v11i093: Another Star Trek Game, Part07/14

pfuetz at agd.fhg.de pfuetz at agd.fhg.de
Tue Feb 26 15:15:17 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: pfuetz at agd.fhg.de
Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 93
Archive-name: xstrek/part07

# To unshare, sh or unshar this file
echo xstrek/original_code/strek_graphics_subs.f 1>&2
sed -e 's/^X//' > xstrek/original_code/strek_graphics_subs.f <<'E!O!F! xstrek/original_code/strek_graphics_subs.f'
X      subroutine strek_screen_init (bitmap_desc, font_3, font_4)
Xc    *******************************************************************
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                STAR TREK VERSION 3.0                    *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                     written by                          *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                Justin S. Revenaugh                      *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                       7/87                              *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****        Massachussetts Institute of Technology           *****
Xc    *****  Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *******************************************************************
Xc    STREK_SCREEN_INIT sets up the static display panels for
Xc    STREK. Used prior to any other graphics calls.
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 config, size(2), font_1, font_2, font_3, font_4
X      integer*2 window(2,2), xpt, ypt, pt1(2), radius
X      integer*4 status, bitmap_desc, value(2)
X      character text*30
Xc    data for screen panels
X      data size /1024, 1024/
X      data value /0, 16777215/
Xc    init screen in borrow mode (1024x1024)
X      call gpr_$init (gpr_$borrow, int2(1), size, int2(0), 
X     &                bitmap_desc, status)
X      if (status.ne.0) then
X        call error_$print (status)
X        stop
X      end if
X      call gpr_$inq_config (config, status)
X      if (config.eq.gpr_$color_1024x1024x4.or.
X     &    config.eq.gpr_$color_1024x1024x8.or.
X     &    config.eq.gpr_$color_1024x800x4.or.
X     &    config.eq.gpr_$color_1024x800x8) then
X        call gpr_$set_color_map (0, int2(2), value, status)
X      end if
Xc    load all fonts needed
X      call gpr_$load_font_file ('/sys/dm/fonts/nonie.r.8',int2(23),
X     &                          font_1,status)
X      call gpr_$load_font_file ('/sys/dm/fonts/scvc8x16.i.r',int2(26),
X     &                          font_2,status)                        
X      call gpr_$load_font_file ('/sys/dm/fonts/scvc5x10.r.b',int2(26),
X     &                          font_3,status)                        
X      call gpr_$load_font_file ('/sys/dm/fonts/f5x9',int2(18),
X     &                          font_4,status)                        
X      call gpr_$set_text_path (gpr_$right,status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_background_value (-1,status)
Xc    set values for draws and fills
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (1,status)
X      call gpr_$set_fill_value (1,status)
Xc    fill in rectangular border
X      window(1,1) = 0
X      window(2,1) = 0
X      window(1,2) = 900
X      window(2,2) = 800
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X      call gpr_$set_fill_value (0,status)
X      window(1,1) = 100
X      window(2,1) = 100
X      window(1,2) = 700
X      window(2,2) = 600                  
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X      window(1,1) = 100
X      window(2,1) = 710
X      window(1,2) = 700
X      window(2,2) = 80                  
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X      call gpr_$set_fill_value (1,status)
Xc    put in text on all static panels
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X      xpt = 15
X      ypt = 25
X      call gpr_$set_text_font (font_2,status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_value (0,status)
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Star Trek Version 3.0'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_font (font_1,status)
X      xpt = 10
X      ypt = 150
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Speed'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 10
X      ypt = 250
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Energy'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 10
X      ypt = 350
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Photons'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 10
X      ypt = 450
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Phasers'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 10
X      ypt = 550
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Tractor'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 17
X      ypt = 755
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Com:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 110
X      ypt = 75
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'X-Coor:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 310
X      ypt = 75
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Y-Coor:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 510
X      ypt = 75
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Z-Coor:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 125
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Scanner'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 200
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'X-Coor:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 275
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Y-Coor:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 350
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Z-Coor:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 425
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Range:'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
Xc    insert scanner windows
X      call gpr_$set_fill_value (0,status)      
X      pt1(1) = 850
X      pt1(2) = 540
X      radius = 45
X      call gpr_$circle_filled (pt1, radius, status)
X      pt1(2) = 650
X      call gpr_$circle_filled (pt1, radius, status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_font (font_4,status)
X      xpt = 708
X      ypt = 33
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Enemy 1'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 708
X      ypt = 73
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Enemy 2'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 819
X      ypt = 33
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Low E'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 815
X      ypt = 73
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      text = 'Nav On'
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 490
X      text = 'X'
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 885
X      ypt = 490
X      text = 'Y'
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 810
X      ypt = 600
X      text = 'Z'
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      xpt = 885
X      text = 'Y'
X      call gpr_$move (xpt,ypt,status)
X      call gpr_$text (text,int2(30),status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_font (font_2,status)
Xc    put logo in lower right corner
X      window(1,1) = 810
X      window(2,1) = 710
X      window(1,2) = 80
X      window(2,2) = 80
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X      pt1(1) = 850
X      pt1(2) = 765
X      radius = 18
X      call gpr_$circle (pt1,radius,status)
X      pt1(1) = 850
X      pt1(2) = 765
X      radius = 6
X      call gpr_$circle (pt1,radius,status)
X      call gpr_$set_fill_value (1,status)      
X      window(1,1) = 832
X      window(2,1) = 715
X      window(1,2) = 5
X      window(2,2) = 30
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X      window(1,1) = 863
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X      window(1,1) = 847
X      window(2,1) = 730
X      window(1,2) = 6
X      window(2,2) = 17
X      call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
Xc    load permanent font
X      call gpr_$set_text_font (font_4, status)      
X      call gpr_$set_text_background_value (1, status)
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (1, status)
Xc    set clipping window limits
X      window(1,1) = 100
X      window(2,1) = 100
X      window(1,2) = 700
X      window(2,2) = 600
X      call gpr_$set_clip_window (window,status)
Xc    return to main program
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_update_panel (speed, power, photons, phase, 
X     &                               tract, xc, yc, zc, scan, txc, tyc,
X     &                               tzc, trange, scan_ob)
Xc    STREK_UPDATE PANEL writes the revised panel data (not com line).
Xc    Assumes the proper font and text value are loaded. Font 
Xc    background shouldn't be transparent. Handles clipping window.
Xc    Only certain portions are refreshed each pass (this routine
Xc    or GPR text to be more specific is slow).
Xc    version 1
Xc                                                    -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 x_pt(15), y_pt(15), xpt, ypt, length, wind_1(2,2)
X      integer*2 dest_1(2)
X      integer*4 speed, photons, xc, yc, zc, txc, tyc, tzc, trange
X      integer*4 status, power, azm, angle, scan_ob
X      logical phase, tract, scan, absol
X      character*7 text, active, down
X      save active down, x_pt, y_pt, length, n, absol
Xc    data for move statements
X      data x_pt /10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 200, 400, 600, 820, 810, 810, 
X     &           810, 810, 770, 770/
X      data y_pt /190, 290, 390, 490, 590, 75, 75, 75, 155, 230, 305,
X     &           380, 455, 35, 75/
Xc    data for text lines
X      data active, down /' active', '  down'/
X      data length, n / 7, 1/
X      data wind_1 / 695, 18, 72, 24/
X      data dest_1 / 695, 18/
X      data absol / .true./
Xc    deactivate clipping window
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
Xc    panel numbers are encoded into text which is then written
X      if (n .eq. 1) then
X        write (text,100) speed
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(1), y_pt(1), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        write (text,100) power
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(2), y_pt(2), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        write (text,100) photons
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(3), y_pt(3), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        if (phase) then
X          text = active
X        else
X          text = down
X        end if
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(4), y_pt(4), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X      else if (n.eq.2) then
X        if (absol) then
X          write (text,100) xc
X          call gpr_$move (x_pt(6), y_pt(6), status)
X          call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X          write (text,100) yc
X          call gpr_$move (x_pt(7), y_pt(7), status)
X          call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X          write (text,100) zc
X          call gpr_$move (x_pt(8), y_pt(8), status)
X          call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        end if
X        absol = .not. absol
X      else if (n.eq.3) then
X        if (tract) then
X          text = active
X        else
X          text = down
X        end if
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(5), y_pt(5), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        if (scan) then
X          write (text, '(4x, i1)') scan_ob
X        else
X          text = down
X        end if
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(9), y_pt(9), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        write (text,100) txc
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(10), y_pt(10), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X      else
X        n = 0
X        write (text,100) tyc
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(11), y_pt(11), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        write (text,100) tzc
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(12), y_pt(12), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X        write (text,100) trange
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt(13), y_pt(13), status)
X        call gpr_$text (text, length, status)
X      end if
X      n = n + 1
Xc    formats
X100   format (i7)
X110   format (i4)
Xc    reactivate clipping
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
Xc    return to main
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_flashers (object, lock_on, energy, bitmap_desc)
Xc    STREK_FLASHERS flashes warning lights for ships and
Xc    low energy.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                      -jsr
X      integer*2 wind_1(2,2), wind_2(2,2), wind_3(2,2), wind_4(2,2)
X      integer*2 dest_1(2), dest_2(2), dest_3(2), dest_4(2)
X      integer*2 zero, three, ten
X      integer*4 bitmap_desc, status, count
X      real energy
X      logical object(0:9), lock_on, old(4), low_e
X      save old, wind_1, wind_2, wind_3, wind_4, count                                                       
X      save dest_1, dest_2, dest_3, dest_4, zero, three, ten
X      data old / 4 * .false./
X      data count / 0/
X      data wind_1 / 695, 18, 72, 24/
X      data wind_2 / 695, 58, 72, 24/
X      data wind_3 / 799, 58, 72, 24/
X      data wind_4 / 799, 18, 72, 24/
X      data dest_1 / 695, 18/
X      data dest_2 / 695, 58/
X      data dest_3 / 799, 58/
X      data dest_4 / 799, 18/
X      data zero, three, ten / 0, 3, 10/
Xc    cycle through the four warning lights, if they need
Xc    to be reversed then reverse them, simple huh?
X      count = count + 1
X      if (count .gt. 4) then
X        count = 0
X        if (object(2) .and. (.not. old(1))) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_1, zero, dest_1,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(1) = .not. old(1)
X        else if ((.not. object(2)) .and. old(1)) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_1, zero, dest_1,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(1) = .not. old(1)
X        end if
X        if (object(3) .and. (.not. old(2))) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_2, zero, dest_2,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(2) = .not. old(2)
X        else if ((.not. object(3)) .and. old(2)) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_2, zero, dest_2,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(2) = .not. old(2)
X        end if 
X        if (lock_on .and. (.not. old(3))) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_3, zero, dest_3,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(3) = .not. old(3)
X        else if ((.not. lock_on) .and. old(3)) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_3, zero, dest_3,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(3) = .not. old(3)
X        end if                
X        low_e = .false.
X        if (energy .lt. 50.0) low_e = .true.
X        if (low_e .and. (.not. old(4))) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_4, zero, dest_4,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(4) = .not. old(4)
X        else if ((.not. low_e) .and. old(4)) then
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, ten, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
X          call gpr_$bit_blt (bitmap_desc, wind_4, zero, dest_4,
X     &                       zero, status)
X          call gpr_$set_raster_op (zero, three, status)
X          call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X          old(4) = .not. old(4)
X        end if                
X      end if
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_x_hairs
Xc    STREK_X_HAIRS draws the cross-hairs at the screen center.
Xc    Since these don't move and should superimpose upon other
Xc    objects they are redrawn instead of bit blt'ed. Assumes
Xc    draw value is 1.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                           -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 x_pts(4), y_pts(4), num_pos
X      integer*4 status, count
X      save x_pts, y_pts, num_pos, yes
X      data x_pts / 440, 460, 460, 440/
X      data y_pts / 410, 390, 410, 390/
X      data num_pos, count / 4, 1/
Xc   call multiline for cross-hairs
X      if (count .eq. 3) then
X        call gpr_$multiline (x_pts, y_pts, num_pos, status)
X        count = 0
X      end if
X      count = count + 1
X      return
X      end      
X      subroutine strek_message (message, num_lines)
Xc    STREK_MESSAGE prints a message in the com window.
Xc    Message is an array of 3 char*80 strings, num_lines is the
Xc    number to print on this call (0-3). Zero lines implies
Xc    clearing the message block of all current messages.
Xc    Handles the clipping window and a text value commands
Xc    version 1
Xc                                          -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 window(2,2), x_pt, y_pt(3), length
X      integer*4 num_lines,status
X      character*80 message(3)
X      save window, x_pt, y_pt, length
Xc    text placement data
X      data window(1,1), window(2,1), window(1,2), window(2,2) /
X     &     100, 710, 700, 80/
X      data x_pt / 110/
X      data y_pt / 730, 750, 770/
X      data length / 60/                                   
Xc    deactivate clipping window
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false.,status)
Xc    if num_lines is zero erase message block
X      if (num_lines.eq.0) then
X        call gpr_$set_fill_value (0,status)
X        call gpr_$rectangle (window,status)
X        call gpr_$set_fill_value (1,status)         
X        call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
X        return
X      end if
Xc    set text values and write message
X      call gpr_$set_text_value (1,status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_background_value (0,status)
X      do 10 j = 1,num_lines
X        call gpr_$move (x_pt,y_pt(j),status)
X        call gpr_$text (message(j),length,status)
X 10   continue
Xc    reset text values and clipping window
X      call gpr_$set_text_value (0,status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_background_value (1,status)
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true.,status)
Xc    return to main program
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_draw_phasers (x_pt, y_pt)
Xc    STREK_DRAW_PHASERS - draws the phasers to the target point
Xc    (x_pt,y_pt). This is all done in stop  action (light speed
Xc    and everthing like that there). Handles all gpr actions 
Xc    needed and returns them to normal.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                          -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 xpt_l, xpt_r, ypt
X      integer*4 x_pt, y_pt, status
X      real*4 xoff_l, xoff_r, yoff
Xc    find the incremental offsets of rays
X      xoff_l = (x_pt - 100)/20.0
X      xoff_r = (x_pt - 800)/20.0
X      yoff   = (y_pt - 700)/20.0     
Xc    begin drawing lines using move and line
X      do 10 j = 1,20
X        xpt_l = 100 + (j-1)*xoff_l
X        ypt   = 700 + (j-1)*yoff
X        call gpr_$move (xpt_l, ypt, status)        
X        xpt_l = xpt_l + xoff_l
X        ypt   = ypt + yoff
X        call gpr_$line (xpt_l, ypt, status)        
X        xpt_r = 800 + (j-1)*xoff_r
X        ypt   = 700 + (j-1)*yoff
X        call gpr_$move (xpt_r, ypt, status)        
X        xpt_r = xpt_r + xoff_r
X        ypt   = ypt + yoff
X        call gpr_$line (xpt_r, ypt, status)        
X 10   continue
Xc    erase lines slowly
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (0, status)
X      do 20 j = 1,20
X        xpt_l = 100 + (j-1)*xoff_l
X        ypt   = 700 + (j-1)*yoff
X        call gpr_$move (xpt_l, ypt, status)        
X        xpt_l = xpt_l + xoff_l
X        ypt   = ypt + yoff
X        call gpr_$line (xpt_l, ypt, status)        
X        xpt_r = 800 + (j-1)*xoff_r
X        ypt   = 700 + (j-1)*yoff
X        call gpr_$move (xpt_r, ypt, status)        
X        xpt_r = xpt_r + xoff_r
X        ypt   = ypt + yoff
X        call gpr_$line (xpt_r, ypt, status)        
X 20   continue
Xc    return to calling sub
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (1, status)
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_damage_info (d_pct, capt_name, nick_name)
Xc    STREK_DAMAGE_INFO documents on the com line the current
Xc    ship damages including a diagnostic from Scotty.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                        -jsr 8/85
X      real*4 d_pct(6), total
X      character*10 capt_name, nick_name
X      character*80 message(3)
X      data message(1) /'  engine 1  engine 2    phaser   battery   scann
X     &er   tractor'/
Xc    encode damage pecentiles
X      write (message(2),'(6f10.2)') (d_pct(i), i=1,6)
Xc    add percents
X      total = 0.0
X      do 10 j = 1,6
X        total = total + d_pct(j)
X 10   continue
Xc    pick Scotty's message
X      if (total.gt.4.8) then
X        message(3) = 'Aye, there''s no problem captain '//capt_name
X      else if (total.le.4.8.and.total.gt.3.0) then
X        message(3) = 'She''ll hold together '//nick_name
X      else
X        message(3) = 'She can''t take much more of this abuse '//
X     &               nick_name
X      end if
X      call strek_message (message, 3)
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_number_objects (pos_store, orange, object, dir)
Xc    STREK_NUMBER_OBJECTS writes the unique STREK object number
Xc    next to screen objects. Assumes proper font, raster_op and
Xc    clip window status.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                    -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 x_pt, y_pt
X      integer*4 pos_store(0:9,2), status
X      real*4 orange(0:9)
X      logical object(0:9), dir
X      character*1 text(0:9)
X      save text
X      data text/'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'/
X      if (dir) then
X        call gpr_$set_text_value (1, status)
X        call gpr_$set_text_background_value (0, status)
X      else
X        call gpr_$set_text_value (0, status)
X        call gpr_$set_text_background_value (0, status)
X      end if
Xc    loop over objects
X      do 10 j = 0,9
X        if (object(j).and.orange(j).lt.640000.0) then
X          x_pt = pos_store(j,1) 
X          y_pt = pos_store(j,2) 
X          call gpr_$move (x_pt, y_pt, status)
X          call gpr_$text (text(j), int2(1), status)
X        end if
X 10   continue
X      call gpr_$set_text_value (0, status)
X      call gpr_$set_text_background_value (1, status)
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_scanner (rox, roy, roz, object, dir)
Xc    STREK_SCANNER maintains the scanner windows.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                 -jsr 8/85
X      integer*2 xpt(0:9), ypt(0:9), xpt2(0:9), ypt2(0:9)
X      integer*2 xt, yt
X      integer*4 status
X      real*4 rox(0:9), roy(0:9), roz(0:9), max, check, scale
X      logical object(0:9), dir, erase(0:9)
X      save xpt, ypt, xpt2, ypt2, max, check, scale, erase
X      data max, check, scale /360000.0, 600.0, 0.0666666/
X      data xpt, ypt, xpt2, ypt2 /40*0/
X      data erase /10*.false./
Xc    turn off clipping
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.false., status)
Xc    if refreshing then compute projected postions
X      if (dir) then
X        do 10 j= 0,9
X          erase(j) = .false.
X          if (object(j)) then
X            if ((abs(rox(j)).lt.check.and.abs(roy(j)).lt.check).and.
X     &         (abs(roz(j)).lt.check)) then
X              check1 = rox(j)**2 + roy(j)**2
X              if (check1.lt.max) then
X                check1 = roz(j)**2 + roy(j)**2      
X                if (check1.lt.max) then 
X                  erase(j) = .true.
X                  xpt(j)  = rox(j) * scale + 850
X                  ypt(j)  = - roy(j) * scale + 540
X                  xpt2(j) = roy(j) * scale + 850
X                  ypt2(j) = - roz(j) * scale + 650
X                  call gpr_$move (xpt(j), ypt(j), status)
X                  xt = xpt(j) + 1
X                  yt = ypt(j) + 1
X                  call gpr_$line (xt, yt, status)
X                  call gpr_$move (xpt2(j), ypt2(j), status)
X                  xt = xpt2(j) + 1
X                  yt = ypt2(j) + 1
X                  call gpr_$line (xt, yt, status)
X                end if
X              end if
X            end if
X          end if
X 10     continue
Xc    plot a dot at the center of each (player ship)
X        xt =  850
X        yt =  540
X        call gpr_$move (xt, yt, status)
X        call gpr_$line (xt, yt, status)
X        yt =  650
X        call gpr_$move (xt, yt, status)
X        call gpr_$line (xt, yt, status)
Xc    using previous position erase the current lines by redrawing 
Xc    in black
X      else
X        do 20 j = 0,9
X          if (erase(j)) then
X            call gpr_$move (xpt(j), ypt(j), status)
X            xt = xpt(j) + 1
X            yt = ypt(j) + 1
X            call gpr_$line (xt, yt, status)
X            call gpr_$move (xpt2(j), ypt2(j), status)
X            xt = xpt2(j) + 1
X            yt = ypt2(j) + 1
X            call gpr_$line (xt, yt, status)
X          end if
X 20     continue
X      end if
X      call gpr_$set_clipping_active (.true., status)
X      return
X      end  
X      subroutine strek_phaser_ship (x1, y1, pcen, seed)
Xc    STREK_PHASER_SHIP draws phasers fire lines from an enemy
Xc    ship to the player ship in stop time action. Lines are 
Xc    then erased. Handles all GPR calls needed .
Xc    version 1
Xc                                       -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 xpt1, xpt2, ypt1, ypt2, pcen(2)
X      integer*4 status, px_1, px_2, py_1, py_2
X      real*4 xoff_1, xoff_2, yoff_1, yoff_2, seed, x_pt, y_pt
Xc    if ship is to far off the screen or behind the player ship
Xc    then don't execute.
X      x_pt = x1
X      y_pt = y1
X      if (x_pt.eq.1000.and.y_pt.eq.1000) return
X      x_pt = pcen(1)
X      y_pt = pcen(2)
Xc    randomly find position of hit on screen
X      call rand (seed)
X      if (seed.lt.0.25) then
X        px_1 = 800
X        call rand (seed)
X        py_1 = 100 + 600 * seed
X      else if (seed.lt.0.5.and.seed.ge.0.25) then
X        px_1 = 100
X        call rand (seed)
X        py_1 = 100 + 600 * seed
X      else if (seed.lt.0.75.and.seed.ge.0.50) then
X        py_1 = 100
X        call rand (seed)
X        px_1 = 100 + 700 * seed
X      else
X        py_1 = 700
X        call rand (seed)
X        px_1 = 100 + 700 * seed
X      end if
X      call rand (seed)
X      if (seed.lt.0.25) then
X        px_2 = 800
X        call rand (seed)
X        py_2 = 100 + 600 * seed
X      else if (seed.lt.0.5.and.seed.ge.0.25) then
X        px_2 = 100
X        call rand (seed)
X        py_2 = 100 + 600 * seed
X      else if (seed.lt.0.75.and.seed.ge.0.50) then
X        py_2 = 100
X        call rand (seed)
X        px_2 = 100 + 700 * seed
X      else
X        py_2 = 700
X        call rand (seed)
X        px_2 = 100 + 700 * seed
X      end if
Xc    find the incremental offsets of rays
X      xoff_1 = (px_1 - x_pt)/20.0
X      xoff_2 = (px_2 - x_pt)/20.0
X      yoff_1 = (py_1 - y_pt)/20.0     
X      yoff_2 = (py_2 - y_pt)/20.0     
Xc    begin drawing lines using move and line
X      do 10 j = 1,20
X        xpt1 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_1
X        ypt1 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_1
X        call gpr_$move (xpt1, ypt1, status)        
X        xpt1 = xpt1 + xoff_1
X        ypt1 = ypt1 + yoff_1
X        call gpr_$line (xpt1, ypt1, status)        
X        xpt2 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_2
X        ypt2 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_2
X        call gpr_$move (xpt2, ypt2, status)        
X        xpt2 = xpt2 + xoff_2
X        ypt2 = ypt2 + yoff_2
X        call gpr_$line (xpt2, ypt2, status)        
X 10   continue
Xc    erase lines slowly
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (0, status)
X      do 20 j = 1,20
X        xpt1 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_1
X        ypt1 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_1
X        call gpr_$move (xpt1, ypt1, status)        
X        xpt1 = xpt1 + xoff_1
X        ypt1 = ypt1 + yoff_1
X        call gpr_$line (xpt1, ypt1, status)        
X        xpt2 = x_pt + (j-1)*xoff_2
X        ypt2 = y_pt + (j-1)*yoff_2
X        call gpr_$move (xpt2, ypt2, status)        
X        xpt2 = xpt2 + xoff_2
X        ypt2 = ypt2 + yoff_2
X        call gpr_$line (xpt2, ypt2, status)        
X 20   continue
Xc    return to calling sub
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (1, status)
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_phaser_nemian (pro_x, pro_y)
Xc    STREK_PHASER_NEMIAN draws the klingon phaser fire towards 
Xc    Nemian freighters in stop action time.
Xc    version 1
Xc                                   -jsr 8/85
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X      integer*2 x_pt, y_pt
X      integer*4 status
X      real*4 pro_x(0:9), pro_y(0:9), xoff, yoff
Xc    check that phasers need to be drawn
X      if (pro_x(1).eq.1000.0.or.pro_y(1).eq.1000.0) return
Xc    form offsets
X      xoff = (pro_x(1) - pro_x(2))/20.0
X      yoff = (pro_y(1) - pro_y(2))/20.0    
Xc    draw phasers (1 line only)
X      x_pt = pro_x(2)
X      y_pt = pro_y(2)
X      call gpr_$move (x_pt, y_pt, status)
X      do 10 j = 1,20
X        x_pt = x_pt + xoff
X        y_pt = y_pt + yoff
X        call gpr_$line (x_pt, y_pt, status)
X 10   continue
Xc    erase lines by redrawing in black
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (0, status)
X      x_pt = pro_x(2)
X      y_pt = pro_y(2)
X      call gpr_$move (x_pt, y_pt, status)
X      do 20 j = 1,20
X        x_pt = x_pt + xoff
X        y_pt = y_pt + yoff
X        call gpr_$line (x_pt, y_pt, status)
X 20   continue
Xc    reset color and return
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value(1, status)
X      return
X      end
E!O!F! xstrek/original_code/strek_graphics_subs.f
echo xstrek/original_code/strek_keydef_subs.f 1>&2
sed -e 's/^X//' > xstrek/original_code/strek_keydef_subs.f <<'E!O!F! xstrek/original_code/strek_keydef_subs.f'
X      subroutine strek_parse_key_defs (key_file, found)
Xc    STREK_PARSE_KEY_DEFS interprets the user input key
Xc    definitions file in terms of the actual keys and 
Xc    KBD.INS.FTN parameters
Xc    version 2
Xc                                         -jsr 8/85
Xc    modified 11/20/85                
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/kbd.ins.ftn'
X      integer*4 number
X      character*1 means(256), temp, pf(90)
X      character*256 key_file
X      logical fyn, found
Xc    common block of key def's
X      common /key_defs/ means
X      data pf /'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
X     &         'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
X     &         'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', kbd_$l1, kbd_$l2,
X     &         kbd_$l3, kbd_$l4, kbd_$l5, kbd_$l6, kbd_$l7, kbd_$l8,
X     &         kbd_$l9, kbd_$la, kbd_$lb, kbd_$lc, kbd_$ld, kbd_$le,
X     &         kbd_$lf, kbd_$l1a, kbd_$l2a, kbd_$l3a, kbd_$l1u,
X     &         kbd_$l2u, kbd_$l3u, kbd_$l4u, kbd_$l5u, kbd_$l6u,
X     &         kbd_$l7u, kbd_$l8u, kbd_$l9u, kbd_$lau, kbd_$lbu,
X     &         kbd_$lcu, kbd_$ldu, kbd_$leu, kbd_$lfu, kbd_$l1au,
X     &         kbd_$l2au, kbd_$l3au, kbd_$f1, kbd_$f2, kbd_$f3, kbd_$f4,
X     &         kbd_$f5, kbd_$f6, kbd_$f7, kbd_$f8, kbd_$f1u, kbd_$f2u,
X     &         kbd_$f3u, kbd_$f4u, kbd_$f5u, kbd_$f6u, kbd_$f7u,
X     &         kbd_$f8u, kbd_$r1, kbd_$r2, kbd_$r3, kbd_$r4, kbd_$r5,
X     &         kbd_$r6, ' ', ',', '.', '/', ';', '['/
Xc    read in file
X      inquire (file = key_file, exist=fyn)
X      if (.not.fyn) then
X        found = .false.
X        return
X      end if 
X      found = .true.
X      do 10 j = 1, 256
X        means(j) = char(j)
X 10   continue
X      open (unit = 1, file = key_file)
X      read (1,'(a)') temp
X      read (1,'(a)') temp
X      do 20 j = 1, 90
X        read (1, 100) temp
X        if (temp .ne. ' ') then
X          means(ichar(pf(j))) = temp
X        end if
X 20   continue
X100   format (6x, a)
X      close(1)
X      return
X      end
X      subroutine strek_interpret_key (t_key)
Xc    STREK_INTERPRET_KEY interprets an keystroke event datum
Xc    in terms of it's users defined key.
Xc    version 2
Xc                                  -jsr 8/85
Xc    modified 11/20/85
X      character*1 t_key, means(256)
X      common /key_defs/ means
X      t_key = means(ichar(t_key))
X      end
E!O!F! xstrek/original_code/strek_keydef_subs.f
echo xstrek/original_code/strek_main.f 1>&2
sed -e 's/^X//' > xstrek/original_code/strek_main.f <<'E!O!F! xstrek/original_code/strek_main.f'
X      program strek_main
Xc    *******************************************************************
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                STAR TREK VERSION 3.0                    *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                     written by                          *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                Justin S. Revenaugh                      *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****                       7/87                              *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *****        Massachussetts Institute of Technology           *****
Xc    *****  Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science *****
Xc    *****                                                         *****
Xc    *******************************************************************
Xc    STREK_MAIN is the main calling code for the STREK system.
Xc    It handles the database startup calls, graphics init call,
Xc    the screen update - resolve - key request sequence.
Xc    When the ship docks or dies it updates the database.
Xc    version 2.0
X% include '/sys/ins/base.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/gpr.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/smdu.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/time.ins.ftn'
X% include '/sys/ins/cal.ins.ftn'
Xc    STREK declarations
X      parameter (pi = 3.141592653)
X      integer*2 font_3, font_4, clock(3), timer(3), wait(3), center(2)
X      integer*2 event_type, c_pos(2), key_set(16)
X      integer*4 status, last_score, cum_score, photons, waited
X      integer*4 photon_c(6), r_index, bitmap_desc, scan_ob, turns_wait
X      integer*4 ph_object, tr_object, pos_store(0:9,2)
X      integer*4 option, phase_c, score, index(0:9), item, type, l_object
X      integer*4 txc, tyc, tzc, trange, rate, cm(3), cs(3), pc(3)
X      integer*4 ship_k, ship_r, ship_n, dock_n
Xc   real variables (all ship position data)
X      real*4 trx, try, trz, trazm, trangle, trdist, tr_cost(0:9)
X      real*4 rot_azm(10), rot_ang(10), rot_cost(10), rox(0:9)
X      real*4 roy(0:9), roz(0:9), pro_x(0:9), pro_y(0:9), xt(0:9)
X      real*4 yt(0:9), zt(0:9), xc, yc, zc, azm, value(9)
X      real*4 angle, obx(0:9), oby(0:9), obz(0:9), oazm(0:9)
X      real*4 oangle(0:9), ospeed(0:9), orange(0:9), speed, energy
X      real*4 distance(3,0:9), odamage(0:9), d_pct(6), seed
X      real*4 damage, maxd(9), photon_tr(4:9), razm(3), rangle(3)
X      real*4 brake(3), ran_store(0:9), soa(9), coa(9), sop(9), cop(9)
X      real*8 elapsed, turn, duration
Xc    message strings
X      character capt_name*10, nick_name*10, ship_name*30
X      character*1 key, t_key, dam_rating(3)*10, means(90)
X      character*80 message(3), t_message(3), s_message(17)
X      character*80 b_message(3), p_message(3), u_message(6)
X      character*80 sc_message(6), d_message(6), k_message(3)
X      character*80 ph_message(6), a_message(3), ps_message(6)
X      character*80 ap_message(3), l_message(6), r_message(3)
X      character*80 e_message(3), sl_message(3)
X      character*256 key_file
Xc    logical toggles for objects
X      logical input_event, new_ship, scan, tract, phase, found
X      logical tract_ob, rotate, object(0:9), kling(3), phase_d
X      logical plot(0:9), two, agr(3), lock_on, reverse, unobscured
X      logical refresh
Xc    key interpretation common
X      common /key_defs/ means
Xc    data for STREK 
X      data index /1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6/
X      data key_set /16 * 16#ffff/
X      data ship_k, ship_r, ship_n, dock_n/4*0/
X      data c/0/
X      data waited, turns_wait / 0, 0/
X      data cm, cs, pc /3*0, 3*0, 3*3/
X      data rot_azm /0.0, -2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2*0.0/
X      data rot_ang /2.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 2*0.0/
X      data rot_cost, rotate /8*.25, 0.0, 0.25, .true./
X      data r_index, photon_tr /9, 6*900.0/
X      data xc, yc, zc, azm, angle /0.0, -50.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0/
X      data photons, speed, energy, damage /20, 0.0, 1000.0, 0.0/
X      data d_pct, odamage /6*1.0, 10*0.0/
X      data tr_cost /0.0, 0.4, 2.0, 2.0, 6*1.0/
X      data obx(0), oby(0), obz(0)/3*0.0/
X      data ospeed, oangle, oazm /10*0.0, 10*0.0, 10*0.0/
X      data score, maxd, value /0, 5.0, 2*0.0, 6*12.5, -200.0, 2*300.0, 
X     &                         6*0.0/
X      data sa, ca, sp, cp /0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0/
X      data rox, roy, roz / 30 * 0.0/
X      data scan, tract, phase, phase_d/3*.true., .false./
X      data tract_ob, scan_ob, tr_object /.false., 1, 0/
X      data object, plot /.true., 9*.false., 10*.false./
X      data lock_on, refresh /.false., .true./
X      data dam_rating /'light', 'moderate', 'heavy'/
X      data t_message /'Which should I lock onto captain?',
X     &                'Input number of object to lock,'
X     &               ,'any other input = No lock on '/
X      data p_message /'Phaser control',
X     &                'Input number of object to lock phasers on,'
X     &               ,'any other input = No phaser lock on '/
X      data e_message  /'Photon Torpedo Trigger Radius Options',
X     &                '1 = 15  2 = 20  3 = 25  4 = 30  5 = 35  6 = 40',
X     &                'Enter option.'/
X      data r_message  /'Statistics for ',
X     &                 'Klingons  Romulans  Nemians  Nemians Docked  Sco
X     &re  Total', ' '/
X      data a_message, b_message, k_message /9*' '/
X      data ap_message(1) /'Ship hit by enemy photon!'/
X      data ap_message(2) /' '/
X      data d_message(1)  /' '/
X      data d_message(2)  /'Nemian freighter destroyed.'/
X      data d_message(3)  /'Enemy spacecraft destroyed.'/
X      data d_message(4)  /'Second enemy spacecraft destroyed.'/
X      data d_message(5)  /'Enemy photon torpedo destroyed.'/
X      data d_message(6)  /'Photon torpedo destroyed.'/
X      data l_message(1)  /'Navigation lock on star base.'/
X      data l_message(2)  /'Navigation lock on Nemian freighter.'/
X      data l_message(3)  /'Navigation lock on enemy spacecraft.'/
X      data l_message(4)  /'Navigation lock on second enemy spacecraft.'/
X      data ph_message(2) /'Nemian freighter hit by photon torpedo.'/
X      data ph_message(3) /'Enemy ship hit by photon torpedo.'/
X      data ph_message(4) /'Enemy ship hit by photon torpedo.'/
X      data ps_message(2) /'Nemian freighter hit by phaser fire.'/
X      data ps_message(3) /'Enemy ship hit by phaser fire.'/
X      data ps_message(4) /'Enemy ship hit by phaser fire.'/
X      data ps_message(5) /'Enemy Photon torpedo hit by phaser fire.'/
X      data ps_message(6) /'Photon torpedo hit by phaser fire.'/
X      data s_message(2)  /'Tractor beam on Nemian freighter dropped.'/
X      data s_message(5)  /'Tractor beam on enemy photon dropped.'/
X      data s_message(6)  /'Tractor beam on photon torpedo dropped.'/
X      data s_message(7)  /'Tractor beam lock on dropped.'/
X      data s_message(8)  /'Photon torpedo launched sir.'/
X      data s_message(9)  /'I''m giving it all she''s got captain.'/
X      data s_message(10) /'Scanner lock on lost.'/
X      data s_message(11) /'Nemian freighter docked at star base.'/
X      data s_message(12) /'Score for destroying ship: '/
X      data s_message(13) /'Good going '/
X      data s_message(14) /'Scanners report that the damage was '/
X      data s_message(15) /'Repair parties report that the damage was '/
X      data s_message(16) /'Points lost '/
X      data s_message(17) /'It''s your job to defend the Nemians '/
X      data sc_message(1) /'Scanner locked on starbase.'/
X      data sc_message(2) /'Scanner locked on Nemian freighter.'/
X      data sc_message(3) /'Scanner locked on enemy ship.'/
X      data sc_message(4) /'Scanner locked on second enemy ship.'/
X      data sc_message(5) /'Scanner locked on enemy photon.'/
X      data sc_message(6) /'Scanner locked on photon torpedo.'/
X      data u_message(2)  /'Nemian freighter in tractor beam.'/
X      data u_message(5)  /'Enemy photon in tractor beam.'/
X      data u_message(6)  /'Photon torpedo in tractor beam.'/
X      data sl_message(1) /'Game put on hold.'/
X      data sl_message(2) /'STREK will not start again until another'/
X      data sl_message(3) /'key is hit.'/
Xc    statement functions for converting angles to rads
Xc    and vice-versa
X      ra(x) = x * pi / 180.0
X      de(x) = x * 180.0 / pi
Xc    call STREK_STARTUP to init db and get ship info
X      call strek_startup (capt_name, nick_name, ship_name, 
X     &                    last_score, cum_score, key_file, new_ship)
X      call strek_screen_init (bitmap_desc, font_3, font_4)
Xc    enable keystroke events
X      call gpr_$enable_input (gpr_$keystroke, key_set, status)
Xc    startup info panels (4 passes to init everything)
X      do 5 j = 1,4
X        call strek_update_panel (0, int(energy), photons, phase, 
X     &                           tract_ob, int(xc), int(yc), int(zc),
X     &                           scan, 0, 0, 0, 0, int(azm), int(angle))      
X 5    continue
Xc    give an introductory message
X      b_message(2) = 'Welcome aboard sir, the bridge is all yours!'
X      call strek_message (b_message, 3)
Xc    call clock to get a random number seed
X      call cal_$get_local_time (clock)
X      seed = abs(clock(3)/33000.0)
Xc    start turn timer
X      call time_$clock (timer)
X      call cal_$float_clock (timer, elapsed)
Xc    get a nemian
X      call strek_place_nemian (xc, yc, zc, obx(1), oby(1), obz(1),
X     &                         oazm(1), oangle(1), ospeed(1), seed)
X      object(1) = .true.                           
X      odamage(1) = 0.0
Xc    begin event driver loop
X 10   continue
Xc    check phaser availability
X      if ((.not.phase).and.phase_d) then
X        phase_c   = phase_c + 1
X        if (phase_c.gt.40) then
X          phase_d = .false.
X          phase   = .true.
X        end if
X      end if
Xc    if nemian is getting too far away then refresh him
X      if (orange(1).gt.9000000.0) object(1) = .false.
Xc    if there's no nemian then get one
X      if (.not.object(1)) then
X        call strek_place_nemian (xc, yc, zc, obx(1), oby(1), obz(1),
X     &                           oazm(1), oangle(1), ospeed(1), seed)
X        object(1) = .true.                           
X        odamage(1) = 0.0
Xc    check for nemian docking
X      else if ((tr_object.eq.1).and.tract_ob) then
X        if (distance(1,0).lt.900.0.and.abs(speed).le.1) then
X          score = score + 500
X          b_message(2) = s_message(11)
X          call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X          tract_ob = .false.
X          object(1) = .false.
X          dock_n = dock_n + 1
X        end if
X      end if
Xc    check for photon proximity explosions
X      do 20 j = 4,9
X        if (object(j)) then
X          photon_c(j-3) = photon_c(j-3) + 1
X          if (photon_c(j-3).gt.60) object(j) = .false.
X          if (j.gt.6) then
X            do 30 i = 1,3
X              if (object(i).and.(distance(i,j).le.photon_tr(j).and.
X     &            orange(j).gt.1600.0)) then
X                object(j) = .false.
X                call strek_photon_damage (distance(i,j), odamage(i),
X     &                                    seed, type)
X                a_message(1) = ph_message(index(i))
X                write (a_message(3),'(a36,a10)') s_message(14),
X     &                 dam_rating(type)
X                call strek_message (a_message, 3)
X              end if
X 30         continue
X          else
Xc    check for nemian hits
X            if (object(1).and.(distance(1,j).lt.photon_tr(j))) then
X              if (.not.object(2).or.distance(2,j).gt.900.0) then
X                if (.not.object(3).or.distance(3,j).gt.900.0) then
X                  object(j) = .false.
X                  call strek_photon_damage (distance(1,j), odamage(1), 
X     &                                      seed, type)              
X                end if
X              end if
X            end if
Xc    check for player ship hits
X            if (orange(j).lt.photon_tr(j)) then
X              if (.not.object(2).or.distance(2,j).gt.225.0) then
X                if (.not.object(3).or.distance(3,j).gt.225.0) then
X                  object(j) = .false.
X                  call strek_photon_damage (orange(j), damage, 
X     &                                      seed, type)
X                  write (ap_message(3),'(a42,a10)') s_message(15),
X     &                   dam_rating(type)
X                  call strek_message (ap_message, 3)
X                end if
X              end if
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
X 20   continue
Xc    if enemy ships are alive then move 'em
X      if (object(2).or.object(3)) then
X        do 50 j = 2,3
X          if (object(j)) then
X            call strek_move_enemy (j, obx, oby, obz, oazm, oangle,
X     &                             ospeed, xc, yc, zc, azm, angle,
X     &                             speed, agr(j), object, rox(j),
X     &                             roy(j), roz(j), odamage, pc(j),
X     &                             distance, kling(j), cm(j), cs(j),
X     &                             orange, razm(j), rangle(j), 
X     &                             brake(j), damage, photon_c,
X     &                             phase_c, pro_x, pro_y, seed, center)
X          end if
X 50     continue
X      else if (waited .gt. turns_wait) then
Xc    reset damage totals, pick ship type and aggression levels
X        call strek_enemy_setup (odamage, agr, kling, maxd, object, seed,
X     &                          two, pc) 
X        j = 2
X        k = 3
X        if (two) then
X          call strek_place_enemy (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                            oazm(j), oangle(j), ospeed(j), seed)
X          call strek_place_enemy (xc, yc, zc, obx(k), oby(k), obz(k),
X     &                            oazm(k), oangle(k), ospeed(k), seed)
X        else
X          call strek_place_enemy (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                            oazm(j), oangle(j), ospeed(j), seed)
X        end if
X        waited = 0
X      else if (waited .eq. 0) then
X        call rand (seed)
X        turns_wait = seed * 150.0 + 50
X        waited = 1
X      else
X        waited = waited + 1
X      end if  
Xc    evaluate sum of damages (both photon and phaser) to other objects
X      do 40 j= 1,9
X        if (object(j).and.(odamage(j).ge.maxd(j))) then
X          if (j.eq.1) then
X            ship_n = ship_n + 1
X          else if (kling(j)) then
X            ship_k = ship_k + 1
X          else
X            ship_r = ship_r + 1
X          end if
X          object(j) = .false.
X          k_message(1) = d_message(index(j))
X          if (j.eq.2.or.j.eq.3) then
X            write (k_message(2),'(a27,f10.2)') s_message(12), value(j)
X            write (k_message(3),'(a11,a10)') s_message(13), nick_name
X          else if (j.eq.1) then
X            write (k_message(2),'(a13,f10.2)') s_message(16), value(j)
X            write (k_message(3),'(a36,a10)') s_message(17), capt_name 
X            call rand (seed)
X            if (seed.gt.0.5) then
X              agr(2) = .false.
X            end if
X            call rand (seed)
X            if (seed.gt.0.5) then
X              agr(3) = .false.
X            end if
X          else
X            k_message(2) = k_message(1)
X            k_message(1) = ' '
X            k_message(3) = ' '
X          end if
X          call strek_message (k_message, 3)
X          score = score + value(j)
X        end if
X 40   continue
Xc    process lock on coordinates
X      nav_c = nav_c + 1
X      if (lock_on) then
X        if (orange(l_object).gt.10000.0.and.nav_c.ge.10) then
X          nav_c = 0
X          if (speed.lt.0.0) then
X            s1 = -speed
X            s2 = azm + 180.0
X            if (s2.gt.360.0) s2 = s2 - 360.0
X            s3 = 360.0 - angle
X            reverse = .true.
X          else
X            s1 = speed
X            s2 = azm
X            s3 = angle
X            reverse = .false.
X          end if
X          if (s1.gt.1.e-2) then
X            num_forward = sqrt(orange(l_object)) / s1
X          else
X            num_forward = 20
X          end if
X          j = l_object
X          xt1 = -num_forward * ospeed(j) * sin(oazm(j)) * 
X     &           cos(oangle(j)) + obx(j)
X          yt1 =  num_forward * ospeed(j) * cos(oazm(j)) *
X     &           cos(oangle(j)) + oby(j)
X          zt1 =  num_forward * ospeed(j) * sin(oangle(j))
X     &           + obz(j)
X          dx = xt1 - xc
X          dy = yt1 - yc
X          dz = zt1 - zc
X          if (abs(dy).lt.1.0) dy = sign (1.0, dy)
X          if (dy.le.0.0) then
X            tazm = -de(atan(dx/dy)) + 180.0
X          else
X            tazm = -de(atan(dx/dy))
X          end if
X          if (tazm.lt.0.0) tazm = tazm + 360.0
X          dist = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
X          if (dist.lt.1.0) dist = 1.0
X          tangle = de(atan(dz/dist))
Xc    pick smallest angle (needed due to arctan being only in
Xc    I and IV quadrants
X          t1 = (tazm - s2)/10.0
X          t2 = (tangle - s3)/10.0
X          t3 = (tazm - (s2 + 360.0))/10.0
X          t4 = (tangle - (s3 + 360.0))/10.0
X          t5 = (tazm - (s2 - 360.0))/10.0
X          t6 = (tangle - (s3 - 360.0))/10.0
X          if (abs(t3).lt.abs(t1)) t1 = t3
X          if (abs(t5).lt.abs(t1)) t1 = t5
X          if (abs(t4).lt.abs(t2)) t2 = t4
X          if (abs(t6).lt.abs(t2)) t2 = t6
X          if (reverse) t2 = - t2
Xc    limit rotation angles by max ship ability
X          if (abs(t1).gt.0.6) t1 = sign(0.6, t1)
X          if (abs(t2).gt.0.6) t2 = sign(0.6, t2)
Xc    set rotation vars
X          rot_azm(10) = t1
X          rot_ang(10) = t2
X        end if
X      end if
Xc    if rotate then rotate
X      if (rot_azm(r_index).ne.0.0) then
X        azm = azm + rot_azm(r_index)
X        sa = sin(ra(azm))
X        ca = cos(ra(azm))
X      end if
X      if (rot_ang(r_index).ne.0.0) then
X        angle = angle + rot_ang(r_index)
X        sp = sin(ra(angle))
X        cp = cos(ra(angle))
X      end if
X      if ((.not.rotate).and.(.not.lock_on)) r_index = 9
Xc    rotate tractored object back to translated galatic coords centered
Xc    on ship
X      if (tract_ob.and.tract) then
X        if (.not.object(tr_object)) then
X          tract_ob     = .false.
X          b_message(2) = s_message(index(tr_object))
X          call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X        else
X          trazm = trazm + ra(rot_azm(r_index))
X          t1 = cos(trazm - ra(azm))
X          trangle = trangle + ra(rot_ang(r_index)) * t1
X          j = tr_object
X          trx = rox(j)*ca - roy(j)*sa*cp + roz(j)*sa*sp + xc
X          try = rox(j)*sa + roy(j)*ca*cp - roz(j)*ca*sp + yc
X          trz =             roy(j)*sp    + roz(j)*cp    + zc
X        end if
X      end if
Xc    check that scan object still exists
X      if (.not.(object(scan_ob)).and.(scan_ob.ge.4)) then
X        scan_ob = 1
X        b_message (2) = s_message(10)
X        call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X      end if
Xc    check that nav lock on object still exists
X      if (lock_on.and.((.not.object(l_object).or.orange(l_object).lt.
X     &    10000.0).or.(.not.scan))) then
X        lock_on = .false.
X        b_message(2) = 'Navigation lock on lost.'
X        call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X        r_index = 9
X      end if
Xc    apply damage to the player's ship
X      call strek_assess_damage (d_pct, damage, scan, tract, phase,
X     &                          energy, seed)
Xc    get a key if one has been struck
X      unobscured = gpr_$cond_event_wait (event_type, key, c_pos, status)
X      if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event) then
X        call strek_interpret_key (key)
Xc    process a speed key
X        if (key.eq.'a') then
X          speed = speed + 0.5
X          if (speed.gt.5.0) then
X            speed = 5.0
X            b_message(2) = s_message(9)
X            call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X          end if
X        else if (key.eq.'s') then
X          speed = speed - 0.5
X          if (speed.lt.-5.0) then
X            speed = -5.0
X            b_message(2) = s_message(9)
X            call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    process a rotate key
X        if (.not.lock_on) then
X          if (key.eq.'m') then
X            r_index = 9
X          else if (key.eq.'b') then
X            rotate = .not.rotate
X          else
X            if (.not.rotate) then
X              if (key.eq.'u') then
X                r_index = 1
X              else if (key.eq.'j') then
X                r_index = 2
X              else if (key.eq.'h') then
X                r_index = 3
X              else if (key.eq.'n') then
X                r_index = 4
X              end if
X            else
X              if (key.eq.'u') then
X                r_index = 5
X              else if (key.eq.'j') then
X                r_index = 6
X              else if (key.eq.'h') then
X                r_index = 7
X              else if (key.eq.'n') then
X                r_index = 8
X              end if       
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    process a tractor beam key
X        if ((key.eq.'t'.and.tract).and.(.not.tract_ob)) then
X          call strek_number_objects (pos_store, ran_store, object,
X     &                               .true.)
X          call strek_message (t_message, 3)
X          i = 0
X 60       continue
X            i = i + 1
X            unobscured = gpr_$cond_event_wait (event_type, t_key, c_pos,
X     &                                         status)
X            if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event.or.i.gt.3000) goto 70
X            goto 60
X 70       continue
X          call strek_number_objects (pos_store, ran_store, object,
X     &                               .false.)
X          if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event) then
X            call strek_interpret_key (t_key)
X            if ((t_key.eq.'1').or.((t_key.ge.'4').and.(t_key.le.'9')))
X     &        then
X              read (t_key,'(i1)') tr_object
X              if (object(tr_object).and.orange(tr_object).lt.9.0e4) then
X                tract_ob = .true.
X                j        = tr_object
X                trx      = obx(j)
X                try      = oby(j)
X                trz      = obz(j)
X                trazm    = oazm(j)
X                trangle  = oangle(j)
X                trdist   = orange(j)
X                b_message(2) = u_message(index(j))
X                call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X              end if
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    process a drop tractor key
X        if (key.eq.'r'.and.tract_ob) then
X          tract_ob          = .false.
X          oazm(tr_object)   = trazm
X          oangle(tr_object) = trangle
X          b_message(2)      = s_message(7)
X          call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X        end if 
Xc    process an damage information key
X        if (key.eq.'i') then
X          call strek_damage_info (d_pct, capt_name, nick_name)
X        end if
Xc    process a photon key
X        if (key.eq.'f'.and.(photons.ge.1)) then          
X          call strek_find_free_ob (object, 7, j, found)
X          if (found) then
X            object(j)     = .true.
X            photon_c(j-3) = 0
X            photons       = photons - 1
X            obx(j)        = xc
X            oby(j)        = yc
X            obz(j)        = zc
X            oazm(j)       = ra(azm)
X            oangle(j)     = ra(angle)
X            ospeed(j)     = 10
X            b_message(2)  = s_message(8)
X            call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    process a phaser key
X        if (((key.eq.'p').and.(phase)).and.(energy.gt.30.0)) then
X          call strek_number_objects (pos_store, ran_store, object, 
X     &                              .true.)
X          call strek_message (p_message, 3)
X          i = 0
X 80       continue
X            i = i + 1
X            unobscured = gpr_$cond_event_wait (event_type, t_key, c_pos,
X     &                                         status)
X            if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event.or.i.gt.3000) goto 90
X            goto 80
X 90       continue
X          call strek_number_objects (pos_store, ran_store, object,
X     &                               .false.)
X          if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event) then
X            call strek_interpret_key (t_key)
X            if ((t_key.ge.'0').and.(t_key.le.'9')) then
X              read (t_key,'(i1)') ph_object                   
X              if (object(ph_object).and.(orange(ph_object).lt.250000.0))
X     &           then
X                if ((pro_x(ph_object).le.800.and.pro_x(ph_object).ge.
X     &            100).and.(pro_y(ph_object).le.700.and.
X     &            pro_y(ph_object).ge.100)) then
X                  call strek_draw_phasers (int(pro_x(ph_object)),
X     &                                     int(pro_y(ph_object)))
X                  energy = energy - 30.0
X                  phase_d = .true.
X                  phase_c = 0
X                  phase = .false.
Xc    do damage to other ship
X                  call strek_phaser_fire (orange(ph_object), seed,
X     &                                    odamage(ph_object), type)
X                  a_message(1) = ps_message(index(ph_object))
X                  write (a_message(3),'(a36,a10)') s_message(14),
X     &                   dam_rating(type)
X                  call strek_message (a_message, 3)
X                end if
X              end if
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    process a explode radius key
X        if (key.eq.'e') then
X          call strek_message (e_message, 3)
X          i = 0
X100       continue
X            i = i + 1
X            unobscured = gpr_$cond_event_wait (event_type, t_key, c_pos,
X     &                                         status)
X            if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event.or.i.gt.5000) goto 110
X            goto 100
X110       continue
X          if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event) then
X            call strek_interpret_key (t_key)
X            if ((t_key.gt.'0').and.(t_key.le.'6')) then
X              read (t_key,'(i1)') option
X              t1 = 10.0 + 5.0*option
X              photon_tr(7) = t1**2
X              photon_tr(8) = photon_tr(7)
X              photon_tr(9) = photon_tr(7)
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    change scanner object keys
X        if (key.ge.'0'.and.key.le.'9') then
X          read (key,'(i8)') item
X          if (object(item)) then
X            scan_ob = item
X            b_message(2) = sc_message(index(item))
X            call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X          end if
X        end if
Xc    process a nav lock on key
X      if (key.eq.'l'.and.scan) then
X        call strek_message (t_message, 3)
X        i = 0
X120     continue
X          i = i + 1
X          unobscured = gpr_$cond_event_wait (event_type, t_key, c_pos,
X     &                                       status)
X          if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event.or.i.gt.5000) goto 130
X          goto 120
X130     continue
X        if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event) then
X          call strek_interpret_key (t_key)
X          if (t_key.ge.'0'.and.t_key.le.'3') then
X            read (t_key,'(i1)') l_object
X            if (object(l_object).and.orange(l_object).gt.22500.0) then
X              lock_on = .true.
X              b_message(2) = l_message(index(l_object))
X              call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X              r_index = 10
X              nav_c = 10
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
X      end if
Xc    process a nav lock drop key
X      if (key.eq.'o'.and.lock_on) then
X        lock_on = .false.       
X        b_message(2) = 'Navigation lock on dropped.'
X        call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X        r_index = 9
X      end if
Xc    process a dock key
X        if ((key.eq.'d'.and.orange(0).lt.900.0).and.(abs(speed).lt.1))
X     &      then
X          call strek_dock (d_pct, score, capt_name, nick_name,
X     &                     ship_name, cum_score, key_file, new_ship)
X          stop
X        end if
Xc    process a current score key
X        if (key.eq.'c') then
X          write (r_message(1),'(a15,a30)') r_message(1), ship_name
X          write (r_message(3),'(i8,i10,i9,i16,2i7)') ship_k, ship_r,
X     &           ship_n, dock_n, score, cum_score
X          call strek_message (r_message, 3)
X        end if
Xc    process a clear com window key
X        if (key.eq.'z') then
X          b_message(2) = ' '
X          call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X        end if
Xc    process a sleep until key
X        if (key.eq.'/') then
X          call strek_message (sl_message, 3)
X125       continue
X            unobscured = gpr_$cond_event_wait (event_type, t_key, c_pos,
X     &                                         status)
X            if (event_type.ne.gpr_$no_event) goto 135
X            goto 125
X135       continue
X          b_message(2) = ' '
X          call strek_message (b_message, 3)
X        end if
Xc    end parsing routines
X      end if
Xc    put angles back to normal (between 0 and 360)
X      if (azm.lt.0.0)       azm = azm   + 360.0
X      if (azm.ge.360.0)     azm = azm   - 360.0
X      if (angle.lt.0.0)   angle = angle + 360.0
X      if (angle.ge.360.0) angle = angle - 360.0
Xc     add engine energy output
X       energy = energy + .35 * (d_pct(1) + d_pct(2))
Xc     subtract off energy due to speed and rotation
X       energy = energy - abs(speed)/7.5 - rot_cost(r_index)
Xc     subtract energy due to tractors
X       if (tract_ob) then
X         energy = energy - sqrt(trdist)/60.0*tr_cost(tr_object) +0.1
X       end if
Xc     limit energy by battery percent
X       check = d_pct(4)*1000.0
X       if (energy.gt.check) energy = check
Xc     if out of energy start (or continue) death march
X       if (energy.lt.0.0) then
X         num_times = num_times + 1
X         call strek_no_energy (num_times, capt_name, nick_name,
X     &                         ship_name, key_file, score, cum_score,
X     &                         new_ship)
X       else
X         num_times = 0
X       end if
Xc    process new coordinates
X      tempx = xc
X      tempy = yc
X      tempz = zc
X      xc = -sa * cp * speed + xc
X      yc =  ca * cp * speed + yc
X      zc =  sp * speed      + zc
X      do 150 j = 0,9
X        if (object(j)) then
X          if (j .ne. 0) then
X            soa(j) = sin(oazm(j))
X            coa(j) = cos(oazm(j))
X            sop(j) = sin(oangle(j))
X            cop(j) = cos(oangle(j))
X            obx(j) = -soa(j) * cop(j) * ospeed(j) + obx(j)
X            oby(j) =  coa(j) * cop(j) * ospeed(j) + oby(j)
X            obz(j) =  sop(j) * ospeed(j)          + obz(j)
X          end if
X          xt(j)  = obx(j) - xc
X          yt(j)  = oby(j) - yc
X          zt(j)  = obz(j) - zc
X          orange(j) = xt(j)**2 + yt(j)**2 + zt(j)**2
X        end if
X150   continue
Xc    update tractored object
X      if (tract_ob.and.tract) then                     
X        trx = trx - tempx + xc
X        try = try - tempy + yc
X        trz = trz - tempz + zc
X        j = tr_object
X        obx(j) = trx
X        oby(j) = try
X        obz(j) = trz
X        oazm(j) = trazm
X        oangle(j) = trangle
X        xt(j) = obx(j) - xc
X        yt(j) = oby(j) - yc
X        zt(j) = obz(j) - zc
X        orange(j) = xt(j)**2 + yt(j)**2 + zt(j)**2
X        trdist = orange(j)
X      end if
Xc    get object to object distances when both exist
X      do 160 j = 0,9
X        if (object(j)) then
X          do 170 i = 1,3
X            if (object(i).and.i.ne.j) then
X              distance(i,j) = (obx(i) - obx(j))**2 + (oby(i) -
X     &                            oby(j))**2 + (obz(i) - obz(j))**2
X            end if
X170       continue
X        end if
X160   continue
Xc    rotate objects into shipocentric coordinates
X      do 180 j = 0,9
X        if (object(j)) then
X          rox(j) =  xt(j) * ca      + yt(j) * sa
X          roy(j) = -xt(j) * sa * cp + yt(j) * ca * cp + zt(j) * sp
X          roz(j) =  xt(j) * sa * sp - yt(j) * ca * sp + zt(j) * cp
Xc    project shiopcentric coordinates to screen coords
X          if (roy(j).gt.1.0) then          
X            pro_x(j) = 450.0 + (rox(j)/roy(j)) * 350.0
X            pro_y(j) = 400.0 - (roz(j)/roy(j)) * 350.0
X            if (abs(pro_x(j)).gt.3000.0) pro_x(j) = 1000.0
X            if (abs(pro_y(j)).gt.3000.0) pro_y(j) = 1000.0
X          else
X            pro_x(j) = 1000.0
X            pro_y(j) = 1000.0
X            if (j .eq. 2) then
X              center(1) = 1000
X              center(2) = 1000
X            end if
X          end if
Xc    fill temporary array for use in scanner windows
X          pos_store(j,1) = pro_x(j)
X          pos_store(j,2) = pro_y(j)
X        end if
X180   continue
Xc     erase old objects
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (0, status)
X      if (refresh) then
X        call strek_scanner (rox, roy, roz, object, .false.)
X      end if
X      if (plot(0)) then
X        call strek_starbase (xc, yc, zc, ca, cp, sa, sp, .false.) 
X      end if
X      do 190 j = 1, 9
X        if (plot(j)) then
X          goto (191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199) j
X191       continue
X            call strek_nemian (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca, 
X     &                         sa, cp, sp, .false., soa(j), coa(j),
X     &                         sop(j), cop(j))
X            goto 190
X192       continue
X            if (kling(j)) then
X              call strek_klingon (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                            ca, sa, cp, sp, .false., center,
X     &                            soa(j), coa(j), sop(j), cop(j))
X            else
X              call strek_romulan_1 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .false., soa(j),
X     &                              coa(j), sop(j), cop(j))
X            end if
X          goto 190
X193       continue
X            call strek_romulan_2 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                            ca, sa, cp, sp, .false., soa(j),
X     &                            coa(j), sop(j), cop(j))
X            goto 190
X194       continue
X            call strek_photon_1 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca,
X     &                           sa, cp, sp, .false.)
X            goto 190
X195       continue         
X            call strek_photon_2 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca,
X     &                           sa, cp, sp, .false.)
X            goto 190
X196       continue
X            call strek_photon_3 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca,
X     &                           sa, cp, sp, .false.)
X            goto 190
X197       continue
X            call strek_photon_4 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca,
X     &                           sa, cp, sp, .false.)
X            goto 190
X198       continue
X            call strek_photon_5 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca,
X     &                           sa, cp, sp, .false.)
X            goto 190
X199       continue
X            call strek_photon_6 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j), ca,
X     &                           sa, cp, sp, .false.)
X            goto 190
X        end if
X190   continue
Xc    update screen objects
X      call gpr_$set_draw_value (1, status)
X      if (refresh) then
X        call strek_scanner (rox, roy, roz, object, .true.)
X      end if
X      refresh = .not. refresh
X      do 200 j = 0,9
X        plot(j) = .false.
X        ran_store(j) = orange(j)
X        if (object(j).and.orange(j).lt.4000000.0) then
X          if ((pro_x(j).lt.900.0).and.(pro_x(j).gt.0.0)) then
X            if ((pro_y(j).lt.800.0).and.(pro_y(j).gt.0.0)) then
X              plot(j) = .true.
X              if (j.eq.0) then
X                call strek_starbase (xc, yc, zc, ca, cp, sa, sp,
X     &                               .true.) 
X              else 
X                goto (201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209) j
X201             continue
X                call strek_nemian (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                             ca, sa, cp, sp, .true., soa(j),
X     &                             coa(j), sop(j), cop(j))
X                goto 200
X202             continue 
X                if (kling(j)) then
X                  call strek_klingon (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j),
X     &                                obz(j), ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.,
X     &                                center, soa(j), coa(j), sop(j),
X     &                                cop(j))
X                else
X                  call strek_romulan_1 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j),
X     &                                  obz(j), ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.,
X     &                                  soa(j), coa(j), sop(j), cop(j))
X                end if
X                goto 200
X203            continue
X               call strek_romulan_2 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                               ca, sa, cp, sp, .true., soa(j),
X     &                               coa(j), sop(j), cop(j))
X                goto 200
X204           continue
X               call strek_photon_1 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.)
X               goto 200
X205           continue
X               call strek_photon_2 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.)
X               goto 200
X206           continue
X               call strek_photon_3 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.)
X                goto 200
X207           continue
X               call strek_photon_4 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.)
X                goto 200
X208           continue
X               call strek_photon_5 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.)
X                goto 200
X209           continue
X               call strek_photon_6 (xc, yc, zc, obx(j), oby(j), obz(j),
X     &                              ca, sa, cp, sp, .true.)
X                goto 200
X              end if
X            end if
X          end if
X        end if
X200   continue
Xc    draw center of the screen crosshairs
X      call strek_x_hairs
Xc    update panels
X      if (scan) then
X        txc = nint(rox(scan_ob))
X        tyc = nint(roy(scan_ob))
X        tzc = nint(roz(scan_ob))
X        trange = nint(sqrt(orange(scan_ob)))
X      end if
X      rate = speed * 2
X      call strek_update_panel (rate, int(energy), photons, phase, 
X     &                         tract_ob, int(xc), int(yc), int(zc),
X     &                         scan, txc, tyc, tzc, trange, scan_ob)
X      call strek_flashers (object, lock_on, energy, bitmap_desc)
Xc    evaluate the turn duration, if it is shorter than the
Xc    minimum (which is .06 seconds) then request it again.
Xc    Since this call is slow it makes an ideal timer.
X210   continue
X      call time_$clock (timer)
X      call cal_$float_clock (timer, turn)
X      duration = turn - elapsed
X      if (duration.gt.0.06) then
X        elapsed = turn
X        goto 10
X      end if
X      goto 210
X      end
E!O!F! xstrek/original_code/strek_main.f
            @work:            | Matthias Pfuetzner  |         @home:
  ZGDV, Wilhelminenstrasse 7  | 6100 Darmstadt, FRG |  Lichtenbergstrasse 73
    +49 6151 155-164 or -101  \    <- Tel.nr. ->    /     +49 6151 75717
   pfuetzner at agd.fhg.de    pfuetzner at zgdvda.UUCP    XBR1YD3U at DDATHD21.BITNET

Dan Heller
O'Reilly && Associates		ZipCode Software
Senior Writer			       President
argv at ora.com			argv at zipcode.com

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