v12INF3: bdftools -- missing 'info'

mleisher at NMSU.Edu mleisher at NMSU.Edu
Sat Mar 2 19:29:47 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: mleisher at NMSU.Edu
Posting-number: Volume 12, Info 3
Archive-name: bdftools

[ moderator's note -- sorry, I forgot to include this with the others. --dan ]

Following are some tools to work with X11 BDF fonts.  Below is the general
README file for bdftools:

Here are three utilities for working with BDF format fonts:
1. bdftops 1.1 - converts a BDF font into a bitmapped Postscript font

2. bintobdf 1.0 - converts a raw bitmap font into a BDF font
                  (designed primarily for working with Oriental fonts)

3. snftobdf 1.4 - converts an SNF format font into a BDF format font

Please send fixes, additions, etc. to:

Internet: mleisher at nmsu.edu
Bitnet  : mleisher at nmsu.bitnet

Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM

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