v12i042: xicon, Part01/01
trost%reed at cse.ogi.edu
trost%reed at cse.ogi.edu
Wed Mar 20 21:35:28 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: trost%reed at cse.ogi.edu
Posting-number: Volume 12, Issue 42
Archive-name: xicon/part01
After months of eager anticipation, the new and *functional* version
of xicon has been put together. This version was actually tested
before distribution. I have been told it works under vtwm and tvtwm.
Also, the problem with spinning xicons (xica?) seems to have been
Again, the patches were large enough warranting posting of the entire
source --- not to mention the confusion caused by that broken
distribution of xicon. I posted this with filesize checking, just in
case the Bitnot should happen to get a hold of it.
# to extract, remove the header and type "sh filename"
if `test ! -s ./Imakefile`
echo "writing ./Imakefile"
cat > ./Imakefile << '\End\Of\Shar\'
SRCS = xicon.c
OBJS = xicon.o
echo "will not over write ./Imakefile"
if [ `wc -c ./Imakefile | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 136 ]
echo `wc -c ./Imakefile | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 136}'`
if `test ! -s ./patchlevel.h`
echo "writing ./patchlevel.h"
cat > ./patchlevel.h << '\End\Of\Shar\'
#define PATCHLEVEL 3
echo "will not over write ./patchlevel.h"
if [ `wc -c ./patchlevel.h | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 21 ]
echo `wc -c ./patchlevel.h | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 21}'`
if `test ! -s ./xicon.c`
echo "writing ./xicon.c"
cat > ./xicon.c << '\End\Of\Shar\'
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef SYSV
# ifndef att
# define sigsetmask(x)
# endif /* !att */
#else /* SYSV */
# include <sys/wait.h>
#endif /* SYSV */
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xresource.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
static char* programName;
#define programClass "XIcon"
typedef struct {
Window window;
Bool running;
char* name;
char* title;
char* class;
char* icon_name;
char* command;
} Icon;
static childDied = 0;
static wmFrame;
static XrmDatabase initialDatabase, serverDatabase = 0;
static XrmOptionDescRec switches[] = {
{ "-display", ".display", XrmoptionSepArg,
(caddr_t) NULL },
{ "-wmframe", ".wmFrame", XrmoptionNoArg,
(caddr_t) "true" },
{ "-xrm", NULL, XrmoptionResArg,
(caddr_t) NULL },
static void
"usage: %s [ -display display ] \
[ -wmframe ] [ -xrm resource [ ... ] ]\n", programName);
static char*
GetStringResource(name, class)
char* name;
char* class;
char* type;
XrmValue value;
if (!XrmGetResource(initialDatabase, name, class, &type, &value))
if (serverDatabase &&
!XrmGetResource(serverDatabase, name, class, &type, &value))
return 0;
return (char*) value.addr;
static Bool
GetBooleanResource(name, class, dflt)
char* name;
char* class;
Bool dflt;
char* resource;
char* s;
char** p;
static char* affirmation[] = { "yes", "on", "true", 0 };
static char* denial[] = { "no", "off", "false", 0 };
resource = GetStringResource(name, class);
if (!resource)
return dflt;
for (s = resource; *s; s++)
if (isupper(*s))
*s = tolower(*s);
p = affirmation;
while (*p)
if (strcmp(*p++, resource) == 0)
return 1;
p = denial;
while (*p)
if (strcmp(*p++, resource) == 0)
return 0;
return dflt;
We need a mapping from pids to windows.
typedef struct pidmap {
int pid;
Window window;
struct pidmap* next;
} pidmap;
static pidmap* processes = 0;
static void
HandleDeadChildren(display, icons)
Display* display;
XContext icons;
while (childDied) {
int pid = wait(0);
pidmap** process = &processes;
pidmap* old;
Icon* icon;
while (*process && (*process)->pid != pid)
process = &(*process)->next;
if (!*process) {
fprintf(stderr, "Programmer error --- lost a process!\n");
old = *process;
*process = old->next;
XUnmapWindow(display, old->window);
XMapWindow(display, old->window);
Thanks to jik at pit-manager.mit.edu for the correct cast in
XFindContext. I just *couldn't* figure out what gcc was
complaining about....
if (XFindContext(display, old->window, icons,
(caddr_t*) &icon) != XCSUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Programmer error --- lost an icon!\n");
icon->running = 0;
free((char*) old);
static void
static void
AddProcess(display, window, icons)
Display* display;
Window window;
XContext icons;
Icon* icon;
int pid;
XUnmapEvent sendEvent;
if (XFindContext(display, window, icons, (caddr_t*) &icon) != XCSUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Programmer error --- lost an icon!\n");
XUnmapWindow(display, icon->window);
ICCCM says we must do this, as the window may have since
become unmapped....
sendEvent.event = DefaultRootWindow(display);
sendEvent.window = icon->window;
sendEvent.from_configure = 0;
XSendEvent(display, sendEvent.event, 0,
SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask,
(XEvent*) &sendEvent);
XFlush(display); /* do it NOW! */
if (icon->running)
/* Prevent a race-sort of condition if the child dies too quickly? */
HandleDeadChildren(display, icons);
else {
pidmap* process;
char* command = icon->command;
char* s;
icon->running = 1;
/* ??? We need to conditionally redefine vfork as fork. */
Never you mind the above; there is a bug with Ultrix 4.0+
RISC; if the child process from a vfork fails to do an exec,
the parent never receives a SIGCHLD.
-|trost Fri Feb 8 12:00:06 1991
switch (pid = fork()) {
case -1:
case 0:
setpgrp(0, getpid());
for (s = command; *s; s++)
if (index(" \t\n|<>&'\"*?$()[]{}=\\;~`", *s)) {
char* getenv();
char* shell = getenv("SHELL");
execl(shell, shell, "-c", command, 0);
if (!*s)
execlp(command, command, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run \"%s\".\n", command);
process = (pidmap*) malloc(sizeof(*process));
process->window = icon->window;
process->pid = pid;
process->next = processes;
processes = process;
static Window
CreateIconWindow(display, icon)
Display* display;
Icon* icon;
Window window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),
0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, None);
XClassHint classHint;
XSizeHints sizeHints;
XWMHints wmHints;
char hostname[255];
XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
XSelectInput(display, window, ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask);
classHint.res_name = icon->name;
classHint.res_class = icon->class;
XSetClassHint(display, window, &classHint);
Obsolete, but we should set for old wm's. And maybe new wm's
will be nice and do it for us anyhow (since I can't figure out
the new way of doing it).
sizeHints.flags = PPosition;
sizeHints.x = 200;
sizeHints.y = 200;
XSetNormalHints(display, window, &sizeHints);
/* This was hacked in so that tvtwm will put window on-screen. */
/* Transient for self? Sure, why not? */
XSetTransientForHint(display, window, window);
XStoreName(display, window, icon->title);
XSetIconName(display, window, icon->icon_name);
wmHints.flags = StateHint;
wmHints.initial_state = IconicState;
XSetWMHints(display, window, &wmHints);
attributes.backing_store = NotUseful;
XChangeWindowAttributes(display, window, CWBackingStore, &attributes);
gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname));
XChangeProperty(display, window, XA_WM_CLIENT_MACHINE, XA_STRING, 8,
PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*) hostname,
return window;
static void
CreateIcon(display, icons, name)
Display* display;
XContext icons;
char* name;
char resource[255], class[255];
char baseResource[255];
char baseClass[255];
Icon* icon = (Icon*) Xpermalloc(sizeof(Icon));
icon->name = name;
sprintf(baseResource, "%s.%s.%%s", programName, name);
sprintf(baseClass, "%s.%s.%%s", programClass, name);
sprintf(resource, baseResource, "class");
sprintf(class, baseClass, "Class");
if (icon->class = GetStringResource(resource, class))
sprintf(baseClass, "%s.%s.%%s", programClass, icon->class);
icon->class = name;
sprintf(resource, baseResource, "title");
sprintf(class, baseClass, "Title");
icon->title = GetStringResource(resource, class);
if (!icon->title)
icon->title = name;
sprintf(resource, baseResource, "iconName");
sprintf(class, baseClass, "IconName");
icon->icon_name = GetStringResource(resource, class);
if (!icon->icon_name)
icon->icon_name = icon->title ? icon->title : name;
sprintf(resource, baseResource, "command");
sprintf(class, baseClass, "Command");
icon->command = GetStringResource(resource, class);
if (!icon->command)
icon->command = name;
icon->running = 0;
icon->window = CreateIconWindow(display, icon);
XSaveContext(display, icon->window, icons, icon);
sprintf(resource, baseResource, "startIconic");
sprintf(class, baseClass, "Command");
if (GetBooleanResource(resource, class, 1))
XMapWindow(display, icon->window);
AddProcess(display, icon->window, icons);
static char**
char* list;
int i;
static char* rv[255];
char buf[1024];
if (!list) {
rv[0] = 0;
return rv;
The upper bound for the loop has been decreased by one so that
we can add the terminating null pointer to the array if our
array fills up.
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rv)/sizeof(rv[0]) - 1; i++) {
char* s = buf;
/* eat leading whitespace */
while (*list == ' ' || *list == '\t')
while (*list && *list != ',')
*s++ = *list++;
*s++ = '\0';
rv[i] = Xpermalloc(s - buf);
bcopy(buf, rv[i], s - buf);
if (!*list) {
rv[i + 1] = 0;
return rv;
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, \"only\" 255 icons supported; continuing....\n");
rv[i] = 0;
return rv;
static void
Dispatch(event, icons)
XEvent* event;
XContext icons;
XEvent junkEvent;
switch (event->type) {
case UnmapNotify:
case ReparentNotify:
case ConfigureNotify:
/* ignore */
case MapNotify:
XRaiseWindow(event->xany.display, event->xany.window);
XMoveWindow(event->xany.display, event->xany.window, 5, 5);
case Expose:
Let's try sucking off all the exposes that might be pending
for this window.
if (wmFrame) {
Window root, parent;
Window* children;
unsigned nchildren; /* should always be zero */
XQueryTree(event->xany.display, event->xany.window,
&root, &parent, &children, &nchildren);
XFree((char *) children);
if (root == parent)
AddProcess(event->xany.display, event->xany.window, icons);
fprintf(stderr, "Strange event %d.\n", event->type);
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char** argv;
Display* display;
char* displayName;
char resource[255], class[255];
char* waitString;
int i;
char** iconNames;
char** name;
XContext icons;
char* rindex();
int fd;
programName = rindex(argv[0], '/');
if (programName)
programName = argv[0];
switches, sizeof(switches)/sizeof(switches[0]),
programName, &argc, argv);
if (argc > 1)
sprintf(resource, "%s.display", programName);
display = XOpenDisplay(displayName = GetStringResource(resource, ""));
if (!display) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open display \"%s\"\n",
serverDatabase = XrmGetStringDatabase(display->xdefaults);
sprintf(resource, "%s.wmFrame", programName);
sprintf(class, "%s.WmFrame", programClass);
wmFrame = GetBooleanResource(resource, class, 0);
sprintf(resource, "%s.icons", programName);
sprintf(class, "%s.Icons", programClass);
iconNames = ParseIconList(GetStringResource(resource, class));
for (name = iconNames; *name; name++)
CreateIcon(display, icons, *name);
fd = ConnectionNumber(display);
(void) signal(SIGCHLD, HandleSIGCHLD);
Some machines (e.g., Tek 4317) start processes with some bogus
sigmask. If I were trying to port this program and sigsetmask
failed to link, I'd remove the following lines, or, if you feel
up to it, inspect the #ifdef junk at the top of the file.
for (;;) {
static unsigned long readfds[1], exceptfds[1];
XEvent event;
extern int errno;
if (*readfds) {
XNextEvent(display, &event);
Dispatch(&event, icons);
while (i = XPending(display))
while (i--) {
XNextEvent(display, &event);
Dispatch(&event, icons);
readfds[fd/32] = 1 << fd % 32;
exceptfds[fd/32] = 1 << fd % 32;
HandleDeadChildren(display, icons);
race condition here: If a child dies here before the select starts,
no one will ever know about it....
while (select(fd + 1, readfds, 0, exceptfds, 0) < 1) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
HandleDeadChildren(display, icons);
echo "will not over write ./xicon.c"
if [ `wc -c ./xicon.c | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 12133 ]
echo `wc -c ./xicon.c | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 12133}'`
if `test ! -s ./xicon.man`
echo "writing ./xicon.man"
cat > ./xicon.man << '\End\Of\Shar\'
.TH XICON 1 "20 September 1990" "X contributed software"
xicon -- manage "inactive icons"
[-display \fIdisplay\fP]
[-xrm \fIresource\fP [...]]
\fIXicon\fP creates a set of icons; when one of these icons becomes
deiconified, a user-specified program is started. When a program
started by \fIxicon\fP exits, the fake icon is restarted.
The program starts out by reading its "icons" (class "Icons")
resource, which is a comma-separated list of icons to create.
\fIXicon\fP then reads the resources specific to each of those icons
(described below).
\fIXicon\fP is of class "XIcon".
.TP 8
.B "wmFrame (\fPclass\fB WmFrame)"
This resource tells xicon that it should treat the icon as being
deiconified only if there is a window-manager frame on the icon
window. This is very useful if you have occasion to restart your
window manager, or if you exit your session while xicon is still
running (the window manager can get killed before the xicon does,
meaning that \fIall\fP your icons become deiconified, and many will
end up in the next person's session).
Icon resources are specified by "xicon.\fIicon\fP.\fIresource\fP." If
a class name is specified for the icon, class lookups will be of the
form "XIcon.\fIclass\fP.\fIresource\fP." Icon resources are as follows:
.TP 8
.B "class (\fPclass\fB Class)"
This is the first resource read for each icon. It specifies the
icon's resource class, which can be used for further lookups (as
described above).
.TP 8
.B "command (\fPclass\fB Command)"
This specifies the command to be executed when the icon is activated.
The command is fed to $SHELL intact (unless the command looks
like a simple single-word command, in which case it is executed
directly), so pipes, redirection, and the
"exec" shell builtin are all useful. One useful command (for shells
supporting it, like GNU bash) is "kill $PPID", to exit \fIxicon\fP.
\fIXicon\fP could then be used as a session manager.
.TP 8
.B "iconName (\fPclass\fB IconName)"
This resource specifies the WM_ICON_NAME property
for the icon, and is used as
the name for the icon by most window managers. It defaults to the
value of the title resource (see below).
.TP 8
.B "startIconic (\fPclass\fB StartIconic)"
This resource, true by default, indicates whether \fIxicon\fP
will start by displaying the icon or by immediately starting the
program. Useful if you want to start some things running but would
still like to have them managed by \fIxicon\fP.
.TP 8
.B "title (\fPclass\fB Title)"
This resource specifies the WM_NAME property for the icon, which is
used as the "window name" (as opposed to the icon name) for the icon.
This is of relevance in certain cases -- for instance, the window name
appears in TWM's window menu.
All icon resources default to icon's name as specified in the "XIcon.icons"
resource unless otherwise specified.
The following is a reasonable (albeit somewhat contrived) set of X
.EX 0
XIcon.icons: xterm, slowvax, exit, hibernate, xwininfo, xclock
! My window manager can do clever things with the name (like put
! parentheses around it.
XIcon*class: XIcon
! Gotta start somewhere...
XIcon.xterm.startIconic: false
! Both "exit" and "hibernate" are based on a bash feature which sets
! $PPID to the shell's parent process (oddly enough).
! Hibernate makes xicon go away and restart in 20 seconds. But make
! sure our parent isn't /etc/init....
XIcon.hibernate.command: \\
set `ps ww$PPID` ; kill $PPID ; shift 9 ; sleep 20 ; \\
[ $PPID -gt 1 ] && exec $*
XIcon.exit.command: kill $PPID
XIcon.slowvax.command: xterm -T reed -e rlogin reed
XIcon.xwininfo.command: \\
xterm -T 'window info' -e sh -c 'xwininfo -all ; cat > /dev/null'
! Just some cute names for the xclock.
XIcon.xclock.iconName: Clock
XIcon.xclock.Title: Ugly Blue Clock
Determines X server to use.
Specifies shell to be used for command invocation.
WmFrame should probably be true by default.
Under \fItwm\fP (and probably most other window managers)
there is a brief flash as the "real" xicon window gets mapped by the
window manager when the icon gets deiconified. This is ugly, to say
the least.
\fIXdm\fP may fail to set the SHELL environment variable if it
is empty (used to imply a default of /bin/sh under some version of
\fIXIcon\fP will either crash or fail on such machines.
A good workaround (even if you don't used \fIxicon\fP) is to
check for a null SHELL in the system Xsession and set it to /bin/sh.
Bill Trost (trost%reed at cse.ogi.edu)
echo "will not over write ./xicon.man"
if [ `wc -c ./xicon.man | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 4638 ]
echo `wc -c ./xicon.man | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 4638}'`
echo "Finished archive 1 of 1"
Dan Heller
O'Reilly && Associates Z-Code Software
Senior Writer President
argv at ora.com argv at zipcode.com
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