Invalid pointer addresses

Alan T. Bowler [SDG] atbowler at
Fri Sep 30 09:14:27 AEST 1988

In article <12088 at> davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
>  I recently proofread a manual which stated that even calculating the
>value of an invalid address could cause a memory fault. I read this to
>mean that code like:
>	int D_temp[30], 		/* 30 elements */
>	    *tempr = D_temp-100;	/* int tempr[100..129] */
>would cause a problem even if the pointer were not dereferenced. I would
>assume that calculating a value would not EVER cause a dereference (and
>thereby a fault), no matter how invalid the address.
The problem occurs on those smart architectures that validate a pointer
when it is loaded into a pointer type register, or the contents of
such a register is changed.  In your example assume that you coded
     x = tempr[i];
You really want the compiler to generate 
     lptr PR,tempr       Load pointer register PR
     ldx  IX,i           Load index register IX
     ldr  AC,[IX,PR]     Load data register AC, using PR indexed by IX
     sldr AC,x           Store data register AC into X

If the machine does check the register on the load pointer this could
well fault.  If the compiler is required to accept a sequence like you
want then it will be forced to do the address calculation itself with
the data registers and manufacture a pointer before it actually tries
to do a data fetch.  Since data registers on these architectures are
often smaller than the pointer registers, this tends to be a painfully
slow proceedure.  So you can understand the compiler writer deciding
to assume that he will only be given programs that are written in the
style the machine was designed for and generating the faster sequence.
Often the fast method of doing arithmetic on a pointer involves
some form of "compute effective address into pointer register".
That way the implementor will not continually be complained at, "that
the same program written in Pascal runs 'so much faster' than in C".
This does not stop you from writing your code sequence.  You just must be
aware that there are some machines out there that will not run that
particular program.
   Note that nothing in the above says anything about NULL, since
it never actually gets used where the compiler must do an address

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