v09i019: Xmon - X protocol monitor, Part05/05

Greg McFarlane gregm at otc.otca.oz.au
Wed Sep 5 04:46:18 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: Greg McFarlane <gregm at otc.otca.oz.au>
Posting-number: Volume 9, Issue 19
Archive-name: xmon/part05

Submitted-by: gregm at otc.otca.oz.au
Archive-name: xmon/part05

---- Cut Here and unpack ----
# This is part 05 of xmon
if touch 2>&1 | fgrep 'amc' > /dev/null
 then TOUCH=touch
 else TOUCH=true
# ============= x11.h ==============
if test X"$1" != X"-c" -a -f 'x11.h'; then
	echo "File already exists: skipping 'x11.h'"
echo "x - extracting x11.h (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > x11.h &&
X * Project: XMON - An X protocol monitor
X * 
X * File: x11.h
X * 
X * Description: Type definitions and Connection State for the  X11 protocol
X */
X#ifndef X11_H
X#define X11_H
X  In general, we are called with a buffer of bytes and are supposed to
X  try to make sense of these bytes according to the X11 protocol.  There
X  are two different types of communication: requests from the client to
X  the server and replies/errors/events from the server to the client.
X  We must interpret these two differently.
X  Also, we must consider that the bytes on the communication socket may
X  be sent asynchronously in any amount.  This means that we must be prepared
X  to read in and save some bytes until we get enough to do something with
X  them.  For example, suppose that we get a buffer from a client.  We would
X  expect it to be a request.  The request may be 24 bytes long.  We may find,
X  however, that only 16 bytes have actually arrived -- the other 8 are stuck
X  in a buffer somewhere.  We must be prepared to simply hold the 16 bytes we
X  have until more bytes arrive.
X  In general, we do two things: we wait for some number of bytes, and
X  then we interpret this set of bytes.  To interpret this data we use 
X  a modified state machine.  We keep two pieces of information:
X  (1) the number of bytes that we need
X  (2) what to do with those bytes.
X  This last piece of information is the "state" of the interpretation.
X  We keep the state as a pointer to the procedure that is to be executed.
X  The data going from the client to the x11 server consists of a
X  set-up message followed by an infinite stream of variable length
X  requests.  
X  Our overall flow is then:
X  (a) Wait for 12 bytes.
X  (b) Interpret these first 12 bytes of the set-up message to get the
X      length of the rest of the message.
X  (c) Wait for the rest of the set-up message.
X  (d) Interpret and print the set-up message.
X  *** end of set-up phase -- start normal request loop ***
X  (e) Wait for 4 bytes.
X  (f) Interpret these 4 bytes to get the length of the rest of the command.
X  (g) Wait for the rest of the command.
X  (h) Interpret and print the command.
X  (i) Go back to step (e).
X  Again, we have a set-up reply followed by an infinite stream of variable
X  length replies/errors/events.
X  Our overall flow is then:
X  (a) Wait for 8 bytes.
X  (b) Interpret the 8 bytes to get the length of the rest of the set-up reply.
X  (c) Wait for the rest of the set-up reply.
X  (d) Interpret and print the set-up reply.
X  *** end of set-up phase -- start normal reply/error/event loop ***
X  We have the following properties of X11 replies, errors, and events:
X  Replies:  32 bytes plus a variable amount.  Byte 0 is 1.
X            Bytes 2-3 are a sequence number; bytes 4-7 are length (n).  The
X	    complete length of the reply is 32 + 4 * n.
X  Errors:   32 bytes.  Byte 0 is 0.
X            Byte 1 is an error code; bytes 2-3 are a sequence number.
X	    Bytes 8-9 are a major opcode; byte 10 is a minor opcode.
X  Events:   32 bytes.  Byte 0 is 2, 3, 4, ....
X  Looking at this we have two choices:  wait for one byte and then separately
X  wait for replies, errors, and events, or wait for 32 bytes, then separately
X  process each type.  We may have to wait for more, in the event of a reply.
X  This latter seems more effective.  It appears reply/error/event formats
X  were selected to allow waiting for 32 bytes, and it will allow short packets
X  which are only 32 bytes long, to be processed completely in one step.
X  Thus, For normal reply/error/event processing we have 
X  (e) Wait for 32 bytes.
X  (f) Interpret these 32 bytes.  If possible, go back to step (e).
X  (g) If the packet is a reply with bytes 4-7 non-zero, wait for the
X      remainder of the the reply.
X  (h) Interpret and print the longer reply.  Go back to step (e).
X  The similarity in approach to how both the client and server are handled
X  suggests we can use the same control structure to drive the interpretation
X  of both types of communication client->server and server->client.  
X  Accordingly, we package up the relevant variables in a ConnState
X  record.  The ConnState record contains the buffer of saved bytes (if any),
X  the size and length of this buffer, the number of bytes we are waiting for
X  and what to do when we get them.  A separate ConnState record is kept
X  for the client and server.
X  In addition, we may have several different client or server connections.
X  Thus we need an array of all the necessary state for each client or server.
X  A client/server is identified with a file descriptor (fd), so we use the
X  fd to identify the client/server and use it as an index into an array of
X  state variables.
X/* Some field contents are constants, not just types */
X#define CONST1(n)  CARD8
X#define CONST2(n)  CARD16
X#define CONST4(n)  CARD32
X/* Some field contents define the components of an expression */
X#define DVALUE1(expression)  CARD8
X#define DVALUE2(expression)  CARD16
X#define DVALUE4(expression)  CARD32
X/* Built-in Types */
X#define BYTE 1		       /* 8-bit value */
X#define INT8 2		       /* 8-bit signed integer */
X#define INT16 3		       /* 16-bit signed integer */
X#define INT32 4		       /* 32-bit signed integer */
X#define CARD8 5		       /* 8-bit unsigned integer */
X#define CARD16 6	       /* 16-bit unsigned integer */
X#define CARD32 7	       /* 32-bit unsigned integer */
X#define STRING8 8	       /* List of CARD8 */
X#define STRING16 9	       /* List of CHAR2B */
X#define TEXTITEM8 10	       /* STRING8 or Font shift */
X#define TEXTITEM16 11	       /* STRING16 or Font shift */
X#define WINDOW 12	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = None */
X#define WINDOWD 13	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = PointerWindow, 1 =
X			          InputFocus */
X#define WINDOWNR 14	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = None, 1 = PointerRoot */
X#define PIXMAP 15	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = None */
X#define PIXMAPNPR 16	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = None, 1 = ParentRelative 
X			       */
X#define PIXMAPC 17	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = CopyFromParent */
X#define CURSOR 18	       /* CARD32  plus 0 = None */
X#define FONT 19		       /* CARD32  plus 0 = None */
X#define GCONTEXT 20	       /* CARD32 */
X#define COLORMAP 21	       /* CARD32 plus 0 = None */
X#define COLORMAPC 22	       /* CARD32 plus 0 = CopyFromParent */
X#define DRAWABLE 23	       /* CARD32 */
X#define FONTABLE 24	       /* CARD32 */
X#define ATOM 25		       /* CARD32 plus 0 = None */
X#define ATOMT 26	       /* CARD32 plus 0 = AnyPropertyType */
X#define VISUALID 27	       /* CARD32 plus 0 = None */
X#define VISUALIDC 28	       /* CARD32 plus 0 = CopyFromParent */
X#define TIMESTAMP 29	       /* CARD32 plus 0 as the current time */
X#define RESOURCEID 30	       /* CARD32 plus 0 = AllTemporary */
X#define KEYSYM 31	       /* CARD32 */
X#define KEYCODE 32	       /* CARD8 */
X#define KEYCODEA 33	       /* CARD8 plus 0 = AnyKey */
X#define BUTTON 34	       /* CARD8 */
X#define BUTTONA 35	       /* CARD8 plus 0 = AnyButton */
X#define EVENTFORM 36	       /* event format */
X#define CHAR8 37	       /* CARD8 interpreted as a character */
X#define STR 38		       /* String of CHAR8 with preceding length */
X/* Defined types */
X#define BITGRAVITY	 40 
X#define WINGRAVITY	 41 
X#define BOOL		 42 
X#define HOSTFAMILY	 43 
X#define PK_MODE		 44 
X#define NO_YES		 45 
X#define WINDOWCLASS	 46 
X#define BACKSTORE	 47 
X#define MAPSTATE	 48 
X#define STACKMODE	 49 
X#define CIRMODE	 	 50 
X#define CHANGEMODE	 51 
X#define GRABSTAT	 52 
X#define EVENTMODE	 53 
X#define FOCUSAGENT	 54 
X#define DIRECT		 55 
X#define GCFUNC		 56 
X#define LINESTYLE	 57 
X#define CAPSTYLE	 58 
X#define JOINSTYLE	 59 
X#define FILLSTYLE	 60 
X#define FILLRULE	 61 
X#define SUBWINMODE	 62 
X#define ARCMODE	 	 63 
X#define RECTORDER	 64 
X#define COORMODE	 65 
X#define POLYSHAPE	 66 
X#define IMAGEMODE	 67 
X#define ALLORNONE	 68 
X#define OBJECTCLASS	 69 
X#define OFF_ON		 70 
X#define INS_DEL	 	 71 
X#define DIS_EN		 72 
X#define CLOSEMODE	 73 
X#define SAVEMODE	 74 
X#define RSTATUS	 	 75 
X#define MOTIONDETAIL	 76 
X#define ENTERDETAIL	 77 
X#define BUTTONMODE	 78 
X#define SCREENFOCUS	 79 
X#define VISIBLE	 	 80 
X#define CIRSTAT	 	 81 
X#define PROPCHANGE	 82 
X#define CMAPCHANGE	 83 
X#define MAPOBJECT	 84 
X#define SETofEVENT	 85 
X#define SETofDEVICEEVENT	 87 
X#define SETofKEYBUTMASK	 	 88 
X#define SETofKEYMASK		 89 
X#define WINDOW_BITMASK		 90 
X#define GC_BITMASK		 92 
X#define COLORMASK		 94 
X#define CHAR2B		 95 
X#define POINT		 96 
X#define RECTANGLE	 97 
X#define ARC		 98 
X#define HOST		 99 
X#define TIMECOORD	100 
X#define FONTPROP	101 
X#define CHARINFO	102 
X#define SEGMENT		103 
X#define COLORITEM	104 
X#define RGB		105 
X#define BYTEMODE	110
X#define BYTEORDER	111
X#define COLORCLASS	112
X#define FORMAT		113
X#define SCREEN		114
X#define DEPTH		115
X#define VISUALTYPE	116
X#define REQUEST		117
X#define REPLY		118
X#define ERROR		119
X#define EVENT		120
X#define MaxTypes 128
X/*  Type Definition Table
X    Each item in the X11 Protocol has a type.  There are about 120
X    different types.  We need to be able to print each item in a 
X    format and interpretation which is appropriate for the type of
X    that item.  To do so, we build a table describing each type.
X    Each type has a name, possibly a list of named values and a
X    procedure which knows how to print that type.
X/* Types of Types */
X#define BUILTIN    1
X#define SET        3
X#define RECORD     5
X/* Enumerated and Set types need a list of Named Values */
Xstruct ValueListEntry
X    struct ValueListEntry  *Next;
X    char   *Name;
X    short   Type;
X    short   Length;
X    long    Value;
Xstruct TypeDef
X    char   *Name;
X    short   Type /* BUILTIN, ENUMERATED, SET, or RECORD */ ;
X    struct ValueListEntry  *ValueList;
X    IntCallback     PrintProc;
Xtypedef struct TypeDef *TYPE;
Xstruct TypeDef  TD[MaxTypes];
X/* Reply Buffer: Pseudo-buffer used to provide the opcode for the
X                 request to which this is a reply: Set by DecodeReply
X		 and used in the PrintField of the Reply procedure */
Xunsigned char    RBf[2];
X/* Sequence Buffer: Pseudo-buffer used to provide the sequence number for a
X                 request: Set by DecodeReply and used in a PrintField of 
X		 the Request procedure */
Xunsigned char    SBf[4];
X#define PRINTSERVER 5	       /* indent output as if it comes from server */
X#define PRINTCLIENT 1	       /* indent output as if it comes from client */
X#endif /* X11_H */
$TOUCH -am 0903162990 x11.h &&
chmod 0664 x11.h ||
echo "restore of x11.h failed"
set `wc -c x11.h`;Wc_c=$1
if test "$Wc_c" != "10536"; then
	echo original size 10536, current size $Wc_c
# ============= xmond.h ==============
if test X"$1" != X"-c" -a -f 'xmond.h'; then
	echo "File already exists: skipping 'xmond.h'"
echo "x - extracting xmond.h (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > xmond.h &&
X * Project: XMON - An X protocol monitor
X *
X * File: xmond.h
X *
X */
X#ifndef XMOND_H
X#define XMOND_H
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include	"common.h"
X#include "linkl.h"
X#define debug(n,f) (void)((debuglevel & n) ? (fprintf f,fflush(stderr)) : 0)
Xtypedef struct
X	char					*data;
X	long					num_Saved;
X	long					num_Needed;
X	long					BlockSize;
X	Buffer;
X * File descriptors are grouped into four classes:
X *   standard input: one FD for reading from standard input
X *   X port: one FD for listening for new client connections
X *   clients: FDs connected to clients
X *   servers: FDs connected to servers
X * When input is read from a file desccriptor, an InputHandler function
X * is called to deal with the data just read. Each FD class has its own
X * input handler.
X *
X * The InputHandler called and the meaning of the private_data field for
X * each FD class is:
X *
X *   FD class			InputHandler		private_data
X *   --------			------------		------------
X *   standard input		ReadStdin			FD of stdin
X *   X port				NewConnection		FD of X port
X *   clients			DataFromClient		pointer to Client struct
X *   servers			DataFromServer		pointer to Server struct
X */
Xtypedef struct
X	VoidCallback			InputHandler;
X	Pointer					private_data;
X	int						fd;
X	Buffer					inBuffer;
X	Buffer					outBuffer;
X	IntCallback				ByteProcessing;
X	Bool					littleEndian;
X	FDDescriptor;
Xtypedef struct
X	FDDescriptor			*fdd;
X	LinkList				server_list;		/* list of Server */
X	long					SequenceNumber;
X	long					ClientNumber;
X	Client;
Xtypedef struct
X	FDDescriptor			*fdd;
X	Client					*client;
X	LinkList				reply_list;			/* list of QueueEntry */
X	Server;
X/* function prototypes: */
X/* decode11.c: */
XGlobal void InitRequestCount P((void ));
XGlobal void ClearRequestCount P((void ));
XGlobal void StartRequestCount P((void ));
XGlobal void EndRequestCount P((void ));
XGlobal void PrintRequestCounts P((void ));
XGlobal void PrintZeroRequestCounts P((void ));
XGlobal void InitEventCount P((void ));
XGlobal void ClearEventCount P((void ));
XGlobal void StartEventCount P((void ));
XGlobal void EndEventCount P((void ));
XGlobal void PrintEventCounts P((void ));
XGlobal void PrintZeroEventCounts P((void ));
XGlobal void InitErrorCount P((void ));
XGlobal void ClearErrorCount P((void ));
XGlobal void StartErrorCount P((void ));
XGlobal void EndErrorCount P((void ));
XGlobal void PrintErrorCounts P((void ));
XGlobal void PrintZeroErrorCounts P((void ));
XGlobal void DecodeRequest P((Client *client , unsigned char *buf , long n ));
XGlobal void DecodeReply P((Server *server , unsigned char *buf , long n ));
XGlobal void DecodeError P((Server *server , unsigned char *buf , long n ));
XGlobal void DecodeEvent P((Server *server , unsigned char *buf , long n ));
XGlobal void KeepLastReplyExpected P((void ));
X/* print11.c: */
XGlobal void PrintSetUpMessage P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintSetUpReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void RequestError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ValueError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void WindowError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PixmapError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AtomError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CursorError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FontError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MatchError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void DrawableError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AccessError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ColormapError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GContextError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void IDChoiceError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void NameError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void LengthError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ImplementationError P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void KeyPressEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void KeyReleaseEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ButtonPressEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ButtonReleaseEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MotionNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void EnterNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void LeaveNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FocusInEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FocusOutEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void KeymapNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ExposeEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GraphicsExposureEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void NoExposureEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void VisibilityNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreateNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void DestroyNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UnmapNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MapNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MapRequestEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ReparentNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ConfigureNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ConfigureRequestEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GravityNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ResizeRequestEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CirculateNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CirculateRequestEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PropertyNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SelectionClearEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SelectionRequestEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SelectionNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ColormapNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ClientMessageEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MappingNotifyEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreateWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeWindowAttributes P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetWindowAttributes P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetWindowAttributesReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void DestroyWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void DestroySubwindows P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeSaveSet P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ReparentWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MapWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void MapSubwindows P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UnmapWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UnmapSubwindows P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ConfigureWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CirculateWindow P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetGeometry P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetGeometryReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryTree P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryTreeReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void InternAtom P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void InternAtomReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetAtomName P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetAtomNameReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeProperty P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void DeleteProperty P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetProperty P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetPropertyReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListProperties P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListPropertiesReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetSelectionOwner P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetSelectionOwner P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetSelectionOwnerReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ConvertSelection P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SendEvent P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabPointer P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabPointerReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UngrabPointer P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabButton P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UngrabButton P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeActivePointerGrab P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabKeyboard P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabKeyboardReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UngrabKeyboard P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabKey P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UngrabKey P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllowEvents P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GrabServer P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UngrabServer P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryPointer P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryPointerReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetMotionEvents P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetMotionEventsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void TranslateCoordinates P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void TranslateCoordinatesReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void WarpPointer P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetInputFocus P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetInputFocus P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetInputFocusReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryKeymap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryKeymapReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void OpenFont P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CloseFont P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryFont P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryFontReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryTextExtents P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryTextExtentsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListFonts P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListFontsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListFontsWithInfo P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListFontsWithInfoReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListFontsWithInfoReply1 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListFontsWithInfoReply2 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetFontPath P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetFontPath P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetFontPathReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreatePixmap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FreePixmap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreateGC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeGC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CopyGC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetDashes P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetClipRectangles P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FreeGC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ClearArea P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CopyArea P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CopyPlane P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyPoint P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyLine P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolySegment P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyRectangle P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyArc P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FillPoly P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyFillRectangle P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyFillArc P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PutImage P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetImage P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetImageReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyText8 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PolyText16 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ImageText8 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ImageText16 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreateColormap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FreeColormap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CopyColormapAndFree P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void InstallColormap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void UninstallColormap P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListInstalledColormaps P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListInstalledColormapsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocColor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocColorReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocNamedColor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocNamedColorReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocColorCells P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocColorCellsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocColorPlanes P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void AllocColorPlanesReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FreeColors P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void StoreColors P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void StoreNamedColor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryColors P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryColorsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void LookupColor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void LookupColorReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreateCursor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void CreateGlyphCursor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void FreeCursor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void RecolorCursor P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryBestSize P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryBestSizeReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryExtension P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void QueryExtensionReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListExtensions P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListExtensionsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeKeyboardMapping P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetKeyboardMapping P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetKeyboardMappingReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeKeyboardControl P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetKeyboardControl P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetKeyboardControlReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void Bell P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangePointerControl P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetPointerControl P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetPointerControlReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetScreenSaver P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetScreenSaver P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetScreenSaverReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ChangeHosts P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListHosts P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ListHostsReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetAccessControl P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetCloseDownMode P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void KillClient P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void RotateProperties P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void ForceScreenSaver P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetPointerMapping P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetPointerMappingReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetPointerMapping P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetPointerMappingReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetModifierMapping P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void SetModifierMappingReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetModifierMapping P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void GetModifierMappingReply P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void NoOperation P((unsigned char *buf ));
X/* server.c: */
XGlobal void PrintTime P((void ));
XGlobal int pad P((long n ));
XGlobal unsigned long ILong P((unsigned char buf []));
XGlobal unsigned short IShort P((unsigned char buf []));
XGlobal unsigned short IByte P((unsigned char buf []));
XGlobal Bool IBool P((unsigned char buf []));
XGlobal void StartClientConnection P((Client *client ));
XGlobal void StartServerConnection P((Server *server ));
X/* fd.c: */
XGlobal void InitializeFD P((void ));
XGlobal FDDescriptor *UsingFD P((int fd , VoidCallback Handler , Pointer
private_data ));
XGlobal void NotUsingFD P((int fd ));
XGlobal void EOFonFD P((int fd ));
X/* main.c: */
XGlobal void CloseConnection P((Client *client ));
XGlobal void enterprocedure P((char *s ));
XGlobal void panic P((char *s ));
X/* prtype.c: */
XGlobal void SetIndentLevel P((short which ));
XGlobal void ModifyIndentLevel P((short amount ));
XGlobal void DumpItem P((char *name , int fd , unsigned char *buf , long n ));
XGlobal void PrintINT8 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintINT16 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintINT32 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintCARD8 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintCARD16 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintCARD32 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintBYTE P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintCHAR8 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintSTRING16 P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintSTR P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintWINDOW P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintWINDOWD P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintWINDOWNR P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintPIXMAP P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintPIXMAPNPR P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintPIXMAPC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintCURSOR P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintFONT P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintGCONTEXT P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintCOLORMAP P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintCOLORMAPC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintDRAWABLE P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintFONTABLE P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintATOM P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintATOMT P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintVISUALID P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintVISUALIDC P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintTIMESTAMP P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintRESOURCEID P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintKEYSYM P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal int PrintKEYCODE P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintKEYCODEA P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintBUTTON P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintBUTTONA P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintEVENTFORM P((unsigned char *buf ));
XGlobal void PrintENUMERATED P((unsigned char *buf , short length ,
struct ValueListEntry *ValueList ));
XGlobal void PrintSET P((unsigned char *buf , short length , struct
ValueListEntry *ValueList ));
XGlobal void PrintField P((unsigned char *buf , short start , short
length , short FieldType , char *name ));
XGlobal int PrintList P((unsigned char *buf , long number , short
ListType , char *name ));
XGlobal void PrintListSTR P((unsigned char *buf , long number , char *name ));
XGlobal int PrintBytes P((unsigned char buf [], long number , char *name ));
XGlobal int PrintString8 P((unsigned char buf [], short number , char *name ));
XGlobal int PrintString16 P((unsigned char buf [], short number , char
*name ));
XGlobal void PrintValues P((unsigned char *control , short clength ,
short ctype , unsigned char *values , char *name ));
XGlobal void PrintTextList8 P((unsigned char *buf , short length , char
*name ));
XGlobal void PrintTextList16 P((unsigned char *buf , short length , char
*name ));
XGlobal void DumpHexBuffer P((unsigned char *buf , long n ));
X/* table11.c: */
XGlobal void InitializeX11 P((void ));
X/* end function prototypes */
X#endif  /* XMOND_H */
$TOUCH -am 0903173390 xmond.h &&
chmod 0775 xmond.h ||
echo "restore of xmond.h failed"
set `wc -c xmond.h`;Wc_c=$1
if test "$Wc_c" != "18148"; then
	echo original size 18148, current size $Wc_c
# ============= xmonui.h ==============
if test X"$1" != X"-c" -a -f 'xmonui.h'; then
	echo "File already exists: skipping 'xmonui.h'"
echo "x - extracting xmonui.h (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > xmonui.h &&
X * Project: XMON - An X protocol monitor
X *
X * File: xmonui.h
X *
X */
X#ifndef XMONUI_H
X#define XMONUI_H
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include	"common.h"
X/* function prototypes: */
X/* xmonui.c: */
X/* end function prototypes */
X#endif  /* XMONUI_H */
$TOUCH -am 0903173390 xmonui.h &&
chmod 0775 xmonui.h ||
echo "restore of xmonui.h failed"
set `wc -c xmonui.h`;Wc_c=$1
if test "$Wc_c" != "247"; then
	echo original size 247, current size $Wc_c
# ============= patchlevel.h ==============
if test X"$1" != X"-c" -a -f 'patchlevel.h'; then
	echo "File already exists: skipping 'patchlevel.h'"
echo "x - extracting patchlevel.h (Text)"
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > patchlevel.h &&
$TOUCH -am 0903182090 patchlevel.h &&
chmod 0664 patchlevel.h ||
echo "restore of patchlevel.h failed"
set `wc -c patchlevel.h`;Wc_c=$1
if test "$Wc_c" != "21"; then
	echo original size 21, current size $Wc_c
exit 0

O'Reilly && Associates   argv at sun.com / argv at ora.com
Opinions expressed reflect those of the author only.

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