v12i026: tgif, Part10/23
William Cheng
william at CS.UCLA.EDU
Thu Mar 14 03:21:56 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: william at CS.UCLA.EDU (William Cheng)
Posting-number: Volume 12, Issue 26
Archive-name: tgif/part10
---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
# "End of archive 10 (of 23)."
# Contents: poly.c polygon.c
# Wrapped by william at oahu on Wed Mar 6 09:57:29 1991
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'poly.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'poly.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'poly.c'\" \(30629 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'poly.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Author: William Chia-Wei Cheng (william at cs.ucla.edu)
X *
X * Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, William Cheng.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char RCSid[] =
X "@(#)$Header: /tmp_mnt/n/kona/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF2/RCS/poly.c,v 2.0 91/03/05 12:47:54 william Exp $";
X#include <math.h>
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
X#include "const.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "attr.e"
X#include "color.e"
X#include "cursor.e"
X#include "drawing.e"
X#include "file.e"
X#include "grid.e"
X#include "obj.e"
X#include "pattern.e"
X#include "raster.e"
X#include "rect.e"
X#include "ruler.e"
X#include "select.e"
X#include "setup.e"
X#include "spline.e"
Xint polyDrawn = FALSE;
X/* short widthOfLine[] = { 0, 3, 6, 0 }; */
X/* short arrowHeadH[] = { 3, 5, 10, 3 }; */
X/* short arrowHeadW[] = { 8, 12, 22, 8 }; */
Xshort widthOfLine[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
Xshort arrowHeadH[] = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
Xshort arrowHeadW[] = { 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22 };
Xdouble penGrayScale[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5 };
Xstatic struct PtRec * lastPtPtr = NULL;
Xstatic XPoint pv[11];
Xvoid UpdPolyBBox (ObjPtr, NumPts, V)
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X int NumPts;
X XPoint * V;
X register int i;
X int ltx, lty, rbx, rby, w = 0;
X ltx = rbx = V[0].x;
X lty = rby = V[0].y;
X for (i = 1; i < NumPts; i++)
X {
X if (V[i].x < ltx) ltx = V[i].x; if (V[i].y < lty) lty = V[i].y;
X if (V[i].x > rbx) rbx = V[i].x; if (V[i].y > rby) rby = V[i].y;
X }
X switch (ObjPtr->type)
X {
X case OBJ_POLY: w = arrowHeadH[ObjPtr->detail.p->width]; break;
X case OBJ_POLYGON: w = widthOfLine[ObjPtr->detail.g->width]; break;
X }
X ObjPtr->x = ltx;
X ObjPtr->y = lty;
X ObjPtr->bbox.ltx = ltx - w;
X ObjPtr->bbox.lty = lty - w;
X ObjPtr->bbox.rbx = rbx + w;
X ObjPtr->bbox.rby = rby + w;
X ObjPtr->obbox.ltx = ltx;
X ObjPtr->obbox.lty = lty;
X ObjPtr->obbox.rbx = rbx;
X ObjPtr->obbox.rby = rby;
X if (ObjPtr->type == OBJ_POLY) AdjObjBBox (ObjPtr); /* adjust for attrs */
Xvoid CreatePolyObj (NumPts)
X int NumPts;
X struct PtRec * pt_ptr;
X struct PolyRec * poly_ptr;
X struct ObjRec * obj_ptr;
X register int i;
X XPoint * v;
X int ltx, lty, rbx, rby, w;
X poly_ptr = (struct PolyRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PolyRec));
X poly_ptr->n = NumPts;
X v = (XPoint *) calloc (NumPts+1, sizeof(XPoint));
X pt_ptr = lastPtPtr;
X ltx = rbx = pt_ptr->x;
X lty = rby = pt_ptr->y;
X for (i = NumPts-1; i >= 0; i--, lastPtPtr = lastPtPtr->next)
X {
X v[i].x = (lastPtPtr->x << zoomScale) + drawOrigX;
X v[i].y = (lastPtPtr->y << zoomScale) + drawOrigY;
X if (lastPtPtr->x < ltx) ltx = lastPtPtr->x;
X if (lastPtPtr->y < lty) lty = lastPtPtr->y;
X if (lastPtPtr->x > rbx) rbx = lastPtPtr->x;
X if (lastPtPtr->y > rby) rby = lastPtPtr->y;
X cfree (lastPtPtr);
X }
X poly_ptr->vlist = v;
X if (curSpline == LT_SPLINE)
X poly_ptr->svlist = MakeSplinePolyVertex (&(poly_ptr->sn), drawOrigX,
X drawOrigY, NumPts, v);
X poly_ptr->style = lineStyle;
X poly_ptr->width = lineWidth;
X poly_ptr->pen = penPat;
X poly_ptr->curved = curSpline;
X poly_ptr->fill = objFill;
X poly_ptr->dash = curDash;
X obj_ptr = (struct ObjRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct ObjRec));
X obj_ptr->color = colorIndex;
X obj_ptr->type = OBJ_POLY;
X obj_ptr->bbox.ltx = obj_ptr->obbox.ltx = obj_ptr->x =
X (ltx << zoomScale) + drawOrigX;
X obj_ptr->bbox.lty = obj_ptr->obbox.lty = obj_ptr->y =
X (lty << zoomScale) + drawOrigY;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rbx = obj_ptr->obbox.rbx = (rbx << zoomScale) + drawOrigX;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rby = obj_ptr->obbox.rby = (rby << zoomScale) + drawOrigY;
X w = arrowHeadH[lineWidth];
X obj_ptr->bbox.ltx -= w;
X obj_ptr->bbox.lty -= w;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rbx += w;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rby += w;
X obj_ptr->id = objId++;
X obj_ptr->dirty = FALSE;
X obj_ptr->detail.p = poly_ptr;
X obj_ptr->fattr = obj_ptr->lattr = NULL;
X AddObj (NULL, topObj, obj_ptr);
X/* line shapes: */
X/* 0 |---| */
X/* 1 -|---| */
X/* 2 |---|- */
X/* 3 -|---|- */
X/* 4 |<--| */
X/* 5 |<--|- */
X/* 6 |-->| */
X/* 7 -|-->| */
X/* 8 |<->| */
X * Cont == 0
X *
X * || || || || ||
X * || Rb == 1 || Rb == 0 || Rb == 1 || Rb == 0 ||
X * || Pt == 1 || Pt == 1 || Pt == 0 || Pt == 0 ||
X * || || || || ||
X * --- || |---| || |---| || -|---| || -|---| ||
X * <-- || |<--| || |<--| || -|---| || -|---| ||
X * --> || |-->| || |-->| || -|-->| || -|-->| ||
X * <-> || |<->| || |<->| || -|-->| || -|-->| ||
X * || || || || ||
X *
X * Cont == 1
X *
X * || || || || ||
X * || Rb == 1 || Rb == 0 || Rb == 1 || Rb == 0 ||
X * || Pt == 1 || Pt == 1 || Pt == 0 || Pt == 0 ||
X * || || || || ||
X * --- || |---| || |---|- || -|---| || -|---|- ||
X * <-- || |<--| || |<--|- || -|---| || -|---|- ||
X * --> || |-->| || |---|- || -|-->| || -|---|- ||
X * <-> || |<->| || |<--|- || -|-->| || -|---|- ||
X * || || || || ||
X */
Xvoid MyLine (Win,Cont,Rb,N,StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY,W,S,P,Pix,Dash)
X Window Win;
X int Cont, Rb, N, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY, W, S, P, Pix, Dash;
X /* 'Cont' means continue */
X /* 'Rb' means rubber-band */
X /* StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY are screen coordinates within Win, */
X /* that is, scaled and translated. */
X int shape = 0, aw, ah, x1, y1, x2, y2;
X double dx, dy, len, sin, cos;
X XGCValues values;
X if (StartX == EndX && StartY == EndY) return;
X if (Cont)
X if (Rb)
X if (N == 1)
X switch (S)
X {
X case LS_PLAIN: shape = 0; break;
X case LS_LEFT: shape = 4; break;
X case LS_RIGHT: shape = 6; break;
X case LS_DOUBLE: shape = 8; break;
X }
X else /* Cont && Rb && N != 1 */
X switch (S)
X {
X case LS_PLAIN: shape = 1; break;
X case LS_LEFT: shape = 1; break;
X case LS_RIGHT: shape = 7; break;
X case LS_DOUBLE: shape = 7; break;
X }
X else /* Cont && !Rb */
X if (N == 1)
X switch (S)
X {
X case LS_PLAIN: shape = 2; break;
X case LS_LEFT: shape = 5; break;
X case LS_RIGHT: shape = 2; break;
X case LS_DOUBLE: shape = 5; break;
X }
X else /* Cont && !Rb && N != 1 */
X shape = 3;
X else
X if (N == 1)
X switch (S)
X {
X case LS_PLAIN: shape = 0; break;
X case LS_LEFT: shape = 4; break;
X case LS_RIGHT: shape = 6; break;
X case LS_DOUBLE: shape = 8; break;
X }
X else /* !Cont && N != 1 */
X switch (S)
X {
X case LS_PLAIN: shape = 1; break;
X case LS_LEFT: shape = 1; break;
X case LS_RIGHT: shape = 7; break;
X case LS_DOUBLE: shape = 7; break;
X }
X ah = arrowHeadH[W] >> zoomScale; if (ah == 0) ah = 1;
X aw = arrowHeadW[W] >> zoomScale; if (aw == 0) aw = 1;
X if (Rb)
X {
X values.foreground = Pix;
X values.function = GXxor;
X values.fill_style = FillSolid;
X values.line_width = 0;
X values.line_style = LineSolid;
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle,
X &values);
X }
X else if (P != 0)
X {
X values.foreground = (P == 2) ? myBgPixel : Pix;
X values.function = GXcopy;
X values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
X values.stipple = patPixmap[P];
X values.line_width = widthOfLine[W] >> zoomScale;
X if (Dash != 0)
X {
X XSetDashes (mainDisplay, drawGC, 0, dashList[Dash],
X dashListLength[Dash]);
X values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
X }
X else
X values.line_style = LineSolid;
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCLineWidth |
X GCLineStyle, &values);
X }
X else
X return;
X dx = (double)(EndX - StartX);
X dy = (double)(EndY - StartY);
X len = (double) sqrt((double)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
X sin = dy / len;
X cos = dx / len;
X switch (shape)
X {
X case 0:
X case 1:
X case 2:
X case 3:
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY);
X break;
X case 4:
X case 5:
X x1 = round(StartX+aw*cos);
X y1 = round(StartY+aw*sin);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, x1, y1, EndX, EndY);
X break;
X case 6:
X case 7:
X x2 = round(EndX-aw*cos);
X y2 = round(EndY-aw*sin);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, StartX, StartY, x2, y2);
X break;
X case 8:
X x1 = round(StartX+aw*cos);
X y1 = round(StartY+aw*sin);
X x2 = round(EndX-aw*cos);
X y2 = round(EndY-aw*sin);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, x1, y1, x2, y2);
X break;
X }
X if (shape==4 || shape==5 || shape==8)
X {
X pv[0].x = pv[3].x = StartX;
X pv[0].y = pv[3].y = StartY;
X pv[1].x = round(StartX + aw*cos - ah*sin);
X pv[1].y = round(StartY + aw*sin + ah*cos);
X pv[2].x = round(StartX + aw*cos + ah*sin);
X pv[2].y = round(StartY + aw*sin - ah*cos);
X XFillPolygon (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, pv, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
X }
X if (shape==6 || shape==7 || shape==8)
X {
X pv[0].x = pv[3].x = EndX;
X pv[0].y = pv[3].y = EndY;
X pv[1].x = round(EndX - aw*cos + ah*sin);
X pv[1].y = round(EndY - aw*sin - ah*cos);
X pv[2].x = round(EndX - aw*cos - ah*sin);
X pv[2].y = round(EndY - aw*sin + ah*cos);
X XFillPolygon (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, pv, 4, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
X }
Xvoid ContinuePoly (OrigX, OrigY)
X int OrigX, OrigY;
X /* OrigX and OrigY are screen coordinates (scaled and translated). */
X /* OrigX and OrigY are also on grid. */
X XGCValues values;
X XEvent input, ev;
X XButtonEvent * button_ev;
X XMotionEvent * motion_ev;
X int pixel, xor_pixel;
X int end_x, end_y, grid_x, grid_y, done = FALSE, num_pts = 1;
X int last_x = OrigX, last_y = OrigY;
X struct PtRec * pt_ptr;
X pixel = colorPixels[colorIndex];
X xor_pixel = xorColorPixels[colorIndex];
X values.foreground = xor_pixel;
X values.function = GXxor;
X values.fill_style = FillSolid;
X values.line_width = 0;
X values.line_style = LineSolid;
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle,
X &values);
X grid_x = end_x = OrigX;
X grid_y = end_y = OrigY;
X XGrabPointer (mainDisplay, drawWindow, FALSE,
X PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask,
X GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, handCursor, CurrentTime);
X while (!done)
X {
X XNextEvent (mainDisplay, &input);
X if (input.type == MotionNotify)
X {
X motion_ev = &(input.xmotion);
X MyLine (drawWindow, CONT, RB, num_pts, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y, lineWidth, lineStyle, penPat, xor_pixel,0);
X end_x = motion_ev->x;
X end_y = motion_ev->y;
X GridXY (end_x, end_y, &grid_x, &grid_y);
X MarkRulers (grid_x, grid_y);
X MyLine (drawWindow, CONT, RB, num_pts, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y, lineWidth, lineStyle, penPat, xor_pixel,0);
X while (XCheckMaskEvent (mainDisplay, PointerMotionMask, &ev)) ;
X }
X else if (input.type == ButtonPress)
X {
X button_ev = &(input.xbutton);
X MyLine (drawWindow, CONT, RB, num_pts, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y, lineWidth, lineStyle, penPat, xor_pixel,0);
X GridXY (end_x, end_y, &grid_x, &grid_y);
X if (grid_x != last_x || grid_y != last_y)
X {
X num_pts++;
X pt_ptr = (struct PtRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PtRec));
X pt_ptr->next = lastPtPtr;
X lastPtPtr = pt_ptr;
X pt_ptr->x = last_x = grid_x;
X pt_ptr->y = last_y = grid_y;
X }
X switch (button_ev->button)
X {
X case Button1 :
X if (penPat != 0)
X MyLine (drawWindow, CONT, NORB, num_pts-1, OrigX, OrigY,
X grid_x, grid_y, lineWidth, lineStyle, penPat,
X pixel,0);
X OrigX = grid_x;
X OrigY = grid_y;
X break;
X case Button2 :
X case Button3 :
X if (penPat != 0 || (OrigX == grid_x && OrigY == grid_y &&
X (lineStyle & LS_RIGHT)))
X MyLine (drawWindow, NOCONT, NORB, num_pts-1, OrigX,
X OrigY, grid_x, grid_y, lineWidth, lineStyle,
X penPat, pixel,0);
X done = TRUE;
X break;
X }
X }
X }
X XUngrabPointer (mainDisplay, CurrentTime);
X if (num_pts > 1)
X {
X CreatePolyObj (num_pts);
X RedrawAnArea (botObj, topObj->bbox.ltx-(1<<zoomScale),
X topObj->bbox.lty-(1<<zoomScale), topObj->bbox.rbx+(1<<zoomScale),
X topObj->bbox.rby+(1<<zoomScale));
X polyDrawn = TRUE;
X SetFileModified (TRUE);
X }
Xvoid DrawPoly (input)
X XEvent * input;
X int mouse_x, mouse_y, grid_x, grid_y;
X XButtonEvent * button_ev;
X if (input->type != ButtonPress) return;
X button_ev = &(input->xbutton);
X if (button_ev->button == Button1)
X {
X mouse_x = input->xbutton.x;
X mouse_y = input->xbutton.y;
X GridXY (mouse_x, mouse_y, &grid_x, &grid_y);
X lastPtPtr = (struct PtRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PtRec));
X lastPtPtr->x = grid_x;
X lastPtPtr->y = grid_y;
X lastPtPtr->next = NULL;
X ContinuePoly (grid_x, grid_y);
X }
Xvoid DumpArrow (FP, TailV, HeadV, ArrowW, ArrowH, Pen)
X XPoint TailV, HeadV;
X int ArrowW, ArrowH, Pen;
X int i, dx, dy;
X struct BBRec bbox;
X XPoint v[2];
X double len, sin, cos;
X dx = HeadV.x - TailV.x;
X dy = HeadV.y - TailV.y;
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (colorDump)
X {
X len = (double) sqrt ((double)(dx*dx + dy*dy));
X sin = ((double)dy) / len;
X cos = ((double)dx) / len;
X v[0].x = round(HeadV.x - ArrowW*cos + ArrowH*sin);
X v[0].y = round(HeadV.y - ArrowW*sin - ArrowH*cos);
X v[1].x = round(HeadV.x - ArrowW*cos - ArrowH*sin);
X v[1].y = round(HeadV.y - ArrowW*sin + ArrowH*cos);
X bbox.ltx = bbox.rbx = HeadV.x;
X bbox.lty = bbox.rby = HeadV.y;
X for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
X {
X if (v[i].x < bbox.ltx) bbox.ltx = v[i].x;
X if (v[i].y < bbox.lty) bbox.lty = v[i].y;
X if (v[i].x > bbox.rbx) bbox.rbx = v[i].x;
X if (v[i].y > bbox.rby) bbox.rby = v[i].y;
X }
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n", Pen);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d %1d %1d %1d %1d arrowtip\n", HeadV.x, HeadV.y,
X ArrowW, ArrowH, dx, dy);
X switch (Pen)
X {
X case NONEPAT: break;
X case BACKPAT: fprintf (FP, " closepath fill\n"); break;
X default:
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eoclip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, Pen, 8, bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath fill\n");
X break;
X }
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
Xvoid DumpPolyObj (FP, ObjPtr)
X register struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X XPoint * v;
X int i, num_pts, fill, pen, width, curved, dash, color_index;
X int w, aw, ah, dy, dx;
X fill = ObjPtr->detail.p->fill;
X width = ObjPtr->detail.p->width;
X pen = ObjPtr->detail.p->pen;
X curved = ObjPtr->detail.p->curved;
X dash = ObjPtr->detail.p->dash;
X v = ObjPtr->detail.p->vlist;
X num_pts = ObjPtr->detail.p->n;
X if (fill == NONEPAT && pen == NONEPAT) return;
X color_index = ObjPtr->color;
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X if (fill != NONEPAT && num_pts > 2)
X {
X switch (curved)
X {
X switch (fill)
X {
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath eofill\n");
X break;
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath 1 setgray eofill\n");
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X else
X fprintf (FP, "0 setgray\n");
X break;
X default: /* patterned */
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (!colorDump)
X fprintf (FP,
X " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n",
X fill);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x,v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eoclip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, fill, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eofill\n");
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X break;
X }
X break;
X switch (fill)
X {
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpCurvedPolyPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d curveto\n",
X v[num_pts-1].x, v[num_pts-1].y);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath eofill\n");
X break;
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpCurvedPolyPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d curveto\n",
X v[num_pts-1].x, v[num_pts-1].y);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath 1 setgray eofill\n");
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X else
X fprintf (FP, "0 setgray\n");
X break;
X default: /* patterned */
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (!colorDump)
X fprintf (FP,
X " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n",
X fill);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x,v[0].y);
X DumpCurvedPolyPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d curveto\n",
X v[num_pts-1].x, v[num_pts-1].y);
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eoclip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, fill, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eofill\n");
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X break;
X }
X break;
X }
X }
X if (pen == NONEPAT) { fprintf (FP, "\n"); return; }
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X w = widthOfLine[width];
X aw = arrowHeadW[width];
X ah = arrowHeadH[width];
X fprintf (FP, " %1d setlinewidth", w);
X if (dash != 0)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " [");
X for (i = 0; i < dashListLength[dash]-1; i++)
X fprintf (FP, "%1d ", (int)(dashList[dash][i]));
X fprintf (FP, "%1d] 0 setdash\n",
X (int)(dashList[dash][dashListLength[dash]-1]));
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, "\n");
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X if (ObjPtr->detail.p->style & LS_LEFT)
X {
X dx = v[1].x - v[0].x;
X dy = v[1].y - v[0].y;
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d atan dup cos %1d mul exch sin %1d mul rmoveto\n",
X dy, dx, aw, aw);
X }
X if (ObjPtr->detail.p->style & LS_RIGHT)
X {
X if (curved == LT_SPLINE && num_pts != 2)
X DumpCurvedPolyPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X else
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 6);
X dx = v[num_pts-1].x - v[num_pts-2].x;
X dy = v[num_pts-1].y - v[num_pts-2].y;
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d atan dup cos %1d mul %1d exch sub\n",
X dy, dx, aw, v[num_pts-1].x);
X fprintf (FP, " exch sin %1d mul %1d exch sub",
X aw, v[num_pts-1].y);
X if (curved == LT_SPLINE && num_pts != 2)
X fprintf (FP, " curveto\n");
X else
X fprintf (FP, " lineto\n");
X }
X else
X if (curved == LT_SPLINE && num_pts != 2)
X {
X DumpCurvedPolyPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d curveto\n",v[num_pts-1].x,v[num_pts-1].y);
X }
X else
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X switch (pen)
X {
X case SOLIDPAT: fprintf (FP, " stroke\n"); break;
X case BACKPAT: fprintf (FP, " 1 setgray stroke\n"); break;
X default:
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " strokepath clip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, pen, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X {
X fprintf (FP, " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n", pen);
X fprintf (FP, " stroke\n");
X }
X break;
X }
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X switch (ObjPtr->detail.p->style)
X {
X case LS_PLAIN: break;
X case LS_LEFT: DumpArrow (FP, v[1], v[0], aw, ah, pen); break;
X case LS_RIGHT:
X DumpArrow (FP, v[num_pts-2], v[num_pts-1], aw, ah, pen);
X break;
X DumpArrow (FP, v[1], v[0], aw, ah, pen);
X DumpArrow (FP, v[num_pts-2], v[num_pts-1], aw, ah, pen);
X break;
X }
X fprintf (FP, "\n");
Xvoid DrawPolyObj (Win, XOff, YOff, ObjPtr)
X Window Win;
X int XOff, YOff;
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X register int i;
X register struct PolyRec * poly_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.p;
X XPoint * pv = poly_ptr->vlist, * v;
X int pen, width, pixel, fill, curved, n, dash;
X int x1, y1, x2, y2, real_x_off, real_y_off;
X XGCValues values;
X n = poly_ptr->n;
X fill = poly_ptr->fill;
X width = poly_ptr->width;
X pen = poly_ptr->pen;
X curved = poly_ptr->curved;
X dash = poly_ptr->dash;
X pixel = colorPixels[ObjPtr->color];
X if (curved == LT_SPLINE)
X DrawSplinePolyObj (Win, XOff, YOff, fill, width, pen, dash, pixel,
X poly_ptr);
X else
X {
X real_x_off = (XOff >> zoomScale) << zoomScale;
X real_y_off = (YOff >> zoomScale) << zoomScale;
X if (fill != NONEPAT)
X {
X v = (XPoint *) calloc (n+1, sizeof(XPoint));
X for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
X {
X v[i].x = (pv[i].x - real_x_off) >> zoomScale;
X v[i].y = (pv[i].y - real_y_off) >> zoomScale;
X }
X v[n].x = v[0].x; v[n].y = v[0].y;
X values.foreground = (fill == BACKPAT) ? myBgPixel : pixel;
X values.function = GXcopy;
X values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
X values.stipple = patPixmap[fill];
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple, &values);
X XFillPolygon (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, v, n+1, Complex,
X CoordModeOrigin);
X cfree (v);
X }
X if (pen == NONEPAT) return;
X for (i = 0; i < poly_ptr->n-2; i++)
X {
X x1 = (pv[i].x-real_x_off)>>zoomScale;
X y1 = (pv[i].y-real_y_off)>>zoomScale;
X x2 = (pv[i+1].x-real_x_off)>>zoomScale;
X y2 = (pv[i+1].y-real_y_off)>>zoomScale;
X MyLine (Win, CONT, NORB, i+1, x1, y1, x2, y2, poly_ptr->width,
X poly_ptr->style, pen, pixel, dash);
X }
X x1 = (pv[i].x-real_x_off)>>zoomScale;
X y1 = (pv[i].y-real_y_off)>>zoomScale;
X x2 = (pv[i+1].x-real_x_off)>>zoomScale;
X y2 = (pv[i+1].y-real_y_off)>>zoomScale;
X MyLine (Win, NOCONT, NORB, i+1, x1, y1, x2, y2, poly_ptr->width,
X poly_ptr->style, pen, pixel, dash);
X }
Xvoid SavePolyObj (FP, ObjPtr)
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X register int i, n;
X struct PolyRec * poly_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.p;
X n = poly_ptr->n;
X fprintf (FP, "poly('%s',%1d,[", colorMenuItems[ObjPtr->color], poly_ptr->n);
X for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
X {
X fprintf (FP, "%1d,%1d,", poly_ptr->vlist[i].x, poly_ptr->vlist[i].y);
X }
X fprintf (FP, "%1d,%1d", poly_ptr->vlist[n-1].x, poly_ptr->vlist[n-1].y);
X fprintf (FP, "],%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,", poly_ptr->style, poly_ptr->width,
X poly_ptr->pen, ObjPtr->id, poly_ptr->curved, poly_ptr->fill, poly_ptr->dash);
X SaveAttrs (FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
X fprintf (FP, ")");
Xvoid ReadPolyObj (Inbuf, ObjPtr)
X char * Inbuf;
X struct ObjRec * * ObjPtr;
X register int i;
X struct PolyRec * poly_ptr;
X XPoint * v;
X char color_str[20], * s;
X int num_pts, ltx, lty, rbx, rby, x, y, w;
X * ObjPtr = (struct ObjRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct ObjRec));
X s = FindChar ('(', Inbuf);
X s = ParseStr (s, ',', color_str);
X sscanf (s, "%d,", &num_pts);
X poly_ptr = (struct PolyRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PolyRec));
X poly_ptr->n = num_pts;
X v = (XPoint *) calloc (num_pts+1, sizeof(XPoint));
X ltx = 20 * PIX_PER_INCH; rbx = 0;
X lty = 20 * PIX_PER_INCH; rby = 0;
X s = FindChar ('[', s);
X for (i = 0; i < num_pts; i++)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d", &x, &y);
X v[i].x = x;
X v[i].y = y;
X if (x < ltx) ltx = x;
X if (y < lty) lty = y;
X if (x > rbx) rbx = x;
X if (y > rby) rby = y;
X s = FindChar (',',s);
X s = FindChar (',',s);
X }
X if (fileVersion == INVALID)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d", &(poly_ptr->style), &(poly_ptr->width),
X &(poly_ptr->pen));
X (*ObjPtr)->id = objId++;
X poly_ptr->fill = NONEPAT;
X if (poly_ptr->width == LINE_CURVED)
X {
X poly_ptr->width = 0;
X poly_ptr->curved = TRUE;
X }
X else
X poly_ptr->curved = FALSE;
X switch (poly_ptr->width)
X {
X case 1: poly_ptr->width = 3; break;
X case 2: poly_ptr->width = 6; break;
X }
X poly_ptr->dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 3)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d", &(poly_ptr->style), &(poly_ptr->width),
X &(poly_ptr->pen), &((*ObjPtr)->id));
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X poly_ptr->fill = NONEPAT;
X if (poly_ptr->width == LINE_CURVED)
X {
X poly_ptr->width = 0;
X poly_ptr->curved = TRUE;
X }
X else
X poly_ptr->curved = FALSE;
X switch (poly_ptr->width)
X {
X case 1: poly_ptr->width = 3; break;
X case 2: poly_ptr->width = 6; break;
X }
X poly_ptr->dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 4)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d, %d", &(poly_ptr->style),
X &(poly_ptr->width), &(poly_ptr->pen), &((*ObjPtr)->id),
X &(poly_ptr->curved));
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X poly_ptr->fill = NONEPAT;
X switch (poly_ptr->width)
X {
X case 1: poly_ptr->width = 3; break;
X case 2: poly_ptr->width = 6; break;
X }
X poly_ptr->dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 5)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d, %d, %d", &(poly_ptr->style),
X &(poly_ptr->width), &(poly_ptr->pen), &((*ObjPtr)->id),
X &(poly_ptr->curved), &(poly_ptr->fill));
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X switch (poly_ptr->width)
X {
X case 1: poly_ptr->width = 3; break;
X case 2: poly_ptr->width = 6; break;
X }
X poly_ptr->dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 8)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d, %d, %d", &(poly_ptr->style),
X &(poly_ptr->width), &(poly_ptr->pen), &((*ObjPtr)->id),
X &(poly_ptr->curved), &(poly_ptr->fill));
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X poly_ptr->dash = 0;
X }
X else
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d", &(poly_ptr->style),
X &(poly_ptr->width), &(poly_ptr->pen), &((*ObjPtr)->id),
X &(poly_ptr->curved), &(poly_ptr->fill), &(poly_ptr->dash));
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X }
X poly_ptr->vlist = v;
X if (poly_ptr->curved == LT_SPLINE)
X poly_ptr->svlist = MakeSplinePolyVertex (&(poly_ptr->sn), drawOrigX,
X drawOrigY, num_pts, v);
X w = arrowHeadH[poly_ptr->width];
X (*ObjPtr)->x = ltx;
X (*ObjPtr)->y = lty;
X (*ObjPtr)->color = FindColorIndex (color_str);
X (*ObjPtr)->type = OBJ_POLY;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.ltx = ltx - w;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.lty = lty - w;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.rbx = rbx + w;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.rby = rby + w;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.ltx = ltx;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.lty = lty;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.rbx = rbx;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.rby = rby;
X (*ObjPtr)->detail.p = poly_ptr;
Xvoid FreePolyObj (ObjPtr)
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X if (ObjPtr->detail.p->curved) cfree (ObjPtr->detail.p->svlist);
X cfree (ObjPtr->detail.p->vlist);
X cfree (ObjPtr->detail.p);
X cfree (ObjPtr);
if test 30629 -ne `wc -c <'poly.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'poly.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'poly.c'
if test -f 'polygon.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'polygon.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'polygon.c'\" \(23195 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'polygon.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * Author: William Chia-Wei Cheng (william at cs.ucla.edu)
X *
X * Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, William Cheng.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char RCSid[] =
X "@(#)$Header: /tmp_mnt/n/kona/tangram/u/william/X11/TGIF2/RCS/polygon.c,v 2.0 91/03/05 12:47:59 william Exp $";
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <X11/Xlib.h>
X#include "const.h"
X#include "types.h"
X#include "color.e"
X#include "cursor.e"
X#include "dialog.e"
X#include "grid.e"
X#include "file.e"
X#include "obj.e"
X#include "pattern.e"
X#include "poly.e"
X#include "raster.e"
X#include "ruler.e"
X#include "select.e"
X#include "setup.e"
X#include "spline.e"
Xint polygonDrawn = FALSE;
Xstatic struct PtRec * lastPtPtr = NULL;
Xstatic int startPolygonX, startPolygonY;
Xvoid DumpPoints (FP, NumPts, V, Indent)
X int NumPts, Indent;
X XPoint * V;
X register int i, j;
X for (i = 1; i < NumPts; i++)
X {
X for (j = 0; j < Indent; j++) fprintf (FP, " ");
X fprintf (FP, "%1d %1d lineto\n", V[i].x, V[i].y);
X }
Xvoid DumpPolygonObj (FP, ObjPtr)
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X XPoint * v = ObjPtr->detail.g->vlist;
X int num_pts = ObjPtr->detail.g->n, i;
X int fill, width, pen, curved, dash, color_index;
X fill = ObjPtr->detail.g->fill;
X width = ObjPtr->detail.g->width;
X pen = ObjPtr->detail.g->pen;
X curved = ObjPtr->detail.g->curved;
X dash = ObjPtr->detail.g->dash;
X if (fill == NONEPAT && pen == NONEPAT) return;
X color_index = ObjPtr->color;
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X if (fill != NONEPAT)
X {
X switch (curved)
X {
X switch (fill)
X {
X case SOLIDPAT: /* solid black polygon */
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath eofill\n");
X break;
X case BACKPAT: /* solid white polygon */
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath 1 setgray eofill\n");
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X else
X fprintf (FP, "0 setgray\n");
X break;
X default: /* patterned */
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (!colorDump)
X fprintf (FP,
X " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n",
X fill);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 6);
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eoclip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, fill, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eofill\n");
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X break;
X }
X break;
X switch (fill)
X {
X case SOLIDPAT: /* solid black polygon */
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X DumpCurvedPolygonPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath eofill\n");
X break;
X case BACKPAT: /* solid white polygon */
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X DumpCurvedPolygonPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath 1 setgray eofill\n");
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X else
X fprintf (FP, "0 setgray\n");
X break;
X default: /* patterned */
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (!colorDump)
X fprintf (FP,
X " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n",
X fill);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X DumpCurvedPolygonPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eoclip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, fill, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath eofill\n");
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X break;
X }
X break;
X }
X }
X if (pen == NONEPAT) { fprintf (FP, "\n"); return; }
X fprintf (FP, "%1d setlinewidth", widthOfLine[width]);
X if (dash != 0)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " [");
X for (i = 0; i < dashListLength[dash]-1; i++)
X fprintf (FP, "%1d ", (int)(dashList[dash][i]));
X fprintf (FP, "%1d] 0 setdash\n",
X (int)(dashList[dash][dashListLength[dash]-1]));
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, "\n");
X switch (curved)
X {
X switch (pen)
X {
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath stroke\n");
X break;
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath 1 setgray stroke\n");
X if (colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, "%.3f %.3f %.3f setrgbcolor\n",
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].red/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].green/maxRGB),
X ((float)tgifColors[color_index].blue/maxRGB));
X else
X fprintf (FP, "0 setgray\n");
X break;
X default:
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (!colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n",
X pen);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X fprintf (FP, " %1d %1d moveto\n", v[0].x, v[0].y);
X DumpPoints (FP, num_pts-1, v, 6);
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath strokepath clip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, pen, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath stroke\n");
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X break;
X }
X break;
X switch (pen)
X {
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X DumpCurvedPolygonPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath stroke\n");
X break;
X fprintf (FP, "newpath\n");
X DumpCurvedPolygonPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 3);
X fprintf (FP, "closepath 1 setgray stroke 0 setgray\n");
X break;
X default:
X fprintf (FP, "gsave\n");
X if (!colorDump)
X fprintf (FP, " pat%1d 8 1 0 72 300 32 div div setpattern\n",
X pen);
X fprintf (FP, " newpath\n");
X DumpCurvedPolygonPoints (FP, num_pts, v, 6);
X if (colorDump)
X {
X fprintf (FP, " closepath strokepath clip\n");
X DumpPatFill (FP, pen, 8, ObjPtr->bbox, " ");
X }
X else
X fprintf (FP, " closepath stroke\n");
X fprintf (FP, "grestore\n");
X break;
X }
X break;
X }
X if (dash != 0) fprintf (FP, "[] 0 setdash\n");
X fprintf (FP, "1 setlinewidth\n\n");
Xvoid DrawPolygonObj (Win, XOff, YOff, ObjPtr)
X Window Win;
X int XOff, YOff;
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X register int i;
X XPoint * v;
X struct PolygonRec * polygon_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.g;
X int fill, width, pen, curved, dash, pixel;
X int real_x_off, real_y_off;
X XGCValues values;
X fill = polygon_ptr->fill;
X width = polygon_ptr->width;
X pen = polygon_ptr->pen;
X curved = polygon_ptr->curved;
X dash = polygon_ptr->dash;
X pixel = colorPixels[ObjPtr->color];
X if (curved == LT_SPLINE)
X DrawSplinePolygonObj (Win, XOff, YOff, fill, width, pen, dash, pixel,
X polygon_ptr);
X else
X {
X real_x_off = (XOff >> zoomScale) << zoomScale;
X real_y_off = (YOff >> zoomScale) << zoomScale;
X v = (XPoint *) calloc (polygon_ptr->n+1, sizeof(XPoint));
X for (i = 0; i < polygon_ptr->n; i++)
X {
X v[i].x = (polygon_ptr->vlist[i].x - real_x_off) >> zoomScale;
X v[i].y = (polygon_ptr->vlist[i].y - real_y_off) >> zoomScale;
X }
X if (fill != 0)
X {
X values.foreground = (fill == 2) ? myBgPixel : pixel;
X values.function = GXcopy;
X values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
X values.stipple = patPixmap[fill];
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple, &values);
X XFillPolygon (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, v, polygon_ptr->n, Complex,
X CoordModeOrigin);
X }
X if (pen != 0)
X {
X values.foreground = (pen == 2) ? myBgPixel : pixel;
X values.function = GXcopy;
X values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
X values.stipple = patPixmap[pen];
X values.line_width = widthOfLine[width] >> zoomScale;
X if (dash != 0)
X {
X XSetDashes (mainDisplay, drawGC, 0, dashList[dash],
X dashListLength[dash]);
X values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
X }
X else
X values.line_style = LineSolid;
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCStipple |
X GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle, &values);
X XDrawLines (mainDisplay, Win, drawGC, v, polygon_ptr->n,
X CoordModeOrigin);
X }
X cfree (v);
X }
Xvoid CreatePolygonObj (NumPts)
X int NumPts;
X register int i;
X struct PtRec * pt_ptr;
X struct PolygonRec * polygon_ptr;
X struct ObjRec * obj_ptr;
X XPoint * v;
X int ltx, lty, rbx, rby, w;
X polygon_ptr = (struct PolygonRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PolygonRec));
X polygon_ptr->n = NumPts;
X v = (XPoint *) calloc (NumPts+1, sizeof(XPoint));
X pt_ptr = lastPtPtr;
X ltx = rbx = pt_ptr->x;
X lty = rby = pt_ptr->y;
X for (i = NumPts-1; i >= 0; i--, lastPtPtr = lastPtPtr->next)
X {
X v[i].x = (lastPtPtr->x << zoomScale) + drawOrigX;
X v[i].y = (lastPtPtr->y << zoomScale) + drawOrigY;
X if (lastPtPtr->x < ltx) ltx = lastPtPtr->x;
X if (lastPtPtr->y < lty) lty = lastPtPtr->y;
X if (lastPtPtr->x > rbx) rbx = lastPtPtr->x;
X if (lastPtPtr->y > rby) rby = lastPtPtr->y;
X cfree (lastPtPtr);
X }
X polygon_ptr->vlist = v;
X if (curSpline == LT_SPLINE)
X polygon_ptr->svlist = MakeSplinePolygonVertex (&(polygon_ptr->sn),
X drawOrigX, drawOrigY, NumPts, v);
X polygon_ptr->fill = objFill;
X polygon_ptr->width = lineWidth;
X polygon_ptr->pen = penPat;
X polygon_ptr->curved = curSpline;
X polygon_ptr->dash = curDash;
X obj_ptr = (struct ObjRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct ObjRec));
X obj_ptr->color = colorIndex;
X obj_ptr->type = OBJ_POLYGON;
X obj_ptr->bbox.ltx = obj_ptr->obbox.ltx = obj_ptr->x =
X (ltx << zoomScale) + drawOrigX;
X obj_ptr->bbox.lty = obj_ptr->obbox.lty = obj_ptr->y =
X (lty << zoomScale) + drawOrigY;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rbx = obj_ptr->obbox.rbx = (rbx << zoomScale) + drawOrigX;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rby = obj_ptr->obbox.rby = (rby << zoomScale) + drawOrigY;
X w = widthOfLine[lineWidth];
X obj_ptr->bbox.ltx -= w;
X obj_ptr->bbox.lty -= w;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rbx += w;
X obj_ptr->bbox.rby += w;
X obj_ptr->id = objId++;
X obj_ptr->dirty = FALSE;
X obj_ptr->detail.g = polygon_ptr;
X obj_ptr->fattr = obj_ptr->lattr = NULL;
X AddObj (NULL, topObj, obj_ptr);
Xvoid ContinuePolygon (OrigX, OrigY)
X int OrigX, OrigY;
X /* OrigX and OrigY are screen coordinates (scaled and translated). */
X XGCValues values;
X XEvent input;
X XButtonEvent * button_ev;
X XMotionEvent * motion_ev;
X int end_x, end_y, grid_x, grid_y, done = FALSE;
X int ltx, lty, rbx, rby;
X int pixel, xor_pixel, num_pts = 1;
X struct PtRec * pt_ptr;
X pixel = colorPixels[colorIndex];
X xor_pixel = xorColorPixels[colorIndex];
X values.foreground = xor_pixel;
X values.function = GXxor;
X values.fill_style = FillSolid;
X values.line_width = 0;
X values.line_style = LineSolid;
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle,
X &values);
X grid_x = end_x = OrigX;
X grid_y = end_y = OrigY;
X XGrabPointer (mainDisplay, drawWindow, FALSE,
X PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask,
X GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, handCursor, CurrentTime);
X while (!done)
X {
X XNextEvent (mainDisplay, &input);
X if (input.type == MotionNotify)
X {
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, drawWindow, drawGC, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y);
X motion_ev = &(input.xmotion);
X end_x = motion_ev->x;
X end_y = motion_ev->y;
X GridXY (end_x, end_y, &grid_x, &grid_y);
X MarkRulers (grid_x, grid_y);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, drawWindow, drawGC, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y);
X }
X else if (input.type == ButtonPress)
X {
X button_ev = &(input.xbutton);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, drawWindow, drawGC, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y);
X end_x = button_ev->x;
X end_y = button_ev->y;
X GridXY (end_x, end_y, &grid_x, &grid_y);
X if (penPat != 0 && (button_ev->button == Button1 || num_pts != 1))
X {
X values.foreground = (penPat == 2) ? myBgPixel : pixel;
X values.function = GXcopy;
X values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
X values.line_width = widthOfLine[lineWidth] >> zoomScale;
X values.stipple = patPixmap[penPat];
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth |
X GCStipple, &values);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, drawWindow, drawGC, OrigX, OrigY, grid_x,
X grid_y);
X values.foreground = xor_pixel;
X values.function = GXxor;
X values.fill_style = FillSolid;
X values.line_width = 0;
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth,
X &values);
X }
X if ((grid_x != OrigX || grid_y != OrigY) &&
X (button_ev->button == Button1 || num_pts != 1))
X {
X num_pts++;
X pt_ptr = (struct PtRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PtRec));
X pt_ptr->next = lastPtPtr;
X lastPtPtr = pt_ptr;
X pt_ptr->x = grid_x;
X pt_ptr->y = grid_y;
X }
X if (grid_x == startPolygonX && grid_y == startPolygonY)
X done = TRUE;
X else
X {
X switch(button_ev->button)
X {
X case Button1 : OrigX = grid_x; OrigY = grid_y; break;
X case Button2 :
X case Button3 :
X if (num_pts == 1)
X {
X done = TRUE;
X break;
X }
X values.foreground = (penPat == 2) ? myBgPixel : pixel;
X values.function = GXcopy;
X values.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
X values.line_width = widthOfLine[lineWidth] >> zoomScale;
X values.stipple = patPixmap[penPat];
X XChangeGC (mainDisplay, drawGC,
X GCForeground | GCFunction | GCFillStyle | GCLineWidth |
X GCStipple, &values);
X XDrawLine (mainDisplay, drawWindow, drawGC, grid_x, grid_y,
X startPolygonX, startPolygonY);
X num_pts++;
X pt_ptr = (struct PtRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PtRec));
X pt_ptr->next = lastPtPtr;
X lastPtPtr = pt_ptr;
X pt_ptr->x = startPolygonX;
X pt_ptr->y = startPolygonY;
X done = TRUE;
X break;
X }
X }
X }
X }
X XUngrabPointer (mainDisplay, CurrentTime);
X switch (num_pts)
X {
X case 1:
X RedrawAnArea (botObj, (OrigX+drawOrigX)-(1<<zoomScale),
X (OrigY+drawOrigY)-(1<<zoomScale),
X (OrigX+drawOrigX)+(1<<zoomScale),
X (OrigY+drawOrigY)+(1<<zoomScale));
X cfree (lastPtPtr);
X break;
X case 2:
X CalcBBox (lastPtPtr->x, lastPtPtr->y, lastPtPtr->next->x,
X lastPtPtr->next->y, <x, <y, &rbx, &rby);
X RedrawAnArea (botObj, (ltx+drawOrigX)-(1<<zoomScale),
X (lty+drawOrigY)-(1<<zoomScale), (rbx+drawOrigX)+(1<<zoomScale),
X (rby+drawOrigY)+(1<<zoomScale));
X cfree (lastPtPtr->next);
X cfree (lastPtPtr);
X break;
X default:
X CreatePolygonObj (num_pts);
X RedrawAnArea (botObj, topObj->bbox.ltx-(1<<zoomScale),
X topObj->bbox.lty-(1<<zoomScale),
X topObj->bbox.rbx+(1<<zoomScale),
X topObj->bbox.rby+(1<<zoomScale));
X polygonDrawn = TRUE;
X SetFileModified (TRUE);
X break;
X }
Xvoid DrawPolygon (input)
X XEvent * input;
X XButtonEvent * button_ev;
X int mouse_x, mouse_y, grid_x, grid_y;
X if (input->type != ButtonPress) return;
X button_ev = &(input->xbutton);
X if (button_ev->button == Button1)
X {
X mouse_x = button_ev->x;
X mouse_y = button_ev->y;
X GridXY (mouse_x, mouse_y, &grid_x, &grid_y);
X lastPtPtr = (struct PtRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PtRec));
X lastPtPtr->x = startPolygonX = grid_x;
X lastPtPtr->y = startPolygonY = grid_y;
X lastPtPtr->next = NULL;
X ContinuePolygon (grid_x, grid_y);
X }
Xvoid SavePolygonObj (FP, ObjPtr)
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X register int i, n;
X struct PolygonRec * polygon_ptr = ObjPtr->detail.g;
X n = polygon_ptr->n;
X fprintf (FP, "polygon('%s',%1d,[", colorMenuItems[ObjPtr->color],
X polygon_ptr->n);
X for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
X fprintf (FP, "%1d,%1d,", polygon_ptr->vlist[i].x, polygon_ptr->vlist[i].y);
X fprintf (FP, "%1d,%1d],%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,%1d,", polygon_ptr->vlist[n-1].x,
X polygon_ptr->vlist[n-1].y, polygon_ptr->fill, polygon_ptr->width,
X polygon_ptr->pen, polygon_ptr->curved, ObjPtr->id, polygon_ptr->dash);
X SaveAttrs (FP, ObjPtr->lattr);
X fprintf (FP, ")");
Xvoid ReadPolygonObj (Inbuf, ObjPtr)
X char * Inbuf;
X struct ObjRec * * ObjPtr;
X register int i;
X struct PolygonRec * polygon_ptr;
X XPoint * v;
X char color_str[20], * s;
X int num_pts, ltx, lty, rbx, rby, x, y, fill, width, pen, w;
X int curved, dash;
X * ObjPtr = (struct ObjRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct ObjRec));
X s = FindChar ('(', Inbuf);
X s = ParseStr (s, ',', color_str);
X sscanf (s, "%d,", &num_pts);
X polygon_ptr = (struct PolygonRec *) calloc (1, sizeof(struct PolygonRec));
X polygon_ptr->n = num_pts;
X v = (XPoint *) calloc (num_pts+1, sizeof(XPoint));
X ltx = 20 * PIX_PER_INCH; rbx = 0;
X lty = 20 * PIX_PER_INCH; rby = 0;
X s = FindChar ('[', s);
X for (i = 0; i < num_pts; i++)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d", &x, &y);
X v[i].x = x;
X v[i].y = y;
X if (x < ltx) ltx = x;
X if (y < lty) lty = y;
X if (x > rbx) rbx = x;
X if (y > rby) rby = y;
X s = FindChar (',',s);
X s = FindChar (',',s);
X }
X if (fileVersion <= 3)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d", &fill, &width, &pen);
X if (width == LINE_CURVED)
X {
X width = 0;
X curved = TRUE;
X }
X else
X curved = FALSE;
X switch (width)
X {
X case 1: width = 3; break;
X case 2: width = 6; break;
X }
X (*ObjPtr)->id = objId++;
X dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 5)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d", &fill, &width, &pen, &curved);
X switch (width)
X {
X case 1: width = 3; break;
X case 2: width = 6; break;
X }
X (*ObjPtr)->id = objId++;
X dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 7)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d", &fill, &width, &pen, &curved);
X (*ObjPtr)->id = objId++;
X dash = 0;
X }
X else if (fileVersion <= 8)
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d , %d", &fill, &width, &pen, &curved,
X &((*ObjPtr)->id));
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X dash = 0;
X }
X else
X {
X sscanf (s, "%d , %d , %d , %d , %d , %d", &fill, &width, &pen, &curved,
X &((*ObjPtr)->id), &dash);
X if ((*ObjPtr)->id >= objId) objId = (*ObjPtr)->id + 1;
X }
X polygon_ptr->vlist = v;
X if (curved == LT_SPLINE)
X polygon_ptr->svlist = MakeSplinePolygonVertex (&(polygon_ptr->sn),
X drawOrigX, drawOrigY, num_pts, v);
X polygon_ptr->fill = fill;
X polygon_ptr->width = width;
X polygon_ptr->pen = pen;
X polygon_ptr->curved = curved;
X polygon_ptr->dash = dash;
X (*ObjPtr)->x = ltx;
X (*ObjPtr)->y = lty;
X (*ObjPtr)->color = FindColorIndex (color_str);
X (*ObjPtr)->dirty = FALSE;
X (*ObjPtr)->type = OBJ_POLYGON;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.ltx = ltx;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.lty = lty;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.rbx = rbx;
X (*ObjPtr)->obbox.rby = rby;
X if (width == 0)
X {
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.ltx = ltx;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.lty = lty;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.rbx = rbx;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.rby = rby;
X }
X else
X {
X w = widthOfLine[width];
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.ltx = ltx - w;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.lty = lty - w;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.rbx = rbx + w;
X (*ObjPtr)->bbox.rby = rby + w;
X }
X (*ObjPtr)->detail.g = polygon_ptr;
Xvoid FreePolygonObj (ObjPtr)
X struct ObjRec * ObjPtr;
X if (ObjPtr->detail.g->curved) cfree (ObjPtr->detail.g->svlist);
X cfree (ObjPtr->detail.g->vlist);
X cfree (ObjPtr->detail.g);
X cfree (ObjPtr);
if test 23195 -ne `wc -c <'polygon.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'polygon.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'polygon.c'
echo shar: End of archive 10 \(of 23\).
cp /dev/null ark10isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ; do
if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
echo You have unpacked all 23 archives.
rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
echo " " ${MISSING}
## End of shell archive.
exit 0
---------------------------------> cut here <---------------------------------
Bill Cheng // UCLA Computer Science Department // (213) 206-7135
3277 Boelter Hall // Los Angeles, California 90024 // USA
william at CS.UCLA.EDU ...!{uunet|ucbvax}!cs.ucla.edu!william
Dan Heller
O'Reilly && Associates Z-Code Software
Senior Writer President
argv at ora.com argv at zipcode.com
General Email: argv at sun.com
Comp-sources-x stuff: comp-sources.x at uunet.uu.net
More information about the Comp.sources.x
mailing list