v09i054: xloadimage, Part07/09

saber.com!jimf at saber.com saber.com!jimf at saber.com
Fri Sep 28 11:55:56 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: saber.com!jimf at saber.com
Posting-number: Volume 9, Issue 54
Archive-name: xloadimage/part07

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 7 (of 9)."
# Contents:  rlelib.c
# Wrapped by jimf at armory on Tue Sep 25 19:37:42 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'rlelib.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'rlelib.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'rlelib.c'\" \(50248 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'rlelib.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X *	Utah RLE Toolkit library routines.
X * 
X * 	Read image support only.
X * 
X * 	Cobbled from Utah RLE include and library source files.
X * 
X * 	By Graeme Gill
X * 	30/5/90
X *
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <math.h>
X#include <varargs.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include "image.h"		/* need ZFILE definition */
X#include "rle.h"
X#define zeof(zfp) feof((zfp)->stream)
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X */
X * Runsv.h - Definitions for Run Length Encoding.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Mon Aug  9 1982
X * Copyright (c) 1982 Spencer W. Thomas
X * 
X * $Header: XtndRunsv.h,v 2.2 85/04/26 15:05:30 thomas Exp $
X */
X * Opcode definitions
X */
X#define     LONG                0x40
X#define	    RSkipLinesOp	1
X#define	    RSetColorOp		2
X#define	    RSkipPixelsOp	3
X#define	    RByteDataOp		5
X#define	    RRunDataOp		6
X#define	    REOFOp		7
X#define     H_CLEARFIRST        0x1	/* clear framebuffer flag */
X#define	    H_NO_BACKGROUND	0x2	/* if set, no bg color supplied */
X#define	    H_ALPHA		0x4   /* if set, alpha channel (-1) present */
X#define	    H_COMMENT		0x8	/* if set, comments present */
Xstruct XtndRsetup
X    short   h_xpos,
X            h_ypos,
X            h_xlen,
X            h_ylen;
X    char    h_flags,
X            h_ncolors,
X	    h_pixelbits,
X	    h_ncmap,
X	    h_cmaplen;
X#define	    SETUPSIZE	((4*2)+5)
X/* "Old" RLE format magic numbers */
X#define	    RMAGIC	('R' << 8)	/* top half of magic number */
X#define	    WMAGIC	('W' << 8)	/* black&white rle image */
X#define	    XtndRMAGIC	((short)0xcc52)	/* RLE file magic number */
X#endif /* XTNDRUNSV */
X/*  "svfb.h" */
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X */
X * svfb.h - Definitions and a few global variables for svfb.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Mon Aug  9 1982
X * Copyright (c) 1982 Spencer W. Thomas
X * 
X * $Header: svfb.h,v 2.4 86/02/27 10:03:26 thomas Exp $
X */
X/* ****************************************************************
X * Dispatch table for different output types.
X */
Xtypedef void sv_fn();
Xstruct sv_dispatch_tab {
X    char   *magic;			/* magic type flags */
X    sv_fn  *setup,			/* startup function */
X	   *skipBlankLines,
X	   *setColor,
X	   *skipPixels,
X	   *newScanLine,
X	   *putdat,			/* put a set of differing pixels */
X	   *putrn,			/* put a run all the same */
X	   *blockHook,			/* hook called at start of new */
X					/* output block */
X	   *putEof;		/* write EOF marker (if possible) */
Xstruct sv_dispatch_tab sv_DTable[];
X * These definitions presume the existence of a variable called
X * "fileptr", declared "long * fileptr".  *fileptr should be
X * initialized to 0 before calling Setup().
X * A pointer "globals" declared "struct sv_globals * globals" is also
X * presumed to exist.
X */
X#define	    sv_magic		(sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].magic)
X#define	    Setup()		(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].setup)(globals)
X#define	    SkipBlankLines(n)	(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].skipBlankLines)(n, globals)
X#define	    SetColor(c)		(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].setColor)(c, globals)
X#define	    SkipPixels(n, l, r)	(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].skipPixels)(n,l,r, globals)
X#define	    NewScanLine(flag)	(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].newScanLine)(flag, globals)
X#define	    putdata(buf, len)	(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].putdat)(buf, len, globals)
X#define	    putrun(val, len, f)	(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].putrn)(val,len,f, globals)
X#define	    BlockHook()		(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].blockHook)(globals)
X#define	    PutEof()		(*sv_DTable[(int)globals->sv_dispatch].putEof)(globals)
X * States for run detection
X */
X#define	DATA	0
X#define	RUN2	1
X#define RUN3	2
X#define	RUN4	3
X#define	INRUN	-1
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X *
X *  Modified at BRL 16-May-88 by Mike Muuss to avoid Alliant STDC desire
X *  to have all "void" functions so declared.
X */
X * svfb_global.c - Global variable initialization for svfb routines.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Thu Apr 25 1985
X * Copyright (c) 1985,1986 Spencer W. Thomas
X * 
X * $Header: svfb_global.c,v 2.6 86/02/27 10:05:23 thomas Exp $
X * $Log:	svfb_global.c,v $
X * Revision 2.6  86/02/27  10:05:23  thomas
X * Change for new sv_globals
X * 
X * Revision 2.5  86/02/25  17:32:18  thomas
X * Take out misc.h
X * 
X * Revision 2.4  85/04/26  15:09:27  thomas
X * Add header comment.  Change DTable to sv_DTable.  Changes for new
X * sv_globals structure.
X * 
X */
Xvoid	RunSetup(),
X		RunSkipBlankLines(),
X		RunSetColor(),
X		RunSkipPixels(),
X		RunNewScanLine(),
X		Runputdata(),
X		Runputrun(),
X		RunputEof();
Xvoid	DefaultBlockHook();
Xvoid	NullputEof();
Xstruct sv_dispatch_tab sv_DTable[] = {
X    {
X	" OB",
X	RunSetup,
X	RunSkipBlankLines,
X	RunSetColor,
X	RunSkipPixels,
X	RunNewScanLine,
X	Runputdata,
X	Runputrun,
X	DefaultBlockHook,
X	RunputEof
X    },
Xstatic int sv_bg_color[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
Xstruct sv_globals sv_globals = {
X    RUN_DISPATCH,		/* dispatch value */
X    3,				/* 3 colors */
X    sv_bg_color,		/* background color */
X    0,				/* (alpha) if 1, save alpha channel */
X    2,				/* (background) 0->just save pixels, */
X				/* 1->overlay, 2->clear to bg first */
X    0, 511,			/* (xmin, xmax) X bounds to save */
X    0, 479,			/* (ymin, ymax) Y bounds to save */
X    0,				/* ncmap (if != 0, save color map) */
X    8,				/* cmaplen (log2 of length of color map) */
X    NULL,			/* pointer to color map */
X    NULL,			/* pointer to comment strings */
X    NULL,			/* output file */
X    { 7 }			/* RGB channels only */
X    /* Can't initialize the union */
Xstruct sv_globals * globals;
X				/* do nothing */
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X *
X *  Modified at BRL 16-May-88 by Mike Muuss to avoid Alliant STDC desire
X *  to have all "void" functions so declared.
X */
X * Runsv.c - General purpose Run Length Encoding for svfb.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Mon Aug  9 1982
X * Copyright (c) 1982,1986 Spencer W. Thomas
X * 
X * $Header: Runsv.c,v 2.9 86/02/27 10:01:13 thomas Locked $
X * 
X * Modified by:	Todd W. Fuqua
X * 	Date:	Jul 22 1984
X * convert to new RLE format to make room for larger frame buffers
X */
X/* THIS IS WAY OUT OF DATE.  See rle.5.
X * The output file format is:
X * 
X * Word 0:	A "magic" number.  The top byte of the word contains
X *		the letter 'R' or the letter 'W'.  'W' indicates that
X *		only black and white information was saved.  The bottom
X *		byte is one of the following:
X *	' ':	Means a straight "box" save, -S flag was given.
X *	'B':	Image saved with background color, clear screen to
X *		background before restoring image.
X *	'O':	Image saved in overlay mode.
X * 
X * Words 1-6:	The structure
X * { *     short   xpos,			/* Lower left corner
X *             ypos,
X *             xsize,			/* Size of saved box
X *             ysize;
X *     char    rgb[3];			/* Background color
X *     char    map;			/* flag for map presence
X * }
X * 
X * If the map flag is non-zero, then the color map will follow as 
X * 3*256 16 bit words, first the red map, then the green map, and
X * finally the blue map.
X * 
X * Following the setup information is the Run Length Encoded image.
X * Each instruction consists of a 4-bit opcode, a 12-bit datum and
X * possibly one or more following words (all words are 16 bits).  The
X * instruction opcodes are:
X * 
X * SkipLines (1):   The bottom 10 bits are an unsigned number to be added to
X *		    current Y position.
X * 
X * SetColor (2):    The datum indicates which color is to be loaded with
X * 		    the data described by the following ByteData and
X * 		    RunData instructions.  0->red, 1->green, 2->blue.  The
X * 		    operation also resets the X position to the initial
X * 		    X (i.e. a carriage return operation is performed).
X * 
X * SkipPixels (3):  The bottom 10 bits are an unsigned number to be
X * 		    added to the current X position.
X * 
X * ByteData (5):    The datum is one less than the number of bytes of
X * 		    color data following.  If the number of bytes is
X * 		    odd, a filler byte will be appended to the end of
X * 		    the byte string to make an integral number of 16-bit
X * 		    words.  The bytes are in PDP-11 order.  The X
X * 		    position is incremented to follow the last byte of
X * 		    data.
X * 
X * RunData (6):	    The datum is one less than the run length.  The
X * 		    following word contains (in its lower 8 bits) the
X * 		    color of the run.  The X position is incremented to
X * 		    follow the last byte in the run.
X */
X#define UPPER 255			/* anything bigger ain't a byte */
X/* Predefine LITTLE_ENDIAN for vax and pdp11 machines */
X#if defined(vax) || defined(pdp11)
Xstatic rle_pixel t;
Xstatic rle_pixel *a1,*a2;
Xstatic short tm;
X#define	ASN(a,b)	a = b
X#define	ASN(a,b)	(tm=(int)(b)),(a1=(rle_pixel*)(&(a))),\
X			(a2=(rle_pixel*)(&(tm))),(*a1=(*(a2+1))),(*(a1+1)=(*a2))
X * Macros to make writing instructions with correct byte order easier.
X */
Xunion { short s; char c[2]; } arg;
X#define	put16(a)    arg.s=a,putc(arg.c[0],sv_fd), putc(arg.c[1],sv_fd)
X#define	put16(a)    arg.s=a,putc(arg.c[1],sv_fd), putc(arg.c[0],sv_fd)
X/* short instructions */
X#define mk_short_1(oper,a1)		/* one argument short */ \
X    putc(oper,sv_fd), putc((char)a1,sv_fd)
X#define mk_short_2(oper,a1,a2)		/* two argument short */ \
X    putc(oper,sv_fd), putc((char)a1,sv_fd), put16(a2)
X/* long instructions */
X#define mk_long_1(oper,a1)		/* one argument long */ \
X    putc((char)(LONG|oper),sv_fd), putc('\0', sv_fd), put16(a1)
X#define mk_long_2(oper,a1,a2)		/* two argument long */ \
X    putc((char)(LONG|oper),sv_fd), putc('\0', sv_fd), \
X    put16(a1), put16(a2)
X/* choose between long and short format instructions */
X/* NOTE: these macros can only be used where a STATEMENT is legal */
X#define mk_inst_1(oper,a1)		/* one argument inst */ \
X    if (a1>UPPER) (mk_long_1(oper,a1)); else (mk_short_1(oper,a1))
X#define mk_inst_2(oper,a1,a2)		/* two argument inst */ \
X    if (a1>UPPER) (mk_long_2(oper,a1,a2)); else (mk_short_2(oper,a1,a2))
X * Opcode definitions
X */
X#define	    RSkipLines(n)   	    mk_inst_1(RSkipLinesOp,(n))
X#define	    RSetColor(c)	    mk_short_1(RSetColorOp,(c))
X				    /* has side effect of performing */
X				    /* "carriage return" action */
X#define	    RSkipPixels(n)	    mk_inst_1(RSkipPixelsOp,(n))
X#define	    RNewLine		    RSkipLines(1)
X#define	    RByteData(n)	    mk_inst_1(RByteDataOp,n)
X					/* followed by ((n+1)/2)*2 bytes */
X					/* of data.  If n is odd, last */
X					/* byte will be ignored */
X					/* "cursor" is left at pixel */
X					/* following last pixel written */
X#define	    RRunData(n,c)	    mk_inst_2(RRunDataOp,(n),(c))
X					/* next word contains color data */
X					/* "cursor" is left at pixel after */
X					/* end of run */
X#define     REOF		    mk_inst_1(REOFOp,0)
X					/* Really opcode only */
X * TAG( RunSetup )
X * Put out initial setup data for RLE svfb files.
X */
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( RunSkipBlankLines )
X * Skip one or more blank lines in the RLE file.
X */
XRunSkipBlankLines(nblank, globals)
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( RunSetColor )
X * Select a color and do carriage return.
X * color: 0 = Red, 1 = Green, 2 = Blue.
X */
XRunSetColor(c, globals)
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( RunSkipPixels )
X * Skip a run of background.
X */
XRunSkipPixels(nskip, last, wasrun, globals)
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( RunNewScanLine )
X * Perform a newline action.  Since CR is implied by the Set Color
X * operation, only generate code if the newline flag is true.
X */
XRunNewScanLine(flag, globals)
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( Runputdata )
X * Put one or more pixels of byte data into the output file.
X */
XRunputdata(buf, n, globals)
Xrle_pixel * buf;
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( Runputrun )
X * Output a single color run.
X */
XRunputrun(color, n, last, globals)
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
X * TAG( RunputEof )
X * Output an EOF opcode
X */
XRunputEof( globals )
Xregister struct sv_globals * globals;
Xstruct sv_globals * globals;
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X */
X * buildmap.c - Build a color map from the RLE file color map.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Sat Jan 24 1987
X * Copyright (c) 1987, University of Utah
X */
X * TAG( buildmap )
X * 
X * Returns a color map that can easily be used to map the pixel values in
X * an RLE file.  Map is built from the color map in the input file.
X * Inputs:
X * 	globals:	sv_globals structure containing color map.
X *	minmap:		Minimum number of channels in output map.
X *	gamma:		Adjust color map for this image gamma value
X *			(1.0 means no adjustment).
X * Outputs:
X * 	Returns an array of pointers to arrays of rle_pixels.  The array
X *	of pointers contains max(sv_ncolors, sv_ncmap) elements, each 
X *	array of pixels contains 2^sv_cmaplen elements.  The pixel arrays
X *	should be considered read-only.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X *	Ensure that there are at least sv_ncolors rows in the map, and
X *	that each has at least 256 elements in it (largest map that can
X *	be addressed by an rle_pixel).
X */
Xrle_pixel **
Xbuildmap( globals, minmap, gamma )
Xstruct sv_globals *globals;
Xint minmap;
Xdouble gamma;
X    rle_pixel ** cmap, * gammap;
X    register int i, j;
X    int maplen, cmaplen, ncmap, nmap;
X    if ( globals->sv_ncmap == 0 )	/* make identity map */
X    {
X	nmap = (minmap < globals->sv_ncolors) ? globals->sv_ncolors : minmap;
X	cmap = (rle_pixel **)lmalloc( nmap * sizeof(rle_pixel *) );
X	cmap[0] = (rle_pixel *)lmalloc( 256 * sizeof(rle_pixel) );
X	for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
X	    cmap[0][i] = i;
X	for ( i = 1; i < nmap; i++ )
X	    cmap[i] = cmap[0];
X	maplen = 256;
X	ncmap = 1;		/* number of unique rows */
X    }
X    else			/* make map from globals */
X    {
X	/* Map is at least 256 long */
X	cmaplen = (1 << globals->sv_cmaplen);
X	if ( cmaplen < 256 )
X	    maplen = 256;
X	else
X	    maplen = cmaplen;
X	if ( globals->sv_ncmap == 1 )	/* make "b&w" map */
X	{
X	    nmap = (minmap < globals->sv_ncolors) ?
X		globals->sv_ncolors : minmap;
X	    cmap = (rle_pixel **)lmalloc( nmap * sizeof(rle_pixel *) );
X	    cmap[0] = (rle_pixel *)lmalloc( maplen * sizeof(rle_pixel) );
X	    for ( i = 0; i < maplen; i++ )
X		if ( i < cmaplen )
X		    cmap[0][i] = globals->sv_cmap[i] >> 8;
X		else
X		    cmap[0][i] = i;
X	    for ( i = 1; i < nmap; i++ )
X		cmap[i] = cmap[0];
X	    ncmap = 1;
X	}
X	else if ( globals->sv_ncolors <= globals->sv_ncmap )
X	{
X	    nmap = (minmap < globals->sv_ncmap) ? globals->sv_ncmap : minmap;
X	    cmap = (rle_pixel **)lmalloc( nmap * sizeof(rle_pixel *) );
X	    for ( j = 0; j < globals->sv_ncmap; j++ )
X	    {
X		cmap[j] = (rle_pixel *)lmalloc( maplen * sizeof(rle_pixel) );
X		for ( i = 0; i < maplen; i++ )
X		    if ( i < cmaplen )
X			cmap[j][i] = globals->sv_cmap[j*cmaplen + i] >> 8;
X		    else
X			cmap[j][i] = i;
X	    }
X	    for ( i = j, j--; i < nmap; i++ )
X		cmap[i] = cmap[j];
X	    ncmap = globals->sv_ncmap;
X	}
X	else			/* ncolors > ncmap */
X	{
X	    nmap = (minmap < globals->sv_ncolors) ?
X		globals->sv_ncolors : minmap;
X	    cmap = (rle_pixel **)lmalloc( nmap * sizeof(rle_pixel *) );
X	    for ( j = 0; j < globals->sv_ncmap; j++ )
X	    {
X		cmap[j] = (rle_pixel *)lmalloc( maplen * sizeof(rle_pixel) );
X		for ( i = 0; i < maplen; i++ )
X		    if ( i < cmaplen )
X			cmap[j][i] = globals->sv_cmap[j*cmaplen + i] >> 8;
X		    else
X			cmap[j][i] = i;
X	    }
X	    for( i = j, j--; i < nmap; i++ )
X		cmap[i] = cmap[j];
X	    ncmap = globals->sv_ncmap;
X	}
X    }
X    /* Gamma compensate if requested */
X    if ( gamma != 1.0 )
X    {
X	gammap = (rle_pixel *)lmalloc( 256 * sizeof(rle_pixel) );
X	for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
X		{
X		int byteb1;
X		byteb1 = (int)(0.5 + 255.0 * pow( i / 255.0, gamma ));
X		gammap[i] = byteb1;
X	    gammap[i] = (int)(0.5 + 255.0 * pow( i / 255.0, gamma ));
X		}
X	for ( i = 0; i < ncmap; i++ )
X	    for ( j = 0; j < maplen; j++ )
X		cmap[i][j] = gammap[cmap[i][j]];
X    }
X    return cmap;
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X */
X * rle_getcom.c - Get specific comments from globals structure.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Sun Jan 25 1987
X * Copyright (c) 1987, University of Utah
X */
X * TAG( match )
X * 
X * Match a name against a test string for "name=value" or "name".
X * If it matches name=value, return pointer to value part, if just
X * name, return pointer to NUL at end of string.  If no match, return NULL.
X *
X * Inputs:
X * 	n:	Name to match.  May also be "name=value" to make it easier
X *		to replace comments.
X *	v:	Test string.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Returns pointer as above.
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X *	[None]
X */
Xstatic char *
Xmatch( n, v )
Xregister char *n;
Xregister char *v;
X    for ( ; *n != '\0' && *n != '=' && *n == *v; n++, v++ )
X	;
X    if (*n == '\0' || *n == '=')
X	if ( *v == '\0' )
X	    return v;
X	else if ( *v == '=' )
X	    return ++v;
X    return NULL;
X * TAG( rle_getcom )
X * 
X * Return a pointer to the value part of a name=value pair in the comments.
X * Inputs:
X * 	name:		Name part of the comment to search for.
X *	globals:	sv_globals structure.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Returns pointer to value part of comment or NULL if no match.
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X *	[None]
X */
Xchar *
Xrle_getcom( name, globals )
Xchar *name;
Xstruct sv_globals *globals;
X    char ** cp;
X    char * v;
X    if ( globals->sv_comments == NULL )
X	return NULL;
X    for ( cp = globals->sv_comments; *cp; cp++ )
X	if ( (v = match( name, *cp )) != NULL )
X	    return v;
X    return NULL;
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X *
X *  Modified at BRL 16-May-88 by Mike Muuss to avoid Alliant STDC desire
X *  to have all "void" functions so declared.
X */
X * rle_getrow.c - Read an RLE file in.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Wed Apr 10 1985
X * Copyright (c) 1985 Spencer W. Thomas
X * 
X * $Header: rle_getrow.c,v 1.12 86/11/10 12:30:34 thomas Exp $
X * $Log:	rle_getrow.c,v $
X * Revision 1.12  86/11/10  12:30:34  thomas
X * NULL comments field if no comment in input file.
X * 
X * Revision 1.11  86/11/10  11:27:01  thomas
X * Remove infile arguments.
X * 
X * Revision 1.10  86/11/10  11:19:04  thomas
X * Fix to work with pipe input.
X * 
X * Revision 1.9  86/10/08  13:06:32  thomas
X * Add header comments.
X * Add EOF opcode.
X * 
X * Revision 1.6  86/02/27  10:05:55  thomas
X * Change for new sv_globals interface.  Put "static" vars in structure.
X * 
X * Revision 1.5  86/02/25  17:32:28  thomas
X * Add debugging.
X * 
X * Revision 1.4  86/02/11  11:38:09  thomas
X * Oops: Only did clear to background right for ncolors = 3.
X * Some lint fixes.
X * 
X * Revision 1.3  86/02/11  11:27:52  thomas
X * Handle alpha channel.  Use bfill routine for efficiency.
X * 
X * Revision 1.2  85/05/22  15:09:23  thomas
X * Swap magic number on BIGENDIAN machines.
X * 
X * Revision 1.1  85/05/22  12:36:21  thomas
X * Initial revision
X * 
X */
X * Automatically define LITTLE_ENDIAN on vax and pdp11 machines
X */
X#if defined(vax) || defined(pdp11)
Xstruct inst {
X  unsigned opcode:8, datum:8;
X#define BREAD(type, var, len)\
X	    zread( infile, (char *)&var,len )
X#define OPCODE(inst) (inst.opcode & ~LONG)
X#define LONGP(inst) (inst.opcode & LONG)
X#define DATUM(inst) (0x00ff & inst.datum)
Xstatic int	   debug_f;		/* if non-zero, print debug info */
Xstatic void	bfill();
X * TAG( rle_get_setup )
X * 
X * Read the initialization information from an RLE file.
X * Inputs:
X * 	globals:    Contains pointer to the input file.
X * Outputs:
X * 	globals:    Initialized with information from the
X *		    input file.
X *	Returns 0 on success, -1 if the file is not an RLE file,
X *	-2 if malloc of the color map failed, -3 if an immediate EOF
X *	is hit (empty input file), and -4 if an EOF is encountered reading
X *	the setup information.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	infile points to the "magic" number in an RLE file (usually
X * byte 0 in the file).
X * Algorithm:
X * 	Read in the setup info and fill in sv_globals.
X */
Xrle_get_setup( globals )
Xstruct sv_globals * globals;
X    struct XtndRsetup setup;
X    short magic;			/* assume 16 bits */
X    register ZFILE *infile = globals->svfb_fd;
X    rle_pixel * bg_color;
X    register int i;
X    char * comment_buf;
X    BREAD( short, magic, sizeof magic );
X    SWAB(magic);
X    if ( zeof( infile ) )
X	return -3;
X    if ( magic != XtndRMAGIC )
X	return -1;
X    BREAD( struct XtndRsetup, setup, SETUPSIZE );  /* assume VAX packing */
X    if ( zeof( infile ) )
X	return -4;
X    SWAB( setup.h_xpos );
X    SWAB( setup.h_ypos );
X    SWAB( setup.h_xlen );
X    SWAB( setup.h_ylen );
X    /* Extract information from setup */
X    globals->sv_ncolors = setup.h_ncolors;
X    for ( i = 0; i < globals->sv_ncolors; i++ )
X	SV_SET_BIT( *globals, i );
X    if ( !(setup.h_flags & H_NO_BACKGROUND) )
X    {
X	globals->sv_bg_color = (int *)lmalloc(
X	    (unsigned)(sizeof(int) * setup.h_ncolors) );
X	bg_color = (rle_pixel *)lmalloc(
X	    (unsigned)(1 + (setup.h_ncolors / 2) * 2) );
X	zread( infile, (char *)bg_color, 1 + (setup.h_ncolors / 2) * 2 );
X	for ( i = 0; i < setup.h_ncolors; i++ )
X	    globals->sv_bg_color[i] = bg_color[i];
X	lfree( bg_color );
X    }
X    else
X	zgetc( infile );			/* skip filler byte */
X    if ( setup.h_flags & H_NO_BACKGROUND )
X	globals->sv_background = 0;
X    else if ( setup.h_flags & H_CLEARFIRST )
X	globals->sv_background = 2;
X    else
X	globals->sv_background = 1;
X    if ( setup.h_flags & H_ALPHA )
X    {
X	globals->sv_alpha = 1;
X	SV_SET_BIT( *globals, SV_ALPHA );
X    }
X    else
X	globals->sv_alpha = 0;
X    globals->sv_xmin = setup.h_xpos;
X    globals->sv_ymin = setup.h_ypos;
X    globals->sv_xmax = globals->sv_xmin + setup.h_xlen - 1;
X    globals->sv_ymax = globals->sv_ymin + setup.h_ylen - 1;
X    globals->sv_ncmap = setup.h_ncmap;
X    globals->sv_cmaplen = setup.h_cmaplen;
X    if ( globals->sv_ncmap > 0 )
X    {
X	register int maplen =
X		     globals->sv_ncmap * (1 << globals->sv_cmaplen);
X	globals->sv_cmap = (rle_map *)lmalloc(
X	    (unsigned)(sizeof(rle_map) * maplen) );
X	if ( globals->sv_cmap == NULL )
X	{
X	    fprintf( stderr,
X		"Malloc failed for color map of size %d*%d in rle_get_setup\n",
X		globals->sv_ncmap, (1 << globals->sv_cmaplen) );
X	    return -2;
X	}
X	zread( infile, (char *)globals->sv_cmap, sizeof(short) * maplen );
X    	/* Swap bytes on bigendian machines
X	 */
X    	for ( i = 0; i < maplen; i++ )
X    	    SWAB( globals->sv_cmap[i] );
X    }
X    /* Check for comments */
X    if ( setup.h_flags & H_COMMENT )
X    {
X	short comlen, evenlen;
X	register char * cp;
X	BREAD( short, comlen, sizeof comlen );	/* get comment length */
X	SWAB( comlen );
X	evenlen = (comlen + 1) & ~1;	/* make it even */
X	comment_buf = (char *)lmalloc( (unsigned) evenlen );
X	if ( comment_buf == NULL )
X	{
X	    fprintf( stderr,
X		     "Malloc failed for comment buffer of size %d in rle_get_setup\n",
X		     comlen );
X	    return -2;
X	}
X	zread( infile, comment_buf, evenlen );
X	/* Count the comments */
X	for ( i = 0, cp = comment_buf; cp < comment_buf + comlen; cp++ )
X	    if ( *cp == 0 )
X		i++;
X	i++;			/* extra for NULL pointer at end */
X	/* Get space to put pointers to comments */
X	globals->sv_comments =
X	    (char **)lmalloc( (unsigned)(i * sizeof(char *)) );
X	if ( globals->sv_comments == NULL )
X	{
X	    fprintf( stderr,
X		    "Malloc failed for %d comment pointers in rle_get_setup\n",
X		     i );
X	    return -2;
X	}
X	/* Get pointers to the comments */
X	*globals->sv_comments = comment_buf;
X	for ( i = 1, cp = comment_buf + 1; cp < comment_buf + comlen; cp++ )
X	    if ( *(cp - 1) == 0 )
X		globals->sv_comments[i++] = cp;
X	globals->sv_comments[i] = NULL;
X    }
X    else
X	globals->sv_comments = NULL;
X    /* Initialize state for rle_getrow */
X    globals->sv_private.get.scan_y = globals->sv_ymin;
X    globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip = 0;
X    globals->sv_private.get.is_eof = 0;
X    globals->sv_private.get.is_seek = 0;	/* Can't do seek on zfile */
X    debug_f = 0;
X    if ( !zeof( infile ) )
X	return 0;			/* success! */
X    else
X    {
X	globals->sv_private.get.is_eof = 1;
X	return -4;
X    }
X * TAG( rle_get_error )
X * 
X * Print an error message for the return code from rle_get_setup
X * Inputs:
X * 	code:		The return code from rle_get_setup.
X *	pgmname:	Name of this program (argv[0]).
X *	fname:		Name of the input file.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Prints an error message on standard output.
X *	Returns code.
X */
Xrle_get_error( code, pgmname, fname )
Xchar *pgmname;
Xchar *fname;
X    switch( code )
X    {
X    case 0:			/* success */
X	break;
X    case -1:			/* Not an RLE file */
X	fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s is not an RLE file\n",
X		 pgmname, fname );
X	break;
X    case -2:			/* malloc failed */
X	fprintf( stderr,
X		 "%s: Malloc failed reading header of file %s\n",
X		 pgmname, fname );
X	break;
X    case -3:
X	fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s is an empty file\n", pgmname, fname );
X	break;
X    case -4:
X	fprintf( stderr,
X		 "%s: RLE header of %s is incomplete (premature EOF)\n",
X		 pgmname, fname );
X	break;
X    default:
X	fprintf( stderr, "%s: Error encountered reading header of %s\n",
X		 pgmname, fname );
X	break;
X    }
X    return code;
X * TAG( rle_get_setup_ok )
X * 
X * Read the initialization information from an RLE file.
X * Inputs:
X * 	globals:    Contains pointer to the input file.
X *	prog_name:  Program name to be printed in the error message.
X *      file_name:  File name to be printed in the error message.
X *                  If NULL, the string "stdin" is generated.
X * Outputs:
X * 	globals:    Initialized with information from the
X *		    input file.
X *      If reading the globals fails, it prints an error message
X *	and exits with the appropriate status code.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	sv_get_setup does all the work.
X */
Xrle_get_setup_ok( globals, prog_name, file_name )
Xstruct sv_globals * globals;
Xchar *prog_name;
Xchar *file_name;
X    int code;
X    if (! file_name)
X	file_name = "stdin";
X    code = rle_get_error( rle_get_setup( globals ), prog_name, file_name );
X    if (code)
X	exit( code );
X * TAG( rle_debug )
X * 
X * Turn RLE debugging on or off.
X * Inputs:
X * 	on_off:		if 0, stop debugging, else start.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Sets internal debug flag.
X * Assumptions:
X *	[None]
X * Algorithm:
X *	[None]
X */
Xrle_debug( on_off )
Xint on_off;
X    debug_f = on_off;
X * TAG( rle_getrow )
X * 
X * Get a scanline from the input file.
X * Inputs:
X *	globals:    sv_globals structure containing information about 
X *		    the input file.
X * Outputs:
X * 	scanline:   an array of pointers to the individual color
X *		    scanlines.  Scanline is assumed to have
X *		    globals->sv_ncolors pointers to arrays of rle_pixel,
X *		    each of which is at least globals->sv_xmax+1 long.
X *	Returns the current scanline number.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	rle_get_setup has already been called.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	If a vertical skip is being executed, and clear-to-background is
X *	specified (globals->sv_background is true), just set the
X *	scanlines to the background color.  If clear-to-background is
X *	not set, just increment the scanline number and return.
X * 
X *	Otherwise, read input until a vertical skip is encountered,
X *	decoding the instructions into scanline data.
X */
Xrle_getrow( globals, scanline )
Xstruct sv_globals * globals;
Xrle_pixel *scanline[];
X    register rle_pixel * scanc;
X    register int nc;
X    register ZFILE *infile = globals->svfb_fd;
X    int scan_x = globals->sv_xmin,	/* current X position */
X	   channel = 0;			/* current color channel */
X    short word, long_data;
X    struct inst inst;
X    /* Clear to background if specified */
X    if ( globals->sv_background == 2 )
X    {
X	if ( globals->sv_alpha && SV_BIT( *globals, -1 ) )
X	    bfill( (char *)scanline[-1], globals->sv_xmax + 1, 0 );
X	for ( nc = 0; nc < globals->sv_ncolors; nc++ )
X	    if ( SV_BIT( *globals, nc ) )
X		bfill( (char *)scanline[nc], globals->sv_xmax+1,
X			globals->sv_bg_color[nc] );
X    }
X    /* If skipping, then just return */
X    if ( globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip > 0 )
X    {
X	globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip--;
X	globals->sv_private.get.scan_y++;
X	if ( globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip > 0 )
X	    return globals->sv_private.get.scan_y;
X    }
X    /* If EOF has been encountered, return also */
X    if ( globals->sv_private.get.is_eof )
X	return ++globals->sv_private.get.scan_y;
X    /* Otherwise, read and interpret instructions until a skipLines
X     * instruction is encountered.
X     */
X    if ( SV_BIT( *globals, channel ) )
X	scanc = scanline[channel] + scan_x;
X    else
X	scanc = NULL;
X    for (;;)
X    {
X        BREAD(struct inst, inst, 2 );
X	if ( zeof(infile) )
X	{
X	    globals->sv_private.get.is_eof = 1;
X	    break;		/* <--- one of the exits */
X	}
X	switch( OPCODE(inst) )
X	{
X	case RSkipLinesOp:
X	    if ( LONGP(inst) )
X	    {
X	        BREAD( short, long_data, sizeof long_data );
X		SWAB( long_data );
X		globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip = long_data;
X	    }
X	    else
X		globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip = DATUM(inst);
X	    if (debug_f)
X		fprintf(stderr, "Skip %d Lines (to %d)\n",
X			globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip,
X			globals->sv_private.get.scan_y +
X			    globals->sv_private.get.vert_skip );
X	    break;			/* need to break for() here, too */
X	case RSetColorOp:
X	    channel = DATUM(inst);	/* select color channel */
X	    if ( channel == 255 )
X		channel = -1;
X	    scan_x = globals->sv_xmin;
X	    if ( SV_BIT( *globals, channel ) )
X		scanc = scanline[channel]+scan_x;
X	    if ( debug_f )
X		fprintf( stderr, "Set color to %d (reset x to %d)\n",
X			 channel, scan_x );
X	    break;
X	case RSkipPixelsOp:
X	    if ( LONGP(inst) )
X	    {
X	        BREAD( short, long_data, sizeof long_data );
X		SWAB( long_data );
X		scan_x += long_data;
X		scanc += long_data;
X		if ( debug_f )
X		    fprintf( stderr, "Skip %d pixels (to %d)\n",
X			    long_data, scan_x );
X	    }
X	    else
X	    {
X		scan_x += DATUM(inst);
X		scanc += DATUM(inst);
X		if ( debug_f )
X		    fprintf( stderr, "Skip %d pixels (to %d)\n",
X			    DATUM(inst), scan_x );
X	    }
X	    break;
X	case RByteDataOp:
X	    if ( LONGP(inst) )
X	    {
X	        BREAD( short, long_data, sizeof long_data );
X		SWAB( long_data );
X		nc = (int)long_data;
X	    }
X	    else
X		nc = DATUM(inst);
X	    nc++;
X	    if ( SV_BIT( *globals, channel ) )
X	    {
X		zread( infile, (char *)scanc, nc );
X		if ( nc & 1 )
X		    (void)zgetc( infile );	/* throw away odd byte */
X	    }
X	    else
X		{		/* Emulate a forward fseek */
X		    register int ii;
X		    for ( ii = ((nc + 1) / 2) * 2; ii > 0; ii-- )
X			(void) zgetc( infile );	/* discard it */
X		}
X	    scanc += nc;
X	    scan_x += nc;
X	    if ( debug_f )
X		if ( SV_BIT( *globals, channel ) )
X		{
X		    rle_pixel * cp = scanc - nc;
X		    fprintf( stderr, "Pixel data %d (to %d):", nc, scan_x );
X		    for ( ; nc > 0; nc-- )
X			fprintf( stderr, "%02x", *cp++ );
X		    putc( '\n', stderr );
X		}
X	    else
X		fprintf( stderr, "Pixel data %d (to %d)\n", nc, scan_x );
X	    break;
X	case RRunDataOp:
X	    if ( LONGP(inst) )
X	    {
X	        BREAD( short, long_data, sizeof long_data );
X		SWAB( long_data );
X		nc = long_data;
X	    }
X	    else
X		nc = DATUM(inst);
X	    scan_x += nc + 1;
X	    BREAD( short, word, sizeof(short) );
X	    SWAB( word );
X	    if ( debug_f )
X		fprintf( stderr, "Run length %d (to %d), data %02x\n",
X			    nc + 1, scan_x, word );
X	    if ( SV_BIT( *globals, channel ) )
X	    {
X		if ( nc >= 10 )		/* break point for 785, anyway */
X		{
X		    bfill( (char *)scanc, nc + 1, word );
X		    scanc += nc + 1;
X		}
X		else
X		    for ( ; nc >= 0; nc--, scanc++ )
X			*scanc = word;
X	    }
X	    break;
X	case REOFOp:
X	    globals->sv_private.get.is_eof = 1;
X	    break;
X	default:
X	    fprintf( stderr,
X		     "rle_getrow: Unrecognized opcode: %d\n", inst.opcode );
X	    exit(1);
X	}
X	if ( OPCODE(inst) == RSkipLinesOp || OPCODE(inst) == REOFOp )
X	    break;			/* <--- the other loop exit */
X    }
X    return globals->sv_private.get.scan_y;
X/* Fill buffer at s with n copies of character c.  N must be <= 65535*/
Xstatic void bfill( s, n, c )
Xchar *s;
Xint n, c;
X#ifdef vax
X    asm("   movc5   $0,*4(ap),12(ap),8(ap),*4(ap)");
X    while ( n-- > 0 )
X	*s++ = c;
X * This software is copyrighted as noted below.  It may be freely copied,
X * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is 
X * preserved on all copies.
X * 
X * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,
X * it is provided solely "as is".  Bug reports or fixes may be sent
X * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.
X *
X * You may not include this software in a program or other software product
X * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the 
X * source is available for no extra charge.
X *
X * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
X * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,
X * and the reason for such modification.
X *
X *  Modified at BRL 16-May-88 by Mike Muuss to avoid Alliant STDC desire
X *  to have all "void" functions so declared.
X *
X * Modified to generate an apropriate size dither map (ie 2x2, 4x4, 8x8
X * or 16x16) rather than use fixed 16x16 map. Use a large enough map 
X * to give a minimum of 128 effective levels rather than aiming for 256.
X * This should give less grainy pictures.
X * Two global variables can modify this:
X * dith_levels = 128 (default)
X * dith_np2 = 0	(default). Nonzero to enable non power of 2 dither mapping.
X * dith_size = actual dither matrix size chosen.
X *
X * Graeme Gill	3 June 88
X */
X * dither.c - Functions for RGB color dithering.
X * 
X * Author:	Spencer W. Thomas
X * 		Computer Science Dept.
X * 		University of Utah
X * Date:	Mon Feb  2 1987
X * Copyright (c) 1987, University of Utah
X */
Xvoid	make_square();
X/* dither globals */
Xint dith_levels = 128;
Xint dith_np2 = 0;
Xint dith_size = 16;
X/* basic dithering macro */
X#define DMAP(v,x,y)	(modN[v]>magic[x][y] ? divN[v] + 1 : divN[v])
X * TAG( dithermap )
X * 
X * Create a color dithering map with a specified number of intensity levels.
X * Inputs:
X * 	levels:		Intensity levels per primary.
X *	gamma:		Display gamma value.
X * Outputs:
X * 	rgbmap:		Generated color map.
X *	divN:		"div" function for dithering.
X *	modN:		"mod" function for dithering.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	rgbmap will hold levels^3 entries.
X * Algorithm:
X *	Compute gamma compensation map.
X *	N = 255.0 / (levels - 1) is number of pixel values per level.
X *	Compute rgbmap with red ramping fastest, green slower, and blue
X *	slowest (treat it as if it were rgbmap[levels][levels][levels][3]).
X *	Call make_square to get divN, modN, and magic
X *
X * Note:
X *	Call dithergb( x, y, r, g, b, levels, divN, modN, magic ) to get index
X *	into rgbmap for a given color/location pair, or use
X *	    row = y % 16; col = x % 16;
X *	    DMAP(v,col,row) =def (divN[v] + (modN[v]>magic[col][row] ? 1 : 0))
X *	    DMAP(r,col,row) + DMAP(g,col,row)*levels + DMAP(b,col,row)*levels^2
X *	if you don't want function call overhead.
X */
Xdithermap( levels, gamma, rgbmap, divN, modN, magic )
Xdouble gamma;
Xint rgbmap[][3];
Xint divN[256];
Xint modN[256];
Xint magic[16][16];
X    double N, magicfact;
X    register int i, j, k, l;
X    int levelsq, levelsc;
X    int gammamap[256];
X	make_gamma(gamma,gammamap);
X    levelsq = levels*levels;	/* squared */
X    levelsc = levels*levelsq;	/* and cubed */
X    N = 255.0 / (levels - 1);    /* Get size of each step */
X    /* 
X     * Set up the color map entries.
X     */
X    for(i = 0; i < levelsc; i++) {
X	rgbmap[i][0] = gammamap[(int)(0.5 + (i%levels) * N)];
X	rgbmap[i][1] = gammamap[(int)(0.5 + ((i/levels)%levels) * N)];
X	rgbmap[i][2] = gammamap[(int)(0.5 + ((i/levelsq)%levels) * N)];
X    }
X    make_square( N, divN, modN, magic );
X * TAG( bwdithermap )
X * 
X * Create a color dithering map with a specified number of intensity levels.
X * Inputs:
X * 	levels:		Intensity levels.
X *	gamma:		Display gamma value.
X * Outputs:
X * 	bwmap:		Generated black & white map.
X *	divN:		"div" function for dithering.
X *	modN:		"mod" function for dithering.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	bwmap will hold levels entries.
X * Algorithm:
X *	Compute gamma compensation map.
X *	N = 255.0 / (levels - 1) is number of pixel values per level.
X *	Compute bwmap for levels entries.
X *	Call make_square to get divN, modN, and magic.
X * Note:
X *	Call ditherbw( x, y, val, divN, modN, magic ) to get index into 
X *	bwmap for a given color/location pair, or use
X *	    row = y % 16; col = x % 16;
X *	    divN[val] + (modN[val]>magic[col][row] ? 1 : 0)
X *	if you don't want function call overhead.
X *	On a 1-bit display, use
X *	    divN[val] > magic[col][row] ? 1 : 0
X */
Xbwdithermap( levels, gamma, bwmap, divN, modN, magic )
Xdouble gamma;
Xint bwmap[];
Xint divN[256];
Xint modN[256];
Xint magic[16][16];
X    double N, magicfact;
X    register int i, j, k, l;
X    int gammamap[256];
X	make_gamma(gamma,gammamap);
X    N = 255.0 / (levels - 1);    /* Get size of each step */
X    /* 
X     * Set up the color map entries.
X     */
X    for(i = 0; i < levels; i++)
X	bwmap[i] = gammamap[(int)(0.5 + i * N)];
X    make_square( N, divN, modN, magic );
X * TAG( make_square )
X * 
X * Build the magic square for a given number of levels.
X * Inputs:
X * 	N:		Pixel values per level (255.0 / (levels-1)).
X * (global) dith_levels = 128 (default) - number of effective levels to aim for 
X * (global) dith_np2 = 0 (default) - non-zero if non power of two size is permissable.
X * Outputs:
X * 	divN:		Integer value of pixval / N
X *	modN:		Integer remainder between pixval and divN[pixval]*N
X *	magic:		Magic square for dithering to N sublevels.
X * (global) dith_size = magic square size chosen.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	
X * Algorithm:
X *	divN[pixval] = (int)(pixval / N) maps pixval to its appropriate level.
X *	modN[pixval] = pixval - (int)(N * divN[pixval]) maps pixval to
X *	its sublevel, and is used in the dithering computation.
X */
Xmake_square( N, divN, modN, magic )
Xdouble N;
Xint divN[256];
Xint modN[256];
Xint magic[16][16] ;
X    register int i, j, k, l;
X    double magicfact;
X    for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
X    {
X	divN[i] = (int)(i / N);
X	modN[i] = i - (int)(N * divN[i]);
X    }
X    modN[255] = 0;		/* always */
X	/* figure out how big a square will give */
X	/* the desired number of levels */
X	if(dith_np2)
X		for(dith_size= 2;((dith_size * dith_size)+1)<((N*dith_levels)/256);dith_size++ );
X	else
X		for(dith_size= 2;((dith_size * dith_size)+1)<((N*dith_levels)/256);dith_size *=2);
X	/* make the basic square up */
X	/* ( will have numbers 0 - size * size ) */
X	make_magic(dith_size,magic);
X	/* divN gives 0 - levels-1 */
X	/* modN gives 0 - N-1 */
X	/* dither is if(modN(pix) > magic[][] so */
X	/* scale magic it to have levels 0 to N-2 */
X	/* (ie takes account of magic square size allows size * size +1 levels */
X	magicfact = (N-2)/((double)((dith_size * dith_size)-1));
X	for(i=0;i<dith_size;i++)
X	{
X		for(j=0;j<dith_size;j++)
X		{
X			magic[i][j] = (int)(0.5 + magic[i][j] * magicfact);
X		}
X	}
X	if(!dith_np2)	/* if we have power of 2 */
X	{
X		/* now replicate the size square we've chosen */  
X		/* (and use a brick pattern) */
X		for(k=0;k<16;k += dith_size)
X		{
X			for(l=k>0?0:dith_size;l<16;l += dith_size)
X			{
X				for(i=0;i<dith_size;i++)
X				{
X					for(j=0;j<dith_size;j++)
X					{
X						magic[k+i][((l+k/2)+j)%16] = magic[i][j];
X					}
X				}
X			}
X		}
X	}
Xint magic16x16[16][16] = 
X	{
X		{0,128,32,160,8,136,40,168,2,130,34,162,10,138,42,170},
X		{192,64,224,96,200,72,232,104,194,66,226,98,202,74,234,106},
X		{48,176,16,144,56,184,24,152,50,178,18,146,58,186,26,154},
X		{240,112,208,80,248,120,216,88,242,114,210,82,250,122,218,90},
X		{12,140,44,172,4,132,36,164,14,142,46,174,6,134,38,166},
X		{204,76,236,108,196,68,228,100,206,78,238,110,198,70,230,102},
X		{60,188,28,156,52,180,20,148,62,190,30,158,54,182,22,150},
X		{252,124,220,92,244,116,212,84,254,126,222,94,246,118,214,86},
X		{3,131,35,163,11,139,43,171,1,129,33,161,9,137,41,169},
X		{195,67,227,99,203,75,235,107,193,65,225,97,201,73,233,105},
X		{51,179,19,147,59,187,27,155,49,177,17,145,57,185,25,153},
X		{243,115,211,83,251,123,219,91,241,113,209,81,249,121,217,89},
X		{15,143,47,175,7,135,39,167,13,141,45,173,5,133,37,165},
X		{207,79,239,111,199,71,231,103,205,77,237,109,197,69,229,101},
X		{63,191,31,159,55,183,23,151,61,189,29,157,53,181,21,149},
X		{255,127,223,95,247,119,215,87,253,125,221,93,245,117,213,85}
X	};
X * TAG( make_magic )
X     * 
X * Create the magic square.
X * Inputs:
X * 	size:		Order of the square
X *  magic:		Address of 16 x 16 magic square.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Fills in the 16 x 16 magic square.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	size is between 2 and 16
X * Algorithm:
X * 	Chose sub cell of 16 by 16 magic square
X     */
Xmake_magic( size, magic )
Xint size;
Xint magic[16][16];
X	int j,i,li,bi,bx,by;
X	int xx,yy;
X	int total;
X	total = size * size;
X	i = 0;
X	li = -1;
X	for(j=0;j<total;j++)	
X	{
X		bi = 256;
X		for(xx=0;xx<size;xx++)
X		{
X			for(yy=0;yy<size;yy++)
X			{
X				if(magic16x16[xx][yy] >li && magic16x16[xx][yy] < bi)
X				{
X					bx = xx;
X					by = yy;
X					bi = magic16x16[xx][yy];
X				}
X			}
X		}
X		magic[bx][by] = i;
X		i++;
X		li = bi;
X	}
X * TAG( make_gamma )
X * 
X * Makes a gamma compenstation map.
X * Inputs:
X *  gamma:			desired gamma
X * 	gammamap:		gamma mapping array
X * Outputs:
X *  Changes gamma array entries.
X */
Xmake_gamma( gamma, gammamap )
Xdouble gamma;
Xint gammamap[256];
X	register int i;
X    for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
X		{
X		int byteb1;
X		byteb1 = (int)(0.5 + 255 * pow( i / 255.0, 1.0/gamma ));
X		gammamap[i] = byteb1;
X		gammamap[i] = (int)(0.5 + 255 * pow( i / 255.0, 1.0/gamma ));
X		}
X * TAG( dithergb )
X * 
X * Return dithered RGB value.
X * Inputs:
X * 	x:		X location on screen of this pixel.
X *	y:		Y location on screen of this pixel.
X *	r, g, b:	Color at this pixel (0 - 255 range).
X *	levels:		Number of levels in this map.
X *	divN, modN:	From dithermap.
X *	magic:		Magic square from dithermap.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Returns color map index for dithered pixelv value.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	divN, modN, magic were set up properly.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	see "Note:" in dithermap comment.
X */
Xdithergb( x, y, r, g, b, levels, divN, modN, magic )
Xint divN[256];
Xint modN[256];
Xint magic[16][16];
X    int col = x % 16, row = y % 16;
X    return DMAP(r, col, row) +
X	DMAP(g, col, row) * levels +
X	    DMAP(b, col, row) * levels*levels;
X * TAG( ditherbw )
X * 
X * Return dithered black & white value.
X * Inputs:
X * 	x:		X location on screen of this pixel.
X *	y:		Y location on screen of this pixel.
X *	val:		Intensity at this pixel (0 - 255 range).
X *	divN, modN:	From dithermap.
X *	magic:		Magic square from dithermap.
X * Outputs:
X * 	Returns color map index for dithered pixel value.
X * Assumptions:
X * 	divN, modN, magic were set up properly.
X * Algorithm:
X * 	see "Note:" in bwdithermap comment.
X */
Xditherbw( x, y, val, divN, modN, magic )
Xint divN[256];
Xint modN[256];
Xint magic[16][16];
X    int col = x % 16, row = y % 16;
X    return DMAP(val, col, row);
if test 50248 -ne `wc -c <'rlelib.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'rlelib.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'rlelib.c'
echo shar: End of archive 7 \(of 9\).
cp /dev/null ark7isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 9 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

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