cp);
--- 410,415 ----
      else if (strcmp(command, "sh") == 0) shade_last();
      else if (strcmp(command, "wh") == 0) whiten_last();
      else if (strcmp(command, "bk") == 0) blacken_last();
!     else if (spec_warn_now)
  	Fprintf(stderr, "%s:  special \"%s\" not implemented\n", prog, orig_cp);
diff -cr xdvi_old/xdvi.c xdvi_new/xdvi.c
*** xdvi_old/xdvi.c	Mon Sep 17 17:36:42 1990
--- xdvi_new/xdvi.c	Wed Oct 10 13:35:20 1990
*** 28,38 ****
  #ifndef lint
  #include "patchlevel.h"
! static	struct {char	a[36], b, c;}
  #ifndef X10
! 	dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X11), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL, 0};
! 	dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X10), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL, 0};
  #endif	/* lint */
--- 28,40 ----
  #ifndef lint
  #include "patchlevel.h"
! static	struct {char	a[36], b, c, d;}
  #ifndef X10
! 	dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X11), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL / 10,
! 		'0' + PATCHLEVEL % 10, 0};
! 	dv_c = {"$Header: xdvi.c (X10), patchlevel = ", '0' + PATCHLEVEL / 10,
! 		'0' + PATCHLEVEL % 10, 0};
  #endif	/* lint */
*** 58,63 ****
--- 60,66 ----
  #include <X11/Xlib.h>
  #include <X11/Xutil.h>
  #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
+ #include <X11/keysym.h>
  #include "xdvi.icon"
  #else /* X10 */
  #include <X/Xlib.h>
*** 154,163 ****
  int	density = 40;
  int	pixels_per_inch = 300;
  int	unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
  int	unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
  static	char	*paper		= DEFAULT_PAPER;
! static	char	*margins, *sidemargin, *topmargin;
  static	Boolean	reverse;
  static	Dimension	bwidth	= 2;
  static	int	bak_shrink;
--- 157,169 ----
  int	density = 40;
  int	pixels_per_inch = 300;
+ int	offset_x, offset_y;
  int	unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
  int	unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
+ Boolean	spec_warn	= True;
  static	char	*paper		= DEFAULT_PAPER;
! static	char	*sidemargin, *topmargin;
! static	char	*xoffset, *yoffset;
  static	Boolean	reverse;
  static	Dimension	bwidth	= 2;
  static	int	bak_shrink;
*** 172,177 ****
--- 178,186 ----
  int	pageno_correct	= 1;
  Boolean	keep_flag	= False;
  static	double	specialConv;
+ #ifdef	BUTTONS
+ Boolean	expert		= False;
+ #endif
  #ifndef X10
  #ifdef	TOOLKIT
*** 230,235 ****
--- 239,247 ----
  #ifdef	TOOLKIT
  static	Widget	top_level, vport_widget, draw_widget, clip_widget;
+ #ifdef	BUTTONS
+ static	Widget	form_widget, line_widget, right_widget;
+ #endif
  static	Widget	x_bar, y_bar;	/* horizontal and vertical scroll bars */
  static	Arg	vport_args[] = {
*** 320,325 ****
--- 332,363 ----
  	{XtNheight,	(XtArgVal) 30},
  	{XtNcallback,	(XtArgVal) command_call},
+ static	void
+ create_buttons(h)
+ 	XtArgVal	h;
+ {
+ 	int i;
+ 	line_args[2].value = h;
+ 	line_args[3].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
+ 	line_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("line", widgetClass, form_widget,
+ 		line_args, XtNumber(line_args));
+ 	right_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) line_widget;
+ 	right_args[2].value = h;
+ 	right_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("right", compositeWidgetClass,
+ 		form_widget, right_args, XtNumber(right_args));
+ 	command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
+ 	for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(command_table); ++i) {
+ 	    command_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].label;
+ 	    command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].y_pos;
+ 	    command_call[0].closure = (caddr_t) command_table[i].closure;
+ 	    (void) XtCreateManagedWidget(command_table[i].name,
+ 		commandWidgetClass, right_widget,
+ 		command_args, XtNumber(command_args));
+ 	}
+ }
  #endif	/* BUTTONS */
  #else	/* !TOOLKIT */
*** 379,384 ****
--- 417,423 ----
  char	*malloc();
  double	atof();
+ void	exit();
   *	  tpic routines		*
*** 614,625 ****
  #define	mane_base_x	0
  #define	mane_base_y	0
! #define	home(x)	Xtk_home()
! static
! Xtk_home()
  	register int coord;
  	if (x_bar) {
  	    coord = 0;
--- 653,665 ----
  #define	mane_base_x	0
  #define	mane_base_y	0
! static	void
! home(scrl)
! 	Boolean	scrl;
  	register int coord;
+ 	if (!scrl) XUnmapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
  	if (x_bar) {
  	    coord = 0;
*** 639,644 ****
--- 679,689 ----
  	    XtCallCallbacks(y_bar, XtNscrollProc, window_y + coord);
+ 	if (!scrl) {
+ 	    XMapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
+ 	    /* Wait for the server to catch up---this eliminates flicker. */
+ 	    XSync(DISP, False);
+ 	}
  static	Boolean	resized	= False;
*** 793,798 ****
--- 838,849 ----
  	int	x_thick = 0;
  	int	y_thick = 0;
+ #ifdef	X10
+ 	int	old_clip_w = clip_w;
+ 	int	old_clip_h = clip_h;
+ 	int	old_x_thick = x_thick;
+ 	int	old_y_thick = y_thick;
+ #endif
  		/* determine existence of scrollbars */
  	if (window_w < page_w) x_thick = BAR_THICK;
*** 821,828 ****
--- 872,887 ----
  	    XMapWindow(DPY WINDOW(mane));
+ #ifdef	X10
+ 	if (clip_w != old_clip_w || clip_h != old_clip_h ||
+ 		x_thick != old_x_thick || y_thick != old_y_thick) {
+ #endif
  	    XMoveResizeWindow(DPY WINDOW(mane),
  		y_thick, x_thick, clip_w, clip_h);
+ #ifdef	X10
+ 	    XSync(False);
+ 	}
+ #endif
  		/* process scroll bars */
  	if (x_thick) {
*** 1124,1130 ****
  	XEvent	*eventp;
  	int	next_page;
! #ifndef X10
  	Window	ww;
--- 1183,1189 ----
  	XEvent	*eventp;
  	int	next_page;
! #ifdef	TOOLKIT
  	Window	ww;
*** 1190,1195 ****
--- 1249,1279 ----
  	    case 'c':
  		center(eventp->xkey.x, eventp->xkey.y);
+ 	    case 'M':
+ 		XTranslateCoordinates(DISP, eventp->xkey.window,
+ 			WINDOW(mane), eventp->xkey.x, eventp->xkey.y,
+ 			&home_x, &home_y, &ww);	/* throw away last argument */
+ 		home_x *= mane.shrinkfactor;
+ 		home_y *= mane.shrinkfactor;
+ 		return;
+ #ifdef	BUTTONS
+ 	    case 'x':
+ 		if (arg0 && expert == (number0 != 0)) return;
+ 		if (expert) {	/* create buttons */
+ 		    XtResizeWidget(vport_widget, window_w -= XTRA_WID, window_h,
+ 			0);
+ 		    create_buttons((XtArgVal) window_h);
+ 		    expert = False;
+ 		}
+ 		else {		/* destroy buttons */
+ 		    XtResizeWidget(vport_widget, window_w += XTRA_WID, window_h,
+ 			0);
+ 		    XtDestroyWidget(right_widget);
+ 		    XtDestroyWidget(line_widget);
+ 		    expert = True;
+ 		}
+ 		return;
+ #endif	/* BUTTONS */
  #else	/* !TOOLKIT */
  	    case 'l':
  		if (mane.base_x <= 0) goto bad;
*** 1219,1246 ****
  		XWarpMouse(WINDOW(mane), clip_w/2, clip_h/2, GXcopy);
  #endif	/* TOOLKIT */
  #ifndef X10
- 	    case 'M':
- 		XTranslateCoordinates(DISP, eventp->xkey.window,
- 			WINDOW(mane), eventp->xkey.x, eventp->xkey.y,
- 			&home_x, &home_y, &ww);	/* throw away last argument */
- 		home_x *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- 		home_y *= mane.shrinkfactor;
- 		return;
  	    case '\020':	/* Control P */
  		Printf("Unit = %d, bitord = %d, byteord = %d\n",
  		    BitmapUnit(DISP), BitmapBitOrder(DISP),
- #else
- 	    case 'M':
- 		home_x = (XKEY(*eventp).x - (y_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
- 		    + mane.base_x) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- 		home_y = (XKEY(*eventp).y - (x_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
- 		    + mane.base_y) * mane.shrinkfactor;
- 		return;
  	    case 's':
  		if (!arg0) {
--- 1303,1322 ----
  		XWarpMouse(WINDOW(mane), clip_w/2, clip_h/2, GXcopy);
+ 	    case 'M':
+ 		home_x = (XKEY(*eventp).x - (y_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
+ 		    + mane.base_x) * mane.shrinkfactor;
+ 		home_y = (XKEY(*eventp).y - (x_bar ? BAR_THICK : 0)
+ 		    + mane.base_y) * mane.shrinkfactor;
+ 		return;
  #endif	/* TOOLKIT */
  #ifndef X10
  	    case '\020':	/* Control P */
  		Printf("Unit = %d, bitord = %d, byteord = %d\n",
  		    BitmapUnit(DISP), BitmapBitOrder(DISP),
  	    case 's':
  		if (!arg0) {
*** 1258,1281 ****
  #ifdef	TOOLKIT
! 		XUnmapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
! 		{
! 		    Dimension replyW, replyH;
! 		    if (XtMakeResizeRequest(draw_widget, (Dimension) page_w,
! 			    (Dimension) page_h, &replyW, &replyH)
! 			    == XtGeometryAlmost)
! 			(void) XtMakeResizeRequest(draw_widget, replyW, replyH,
! 			    (Dimension *) NULL, (Dimension *) NULL);
! 		}
- 		XMapWindow(DISP, WINDOW(mane));
- 		/* Wait for next event; this will likely be an expose event,
- 		   so we don't redraw the window twice. */
- 		{
- 		    XEvent event;
- 		    XPeekEvent(DISP, &event);
- 		}
  #else	/* TOOLKIT */
--- 1334,1344 ----
  #ifdef	TOOLKIT
! 		draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
! 		draw_args[1].value = (XtArgVal) page_h;
! 		XtSetValues(draw_widget, draw_args, (Cardinal) 2);
  #else	/* TOOLKIT */
*** 1299,1305 ****
  	if (0 <= next_page && next_page < total_pages) {
  	    if (current_page != next_page) {
  		current_page = next_page;
! 		spec_warn = True;
  		if (!keep_flag) home(False);
  	    canit = True;
--- 1362,1368 ----
  	if (0 <= next_page && next_page < total_pages) {
  	    if (current_page != next_page) {
  		current_page = next_page;
! 		spec_warn_now = spec_warn;
  		if (!keep_flag) home(False);
  	    canit = True;
*** 1566,1578 ****
  	else {
! 	    spec_warn = False;
! 	if (debug & DBG_EVENT) fputs("Redraw page:  ", stdout);
  	mane.min_x = -window_x;
--- 1629,1641 ----
  	else {
! 	    spec_warn_now = False;
! 	if (debug & DBG_EVENT) Fputs("Redraw page:  ", stdout);
  	mane.min_x = -window_x;
*** 1610,1616 ****
  	windowrec->max_x = windowrec->max_y = 0;
! static	int
  handle_intr() {
  	event_counter = 1;
  	event_freq = -1;	/* forget Plan B */
--- 1673,1679 ----
  	windowrec->max_x = windowrec->max_y = 0;
! static	void
  handle_intr() {
  	event_counter = 1;
  	event_freq = -1;	/* forget Plan B */
*** 1681,1703 ****
  usage() {
  #ifndef X10
  #ifndef	VMS
! 	fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l]\n\
  	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>] [-rv]\
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
  	[-iconic] [-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n",
  #else	/* VMS */
! 	fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-density <%>] [-p <pixels>] [-l]\n\
  	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>] [-rv]\
  \n", stderr);
! 	fputs("\
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
--- 1744,1782 ----
  usage() {
  #ifndef X10
  #ifndef	VMS
! #ifdef	BUTTONS
! 	Fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
! 	[-expert] [-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
! \n\
! 	[-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
! 	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
! [-cr <color>]\n\
! 	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
! 	[-iconic] [-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n",
! 	stderr);
! #else	/* !BUTTONS */
! 	Fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
  	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
+ 	[-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
  	[-iconic] [-display <host:display>] [-copy] [-thorough] dvi_file\n",
+ #endif	/* BUTTONS */
  #else	/* VMS */
! 	Fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-density <%>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
  	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
  \n", stderr);
! 	Fputs("\
! 	[-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry>] [-icongeometry <geometry>]\n\
*** 1705,1715 ****
  #endif	/* VMS */
  #else	/* X10 */
! 	fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l]\n\
  	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <inches>] [-sidemargin <inches>] [-topmargin <inches>] [-rv]\
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
--- 1784,1795 ----
  #endif	/* VMS */
  #else	/* X10 */
! 	Fputs("\
! Usage: xdvi [+[<page>]] [-s <shrink>] [-S <density>] [-p <pixels>] [-l] [-sw]\n\
  	[-paper <papertype>] [-mgs[n] <size>] [-altfont <font>]\n\
! 	[-margins <dimen>] [-sidemargin <dimen>] [-topmargin <dimen>] [-rv]\
+ 	[-offsets <dimen>] [-xoffset <dimen>] [-yoffset <dimen>]\n\
  	[-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-hl <color>] [-bd <color>] \
  [-cr <color>]\n\
  	[-bw <width>] [-geometry <geometry> | =<geometry>]\n\
*** 1718,1723 ****
--- 1798,1813 ----
+ static	int
+ atopix(arg)
+ 	char	*arg;
+ {
+ 	int	len	= strlen(arg);
+ 	return (len > 2 && arg[len - 2] == 'c' && arg[len - 1] == 'm' ?
+ 		1.0 / 2.54 : 1.0) * atof(arg) * pixels_per_inch + 0.5;
+ }
   **	Main programs start here.
*** 1738,1750 ****
  {"-density",	".densityPercent", XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-p",		".pixelsPerInch", XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
! {"-margins",	".margins",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-sidemargin",	".sideMargin",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-topmargin",	".topMargin",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-paper",	".paper",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-altfont",	".altFont",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-l",		".listFonts",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "on"},
  {"+l",		".listFonts",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "off"},
  {"-fg",		".foreground",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-foreground",	".foreground",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-bg",		".background",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
--- 1828,1845 ----
  {"-density",	".densityPercent", XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-p",		".pixelsPerInch", XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
! {"-margins",	".Margin",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-sidemargin",	".sideMargin",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-topmargin",	".topMargin",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
+ {"-offsets",	".Offset",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
+ {"-xoffset",	".xOffset",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
+ {"-yoffset",	".yOffset",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-paper",	".paper",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-altfont",	".altFont",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-l",		".listFonts",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "on"},
  {"+l",		".listFonts",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "off"},
+ {"-sw",		".specialWarn",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "on"},
+ {"+sw",		".specialWarn",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "off"},
  {"-fg",		".foreground",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-foreground",	".foreground",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-bg",		".background",	XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
*** 1756,1761 ****
--- 1851,1860 ----
  {"+copy",	".copy",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "off"},
  {"-thorough",	".thorough",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "on"},
  {"+thorough",	".thorough",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "off"},
+ #ifdef	BUTTONS
+ {"-expert",	".expert",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "on"},
+ {"+expert",	".expert",	XrmoptionNoArg,		(caddr_t) "off"},
+ #endif
  {"-mgs",	".magnifierSize1",XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-mgs1",	".magnifierSize1",XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
  {"-mgs2",	".magnifierSize2",XrmoptionSepArg,	(caddr_t) NULL},
*** 1773,1784 ****
    (Cardinal) &density, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &density},
  {"pixelsPerInch", "PixelsPerInch", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
    (Cardinal) &pixels_per_inch, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
- {"margins", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
-   (Cardinal) &margins, XtRString, NULL},
  {"sideMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
  {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
  {"paper", "Paper", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &paper, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAPER},
  {"altFont", "AltFont", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
--- 1872,1885 ----
    (Cardinal) &density, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &density},
  {"pixelsPerInch", "PixelsPerInch", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
    (Cardinal) &pixels_per_inch, XtRInt, (caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
  {"sideMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &sidemargin, XtRString, NULL},
  {"topMargin", "Margin", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &topmargin, XtRString, NULL},
+ {"xOffset", "Offset", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
+   (Cardinal) &xoffset, XtRString, NULL},
+ {"yOffset", "Offset", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
+   (Cardinal) &yoffset, XtRString, NULL},
  {"paper", "Paper", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
    (Cardinal) &paper, XtRString, (caddr_t) DEFAULT_PAPER},
  {"altFont", "AltFont", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
*** 1787,1792 ****
--- 1888,1895 ----
    (Cardinal) &list_fonts, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &list_fonts},
  {"reverseVideo", "ReverseVideo", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
    (Cardinal) &reverse, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &reverse},
+ {"specialWarn", "SpecialWarn", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+   (Cardinal) &spec_warn, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &spec_warn},
  {"foreground", "Foreground", XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel),
    (Cardinal)&fore_Pixel, XtRPixel, (caddr_t) &fore_Pixel},
  {"foreground", "Foreground", XtRString, sizeof(char *),
*** 1813,1818 ****
--- 1916,1925 ----
    (Cardinal)&copy, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &copy},
  {"thorough", "Thorough", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
    (Cardinal)&thorough, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &thorough},
+ #ifdef	BUTTONS
+ {"expert", "Expert", XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
+   (Cardinal)&expert, XtRBoolean, (caddr_t) &expert},
+ #endif
  {"magnifierSize1", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
    (Cardinal) &mg_size[0], XtRInt, (caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
  {"magnifierSize2", "MagnifierSize", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
*** 1837,1842 ****
--- 1944,1950 ----
  	{XtNheight,	(XtArgVal) 0},
  	{XtNiconPixmap,	(XtArgVal) 0},
  	{XtNinput,	(XtArgVal) True},
+ 	{XtNtitle,	(XtArgVal) 0},
  #else	/* !TOOLKIT */
*** 1843,1848 ****
--- 1951,1958 ----
  static	char	*display;
  static	char	*geometry;
+ static	char	*margins;
+ static	char	*offsets;
  #ifndef X10
  static	Boolean	iconic	= False;
*** 1879,1933 ****
  	char	*resource;
  	enum	{FalseArg, TrueArg, StickyArg, SepArg} argclass;
  	enum	{BooleanArg, StringArg, NumberArg} argtype;
  	caddr_t	address;
  }	options[] = {
  		/* the display option MUST be first */
! {"-display",	NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &display},
! {"-d",		"debugLevel",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &debug_arg},
! {"+",		NULL,		StickyArg, StringArg,	(caddr_t) &curr_page},
! {"-s",		"shrinkFactor", SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &shrink_factor},
! {"-S",		"densityPercent", SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &density},
! {"-density",	NULL,		SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &density},
! {"-p",		"pixelsPerInch", SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
! {"-margins",	"margins",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &margins},
! {"-sidemargin",	"sideMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &sidemargin},
! {"-topmargin",	"topMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &topmargin},
! {"-paper",	"paper",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &paper},
! {"-altfont",	"altFont",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &alt_font},
! {"-l",		"listFonts",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
! {"+l",		NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
! {"-rv",		"reverseVideo",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &reverse},
! {"+rv",		NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &reverse},
! {"-bw",		"borderWidth",	SepArg,	NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &bwidth},
! {"-borderwidth", NULL,		SepArg,	NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &bwidth},
! {"-fg",		"foreground",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &fore_color},
! {"-foreground",	NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &fore_color},
! {"-bg",		"background",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &back_color},
! {"-background",	NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &back_color},
! {"-bd",		"borderColor",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &brdr_color},
! {"-bordercolor",NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &brdr_color},
! {"-hl",		"highlight",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &high_color},
! {"-cr",		"cursorColor",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &curs_color},
! {"-geometry",	"geometry",	SepArg,	StringArg,	(caddr_t) &geometry},
  #ifdef	X10
! {"=",		NULL,		StickyArg, StringArg,	(caddr_t) &geometry},
  #ifndef	X10
! {"-icongeometry","iconGeometry",StickyArg, StringArg,	(caddr_t) &icon_geometry},
! {"-iconic",	"iconic",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &iconic},
! {"+iconic",	NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &iconic},
! {"-copy",	"copy",		TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &copy},
! {"+copy",	NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &copy},
! {"-thorough",	"thorough",	TrueArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &thorough},
! {"+thorough",	NULL,		FalseArg, BooleanArg,	(caddr_t) &thorough},
  #endif	/* X10 */
! {"-mgs",	NULL,		SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
! {"-mgs1",	"magnifierSize1",SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
! {"-mgs2",	"magnifierSize2",SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[1]},
! {"-mgs3",	"magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[2]},
  #ifndef X10
! {"-mgs4",	"magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[3]},
! {"-mgs5",	"magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[4]},
--- 1989,2049 ----
  	char	*resource;
  	enum	{FalseArg, TrueArg, StickyArg, SepArg} argclass;
  	enum	{BooleanArg, StringArg, NumberArg} argtype;
+ 	int	classcount;
  	caddr_t	address;
  }	options[] = {
  		/* the display option MUST be first */
! {"-display",	NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &display},
! {"-d",		"debugLevel",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &debug_arg},
! {"+",		NULL,		StickyArg, StringArg, 1,(caddr_t) &curr_page},
! {"-s",		"shrinkFactor", SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &shrink_factor},
! {"-S",		NULL,		SepArg, NumberArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &density},
! {"-density",	"densityPercent", SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &density},
! {"-p",		"pixelsPerInch", SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &pixels_per_inch},
! {"-margins",	"Margin",	SepArg,	StringArg, 3,	(caddr_t) &margins},
! {"-sidemargin",	"sideMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &sidemargin},
! {"-topmargin",	"topMargin",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &topmargin},
! {"-offsets",	"Offset",	SepArg,	StringArg, 3,	(caddr_t) &offsets},
! {"-xoffset",	"xOffset",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &xoffset},
! {"-yoffset",	"yOffset",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &yoffset},
! {"-paper",	"paper",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &paper},
! {"-altfont",	"altFont",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &alt_font},
! {"-l",		NULL,		TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
! {"+l",		"listFonts",	FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &list_fonts},
! {"-rv",		NULL,		TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &reverse},
! {"+rv",		"reverseVideo",	FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &reverse},
! {"-sw",		NULL,		TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &spec_warn},
! {"+sw",		"specialWarn",	FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &spec_warn},
! {"-bw",		NULL,		SepArg,	NumberArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &bwidth},
! {"-borderwidth", "borderWidth",	SepArg,	NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &bwidth},
! {"-fg",		NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &fore_color},
! {"-foreground",	"foreground",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &fore_color},
! {"-bg",		NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &back_color},
! {"-background",	"background",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &back_color},
! {"-bd",		NULL,		SepArg,	StringArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &brdr_color},
! {"-bordercolor","borderColor",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &brdr_color},
! {"-hl",		"highlight",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &high_color},
! {"-cr",		"cursorColor",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &curs_color},
  #ifdef	X10
! {"=",		NULL,		StickyArg, StringArg, 2,(caddr_t) &geometry},
+ {"-geometry",	"geometry",	SepArg,	StringArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &geometry},
  #ifndef	X10
! {"-icongeometry","iconGeometry",StickyArg, StringArg, 1,(caddr_t) &icon_geometry},
! {"-iconic",	NULL,		TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &iconic},
! {"+iconic",	"iconic",	FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &iconic},
! {"-copy",	NULL,		TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &copy},
! {"+copy",	"copy",		FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &copy},
! {"-thorough",	NULL,		TrueArg, BooleanArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &thorough},
! {"+thorough",	"thorough",	FalseArg, BooleanArg, 1,(caddr_t) &thorough},
  #endif	/* X10 */
! {"-mgs",	NULL,		SepArg, NumberArg, 2,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
! {"-mgs1",	"magnifierSize1",SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[0]},
! {"-mgs2",	"magnifierSize2",SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[1]},
! {"-mgs3",	"magnifierSize3",SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[2]},
  #ifndef X10
! {"-mgs4",	"magnifierSize4",SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[3]},
! {"-mgs5",	"magnifierSize5",SepArg, NumberArg, 1,	(caddr_t) &mg_size[4]},
*** 1946,1952 ****
  	char	*optstring;
  	caddr_t	addr;
  	struct option *opt, *candidate;
! 	int	len1, len2, matchlen;
  	for (arg = argv + 1; arg < argvend; ++arg) {
  	    len1 = strlen(*arg);
--- 2062,2068 ----
  	char	*optstring;
  	caddr_t	addr;
  	struct option *opt, *candidate;
! 	int	len1, len2, matchlen, i;
  	for (arg = argv + 1; arg < argvend; ++arg) {
  	    len1 = strlen(*arg);
*** 1989,1996 ****
  	    addr = candidate->address;
- 	    for (opt = options; opt < options + XtNumber(options); ++opt)
- 		if (opt->address == addr) opt->resource = NULL;
  	    switch (candidate->argclass) {
  		case FalseArg:	*((Boolean *) addr) = False; break;
  		case TrueArg:	*((Boolean *) addr) = True; break;
--- 2105,2110 ----
*** 2006,2011 ****
--- 2120,2127 ----
  		case StringArg:	*((char **) addr) = optstring; break;
  		case NumberArg:	*((int *) addr) = atoi(optstring); break;
+ 	    for (i = candidate->classcount; i > 0; --i)
+ 		(candidate++)->resource = NULL;
  #ifndef X10
*** 2035,2040 ****
--- 2151,2161 ----
  			*((Boolean *) opt->address) =
  			    (strcmp(optstring, "on") == 0);
+ 	if (!sidemargin) sidemargin = margins;
+ 	if (!topmargin) topmargin = margins;
+ 	if (!xoffset) xoffset = offsets;
+ 	if (!yoffset) yoffset = offsets;
  #endif	/* TOOLKIT */
*** 2102,2140 ****
  static	Boolean
  set_paper_type() {
  	char	temp[21];
- 	int	i;
- 	double	factor	= 1.0;
- 	char	c;
  	char	**p;
  	char	*q;
  	if (strlen(paper) > sizeof(temp) - 1) return False;
! 	i = 0;
  	for (;;) {	/* convert to lower case */
! 	    c = paper[i];
  	    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c ^= ('a' ^ 'A');
! 	    temp[i] = c;
  	    if (c == '\0') break;
- 	    ++i;
  	/* perform substitutions */
  	for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + XtNumber(paper_types); p += 2)
  	    if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) {
! 		(void) strcpy(temp, p[1]);
! 		i = strlen(temp);
! 	if (i > 2 && strcmp(temp + i - 2, "cm") == 0) {
! 	    factor = 1.0 / 2.54;
! 	    temp[i - 2] = '\0';
! 	}
! 	q = index(temp, 'x');
  	if (q == NULL) return False;
! 	*q = '\0';
! 	factor *= pixels_per_inch;
! 	unshrunk_paper_w = atof(temp) * factor + 0.5;
! 	unshrunk_paper_h = atof(q + 1) * factor + 0.5;
  	return (unshrunk_paper_w != 0 && unshrunk_paper_h != 0);
--- 2223,2253 ----
  static	Boolean
  set_paper_type() {
+ 	char	*arg;
  	char	temp[21];
  	char	**p;
  	char	*q;
  	if (strlen(paper) > sizeof(temp) - 1) return False;
! 	arg = paper;
! 	q = temp;
  	for (;;) {	/* convert to lower case */
! 	    char c = *arg++;
  	    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c ^= ('a' ^ 'A');
! 	    *q++ = c;
  	    if (c == '\0') break;
+ 	arg = temp;
  	/* perform substitutions */
  	for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + XtNumber(paper_types); p += 2)
  	    if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) {
! 		arg = p[1];
! 	q = index(arg, 'x');
  	if (q == NULL) return False;
! 	unshrunk_paper_w = atopix(arg);
! 	unshrunk_paper_h = atopix(q + 1);
  	return (unshrunk_paper_w != 0 && unshrunk_paper_h != 0);
*** 2149,2156 ****
  #ifdef	TOOLKIT
  #ifdef	BUTTONS
! 	Widget	form_widget;
! 	Widget	right_widget;
  #else	/* !TOOLKIT */
  #ifndef X10
--- 2262,2268 ----
  #ifdef	TOOLKIT
  #ifdef	BUTTONS
! 	int		xtra_wid;
  #else	/* !TOOLKIT */
  #ifndef X10
*** 2190,2196 ****
  	XtGetApplicationResources(top_level, (caddr_t) NULL, resources,
  		XtNumber(resources), NULL, 0);
- 	if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0) usage();
  	DISP = XtDisplay(top_level);
  	SCRN = XtScreen(top_level);
--- 2302,2307 ----
*** 2204,2222 ****
  	if (high_color) hl_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&high_color);
  	if (curs_color) cr_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&curs_color);
- 	if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0 ||
- 		dvi_name == NULL) usage();
  #endif	/* TOOLKIT */
  	if (shrink_factor != 1) bak_shrink = shrink_factor;
  	mane.shrinkfactor = shrink_factor;
  	specialConv = pixels_per_inch / 1000.0;
  	if (debug_arg != NULL)
  	    debug = isdigit(*debug_arg) ? atoi(debug_arg) : DBG_ALL;
! 	if (margins) home_x = home_y = atof(margins) * pixels_per_inch;
! 	if (sidemargin) home_x = atof(sidemargin) * pixels_per_inch;
! 	if (topmargin) home_y = atof(topmargin) * pixels_per_inch;
  	if (!set_paper_type()) oops("Don't recognize paper type %s", paper);
--- 2315,2334 ----
  	if (high_color) hl_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&high_color);
  	if (curs_color) cr_Pixel = string_to_pixel(&curs_color);
  #endif	/* TOOLKIT */
+ 	if (shrink_factor <= 0 || density <= 0 || pixels_per_inch <= 0 ||
+ 		dvi_name == NULL) usage();
  	if (shrink_factor != 1) bak_shrink = shrink_factor;
  	mane.shrinkfactor = shrink_factor;
  	specialConv = pixels_per_inch / 1000.0;
  	if (debug_arg != NULL)
  	    debug = isdigit(*debug_arg) ? atoi(debug_arg) : DBG_ALL;
! 	if (sidemargin) home_x = atopix(sidemargin);
! 	if (topmargin) home_y = atopix(topmargin);
! 	offset_x = xoffset ? atopix(xoffset) : pixels_per_inch;
! 	offset_y = yoffset ? atopix(yoffset) : pixels_per_inch;
  	if (!set_paper_type()) oops("Don't recognize paper type %s", paper);
*** 2309,2323 ****
  	screen_w = WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
  	screen_h = HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
  #ifdef	BUTTONS
! 	temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w + XTRA_WID < screen_w ?
! 					  page_w + XTRA_WID : screen_w);
! 	temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w<screen_w ? page_w : screen_w);
  	temp_args3[1].value = (XtArgVal) (page_h<screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
  	temp_args3[2].value = (XtArgVal) (XCreateBitmapFromData(DISP,
  				xdvi_bits, xdvi_width, xdvi_height));
  	XtSetValues(top_level, temp_args3, XtNumber(temp_args3));
  #ifdef	BUTTONS
--- 2421,2437 ----
  	screen_w = WidthOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
  	screen_h = HeightOfScreen(SCRN) - 2*bwidth;
  #ifdef	BUTTONS
! 	xtra_wid = expert ? 0 : XTRA_WID;
! #define	xtra_wid	0
+ 	temp_args3[0].value = (XtArgVal) (page_w + xtra_wid < screen_w ?
+ 					  page_w + xtra_wid : screen_w);
  	temp_args3[1].value = (XtArgVal) (page_h<screen_h ? page_h : screen_h);
  	temp_args3[2].value = (XtArgVal) (XCreateBitmapFromData(DISP,
  				xdvi_bits, xdvi_width, xdvi_height));
+ 	temp_args3[4].value = (XtArgVal) dvi_name;
  	XtSetValues(top_level, temp_args3, XtNumber(temp_args3));
  #ifdef	BUTTONS
*** 2324,2358 ****
  	form_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass,
  		top_level, form_args, XtNumber(form_args));
! 	vport_args[0].value = temp_args3[0].value - XTRA_WID;
  	vport_args[1].value = temp_args3[1].value;
  	vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
  		form_widget, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
  	line_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) high_color ? hl_Pixel : fore_Pixel;
! 	line_args[2].value = temp_args3[1].value;
! 	line_args[3].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
! 	right_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) XtCreateManagedWidget("line",
! 		widgetClass, form_widget, line_args, XtNumber(line_args));
! 	right_args[2].value = temp_args3[1].value;
! 	right_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("right", compositeWidgetClass,
! 		form_widget, right_args, XtNumber(right_args));
! 	command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) vport_widget;
! 	{
! 	    int i;
! 	    for (i = 0; i < XtNumber(command_table); ++i) {
! 		command_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].label;
! 		command_args[2].value = (XtArgVal) command_table[i].y_pos;
! 		command_call[0].closure = (caddr_t) command_table[i].closure;
! 		(void) XtCreateManagedWidget(command_table[i].name,
! 			commandWidgetClass, right_widget,
! 			command_args, XtNumber(command_args));
! 	    }
! 	}
  #else	/* !BUTTONS */
  	vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
  		top_level, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
  #endif	/* BUTTONS */
  	clip_widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "clip");
  	draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
--- 2438,2454 ----
  	form_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("form", formWidgetClass,
  		top_level, form_args, XtNumber(form_args));
! 	vport_args[0].value = temp_args3[0].value - xtra_wid;
  	vport_args[1].value = temp_args3[1].value;
  	vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
  		form_widget, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
  	line_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) high_color ? hl_Pixel : fore_Pixel;
! 	if (!expert) create_buttons(temp_args3[1].value);
  #else	/* !BUTTONS */
  	vport_widget = XtCreateManagedWidget("vport", viewportWidgetClass,
  		top_level, vport_args, XtNumber(vport_args));
+ #define	form_widget	vport_widget	/* for calls to XtAddEventHandler */
  #endif	/* BUTTONS */
  	clip_widget = XtNameToWidget(vport_widget, "clip");
  	draw_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) page_w;
*** 2364,2370 ****
  	    XtSetValues(draw_widget, &back_args, 1);
  	    XtSetValues(clip_widget, &back_args, 1);
! 	XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, KeyPressMask, False, handle_key,
  		(caddr_t) NULL);
  	XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, StructureNotifyMask, False,
  		handle_resize, (caddr_t) NULL);
--- 2460,2466 ----
  	    XtSetValues(draw_widget, &back_args, 1);
  	    XtSetValues(clip_widget, &back_args, 1);
! 	XtAddEventHandler(form_widget, KeyPressMask, False, handle_key,
  		(caddr_t) NULL);
  	XtAddEventHandler(vport_widget, StructureNotifyMask, False,
  		handle_resize, (caddr_t) NULL);
*** 2445,2450 ****
--- 2541,2554 ----
  #endif	/* TOOLKIT */
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Home, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "^", 1);
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Left, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "l", 1);
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Up, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "u", 1);
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Right, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "r", 1);
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Down, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "d", 1);
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Prior, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "b", 1);
+ 	XRebindKeysym(DISP, XK_Next, NULL, 0, (ubyte *) "f", 1);
  	image = XCreateImage(DISP, DefaultVisualOfScreen(SCRN), 1, XYBitmap, 0,
  			     (char *)NULL, 0, 0, BITS_PER_BMUNIT, 0);
  	image->bitmap_unit = BITS_PER_BMUNIT;
*** 2533,2536 ****
--- 2637,2643 ----
  #endif	/* X10 */
+ #ifdef	lint
+ 	return 0;
+ #endif
diff -cr xdvi_old/xdvi.h xdvi_new/xdvi.h
*** xdvi_old/xdvi.h	Mon Sep 17 17:36:48 1990
--- xdvi_new/xdvi.h	Wed Oct 10 11:26:37 1990
*** 40,46 ****
--- 40,50 ----
  #define	Sprintf	(void) sprintf
  #define	Fseek	(void) fseek
  #define	Fread	(void) fread
+ #define	Fputs	(void) fputs
+ #define	Putc	(void) putc
+ #define	Putchar	(void) putchar
  #define	Fclose	(void) fclose
+ #define	Strcpy	(void) strcpy
  unsigned long num();
  long snum();
*** 143,149 ****
   * Mechanism for reducing repeated warning about specials.
! extern	Boolean	spec_warn;
--- 147,153 ----
   * Mechanism for reducing repeated warning about specials.
! extern	Boolean	spec_warn, spec_warn_now;
*** 189,197 ****
  	/* struct font *fp; */
  	/* ubyte ch; */
! 	/* the corresponding read_font_index procedures occur in pxl_open.c */
  typedef	void (*read_font_index_proc)();
  	/* struct font *fontp; */
  struct font {
  	struct font *next;		/* link to next font info block */
--- 193,202 ----
  	/* struct font *fp; */
  	/* ubyte ch; */
! 	/* the corresponding read_font_index procedures occur in dvi_init.c */
  typedef	void (*read_font_index_proc)();
  	/* struct font *fontp; */
+ extern	read_font_index_proc read_GF_index, read_PK_index, read_PXL_index;
  struct font {
  	struct font *next;		/* link to next font info block */
*** 221,231 ****
  #define DBG_PK          0x4
  #define DBG_BATCH       0x8
  #define	DBG_EVENT	0x10
  extern	Boolean	list_fonts;
  extern	int	pixels_per_inch;
  extern	int	unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
  extern	int	unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
  extern	int	density;
--- 226,238 ----
  #define DBG_PK          0x4
  #define DBG_BATCH       0x8
  #define	DBG_EVENT	0x10
! #define	DBG_OPEN	0x20
  extern	Boolean	list_fonts;
  extern	int	pixels_per_inch;
+ extern	int	offset_x, offset_y;
  extern	int	unshrunk_paper_w, unshrunk_paper_h;
  extern	int	unshrunk_page_w, unshrunk_page_h;
  extern	int	density;
*** 232,237 ****
--- 239,245 ----
  extern	char	*dvi_name;
  extern	FILE	*dvi_file;				/* user's file */
+ extern	char	*alt_font;
  extern	char	*prog;
  extern	struct	WindowRec {
diff -cr xdvi_old/xdvi_man.sed xdvi_new/xdvi_man.sed
*** xdvi_old/xdvi_man.sed	Mon Sep 17 17:36:59 1990
--- xdvi_new/xdvi_man.sed	Wed Sep 26 16:42:39 1990
*** 9,21 ****
  .B xdvi
  [+[\fIpage\fP]] [\-s \fIshrink\fP] [\-S \fIdensity\fP] [\-p \fIpixels\fP] [\-l]
! [\-paper \fIpapertype\fP] [\-mgs[\fIn\fP] \fIsize\fP] [\-altfont \fIfont\fP]
! [\-margins \fIinches\fP] [\-sidemargin \fIinches\fP] [\-topmargin \fIinches\fP]
  [\-rv] [\-fg \fIcolor\fP] [\-bg \fIcolor\fP]
  [\-hl \fIcolor\fP] [\-bd \fIcolor\fP] [\-cr \fIcolor\fP] [\-bw \fIwidth\fP]
! [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP] [-icongeometry \fIgeometry\fP] [-iconic]
! [\-display \fIdisplay\fP] [-copy] [-thorough]
  [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP | =\fIgeometry\fP]
  [\-display \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP | \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP]
--- 9,25 ----
  .B xdvi
  [+[\fIpage\fP]] [\-s \fIshrink\fP] [\-S \fIdensity\fP] [\-p \fIpixels\fP] [\-l]
! [\-sw] [\-paper \fIpapertype\fP] [\-mgs[\fIn\fP] \fIsize\fP]
! [\-altfont \fIfont\fP]
! [\-margins \fIdimen\fP] [\-sidemargin \fIdimen\fP] [\-topmargin \fIdimen\fP]
! [\-offsets \fIdimen\fP] [\-xoffset \fIdimen\fP] [\-yoffset \fIdimen\fP]
  [\-rv] [\-fg \fIcolor\fP] [\-bg \fIcolor\fP]
  [\-hl \fIcolor\fP] [\-bd \fIcolor\fP] [\-cr \fIcolor\fP] [\-bw \fIwidth\fP]
! [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP] [\-icongeometry \fIgeometry\fP] [\-iconic]
! [\-display \fIdisplay\fP] [\-copy] [\-thorough]
! #ifbuttons
! [\-expert]
  [\-geometry \fIgeometry\fP | =\fIgeometry\fP]
  [\-display \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP | \fIhost\fP:\fIdisplay\fP]
*** 90,95 ****
--- 94,105 ----
  Causes the names of the fonts used to be listed.
+ .B \-sw
+ (%%dot%%specialWarn)
+ Causes \fIxdvi\fR to warn the user when it encounters a \\special string
+ which it cannot process.  This option is on by default; to turn it off,
+ use \fB+sw\fR.
+ .TP
  .B \-rv
  Causes the page to be displayed with white characters on a
*** 149,160 ****
  Always use the \fIcopy\fR operation when writing characters to the display.
  This option may be necessary for correct operation on a color display, but
  overstrike characters will be incorrect.
! .BI \-margins " inches"
! (%%dot%%margins)
! Specifies the size of both the top margin and side margin.  This
! can be a decimal number, \fIe.g.\fR, 1.5.  It determines
  the ``home'' position of the page within the window as follows.  If the entire
  page fits in the window, then the margin settings are ignored.  If, even
  after removing the margins from the left, right, top, and bottom, the page
--- 159,176 ----
  Always use the \fIcopy\fR operation when writing characters to the display.
  This option may be necessary for correct operation on a color display, but
  overstrike characters will be incorrect.
+ #ifbuttons
+ .TP
+ .B \-expert
+ (.expert)
+ Prevent the buttons from appearing.
! .BI \-margins " dimen"
! (%%dot%%Margin)
! Specifies the size of both the top margin and side margin.
! This should be a decimal number optionally followed by "cm", e.g., 1.5 or 3cm,
! giving a measurement in inches or centimeters.  It determines
  the ``home'' position of the page within the window as follows.  If the entire
  page fits in the window, then the margin settings are ignored.  If, even
  after removing the margins from the left, right, top, and bottom, the page
*** 164,177 ****
  Otherwise, the text is centered in the window.  See also `\fBM\fR' under
  the KEY\%STROKES section.
! .BI \-sidemargin " inches"
  Specifies the side margin (see above).
! .BI \-topmargin " inches"
  Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
  .BI \-paper " papertype"
  Specifies the size of the printed page.  This may be of the form
--- 180,213 ----
  Otherwise, the text is centered in the window.  See also `\fBM\fR' under
  the KEY\%STROKES section.
! .BI \-sidemargin " dimen"
  Specifies the side margin (see above).
! .BI \-topmargin " dimen"
  Specifies the top and bottom margins (see above).
+ .BI \-offsets " dimen"
+ (%%dot%%Offset)
+ Specifies the size of both the horizontal and vertical offsets of the
+ output on the page.  This should be a decimal number optionally followed by
+ "cm", e.g., 1.5 or 3cm, giving a measurement in inches or centimeters.
+ By decree
+ of the Stanford TeX Project, the default TeX page origin is always 1 inch
+ over and down from the top-left page corner, even when non-American paper
+ sizes are used.  Therefore, the default offsets are 1.0 inch.
+ .TP
+ .BI \-xoffset " dimen"
+ (%%dot%%xOffset)
+ Specifies the size of the horizontal offset of the output on the page
+ (see above).
+ .TP
+ .BI \-yoffset " dimen"
+ (%%dot%%yOffset)
+ Specifies the size of the vertical offset of the output on the page
+ (see above).
+ .TP
  .BI \-paper " papertype"
  Specifies the size of the printed page.  This may be of the form
*** 240,245 ****
--- 276,285 ----
  \fBXdvi\fR recognizes the following keystrokes when typed in its window.
  Each may optionally be preceded by a (positive or negative) number, whose
  interpretation will depend on the particular keystroke.
+ #ifx11
+ Also, the "Home", "Prior", "Next", and arrow cursor keys are synonyms for
+ `^', `b', `f', `l', `r', `u', and `d' keys, respectively.
+ #endif
  .B q
  Quits the program.  Control-C and control-D will do this, too.
*** 309,314 ****
--- 349,360 ----
  The `k' keystroke toggles a `keep-position' flag which, when set, will keep
  the same position when moving between pages.  Also `0k' and `1k' clear and
  set this flag, respectively.
+ #ifbuttons
+ .TP
+ .B x
+ Toggles expert mode (in which the buttons do not appear).  Also `0x' and `1x'
+ clear and reset this mode, respectively.
+ #endif
  If the shrink factor is set to any number other than one, then clicking
  any mouse button will pop up a ``magnifying glass'' which shows the unshrunk
*** 336,343 ****
  the end.  For example, if the string is ``/usr/local/tex/fonts'' and the font is
  cmr10 at 300dpi, then it searches for /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300gf,
  /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300pk, and /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.1500pxl,
! in that order.  If the first character of the ``XDVIFONTS'' variable
! is a colon, then the system default paths are tried first.  If the font is not
  found in the desired size, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to find the nearest size.
  If the font cannot be found at all, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to vary the point
  size of the font (within a certain range), and if this fails, then it will
--- 382,389 ----
  the end.  For example, if the string is ``/usr/local/tex/fonts'' and the font is
  cmr10 at 300dpi, then it searches for /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300gf,
  /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.300pk, and /usr/local/tex/fonts/cmr10.1500pxl,
! in that order.  An extra colon anywhere in the ``XDVIFONTS'' variable
! causes the system default paths to be tried at that point.  If the font is not
  found in the desired size, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to find the nearest size.
  If the font cannot be found at all, then \fIxdvi\fR will try to vary the point
  size of the font (within a certain range), and if this fails, then it will
*** 349,355 ****
  Sizes are expressed in dots per inch; decimals may be used for ``pxl'' files:
  for example, a 300 dots per inch file magnified by half a step comes out to
  1643 dots per five inches, which should be encoded as 328.6.  The current
! default set of sizes is %%DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES%%.
  %%DEFAULT_FONT_PATH%%   Font pixel files.
--- 395,402 ----
  Sizes are expressed in dots per inch; decimals may be used for ``pxl'' files:
  for example, a 300 dots per inch file magnified by half a step comes out to
  1643 dots per five inches, which should be encoded as 328.6.  The current
! default set of sizes is %%DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES%%.  \fIxdvi\fR will also try the
! actual size of the font before trying any of the given sizes.
  %%DEFAULT_FONT_PATH%%   Font pixel files.

O'Reilly && Associates   argv at sun.com / argv at ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.

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