Significant name length list
david Fridley
david at psitech.UUCP
Wed Jul 26 01:03:11 AEST 1989
> I did, however, bump up the size of the array to 127. Nobody seems to have
> run into that yet :-). If they do, I'll increase it to 256. The limit is
> just a #define in a header file.
If you could make this a command line option, then I would be convinced it was
a feature, and not a limitation.
But, couldn't you start out with an array size of 127 and realloc it to 256 when
you came across a symbol that long. It would take longer only if somebody used
a longer symbol name, but it would still work right.
> If you think I'm wrong about doing this to maximize performance, consider
> that my compiler is within 10% of TurboC's compilation speed, and it's
> a two pass compiler as opposed to TurboC's one pass. I've estimated that
> the two pass design costs about 25% in compilation speed.
I work mostly with C to 68000 cross compilers. I would only like to point
out that I am alot less sensative to compile time than I am to run time. I
will only have to compile a few times to get my programs debugged, but they
will be run many times. Perhaps a fast/slow command option would be
appropriate. :) I have had a compiler manufacture tell me that compile time
is more important than some runtime preformance features that I've looked
for. All I can say is, I'm the customer.
> Real-world programming is always tradeoffs, no rule is absolute and no
> feature comes for free.
Absolutely! And the more of these tradeoffs you put in the hands of the
customer the more features you have, and the fewer ARBITRARY LIMITS you
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