v11i067: tgif, Patch6, Part05/06

William Cheng william at CS.UCLA.EDU
Wed Feb 13 18:32:19 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: william at CS.UCLA.EDU (William Cheng)
Posting-number: Volume 11, Issue 67
Archive-name: tgif/patch6.05
Patch-To: tgif: Volume 7, Issue 56-76 (original: tgif-1.2)
Patch-To: tgif: Volume 8, Issue 46-48 (Patch1: tgif-1.2 => tgif-1.9)
Patch-To: tgif: Volume 8, Issue 58-60 (Patch2: tgif-1.9 => tgif-1.12)
Patch-To: tgif: Volume 8, Issue 87-89 (Patch3: tgif-1.12 => tgif-1.13)
Patch-To: tgif: Volume 8, Issue 94 (Patch4: tgif-1.13 => tgif-1.14)
Patch-To: tgif: Volume 8, Issue 95 (Patch5: tgif-1.14 => tgif-1.15)

---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
*** raster.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:37:26 1990
--- raster.c	Wed Dec 12 14:37:29 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/raster.c,v 1.5 90/07/16 10:51:23 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/raster.c,v 1.8 90/11/01 08:44:35 william Exp $";
*** 78,81 ****
--- 78,87 ----
  #include "bitmaps/ls3.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld0.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld1.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld2.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld3.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld4.bm"
  #include "bitmaps/lw0s.bm"
  #include "bitmaps/lw1s.bm"
*** 94,100 ****
--- 100,119 ----
  #include "bitmaps/ls3s.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld0s.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld1s.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld2s.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld3s.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/ld4s.bm"
  #include "bitmaps/printer.bm"
  #include "bitmaps/latex.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/file.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/special.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/rotate_0.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/rotate_90.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/rotate_180.bm"
+ #include "bitmaps/rotate_270.bm"
  GC	rasterGC;
*** 109,113 ****
  Pixmap	lineWidthPixmap[MAXLINEWIDTHS];
  Pixmap	lineTypePixmap[MAXLINETYPES];
  Pixmap	justPixmap[MAXJUSTS];
  Pixmap	alignHoriPixmap[MAXALIGNS];
--- 128,133 ----
  Pixmap	lineWidthPixmap[MAXLINEWIDTHS];
  Pixmap	lineTypePixmap[MAXLINETYPES];
! Pixmap	dashPixmap[MAXDASHES];
  Pixmap	justPixmap[MAXJUSTS];
  Pixmap	alignHoriPixmap[MAXALIGNS];
*** 114,125 ****
  Pixmap	alignVertPixmap[MAXALIGNS];
  Pixmap	shortLineWidthPixmap[MAXLINEWIDTHS];
  Pixmap	whereToPrintPixmap[2];
  Pixmap	shortLineTypePixmap[MAXLINETYPES];
  Pixmap	shortLineStylePixmap[MAXLINESTYLES];
- char	* patData[MAXPATTERNS+1];
  int	pat_w[MAXPATTERNS+1], pat_h[MAXPATTERNS+1];
  void InitPattern ()
--- 134,152 ----
  Pixmap	alignVertPixmap[MAXALIGNS];
  Pixmap	shortLineWidthPixmap[MAXLINEWIDTHS];
+ Pixmap	filePixmap;
+ Pixmap	specialPixmap;
+ Pixmap	rotatePixmap[4];
  Pixmap	whereToPrintPixmap[2];
  Pixmap	shortLineTypePixmap[MAXLINETYPES];
  Pixmap	shortLineStylePixmap[MAXLINESTYLES];
+ Pixmap	shortDashPixmap[MAXDASHES];
  int	pat_w[MAXPATTERNS+1], pat_h[MAXPATTERNS+1];
+ int	dashListLength[MAXDASHES] = { 0, 2, 2, 2, 4 };
+ char	* dashList[MAXDASHES] =
+       {"","\004\014","\010\010","\014\004","\024\004\004\004"};
+ static char	* patData[MAXPATTERNS+1];
  void InitPattern ()
*** 224,227 ****
--- 251,265 ----
           lt1_bits, lt1_width, lt1_height);
+    dashPixmap[0] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld0_bits, ld0_width, ld0_height);
+    dashPixmap[1] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld1_bits, ld1_width, ld1_height);
+    dashPixmap[2] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld2_bits, ld2_width, ld2_height);
+    dashPixmap[3] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld3_bits, ld3_width, ld3_height);
+    dashPixmap[4] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld4_bits, ld4_width, ld4_height);
     lineStylePixmap[0] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
           lw0_bits, lw0_width, lw0_height);
*** 245,254 ****
     lineStylePixmap[9] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
!          ls0_bits, ls0_width, ls0_height);
     lineStylePixmap[10] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
!          ls1_bits, ls1_width, ls1_height);
     lineStylePixmap[11] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
!          ls2_bits, ls2_width, ls2_height);
     lineStylePixmap[12] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
           ls3_bits, ls3_width, ls3_height);
--- 283,303 ----
     lineStylePixmap[9] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
!          ld0_bits, ld0_width, ld0_height);
     lineStylePixmap[10] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
!          ld1_bits, ld1_width, ld1_height);
     lineStylePixmap[11] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
!          ld2_bits, ld2_width, ld2_height);
     lineStylePixmap[12] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld3_bits, ld3_width, ld3_height);
+    lineStylePixmap[13] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld4_bits, ld4_width, ld4_height);
+    lineStylePixmap[14] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ls0_bits, ls0_width, ls0_height);
+    lineStylePixmap[15] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ls1_bits, ls1_width, ls1_height);
+    lineStylePixmap[16] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ls2_bits, ls2_width, ls2_height);
+    lineStylePixmap[17] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
           ls3_bits, ls3_width, ls3_height);
*** 262,265 ****
--- 311,329 ----
           ls3s_bits, ls3s_width, ls3s_height);
+    filePixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          file_bits, file_width, file_height);
+    specialPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          special_bits, special_width, special_height);
+    rotatePixmap[0] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          rotate_0_bits, rotate_0_width, rotate_0_height);
+    rotatePixmap[1] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          rotate_90_bits, rotate_90_width, rotate_90_height);
+    rotatePixmap[2] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          rotate_180_bits, rotate_180_width, rotate_180_height);
+    rotatePixmap[3] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          rotate_270_bits, rotate_270_width, rotate_270_height);
     whereToPrintPixmap[PRINTER] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
           printer_bits, printer_width, printer_height);
*** 272,275 ****
--- 336,350 ----
           lt1s_bits, lt1s_width, lt1s_height);
+    shortDashPixmap[0] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld0s_bits, ld0s_width, ld0s_height);
+    shortDashPixmap[1] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld1s_bits, ld1s_width, ld1s_height);
+    shortDashPixmap[2] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld2s_bits, ld2s_width, ld2s_height);
+    shortDashPixmap[3] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld3s_bits, ld3s_width, ld3s_height);
+    shortDashPixmap[4] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
+          ld4s_bits, ld4s_width, ld4s_height);
     shortLineWidthPixmap[0] = XCreateBitmapFromData (mainDisplay, mainWindow,
           lw0s_bits, lw0s_width, lw0s_height);
*** 304,308 ****
     ShowMode ();
!    ShowColor ();
     ShowHoriAlign ();
     ShowVertAlign ();
--- 379,383 ----
     ShowMode ();
!    ShowColor (FALSE);
     ShowHoriAlign ();
     ShowVertAlign ();
*** 309,316 ****
     ShowJust ();
     ShowCurFont ();
     ShowLineWidth ();
-    ShowWhereToPrint ();
-    ShowLineType ();
     ShowLineStyle ();
     ShowFill ();
     ShowPen ();
--- 384,395 ----
     ShowJust ();
     ShowCurFont ();
+    ShowRotate ();
+    ShowSpecial ();
     ShowLineWidth ();
     ShowLineStyle ();
+    ShowLineType ();
+    ShowDash ();
+    ShowWhereToPrint ();
+    ShowFile ();
     ShowFill ();
     ShowPen ();
*** 329,332 ****
--- 408,413 ----
     for (i = 0; i < MAXLINETYPES; i++)
        XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, lineTypePixmap[i]);
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXDASHES; i++)
+       XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, dashPixmap[i]);
     for (i = 0; i < MAXJUSTS; i++) XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, justPixmap[i]);
     XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, alignHoriPixmap[0]);
*** 337,340 ****
--- 418,425 ----
     for (i = 0; i < MAXLINEWIDTHS; i++)
        XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, shortLineWidthPixmap[i]);
+    XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, filePixmap);
+    XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, specialPixmap);
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+       XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, rotatePixmap[i]);
     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, whereToPrintPixmap[i]);
*** 343,346 ****
--- 428,433 ----
     for (i = 0; i < MAXLINESTYLES; i++)
        XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, shortLineStylePixmap[i]);
+    for (i = 0; i < MAXDASHES; i++)
+       XFreePixmap (mainDisplay, shortDashPixmap[i]);
     XFreeGC (mainDisplay, rasterGC);
*** select.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:37:41 1990
--- select.c	Wed Dec 12 14:37:45 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/select.c,v 1.7 90/07/27 14:37:59 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/select.c,v 1.9 90/11/01 18:08:44 william Exp $";
*** 624,639 ****
! void CopySelToCut ()
!    register struct SelRec	* sel_ptr, * top_cut_ptr, * bot_cut_ptr;
!    struct SelRec		* top_sel_ptr, * bot_sel_ptr;
-    if (topSel == NULL) return;
-    JustDupSelObj (&top_sel_ptr, &bot_sel_ptr);
     top_cut_ptr = (struct SelRec *) calloc (2, sizeof (struct SelRec));
     bot_cut_ptr = &top_cut_ptr[1];
!    top_cut_ptr->next = top_sel_ptr; bot_cut_ptr->next = bot_sel_ptr;
     top_cut_ptr->prev = topCutSel; bot_cut_ptr->prev = botCutSel;
     topCutSel = top_cut_ptr; botCutSel = bot_cut_ptr;
--- 624,635 ----
! void PushToCutBuffer (TopSelPtr, BotSelPtr)
!    struct SelRec	* TopSelPtr, * BotSelPtr;
!    register struct SelRec	* top_cut_ptr, * bot_cut_ptr;
     top_cut_ptr = (struct SelRec *) calloc (2, sizeof (struct SelRec));
     bot_cut_ptr = &top_cut_ptr[1];
!    top_cut_ptr->next = TopSelPtr; bot_cut_ptr->next = BotSelPtr;
     top_cut_ptr->prev = topCutSel; bot_cut_ptr->prev = botCutSel;
     topCutSel = top_cut_ptr; botCutSel = bot_cut_ptr;
*** 640,649 ****
! void DelAllSelObj ()
!    register struct SelRec	* sel_ptr, * top_cut_ptr, * bot_cut_ptr;
     if (topSel == NULL) return;
     HighLightReverse ();
     tmpTopObj = tmpBotObj = NULL;
--- 636,653 ----
! void CopySelToCut ()
!    struct SelRec	* top_sel_ptr, * bot_sel_ptr;
     if (topSel == NULL) return;
+    JustDupSelObj (&top_sel_ptr, &bot_sel_ptr);
+    PushToCutBuffer (top_sel_ptr, bot_sel_ptr);
+ }
+ void DelAllSelObj ()
+ {
+    if (topSel == NULL) return;
     HighLightReverse ();
     tmpTopObj = tmpBotObj = NULL;
*** 650,658 ****
     BreakSel ();
!    top_cut_ptr = (struct SelRec *) calloc (2, sizeof (struct SelRec));
!    bot_cut_ptr = &top_cut_ptr[1];
!    top_cut_ptr->next = topSel; bot_cut_ptr->next = botSel;
!    top_cut_ptr->prev = topCutSel; bot_cut_ptr->prev = botCutSel;
!    topCutSel = top_cut_ptr; botCutSel = bot_cut_ptr;
     topSel = botSel = NULL;
--- 654,658 ----
     BreakSel ();
!    PushToCutBuffer (topSel, botSel);
     topSel = botSel = NULL;
*** setup.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:37:52 1990
--- setup.c	Wed Dec 12 14:37:53 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/setup.c,v 1.12 90/08/17 09:32:53 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/setup.c,v 1.16 90/11/02 09:20:33 william Exp $";
*** 25,28 ****
--- 25,29 ----
  #include "ruler.e"
  #include "scroll.e"
+ #include "stk.e"
  extern	char	* getenv ();
*** 38,42 ****
--- 39,43 ----
*** 110,115 ****
  int	reverseVideo = FALSE;
! char	drawPath[255];
  int	initDrawWinW, initDrawWinH;
--- 111,121 ----
  int	reverseVideo = FALSE;
! char	drawPath[MAXPATHLENGTH];
! char	bootDir[MAXPATHLENGTH];
! char	homeDir[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+ int	symPathNumEntries = INVALID;
+ char	* * symPath;
  int	initDrawWinW, initDrawWinH;
*** 233,236 ****
--- 239,252 ----
           strcpy (drawPath, c_ptr);
+    if ((c_ptr = getenv ("HOME")) == NULL)
+       strcpy (homeDir, "/");
+    else
+       if (strlen (c_ptr) >= MAXPATHLENGTH-1)
+          strcpy (homeDir, "/");
+       else
+          strcpy (homeDir, c_ptr);
+    if (getwd (bootDir) == NULL) strcpy (bootDir, ".");
     sizehints.flags = PPosition | PSize | PMinSize;
     sizehints.x = 0;
*** 305,308 ****
--- 321,325 ----
     InitMenu ();
     InitNames ();
+    InitStk ();
     if ((titleWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow (mainDisplay, mainWindow, 0, 0,
*** special.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:38:01 1990
--- special.c	Wed Dec 12 14:38:03 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/special.c,v 1.10 90/08/17 13:40:34 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/special.c,v 1.14 90/11/01 18:09:43 william Exp $";
*** 102,105 ****
--- 102,127 ----
+ struct ObjRec * GetObjRepresentation (PathName, SymName)
+    char	* PathName, * SymName;
+ {
+    char			file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
+    struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
+    FILE			* fp;
+    sprintf (file_name, "%s/%s.sym", PathName, SymName);
+    if ((fp = fopen (file_name, "r")) == NULL)
+    { printf ("Can not open '%s'\n", file_name); return (NULL); }
+    if ((obj_ptr = ReadSymbol (fp)) != NULL)
+    {
+       obj_ptr->id = objId++;
+       obj_ptr->dirty = FALSE;
+       strcpy (obj_ptr->detail.r->s, SymName);
+       AdjObjBBox (obj_ptr);
+    }
+    fclose (fp);
+    return (obj_ptr);
+ }
  void PlaceTopObj ()
*** 174,183 ****
  void Instantiate ()
!    char			file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], sym_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
     FILE			* fp;
!    if (SelectFileName ("sym", "PLEASE SELECT A SYMBOL TO INSTANTIATE ...",
!          sym_name) == INVALID) return;
     TieLooseEnds ();
--- 196,205 ----
  void Instantiate ()
!    char			file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    char			sym_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], path_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
     FILE			* fp;
!    if (SelectSymbolName (sym_name, path_name) == INVALID) return;
     TieLooseEnds ();
*** 184,192 ****
     SetCurChoice (NOTHING);
!    sprintf (file_name, "%s.sym", sym_name);
!    strcpy (full_name, curDomainName);
!    if (*curDomainName != '\0') strcat (full_name, "/");
!    strcat (full_name, file_name);
!    if ((fp = fopen (full_name, "r")) == NULL)
     { printf ("Can not open %s\n", file_name); return; }
--- 206,211 ----
     SetCurChoice (NOTHING);
!    sprintf (file_name, "%s/%s.sym", path_name, sym_name);
!    if ((fp = fopen (file_name, "r")) == NULL)
     { printf ("Can not open %s\n", file_name); return; }
*** 281,285 ****
     char 		icon_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    char 		s[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     FILE			* fp;
     struct ObjRec	* saved_obj_ptr;
--- 300,304 ----
     char 		icon_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
!    char 		s[MAXPATHLENGTH], icon_full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     FILE			* fp;
     struct ObjRec	* saved_obj_ptr;
*** 304,310 ****
           else if (strcmp (&icon_name[len-4], ".sym") != 0)
!             strcat (icon_name, ".sym");
!          if (strlen (icon_name) == 4)
              Msg ("No file name specified.  File not saved.");
--- 323,332 ----
           else if (strcmp (&icon_name[len-4], ".sym") != 0)
!          {
!             strcpy (icon_full_name, icon_name);
!             strcat (icon_full_name, ".sym");
!          }
!          if (strlen (icon_full_name) == 4)
              Msg ("No file name specified.  File not saved.");
*** 313,322 ****
!          strcat (icon_name, ".sym");
        if (*curDomainName != '\0')
!          sprintf (file_name, "%s/%s", curDomainName, icon_name);
!          sprintf (file_name, "%s", icon_name);
        if (!OkayToCreateFile (file_name)) return;
        if ((fp = fopen (file_name, "w")) == NULL)
--- 335,347 ----
!       {
!          strcpy (icon_full_name, icon_name);
!          strcat (icon_full_name, ".sym");
!       }
        if (*curDomainName != '\0')
!          sprintf (file_name, "%s/%s", curDomainName, icon_full_name);
!          sprintf (file_name, "%s", icon_full_name);
        if (!OkayToCreateFile (file_name)) return;
        if ((fp = fopen (file_name, "w")) == NULL)
*** spline.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:38:14 1990
--- spline.c	Wed Dec 12 14:38:16 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/spline.c,v 1.3 90/07/16 10:58:15 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/spline.c,v 1.5 90/11/01 08:41:00 william Exp $";
*** 164,170 ****
  static XPoint arrow_v[4];
! void DrawSplinePolyObj (Win, XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Pixel, PolyPtr)
     Window		Win;
!    int			XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Pixel;
     struct PolyRec	* PolyPtr;
--- 164,170 ----
  static XPoint arrow_v[4];
! void DrawSplinePolyObj (Win, XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Dash, Pixel, PolyPtr)
     Window		Win;
!    int			XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Dash, Pixel;
     struct PolyRec	* PolyPtr;
*** 199,205 ****
        values.stipple = patPixmap[Pen];
        values.line_width = widthOfLine[Width] >> zoomScale;
        XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
!             GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth,
!             &values);
        XDrawLines (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, sv, sn, CoordModeOrigin);
--- 199,213 ----
        values.stipple = patPixmap[Pen];
        values.line_width = widthOfLine[Width] >> zoomScale;
+       if (Dash != 0)
+       {
+          XSetDashes (mainDisplay, drawGC, 0, dashList[Dash],
+                dashListLength[Dash]);
+          values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
+       }
+       else
+          values.line_style = LineSolid;
        XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
!             GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth |
!             GCLineStyle, &values);
        XDrawLines (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, sv, sn, CoordModeOrigin);
*** 280,286 ****
! void DrawSplinePolygonObj (Win, XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Pixel, PolygonPtr)
     Window		Win;
!    int			XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Pixel;
     struct PolygonRec	* PolygonPtr;
--- 288,294 ----
! void DrawSplinePolygonObj (Win,XOff,YOff,Fill,Width,Pen,Dash,Pixel,PolygonPtr)
     Window		Win;
!    int			XOff, YOff, Fill, Width, Pen, Dash, Pixel;
     struct PolygonRec	* PolygonPtr;
*** 308,314 ****
        values.stipple = patPixmap[Pen];
        values.line_width = widthOfLine[Width] >> zoomScale;
        XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
!             GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth,
!             &values);
        XDrawLines (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, sv, sn, CoordModeOrigin);
--- 316,330 ----
        values.stipple = patPixmap[Pen];
        values.line_width = widthOfLine[Width] >> zoomScale;
+       if (Dash != 0)
+       {
+          XSetDashes (mainDisplay, drawGC, 0, dashList[Dash],
+                dashListLength[Dash]);
+          values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
+       }
+       else
+          values.line_style = LineSolid;
        XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
!             GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth |
!             GCLineStyle, &values);
        XDrawLines (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, sv, sn, CoordModeOrigin);
*** stk.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:38:22 1990
--- stk.c	Wed Dec 12 14:38:23 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/stk.c,v 1.6 90/08/15 16:00:13 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/stk.c,v 1.11 90/11/06 16:42:39 william Exp $";
*** 45,48 ****
--- 45,53 ----
+ void InitStk ()
+ {
+    curSymDir[0] = '\0';
+ }
  void PushIcon ()
*** 49,54 ****
     struct StkRec	* stk_ptr;
     struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
     char			file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], s[MAXPATHLENGTH];
-    char			full_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     FILE			* fp;
--- 54,59 ----
     struct StkRec	* stk_ptr;
     struct ObjRec	* obj_ptr;
+    char			sym_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], path_name[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     char			file_name[MAXPATHLENGTH], s[MAXPATHLENGTH];
     FILE			* fp;
*** 59,68 ****
!    sprintf (file_name, "%s.sym", topSel->obj->detail.r->s);
!    strcpy (full_name, curDomainName);
!    if (*curDomainName != '\0') strcat (full_name, "/");
!    strcat (full_name, file_name);
!    if ((fp = fopen (full_name, "r")) == NULL)
        sprintf (s, "Can not open '%s', icon not pushed into.", file_name);
--- 64,79 ----
!    strcpy (sym_name, topSel->obj->detail.r->s);
!    if (!GetSymbolPath (sym_name, path_name))
!    {
!       sprintf (s, "Can not find '%s.sym' in %s", sym_name, curDomainPath);
!       Msg (s);
!       return;
!    }
!    strcat (sym_name, ".sym");
!    sprintf (file_name, "%s/%s", path_name, sym_name);
!    if ((fp = fopen (file_name, "r")) == NULL)
        sprintf (s, "Can not open '%s', icon not pushed into.", file_name);
*** 101,107 ****
     topObj = botObj = NULL;
     if (stk_ptr->name_valid = curFileDefined)
!       strcpy (stk_ptr->name, curFileName);
     strcpy (stk_ptr->domain, curDomainName);
     topStk = stk_ptr;
--- 112,122 ----
     topObj = botObj = NULL;
+    strcpy (stk_ptr->dir, curDir);
     if (stk_ptr->name_valid = curFileDefined)
!       strcat (stk_ptr->name, curFileName);
!    strcpy (stk_ptr->sym_dir, curSymDir);
     strcpy (stk_ptr->domain, curDomainName);
     topStk = stk_ptr;
*** 110,113 ****
--- 125,129 ----
     CleanUpDrawingWindow ();
     XClearWindow (mainDisplay, drawWindow);
+    SetFileModified (FALSE);
     while (ReadObj (fp, &obj_ptr, FALSE))
*** 127,134 ****
     fclose (fp);
!    strcpy (curFileName, file_name);
     curFileDefined = TRUE;
-    SetFileModified (FALSE);
     sprintf (s, "Current file is '%s'.", file_name);
     Msg (s);
--- 143,150 ----
     fclose (fp);
!    strcpy (curFileName, sym_name);
!    strcpy (curSymDir, path_name);
     curFileDefined = TRUE;
     sprintf (s, "Current file is '%s'.", file_name);
     Msg (s);
*** 179,186 ****
     topObj = topStk->first;
     botObj = topStk->last;
     if (curFileDefined = topStk->name_valid)
        strcpy (curFileName, topStk->name);
!       sprintf (dummy, "Poping back to '%s'.", curFileName);
        Msg (dummy);
--- 195,207 ----
     topObj = topStk->first;
     botObj = topStk->last;
+    strcpy (curDomainName, topStk->domain);
+    strcpy (curSymDir, topStk->sym_dir);
     if (curFileDefined = topStk->name_valid)
        strcpy (curFileName, topStk->name);
!       if (*curSymDir == '\0')
!          sprintf (dummy, "Poping back to '%s/%s'.", topStk->dir, curFileName);
!       else
!          sprintf (dummy, "Poping back to '%s/%s'.", curSymDir, curFileName);
        Msg (dummy);
*** 190,194 ****
        Msg (dummy);
!    strcpy (curDomainName, topStk->domain);
     topSel = botSel = (struct SelRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct SelRec));
     topSel->next = NULL;
--- 211,222 ----
        Msg (dummy);
!    if (strcmp (curDir, topStk->dir) != 0)
!    {
!       strcpy (curDir, topStk->dir);
!       UpdateDirInfo ();
!    }
!    else
!       strcpy (curDir, topStk->dir);
     topSel = botSel = (struct SelRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct SelRec));
     topSel->next = NULL;
*** 222,224 ****
--- 250,253 ----
        cfree (topStk);
+    curSymDir[0] = '\0';
*** text.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:39:40 1990
--- text.c	Wed Dec 12 14:39:46 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/text.c,v 1.18 90/08/21 16:24:22 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/text.c,v 1.22 90/11/10 13:51:14 william Exp $";
*** 125,128 ****
--- 125,129 ----
  static Pixmap	textBackingPixmap;
  static int	textBackingPixmapSize = INVALID;
+ static GC	rotateGC = NULL;
  void CleanUpText ()
*** 133,136 ****
--- 134,138 ----
        textBackingPixmapSize = INVALID;
+    if (rotateGC != NULL) XFreeGC (mainDisplay, rotateGC);
*** 265,278 ****
              textBackingPixmapSize = max(w,h);
!          XSetForeground (mainDisplay, defaultGC, 0);
!          XFillRectangle (mainDisplay, textBackingPixmap, defaultGC, 0, 0, w, h);
!          XSetForeground (mainDisplay, defaultGC, myFgPixel);
!          XSetFont (mainDisplay, revDefaultGC, canvasFontPtr->fid);
!          XDrawImageString (mainDisplay, textBackingPixmap, revDefaultGC, 0,
                 canvasFontAsc, Str, len);
           from_image = XGetImage (mainDisplay, textBackingPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 1,
!                XYPixmap);
           values.foreground = colorPixels[ColorIndex];
--- 267,290 ----
              textBackingPixmapSize = max(w,h);
+          if (rotateGC == NULL)
+          {
+             values.foreground = 1;
+             values.background = 0;
+             values.fill_style = FillSolid;
+             values.function = GXcopy;
+             rotateGC = XCreateGC (mainDisplay, drawWindow,
+                   GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFillStyle | GCFunction,
+                   &values);
+          }
!          XSetForeground (mainDisplay, rotateGC, 0);
!          XFillRectangle (mainDisplay, textBackingPixmap, rotateGC, 0, 0, w, h);
!          XSetForeground (mainDisplay, rotateGC, 1);
!          XSetFont (mainDisplay, rotateGC, canvasFontPtr->fid);
!          XDrawString (mainDisplay, textBackingPixmap, rotateGC, 0,
                 canvasFontAsc, Str, len);
           from_image = XGetImage (mainDisplay, textBackingPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 1,
!                ZPixmap);
           values.foreground = colorPixels[ColorIndex];
*** 592,596 ****
           PopCurFont ();
           ShowJust ();
!          ShowColor ();
           ShowCurFont ();
           editingText = FALSE;
--- 604,608 ----
           PopCurFont ();
           ShowJust ();
!          ShowColor (FALSE);
           ShowCurFont ();
           editingText = FALSE;
*** 674,678 ****
        PopCurFont ();
        ShowJust ();
!       ShowColor ();
        ShowCurFont ();
        editingText = FALSE;
--- 686,690 ----
        PopCurFont ();
        ShowJust ();
!       ShowColor (FALSE);
        ShowCurFont ();
        editingText = FALSE;
*** 811,815 ****
              ShowPen ();
              colorIndex = obj_ptr->color;
!             ShowColor ();
              ShowCurFont ();
--- 823,827 ----
              ShowPen ();
              colorIndex = obj_ptr->color;
!             ShowColor (FALSE);
              ShowCurFont ();
*** 1375,1379 ****
     int				PRTGIF;
!    int			x, y, font_size, xinc, yinc;
     struct StrRec	* s_ptr;
     struct TextRec	* text_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.t;
--- 1387,1391 ----
     int				PRTGIF;
!    int			x, y, font_size, xinc, yinc, color_index;
     struct StrRec	* s_ptr;
     struct TextRec	* text_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.t;
*** 1406,1409 ****
--- 1418,1430 ----
     y = ObjPtr->y;
+    if (colorDump)
+    {
+       color_index = ObjPtr->color;
+       fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
+             ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
+             ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
+             ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
+    }
     if (curFont == FONT_SYM)
*** 1555,1558 ****
--- 1576,1580 ----
+    if (curFontDPI != text_ptr->dpi) text_ptr->dpi = curFontDPI;
     RestoreCurFont ();
*** 1652,1656 ****
     register struct StrRec	* s_ptr;
!    fprintf (FP, "text(%s,", colorMenuItems[ObjPtr->color]);
     fprintf (FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,[\n",
           ObjPtr->x, ObjPtr->y, t_ptr->font, t_ptr->style, t_ptr->size,
--- 1674,1678 ----
     register struct StrRec	* s_ptr;
!    fprintf (FP, "text('%s',", colorMenuItems[ObjPtr->color]);
     fprintf (FP, "%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,[\n",
           ObjPtr->x, ObjPtr->y, t_ptr->font, t_ptr->style, t_ptr->size,
*** 1793,1797 ****
     (*ObjPtr)->detail.t = text_ptr;
!    if (!PRTGIF) RestoreCurFont ();
--- 1815,1823 ----
     (*ObjPtr)->detail.t = text_ptr;
!    if (!PRTGIF)
!    {
!       if (curFontDPI != text_ptr->dpi) text_ptr->dpi = curFontDPI;
!       RestoreCurFont ();
!    }
*** 1806,1810 ****
           PopCurFont ();
           ShowJust ();
!          ShowColor ();
           ShowCurFont ();
--- 1832,1836 ----
           PopCurFont ();
           ShowJust ();
!          ShowColor (FALSE);
           ShowCurFont ();
*** tgif.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:39:56 1990
--- tgif.c	Wed Dec 12 14:39:57 1990
*** 6,10 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/tgif.c,v 1.8 90/08/21 15:52:54 william Exp $";
--- 6,10 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/tgif.c,v 1.10 90/08/30 13:32:13 william Exp $";
*** 91,98 ****
     while (TRUE)
-       DeallocStrings (&func_strp,&sp[0],&sp[1],&sp[2],&sp[3],&sp[4],&sp[5]);
        strcpy (s, func_strp);
        s[4] = '\0';
        if (strcmp (s, "Quit") == 0)
--- 91,99 ----
     while (TRUE)
        strcpy (s, func_strp);
        s[4] = '\0';
+       DeallocStrings (&func_strp,&sp[0],&sp[1],&sp[2],&sp[3],&sp[4],&sp[5]);
        if (strcmp (s, "Quit") == 0)
*** version.c.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:02 1990
--- version.c	Wed Dec 12 14:40:03 1990
*** 6,11 ****
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/version.c,v 1.19 90/08/27 10:32:54 william Exp $";
! char	* version_string = "1.15";
--- 6,11 ----
  #ifndef lint
  static char RCSid[] =
!       "@(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/version.c,v 1.23 90/11/10 13:53:37 william Exp $";
! char	* version_string = "1.19";
*** choice.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:08 1990
--- choice.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:09 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/choice.e,v 1.2 90/08/14 18:04:06 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/choice.e,v 1.6 90/10/30 16:35:47 william Exp $
*** 18,21 ****
--- 18,25 ----
  extern void	ShowCurFont ();
  extern void	ShowCurFontDPI ();
+ extern void	ShowDash ();
+ extern void	ShowFile ();
+ extern void	ShowSpecial ();
+ extern void	ShowRotate ();
  extern void	ShowLineWidth ();
  extern void	ShowWhereToPrint ();
*** color.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:13 1990
--- color.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:14 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/color.e,v 1.6 90/07/15 17:42:49 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/color.e,v 1.9 90/10/27 16:29:44 william Exp $
*** 13,16 ****
--- 13,19 ----
  extern int	* colorPixels;
  extern int	* xorColorPixels;
+ extern XColor	* tgifColors;
+ extern int	maxRGB;
+ extern int	colorDump;
  extern void	DefaultColorArrays ();
*** edit.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:18 1990
--- edit.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:19 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/edit.e,v 1.2 90/07/04 21:07:20 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/edit.e,v 1.3 90/11/01 15:19:52 william Exp $
*** 13,14 ****
--- 13,15 ----
  extern void	BackProc ();
  extern void	ArrangeMenu ();
+ extern void	UpdateSymbols ();
*** font.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:22 1990
--- font.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:23 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/font.e,v 1.4 90/08/15 16:58:35 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/font.e,v 1.5 90/10/30 19:33:51 william Exp $
*** 46,49 ****
--- 46,51 ----
  extern void	ChangeFont ();
  extern void	FontMenu ();
+ extern void	ChangeFontDPI ();
+ extern void	FontDPIMenu ();
  extern void	SaveCurFont ();
  extern void	RestoreCurFont ();
*** grid.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:28 1990
--- grid.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:28 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/grid.e,v 1.3 90/07/16 10:18:50 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/grid.e,v 1.7 90/10/30 16:07:25 william Exp $
*** 20,23 ****
--- 20,25 ----
  extern void	ToggleGridShown ();
  extern void	ToggleSnapOn ();
+ extern void	ToggleWhereToPrint ();
+ extern void	ToggleColorPostScript ();
  extern void	ZoomIn ();
  extern void	ZoomOut ();
*** names.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:35 1990
--- names.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:36 1990
*** 4,14 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/names.e,v 1.1 90/04/01 22:17:11 william Exp $
  extern char	curDomainName[];
  extern void	InitNames ();
  extern void	CleanUpNames ();
  extern int	SelectFileName ();
  extern int	SelectDomain ();
--- 4,25 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/names.e,v 1.17 90/11/07 01:26:37 william Exp $
  extern char	curDomainName[];
+ extern char	curDomainPath[];
+ extern char	curDir[];
+ extern char	curSymDir[];
+ extern void	ParseSymPath ();
  extern void	InitNames ();
+ extern void	UpdateSymInfo ();
+ extern void	UpdateDirInfo ();
  extern void	CleanUpNames ();
  extern int	SelectFileName ();
+ extern int	SelectSymbolName ();
  extern int	SelectDomain ();
+ extern void	SetCurDir ();
+ extern int	NameInCurDir ();
+ extern int	DirInSymPath ();
+ extern int	GetSymbolPath ();
*** pattern.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:40 1990
--- pattern.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:41 1990
*** 4,15 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/pattern.e,v 1.3 90/07/11 21:25:59 william Exp $
! extern int     objFill;
! extern int     lineStyle;
! extern int     lineWidth;
! extern int     penPat;
! extern int     curSpline;
  extern void	ChangeAllSelFill ();
--- 4,16 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/pattern.e,v 1.4 90/10/26 18:33:32 william Exp $
! extern int	objFill;
! extern int	lineStyle;
! extern int	lineWidth;
! extern int	penPat;
! extern int	curSpline;
! extern int	curDash;
  extern void	ChangeAllSelFill ();
*** 17,20 ****
--- 18,22 ----
  extern void	ChangeAllSelLineType ();
  extern void	ChangeAllSelLineWidth ();
+ extern void	ChangeAllSelDashes ();
  extern void	ChangeAllSelPen ();
  extern void	ToggleAllSelLineType ();
*** raster.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:46 1990
--- raster.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:47 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/raster.e,v 1.2 90/07/16 09:10:17 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/raster.e,v 1.7 90/10/30 16:31:15 william Exp $
*** 19,33 ****
  extern Pixmap	patPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	lineWidthPixmap[];
- extern Pixmap	lineStylePixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	lineTypePixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	justPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	alignHoriPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	alignVertPixmap[];
! extern Pixmap	shortLineWidthPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	whereToPrintPixmap[];
! extern Pixmap	shortLineTypePixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	shortLineStylePixmap[];
  extern int	pat_w[], pat_h[];
  extern void	InitPattern ();
--- 19,40 ----
  extern Pixmap	patPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	lineWidthPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	lineTypePixmap[];
+ extern Pixmap	dashPixmap[];
+ extern Pixmap	lineStylePixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	justPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	alignHoriPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	alignVertPixmap[];
! extern Pixmap	filePixmap;
! extern Pixmap	specialPixmap;
! extern Pixmap	rotatePixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	whereToPrintPixmap[];
! extern Pixmap	shortLineWidthPixmap[];
  extern Pixmap	shortLineStylePixmap[];
+ extern Pixmap	shortLineTypePixmap[];
+ extern Pixmap	shortDashPixmap[];
  extern int	pat_w[], pat_h[];
+ extern int	dashListLength[];
+ extern char	*dashList[];
  extern void	InitPattern ();
*** select.e.orig	Wed Dec 12 14:40:51 1990
--- select.e	Wed Dec 12 14:40:52 1990
*** 4,8 ****
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/select.e,v 1.2 90/07/06 18:02:44 william Exp $
--- 4,8 ----
   * Copyright (C) 1989, William Cheng.
!  * @(#)$Header: /n/kona/u/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF/RCS/select.e,v 1.3 90/11/01 16:42:13 william Exp $
*** 23,26 ****
--- 23,27 ----
  extern void	DelAllCutSel ();
  extern void	UndoDelete ();
+ extern void	PushToCutBuffer ();
  extern void	CopySelToCut ();
  extern void	DelAllSelObj ();
---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
Bill Cheng // UCLA Computer Science Department // (213) 206-7135
3277 Boelter Hall // Los Angeles, California 90024 // USA
william at CS.UCLA.EDU      ...!{uunet|ucbvax}!cs.ucla.edu!william

Dan Heller
O'Reilly && Associates 		      Zyrcom Inc
Senior Writer			       President
argv at ora.com			argv at zipcode.com

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