v11i065: tgif, Patch6, Part03/06

William Cheng william at CS.UCLA.EDU
Wed Feb 13 18:31:04 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: william at CS.UCLA.EDU (William Cheng)
Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 65
Archive-name: tgif/patch6.03
Patch-To: Volume 7, Issue 56-76 (original: tgif-1.2)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 46-48 (Patch1: tgif-1.2 => tgif-1.9)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 58-60 (Patch2: tgif-1.9 => tgif-1.12)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 87-89 (Patch3: tgif-1.12 => tgif-1.13)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 94 (Patch4: tgif-1.13 => tgif-1.14)
Patch-To: Volume 8, Issue 95 (Patch5: tgif-1.14 => tgif-1.15)

---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
*** names.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:36:02 1990
--- names.c	Wed Dec 12 14:36:07 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/names.c,v 1.6 90/07/27 14:39:29 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/names.c,v 1.18 90/11/09 15:06:52 william Exp $";
*** 20,23 ****
--- 20,24 ----
  #include "button.e"
  #include "cursor.e"
+ #include "file.e"
  #include "font.e"
  #include "mainloop.e"
*** 33,37 ****
--- 34,50 ----
  #define ROW_HEIGHT (defaultFontHeight+1)
+ typedef struct _DspList {
+    char			itemstr[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
+    char			pathstr[MAXPATHLENGTH+1];
+    int			directory;
+    struct _DspList	* next;
+ } DspList;
+ extern char	* getenv ();
  char	curDomainName[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+ char	curDomainPath[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+ char	curDir[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+ char	curSymDir[MAXPATHLENGTH];
  static Window		nameBaseWin;
*** 55,61 ****
  static GC	revNameGC;
  void InitNames ()
!    char		* c_ptr;
     XGCValues	values;
--- 68,343 ----
  static GC	revNameGC;
+ static DspList	* symbolList = NULL;
+ static int	numSymbols;
+ static DspList	* dirList = NULL;
+ static int	numDirEntries;
+ static DspList	* topOfSymLinkList = NULL;
+ static DspList	* topOfDirLinkList = NULL;
+ static
+ char * ReadPath (path_str, dir_str)
+    char * path_str, * dir_str;
+ {
+    register char        * s1, * s2;
+    s1 = path_str;
+    if (*s1 == '~')
+    {
+       strcpy (dir_str, homeDir);
+       s2 = &dir_str[strlen(dir_str)];
+       s1++;
+    }
+    else
+       s2 = dir_str;
+    for ( ; *s1 != '\0' && *s1 != ':'; s1++)
+       if (*s1 == '\\')
+          strcpy (s1, s1+1);
+       else
+          *s2++ = *s1;
+    *s2 = '\0';
+    if (*s1 == ':') s1++;
+    return (s1);
+ }
+ void ParseSymPath (path_str)
+    char * path_str;
+ {
+    register char        * s, c;
+    register int         i;
+    char                 dir_str[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+    for (i = 0, s = path_str; *s != '\0'; )
+    {
+       s = ReadPath (s, dir_str);
+       if (dir_str != '\0') i++;
+    }
+    symPath = (char * *) calloc (i, sizeof (char *));
+    symPathNumEntries = i;
+    for (i = 0, s = path_str; *s != '\0'; )
+    {
+       s = ReadPath (s, dir_str);
+       if (dir_str != '\0')
+       {
+          symPath[i] = (char *) calloc (MAXPATHLENGTH, sizeof (char));
+          strcpy (symPath[i], dir_str);
+          i++;
+       }
+    }
+    strcpy (curDomainPath, path_str);
+ }
+ static
+ DspList * SymbolListing ()
+ {
+    int			i, len, path_index, count = 0, reject;
+    DspList		* dsp_ptr = NULL, * head_ptr, * tail_ptr, * p, * p1;
+    DIR			* dirp;
+    struct direct	* d;
+    struct stat		stat_buf;
+    head_ptr = tail_ptr = NULL;
+    for (path_index = 0; path_index < symPathNumEntries; path_index++)
+    {
+       strcpy (path, symPath[path_index]);
+       if (strcmp (".", path) == 0) strcpy (path, curDir);
+       if ((dirp = opendir (path)) == NULL)
+          continue;
+       while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
+       {
+          len = strlen (d->d_name);
+          if (len > 4 && (strcmp (".sym", &d->d_name[len-4]) == 0))
+             d->d_name[len-4] = '\0';
+          else
+             continue;
+          if (head_ptr == NULL)
+          {
+             head_ptr = tail_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
+             strcpy (head_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
+             strcpy (head_ptr->pathstr, path);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+             p1 = NULL;
+             reject = FALSE;
+             for (p = head_ptr; p != NULL; p = p->next)
+             {
+                if (strcmp (d->d_name, p->itemstr) == 0)
+                {
+                   reject = TRUE;
+                   break;
+                }
+                else if (LargerStr (d->d_name, p->itemstr))
+                   p1 = p;
+                else
+                {
+                   dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
+                   strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
+                   strcpy (dsp_ptr->pathstr, path);
+                   break;
+                }
+             }
+             if (reject) continue;
+             dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
+             dsp_ptr->next = p;
+             strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
+             strcpy (dsp_ptr->pathstr, path);
+             if (p == NULL)
+             {  /* dsp_ptr has the largest element */
+                tail_ptr->next = dsp_ptr;
+                tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
+             }
+             else if (p1 == NULL)
+                head_ptr = dsp_ptr;
+             else
+                p1->next = dsp_ptr;
+          }
+          count++;
+       }
+       closedir (dirp);
+    }
+    numSymbols = count;
+    return (head_ptr);
+ }
+ static
+ void BuildSymbolList ()
+ {
+    register int		i;
+    register DspList	* dsp_ptr;
+    if (symbolList != NULL) cfree (symbolList);
+    symbolList = (DspList *) calloc (numSymbols, sizeof (DspList));
+    dsp_ptr = topOfSymLinkList;
+    for (i = 0; i < numSymbols; i++, dsp_ptr = dsp_ptr->next)
+    {
+       strcpy (symbolList[i].itemstr, dsp_ptr->itemstr);
+       strcpy (symbolList[i].pathstr, dsp_ptr->pathstr);
+       symbolList[i].next = &symbolList[i+1];
+       cfree (dsp_ptr);
+    }
+    symbolList[numSymbols-1].next = NULL;
+    topOfSymLinkList = NULL;
+ }
+ static
+ DspList * DirListing (Path)
+    char	* Path;
+ {
+    DspList		* dsp_ptr = NULL, * head_ptr, * tail_ptr, * p, * p1;
+    DIR			* dirp;
+    struct direct	* d;
+    int			len, count = 0;
+    struct stat		stat_buf;
+    if (*Path == '\0')
+    {
+       strcpy (path, "/");
+       if ((dirp = opendir (path)) == NULL) return (NULL);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       strcpy (path, Path);
+       if ((dirp = opendir (path)) == NULL) return (NULL);
+       strcat (path, "/");
+    }
+    head_ptr = tail_ptr = NULL;
+    while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
+    {
+       len = strlen (d->d_name);
+       if (len > 4 && (strcmp (".obj", &d->d_name[len-4]) == 0))
+       {
+          d->d_name[len-4] = '\0';
+          dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
+          dsp_ptr->directory = FALSE;
+          strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
+       }
+       else if (strcmp (d->d_name, ".") == 0)
+          continue;
+       else
+       {
+          sprintf (s, "%s%s", path, d->d_name);
+          stat (s, &stat_buf);
+          if (stat_buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
+          {
+             dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
+             dsp_ptr->directory = TRUE;
+             strcat (d->d_name, "/");
+             strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
+          }
+          else
+             continue;
+       }
+       if (head_ptr == NULL)
+          head_ptr = tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
+       else
+       {
+          p1 = NULL;
+          for (p = head_ptr; p != NULL; p = p->next)
+             if (LargerStr (d->d_name, p->itemstr))
+                p1 = p;
+             else
+                break;
+          dsp_ptr->next = p;
+          if (p == NULL)
+          {  /* dsp_ptr has the largest element */
+             tail_ptr->next = dsp_ptr;
+             tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
+          }
+          else if (p1 == NULL)
+             head_ptr = dsp_ptr;
+          else
+             p1->next = dsp_ptr;
+       }
+       count++;
+    }
+    closedir (dirp);
+    numDirEntries = count;
+    return (head_ptr);
+ }
+ static
+ void BuildDirList ()
+ {
+    register int		i;
+    register DspList	* dsp_ptr;
+    if (topOfDirLinkList != NULL)
+    {
+       if (dirList != NULL) cfree (dirList);
+       dirList = (DspList *) calloc (numDirEntries, sizeof (DspList));
+       dsp_ptr = topOfDirLinkList;
+       for (i = 0; i < numDirEntries; i++, dsp_ptr = dsp_ptr->next)
+       {
+          strcpy (dirList[i].itemstr, dsp_ptr->itemstr);
+          strcpy (dirList[i].pathstr, dsp_ptr->pathstr);
+          dirList[i].directory = dsp_ptr->directory;
+          dirList[i].next = &dirList[i+1];
+          cfree (dsp_ptr);
+       }
+       dirList[numDirEntries-1].next = NULL;
+       topOfDirLinkList = NULL;
+    }
+ }
  void InitNames ()
!    int		default_found = FALSE;
!    char		* c_ptr, domain_str[20], sym_path[80];
     XGCValues	values;
*** 79,82 ****
--- 361,367 ----
     *curDomainName = '\0';
+    *curDomainPath = '\0';
+    *curSymDir = '\0';
+    strcpy (curDir, bootDir);
     if ((c_ptr = XGetDefault (mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, "DoubleClickInterval")) !=
*** 85,90 ****
--- 370,408 ----
        doubleClickInterval = 300;
+    if ((c_ptr = XGetDefault (mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, "DefaultDomain")) != NULL)
+    {
+       sprintf (domain_str, "Domain%s", c_ptr);
+       if ((c_ptr = XGetDefault (mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, domain_str)) != NULL)
+       {
+          if (*c_ptr != '\0')
+          {
+             strcpy (curDomainName, c_ptr);
+             sprintf (sym_path, "TGIF_%s", c_ptr);
+             default_found = TRUE;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+    if (!default_found || (c_ptr = getenv (sym_path)) == NULL)
+       ParseSymPath (".");
+    else
+       if (strlen (c_ptr) >= MAXPATHLENGTH-1)
+          ParseSymPath (".");
+       else 
+          ParseSymPath (c_ptr);
+    if ((topOfSymLinkList = SymbolListing ()) != NULL) BuildSymbolList ();
+ void UpdateDirInfo ()
+ {
+    if ((topOfDirLinkList = DirListing (curDir)) != NULL) BuildDirList ();
+ }
+ void UpdateSymInfo ()
+ {
+    if ((topOfSymLinkList = SymbolListing ()) != NULL) BuildSymbolList ();
+ }
  void CleanUpNames ()
*** 91,94 ****
--- 409,415 ----
     XFreeGC (mainDisplay, nameGC);
     XFreeGC (mainDisplay, revNameGC);
+    if (symbolList != NULL) cfree (symbolList);
+    if (dirList != NULL) cfree (dirList);
*** 145,149 ****
     register int	i;
     int		top, len, end, pixel;
-    DspItem	* diptr;
     XGCValues	values;
--- 466,469 ----
*** 181,188 ****
! void RedrawNameBaseWindow (Str, str_start, button_start, W, H)
!    char	* Str;
!    int	str_start, button_start;
     int	top = defaultFontAsc+2;
--- 501,537 ----
! void RedrawNamePath (Path, X, Y)
!    char	* Path;
!    int	X, Y;
+    int	len = strlen (Path), cursor_x, cursor_y;
+    char	* c_ptr;
+    cursor_y = Y-defaultFontAsc;
+    XClearArea (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, X, Y-defaultFontAsc,
+          ITEM_LEN*defaultFontWidth+4, defaultFontHeight+4, False);
+    XDrawRectangle (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, nameGC, X, cursor_y-2,
+          ITEM_LEN*defaultFontWidth+8, defaultFontHeight+4);
+    if (len > ITEM_LEN)
+    {
+       c_ptr = &(Path[len-ITEM_LEN]);
+       len = ITEM_LEN;
+    }
+    else
+       c_ptr = Path;
+    cursor_x = X+2+len*defaultFontWidth;
+    XDrawString (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, nameGC, X+2, Y, c_ptr, len);
+    XDrawLine (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, nameGC, cursor_x,
+          cursor_y, cursor_x, cursor_y+defaultFontHeight);
+ }
+ static
+ void RedrawNameBaseWindow (Str, Path, str_start, path_start, button_start, W, H)
+    char	* Str, * Path;
+    int	str_start, path_start, button_start, W, H;
+ {
     int	top = defaultFontAsc+2;
*** 190,199 ****
     XDrawString (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, nameGC, str_start,
           ROW_HEIGHT+top, Str, strlen(Str));
!    buttonBBox[0].lty = buttonBBox[1].lty = (ITEM_DSPED+4) * ROW_HEIGHT;
     buttonBBox[0].ltx = button_start;
!    DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, "OK", 8, &buttonBBox[0], BUTTON_NORMAL);
     buttonBBox[1].ltx = buttonBBox[CONFIRM_YES].rbx + 1 + defaultFontWidth;
!    DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, "CANCEL", 8, &buttonBBox[1],
--- 539,549 ----
     XDrawString (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, nameGC, str_start,
           ROW_HEIGHT+top, Str, strlen(Str));
+    RedrawNamePath (Path, path_start, 3*ROW_HEIGHT+top);
!    buttonBBox[0].lty = buttonBBox[1].lty = (ITEM_DSPED+6) * ROW_HEIGHT;
     buttonBBox[0].ltx = button_start;
!    DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, "OK", 8, &(buttonBBox[0]), BUTTON_NORMAL);
     buttonBBox[1].ltx = buttonBBox[CONFIRM_YES].rbx + 1 + defaultFontWidth;
!    DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, "CANCEL", 8, &(buttonBBox[1]),
*** 213,221 ****
        dsp_ptr[i] = c_ptr;
        len = strlen (DLPtr->itemstr);
!       for (j = len; j >= 0 && DLPtr->itemstr[j] != '/'; j--) ;
!       if (j >= 0)
!          strcpy (c_ptr, (&DLPtr->itemstr[j])+1);
           strcpy (c_ptr, DLPtr->itemstr);
        c_ptr += MAXPATHLENGTH;
--- 563,577 ----
        dsp_ptr[i] = c_ptr;
        len = strlen (DLPtr->itemstr);
!       if (!DLPtr->directory)
!       {
!          for (j = len; j >= 0 && DLPtr->itemstr[j] != '/'; j--) ;
!          if (j >= 0)
!             strcpy (c_ptr, (&(DLPtr->itemstr[j]))+1);
!          else
!             strcpy (c_ptr, DLPtr->itemstr);
!       }
           strcpy (c_ptr, DLPtr->itemstr);
        c_ptr += MAXPATHLENGTH;
*** 343,362 ****
! int Names (Str)
!    char	* Str;
!    int		x, y, pixel, button_widths, str_width, graph_width, w, h;
!    int		str_start, button_start, graph_start, index;
!    int		dsp_w, dsp_h;
!    XEvent	input, ev;
!    int		i, len, looping = TRUE, grabbed = FALSE;
!    char		buf[80];
!    XKeyEvent	* key_ev;
!    XButtonEvent	* button_ev;
!    KeySym	key_sym;
     XComposeStatus	c_stat;
     XSetWindowAttributes	win_attrs;
!    int		win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h, win_d, win_brdr_w;
!    Window	root_win;
     dsp_w = DisplayWidth (mainDisplay, mainScreen);
--- 699,730 ----
! int LargerStr (S1, S2)
!    register char	* S1, * S2;
!    /* returns TRUE if S1 > S2 */
!    while (*S1 == *S2 && *S1 != '\0' && *S2 != '\0') { S1++; S2++; }
!    return (*S1 > *S2);
! }
! static
! int DirNames (TopStr, SelStr)
!    char	* TopStr, * SelStr;
! {
!    int			pixel, button_widths, str_width, graph_width;
!    int			str_start, button_start, graph_start, index;
!    int			dsp_w, dsp_h, x, y, w, h, i, len, exposure = 0;
!    XEvent		input, ev;
!    int			looping = TRUE, changing, grabbed = FALSE, name_index;
!    char			buf[80], name[MAXPATHLENGTH], full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    char			dir_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], sel_str[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    XKeyEvent		* key_ev;
!    XButtonEvent		* button_ev;
!    KeySym		key_sym;
     XComposeStatus	c_stat;
     XSetWindowAttributes	win_attrs;
!    int			win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h, win_d, win_brdr_w;
!    Window		root_win;
!    DspList		* dsp_ptr, * head_dsp_ptr;
     dsp_w = DisplayWidth (mainDisplay, mainScreen);
*** 365,369 ****
     button_widths = ButtonWidth("OK", 8) + ButtonWidth("CANCEL", 8) +
!    str_width = defaultFontWidth * strlen (Str);
     graph_width = nameDspWinW + scrollBarW + 2 * brdrW;
--- 733,737 ----
     button_widths = ButtonWidth("OK", 8) + ButtonWidth("CANCEL", 8) +
!    str_width = defaultFontWidth * strlen (TopStr);
     graph_width = nameDspWinW + scrollBarW + 2 * brdrW;
*** 381,385 ****
     button_start = (w - button_widths) / 2;
!    h = (6 + ITEM_DSPED) * ROW_HEIGHT;
     win_x = (w > dsp_w) ? 0 : (dsp_w - w)/2;
--- 749,753 ----
     button_start = (w - button_widths) / 2;
!    h = (8 + ITEM_DSPED) * ROW_HEIGHT;
     win_x = (w > dsp_w) ? 0 : (dsp_w - w)/2;
*** 393,397 ****
     if ((nameDspWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, graph_start,
!          3*ROW_HEIGHT, nameDspW, nameDspH, brdrW, myBorderPixel,
           myBgPixel)) == 0)
     { printf ("Could not create desired popup window!\n"); exit (-1); }
--- 761,765 ----
     if ((nameDspWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, graph_start,
!          5*ROW_HEIGHT, nameDspW, nameDspH, brdrW, myBorderPixel,
           myBgPixel)) == 0)
     { printf ("Could not create desired popup window!\n"); exit (-1); }
*** 398,402 ****
     if ((nameScrollWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin,
!          graph_start+nameDspWinW, 3*ROW_HEIGHT, scrollBarW, nameDspH,
           brdrW, myBorderPixel, myBgPixel)) == 0)
     { printf ("Could not create desired popup scroll window!\n"); exit (-1); }
--- 766,770 ----
     if ((nameScrollWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin,
!          graph_start+nameDspWinW, 5*ROW_HEIGHT, scrollBarW, nameDspH,
           brdrW, myBorderPixel, myBgPixel)) == 0)
     { printf ("Could not create desired popup scroll window!\n"); exit (-1); }
*** 419,425 ****
--- 787,1122 ----
           KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask);
+    strcpy (dir_name, curDir);
     justClicked = FALSE;
     while (looping)
+       nameEntries = numDirEntries;
+       if (topOfDirLinkList == NULL)
+          nameDspPtr = MakeNameDspItemArray (nameEntries, dirList);
+       else
+          nameDspPtr = MakeNameDspItemArray (nameEntries, topOfDirLinkList);
+       nameFirst = 0;
+       nameMarked = 0;
+       sprintf (full_name, "%s/", dir_name);
+       name[0] = '\0';
+       name_index = 0;
+       if (exposure >= 3)
+       {
+          XClearWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin);
+          XClearWindow (mainDisplay, nameDspWin);
+          XClearWindow (mainDisplay, nameScrollWin);
+          RedrawNameBaseWindow (TopStr, full_name, str_start, graph_start,
+                button_start, w, h);
+          RedrawNameScrollWin ();
+          RedrawDspWindow ();
+       }
+       changing = TRUE;
+       while (changing)
+       {
+          XNextEvent (mainDisplay, &input);
+          if (input.type == Expose)
+          {
+             if (input.xany.window == nameBaseWin)
+             {
+                RedrawNameBaseWindow (TopStr, full_name, str_start, graph_start,
+                      button_start, w, h);
+                exposure++;
+             }
+             else if (input.xany.window == nameScrollWin)
+             {
+                RedrawNameScrollWin ();
+                exposure++;
+             }
+             else if (input.xany.window == nameDspWin)
+             {
+                RedrawDspWindow ();
+                exposure++;
+             }
+             if (!grabbed)
+             {
+                XGrabKeyboard (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, False,
+                      GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime);
+                grabbed = TRUE;
+             }
+             continue;
+          }
+          else if (input.type == KeyPress)
+          {
+             key_ev = &(input.xkey);
+             XLookupString (key_ev, buf, 80, &key_sym, &c_stat);
+             if ((buf[0]=='\r' && (key_sym & 0xff)=='\r') ||
+                 (buf[0]=='\n' && (key_sym & 0xff)=='\n'))
+             {
+                changing = FALSE;
+                index = nameMarked;
+             }
+             else if (buf[0]=='\033' && (key_sym & 0xff)=='\033')
+             {
+                looping = FALSE;
+                changing = FALSE;
+                index = INVALID;
+             }
+             else if (buf[0] == '\b' || buf[0] == '\177')
+             {
+                if (name_index != 0)
+                {
+                   name[--name_index] = '\0';
+                   sprintf (full_name, "%s/%s", dir_name, name);
+                   for (i = 0; i < nameEntries; i++)
+                      if (strncmp (nameDspPtr[i], name, name_index) == 0)
+                         break;
+                   if (i < nameEntries)
+                   {
+                      if (i < nameFirst)
+                         nameFirst = i;
+                      else if (i >= nameFirst+ITEM_DSPED)
+                      {
+                         if (i < nameEntries-ITEM_DSPED)
+                            nameFirst = i;
+                         else
+                            nameFirst = nameEntries-ITEM_DSPED;
+                      }
+                      nameMarked = i;
+                      RedrawNamePath (full_name, graph_start,
+                            3*ROW_HEIGHT+defaultFontAsc+2);
+                      RedrawNameScrollWin ();
+                      RedrawDspWindow ();
+                   }
+                }
+             }
+             else if (key_sym>='\040' && key_sym<='\177')
+             {
+                if (buf[0] == '$')
+                {
+                   i = (nameEntries == 0) ? 0 : nameEntries-1;
+                   strcpy (name, nameDspPtr[i]);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                   name[name_index++] = buf[0];
+                   name[name_index] = '\0';
+                   for (i = 0; i < nameEntries; i++)
+                      if (strncmp (nameDspPtr[i], name, name_index) == 0)
+                         break;
+                }
+                if (i < nameEntries)
+                {
+                   if (buf[0] == '/')
+                   {
+                      changing = FALSE;
+                      index = nameMarked = i;
+                   }
+                   else
+                   {
+                      if (i < nameFirst)
+                         nameFirst = i;
+                      else if (i >= nameFirst+ITEM_DSPED)
+                      {
+                         if (i < nameEntries-ITEM_DSPED)
+                            nameFirst = i;
+                         else
+                            nameFirst = nameEntries-ITEM_DSPED;
+                      }
+                      nameMarked = i;
+                      sprintf (full_name, "%s/%s", dir_name, name);
+                      RedrawNamePath (full_name, graph_start,
+                            3*ROW_HEIGHT+defaultFontAsc+2);
+                      RedrawNameScrollWin ();
+                      RedrawDspWindow ();
+                   }
+                }
+                else
+                   name[--name_index] = '\0';
+             }
+          }
+          else if (input.type == ButtonPress)
+          {
+             button_ev = &(input.xbutton);
+             if (button_ev->window == nameBaseWin)
+             {
+                if (PointInBBox (button_ev->x, button_ev->y, buttonBBox[0]))
+                {
+                   changing = FALSE;
+                   index = nameMarked;
+                }
+                else if (PointInBBox (button_ev->x, button_ev->y, buttonBBox[1]))
+                {
+                   looping = FALSE;
+                   changing = FALSE;
+                   index = INVALID;
+                }
+             }
+             else if (button_ev->window == nameScrollWin)
+                NameScrollHandler (button_ev);
+             else if (button_ev->window == nameDspWin)
+             {
+                if (NameDspHandler (button_ev) != INVALID)
+                {
+                   changing = FALSE;
+                   index = nameMarked;
+                }
+                else if (nameMarked != INVALID)
+                {
+                   strcpy (name, nameDspPtr[nameMarked]);
+                   sprintf (full_name, "%s/%s", dir_name, name);
+                   RedrawNamePath (full_name, graph_start,
+                         3*ROW_HEIGHT+defaultFontAsc+2);
+                }
+             }
+          }
+       }
+       if (index != INVALID) strcpy (sel_str, nameDspPtr[index]);
+       cfree (*nameDspPtr);
+       cfree (nameDspPtr);
+       if (index == INVALID) break;
+       if (sel_str[strlen(sel_str)-1] == '/')
+       {
+          sel_str[strlen(sel_str)-1] = '\0';
+          if (strcmp (sel_str, "..") == 0)
+          {
+             for (i = strlen(dir_name)-1; i>=0 && dir_name[i]!='/'; i--) ;
+             if (i < 0)
+                dir_name[0] = '\0';
+             else
+                dir_name[i] = '\0';
+          }
+          else
+          {
+             strcat (dir_name, "/");
+             strcat (dir_name, sel_str);
+          }
+          dsp_ptr = topOfDirLinkList;
+          for ( ; dsp_ptr != NULL; dsp_ptr = dsp_ptr->next) cfree (dsp_ptr);
+          topOfDirLinkList = NULL;
+          Msg ("Generating list of file names, please wait ...");
+          if ((topOfDirLinkList = DirListing (dir_name)) == NULL)
+          {
+             *sel_str = '\0';
+             break;
+          }
+          Msg ("");
+       }
+       else
+          break;
+    }
+    if (grabbed) XUngrabKeyboard (mainDisplay, CurrentTime);
+    sprintf (SelStr, "%s/%s", dir_name, sel_str);
+    if (index == INVALID)
+       DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, okCancelStr[1], 8, &buttonBBox[1],
+             BUTTON_INVERT);
+    else
+       DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, okCancelStr[0], 8, &buttonBBox[0],
+             BUTTON_INVERT);
+    XDestroyWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin);
+    XSync (mainDisplay, FALSE);
+    while (XCheckMaskEvent (mainDisplay, ExposureMask, &input)) ;
+    return (index);
+ }
+ static
+ int ChooseAName (TopStr, SelStr)
+    char	* TopStr, * SelStr;
+ {
+    int			button_widths, str_width, graph_width;
+    int			str_start, button_start, graph_start, index;
+    int			dsp_w, dsp_h, x, y, w, h, i, len;
+    XEvent		input, ev;
+    int			changing = TRUE, grabbed = FALSE, name_index;
+    char			buf[80], name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+    XKeyEvent		* key_ev;
+    XButtonEvent		* button_ev;
+    KeySym		key_sym;
+    XComposeStatus	c_stat;
+    XSetWindowAttributes	win_attrs;
+    int			win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h, win_d, win_brdr_w;
+    dsp_w = DisplayWidth (mainDisplay, mainScreen);
+    dsp_h = DisplayHeight (mainDisplay, mainScreen);
+    button_widths = ButtonWidth("OK", 8) + ButtonWidth("CANCEL", 8) +
+          defaultFontWidth;
+    str_width = defaultFontWidth * strlen (TopStr);
+    graph_width = nameDspWinW + scrollBarW + 2 * brdrW;
+    if (str_width > graph_width)
+    {
+       w = str_width + 4 * defaultFontWidth;
+       str_start = 2 * defaultFontWidth;
+       graph_start = (w - graph_width) / 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       w = graph_width + 4 * defaultFontWidth;
+       str_start = (w - str_width) / 2;
+       graph_start = 2 * defaultFontWidth;
+    }
+    button_start = (w - button_widths) / 2;
+    h = (8 + ITEM_DSPED) * ROW_HEIGHT;
+    win_x = (w > dsp_w) ? 0 : (dsp_w - w)/2;
+    win_y = (h > dsp_h) ? 0 : (dsp_h - h)/3;
+    if ((nameBaseWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, rootWindow,
+          win_x, win_y, w, h, brdrW, myBorderPixel, myBgPixel)) == 0)
+    { printf ("Could not create desired popup window!\n"); exit (-1); }
+    XDefineCursor (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, defaultCursor);
+    if ((nameDspWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, graph_start,
+          5*ROW_HEIGHT, nameDspW, nameDspH, brdrW, myBorderPixel,
+          myBgPixel)) == 0)
+    { printf ("Could not create desired popup window!\n"); exit (-1); }
+    if ((nameScrollWin = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin,
+          graph_start+nameDspWinW, 5*ROW_HEIGHT, scrollBarW, nameDspH,
+          brdrW, myBorderPixel, myBgPixel)) == 0)
+    { printf ("Could not create desired popup scroll window!\n"); exit (-1); }
+    win_attrs.save_under = True;
+    XChangeWindowAttributes (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, CWSaveUnder, &win_attrs);
+    XSetTransientForHint (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin, mainWindow);
+    XMapWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin);
+    XSelectInput (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin,
+          KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask);
+    XMapWindow (mainDisplay, nameDspWin);
+    XSelectInput (mainDisplay, nameDspWin,
+          KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask);
+    XMapWindow (mainDisplay, nameScrollWin);
+    XSelectInput (mainDisplay, nameScrollWin,
+          KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask);
+    justClicked = FALSE;
+    Msg ("");
+    name[0] = '\0';
+    name_index = 0;
+    nameMarked = INVALID;
+    while (changing)
+    {
        XNextEvent (mainDisplay, &input);
        if (input.type == Expose)
*** 426,430 ****
           if (input.xany.window == nameBaseWin)
!             RedrawNameBaseWindow (Str, str_start, button_start, w, h);
           else if (input.xany.window == nameScrollWin)
              RedrawNameScrollWin ();
--- 1123,1128 ----
           if (input.xany.window == nameBaseWin)
!             RedrawNameBaseWindow (TopStr, name, str_start, graph_start,
!                   button_start, w, h);
           else if (input.xany.window == nameScrollWin)
              RedrawNameScrollWin ();
*** 446,466 ****
           XLookupString (key_ev, buf, 80, &key_sym, &c_stat);
!          if (buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\n')
!             looping = FALSE;
              index = nameMarked;
!          else if (buf[0] == '\033')
!             looping = FALSE;
              index = INVALID;
           else if (key_sym>='\040' && key_sym<='\177')
              if (buf[0] == '$')
                 i = (nameEntries == 0) ? 0 : nameEntries-1;
                 for (i = 0; i < nameEntries; i++)
!                   if (*nameDspPtr[i] == buf[0]) break;
              if (i < nameEntries)
--- 1144,1202 ----
           XLookupString (key_ev, buf, 80, &key_sym, &c_stat);
!          if ((buf[0]=='\r' && (key_sym & 0xff)=='\r') ||
!              (buf[0]=='\n' && (key_sym & 0xff)=='\n'))
!             changing = FALSE;
              index = nameMarked;
!          else if (buf[0]=='\033' && (key_sym & 0xff)=='\033')
!             changing = FALSE;
              index = INVALID;
+          else if (buf[0] == '\b' || buf[0] == '\177')
+          {
+             if (name_index != 0)
+             {
+                name[--name_index] = '\0';
+                for (i = 0; i < nameEntries; i++)
+                   if (strncmp (nameDspPtr[i], name, name_index) == 0)
+                      break;
+                if (i < nameEntries)
+                {
+                   if (i < nameFirst)
+                      nameFirst = i;
+                   else if (i >= nameFirst+ITEM_DSPED)
+                   {
+                      if (i < nameEntries-ITEM_DSPED)
+                         nameFirst = i;
+                      else
+                         nameFirst = nameEntries-ITEM_DSPED;
+                   }
+                   nameMarked = i;
+                   RedrawNamePath (name, graph_start,
+                         3*ROW_HEIGHT+defaultFontAsc+2);
+                   RedrawNameScrollWin ();
+                   RedrawDspWindow ();
+                }
+             }
+          }
           else if (key_sym>='\040' && key_sym<='\177')
              if (buf[0] == '$')
+             {
                 i = (nameEntries == 0) ? 0 : nameEntries-1;
+                strcpy (name, nameDspPtr[i]);
+             }
+             {
+                name[name_index++] = buf[0];
+                name[name_index] = '\0';
                 for (i = 0; i < nameEntries; i++)
!                   if (strncmp (nameDspPtr[i], name, name_index) == 0)
!                      break;
!             }
              if (i < nameEntries)
*** 475,481 ****
--- 1211,1222 ----
                 nameMarked = i;
+                RedrawNamePath (name, graph_start,
+                      3*ROW_HEIGHT+defaultFontAsc+2);
                 RedrawNameScrollWin ();
                 RedrawDspWindow ();
+             else
+                name[--name_index] = '\0';
*** 487,491 ****
              if (PointInBBox (button_ev->x, button_ev->y, buttonBBox[0]))
!                looping = FALSE;
                 index = nameMarked;
--- 1228,1232 ----
              if (PointInBBox (button_ev->x, button_ev->y, buttonBBox[0]))
!                changing = FALSE;
                 index = nameMarked;
*** 492,496 ****
              else if (PointInBBox (button_ev->x, button_ev->y, buttonBBox[1]))
!                looping = FALSE;
                 index = INVALID;
--- 1233,1237 ----
              else if (PointInBBox (button_ev->x, button_ev->y, buttonBBox[1]))
!                changing = FALSE;
                 index = INVALID;
*** 502,508 ****
              if (NameDspHandler (button_ev) != INVALID)
!                looping = FALSE;
                 index = nameMarked;
--- 1243,1256 ----
              if (NameDspHandler (button_ev) != INVALID)
!                changing = FALSE;
                 index = nameMarked;
+             else if (nameMarked != INVALID)
+             {
+                strcpy (name, nameDspPtr[nameMarked]);
+                name_index = strlen (name);
+                RedrawNamePath (name, graph_start,
+                      3*ROW_HEIGHT+defaultFontAsc+2);
+             }
*** 514,519 ****
--- 1262,1270 ----
+    {
+       strcpy (SelStr, nameDspPtr[index]);
        DisplayButton (nameBaseWin, okCancelStr[0], 8, &buttonBBox[0],
+    }
     XDestroyWindow (mainDisplay, nameBaseWin);
*** 523,698 ****
! static
! int	LargerStr (S1, S2)
!    register char	* S1, * S2;
!    /* returns TRUE if S1 > S2 */
!    while (*S1 == *S2 && *S1 != '\0' && *S2 != '\0') { S1++; S2++; }
!    return (*S1 > *S2);
! static
! DspList * DirListing (Path, Extension, Entries)
!    char	* Path, * Extension;
!    int	* Entries;
!    DspList		* dsp_ptr = NULL, * head_ptr, * tail_ptr, * p, * p1;
!    DIR			* dirp;
!    struct direct	* d;
!    int			len, ext_len, count = 0;
!    char			ext[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    if (*Path == '\0')
!       if ((dirp = opendir (".")) == NULL) return (NULL);
!       if ((dirp = opendir (Path)) == NULL) return (NULL);
!    strcpy (ext, ".");
!    strcat (ext, Extension);
!    ext_len = strlen (ext);
!    head_ptr = tail_ptr = NULL;
!    while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
!    {
!       len = strlen (d->d_name);
!       if (len > ext_len && (strcmp (ext, &d->d_name[len-ext_len]) == 0))
!       {
!          d->d_name[len-ext_len] = '\0';
!          dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
!          strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
!          if (head_ptr == NULL)
!             head_ptr = tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!          else
!          {
!             p1 = NULL;
!             for (p = head_ptr; p != NULL; p = p->next)
!                if (LargerStr (d->d_name, p->itemstr))
!                   p1 = p;
!                else
!                   break;
!             dsp_ptr->next = p;
!             if (p == NULL)
!             {  /* dsp_ptr has the largest element */
!                tail_ptr->next = dsp_ptr;
!                tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!             }
!             else if (p1 == NULL)
!                head_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!             else
!                p1->next = dsp_ptr;
!          }
!          count++;
!    }
!    closedir (dirp);
!    *Entries = count;
!    return (head_ptr);
! int SelectFileName (Extension, Str, SelStr)
!    char	* Extension, * Str, * SelStr;
!    register int	i, index;
!    char		s[MAXPATHLENGTH], full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    DspList	* dsp_ptr;
!    sprintf (s, "Generating list of file names, please wait ...");
!    Msg (s);
!    strcpy (full_name, curDomainName);
!    if ((dsp_ptr = DirListing (curDomainName, Extension, &nameEntries)) == NULL)
!    {
!       strcpy (s, "No appropriate files to select from.");
!       Msg (s);
!       *SelStr = '\0';
!       return (INVALID);
!    }
!    nameDspPtr = MakeNameDspItemArray (nameEntries, dsp_ptr);
!    nameFirst = 0;
!    nameMarked = 0;
!    if ((index = Names (Str)) == INVALID)
!       *SelStr = '\0';
!    else
!       strcpy (SelStr, nameDspPtr[index]);
!    for ( ; dsp_ptr != NULL; dsp_ptr = dsp_ptr->next) cfree (dsp_ptr);
!    cfree (nameDspPtr[0]);
!    cfree (nameDspPtr);
!    s[0] = '\0';
!    Msg (s);
!    return (index);
! DspList * DomainListing (Path, Entries)
!    char	* Path;
     int	* Entries;
!    DspList		* dsp_ptr = NULL, * head_ptr, * tail_ptr, * p, * p1;
!    DIR			* dirp, * dp;
!    struct direct	* d;
!    struct stat		stat_buf;
!    int			count = 0;
!    char			path[255], s[255];
!    if (*Path == '\0')
!       strcpy (path, ".");
!    else
!       strcpy (path, Path);
!    if ((dirp = opendir (path)) == NULL) return (NULL);
-    strcat (path, "/");
     head_ptr = tail_ptr = NULL;
!    while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
!       strcpy (s, path);
!       strcat (s, d->d_name);
!       stat (s, &stat_buf);
!       if (stat_buf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
!          dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
!          strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, d->d_name);
!          if (head_ptr == NULL)
!             head_ptr = tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!          else
!          {
!             p1 = NULL;
!             for (p = head_ptr; p != NULL; p = p->next)
!                if (LargerStr (d->d_name, p->itemstr))
!                   p1 = p;
!                else
!                   break;
!             dsp_ptr->next = p;
!             if (p == NULL)
!             {  /* dsp_ptr has the largest element */
!                tail_ptr->next = dsp_ptr;
!                tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!             }
!             else if (p1 == NULL)
!                head_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!                p1->next = dsp_ptr;
!          count++;
-    closedir (dirp);
-    *Entries = count;
     return (head_ptr);
--- 1274,1421 ----
! int SelectFileName (MsgStr, SelStr)
!    char	* MsgStr, * SelStr;
!    int		index = INVALID, saved_num_dir_entries;
!    DspList	* dsp_ptr;
!    saved_num_dir_entries = numDirEntries;
!    if ((index = DirNames (MsgStr, SelStr)) == INVALID)
!    {
!       numDirEntries = saved_num_dir_entries;
!       dsp_ptr = topOfDirLinkList;
!       for ( ; dsp_ptr != NULL; dsp_ptr = dsp_ptr->next) cfree (dsp_ptr);
!       topOfDirLinkList = NULL;
!       *SelStr = '\0';
!       return (INVALID);
!    }
!    BuildDirList ();
!    Msg ("");
!    return (index);
! int SelectSymbolName (SelSymName, PathName)
!    char	* SelSymName, * PathName;
!    register int	i, index = INVALID;
!    char		s[MAXPATHLENGTH], msg[MAXSTRING];
!    DspList	* dsp_ptr;
!    sprintf (s,
!          "Generating a list of symbol names in '%s' domain, please wait ...",
!          curDomainName);
!    Msg (s);
!    nameEntries = numSymbols;
!    nameDspPtr = MakeNameDspItemArray (nameEntries, symbolList);
!    nameFirst = 0;
!    nameMarked = 0;
!    sprintf (msg, "Please select a symbol to INSTANTIATE in the '%s' domain ...",
!          curDomainName);
!    if ((index = ChooseAName (msg, SelSymName)) == INVALID)
!       *SelSymName = '\0';
!       *PathName = '\0';
!       strcpy (SelSymName, nameDspPtr[index]);
!       strcpy (PathName, symbolList[index].pathstr);
+    cfree (*nameDspPtr);
+    cfree (nameDspPtr);
!    Msg ("");
!    return (index);
! }
! int GetSymbolPath (SymName, PathName)
!    char	* SymName, * PathName;
! {
!    register int	i;
!    for (i = 0; i < numSymbols; i++)
!       if (strcmp (SymName, symbolList[i].itemstr) == 0)
!       {
!          strcpy (PathName, symbolList[i].pathstr);
!          return (TRUE);
!    return (FALSE);
! int NameInCurDir (FileName)
!    char	* FileName;
!    register int	i;
!    for (i = 0; i < numDirEntries; i++)
!       if (dirList[i].directory && strcmp (FileName, dirList[i].itemstr) == 0)
!          return (TRUE);
!    return (FALSE);
! }
! int DirInSymPath (DirName)
!    char	* DirName;
! {
!    register int	i;
!    for (i = 0; i < symPathNumEntries; i++)
!       if (strcmp (DirName, symPath[i]) == 0)
!          return (TRUE);
!    return (FALSE);
! DspList * DomainListing (Entries)
     int	* Entries;
!    register int	i, default_index = 0;
!    char		s[MAXSTRING], * c_ptr;
!    DspList	* dsp_ptr = NULL, * head_ptr, * tail_ptr, * p, * p1;
!    if ((c_ptr = XGetDefault (mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, "MaxDomains")) == NULL)
!       return (NULL);
!    *Entries = atoi (c_ptr);
     head_ptr = tail_ptr = NULL;
!    for (i = 0; i < *Entries; i++)
!       sprintf (s, "Domain%1d", i);
!       if ((c_ptr = XGetDefault (mainDisplay, TOOL_NAME, s)) == NULL)
!          for ( ; head_ptr != NULL; head_ptr = head_ptr->next) cfree (head_ptr);
!          return (NULL);
!       }
!       dsp_ptr = (DspList *) calloc (1, sizeof(DspList));
!       strcpy (dsp_ptr->itemstr, c_ptr);
!       if (head_ptr == NULL)
!          head_ptr = tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!       else
!       {
!          p1 = NULL;
!          for (p = head_ptr; p != NULL; p = p->next)
!             if (LargerStr (dsp_ptr->itemstr, p->itemstr))
!                p1 = p;
!                break;
!          dsp_ptr->next = p;
!          if (p == NULL)
!          {  /* dsp_ptr has the largest element */
!             tail_ptr->next = dsp_ptr;
!             tail_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!          else if (p1 == NULL)
!             head_ptr = dsp_ptr;
!          else
!             p1->next = dsp_ptr;
     return (head_ptr);
*** 701,712 ****
     char	* SelStr;
!    register int		i, index;
!    char			s[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    DspList		* dsp_ptr;
     Msg ("Generating list of domain names, please wait ...");
!    if ((dsp_ptr = DomainListing (curDomainName, &nameEntries)) == NULL)
        *SelStr = '\0';
        return (INVALID);
--- 1424,1436 ----
     char	* SelStr;
!    int		index;
!    char		s[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    DspList	* dsp_ptr;
     Msg ("Generating list of domain names, please wait ...");
!    if ((dsp_ptr = DomainListing (&nameEntries)) == NULL)
+       Msg ("No domain names found.");
        *SelStr = '\0';
        return (INVALID);
*** 717,721 ****
     nameMarked = 0;
!    if ((index = Names ("PLEASE SELECT NEW DOMAIN ...")) == INVALID)
        *SelStr = '\0';
--- 1441,1445 ----
     nameMarked = 0;
!    if ((index = ChooseAName ("Please select a new DOMAIN ...", "")) == INVALID)
        *SelStr = '\0';
*** 730,732 ****
--- 1454,1481 ----
     return (index);
+ }
+ void SetCurDir (FileName)
+    char	* FileName;
+ {
+    register int	i;
+    char		file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+    strcpy (file_name, FileName);
+    for (i = strlen(file_name)-1; i>=0 && file_name[i]!='/'; i--) ;
+    if (i < 0)
+    {
+       TwoLineMsg ("Error:  No '/' found in SetCurDir ().",
+                   "        curDir set to '.'.");
+       strcpy (curDir, ".");
+       strcpy (curFileName, FileName);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       strcpy (curFileName, &file_name[i+1]);
+       file_name[i] = '\0';
+       strcpy (curDir, file_name);
+    }
---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
Bill Cheng // UCLA Computer Science Department // (213) 206-7135
3277 Boelter Hall // Los Angeles, California 90024 // USA
william at CS.UCLA.EDU      ...!{uunet|ucbvax}!cs.ucla.edu!william

Dan Heller
O'Reilly && Associates 		      Zyrcom Inc
Senior Writer			       President
argv at ora.com			argv at zipcode.com

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