sizeof on a word-oriented machine

Norman Diamond diamond at
Thu Nov 16 19:14:34 AEST 1989

Consider a machine where each 4-byte word has an address.

  char x[37];
  int  q;
  q = sizeof x / sizeof (char);

What is sizeof x?

If sizeof x is 40 (since 40 bytes are reserved for x) then the example
on page 46 lines 12 to 13 (section is violated.

If sizeof x is 37 then a user might do:
  char *two_xs;
  two_xs = malloc (2 * sizeof x);
and get screwed because only 76 bytes will be allocated (2 * 37 rounded
up to a multiple of 4) when 80 are really needed.

I think 40 is the most reasonable value for sizeof x.  Is the standard's
example wrong?  May it be ignored?

Norman Diamond, Sony Corp. ( at seems to work)
  Should the preceding opinions be caught or     |  James Bond asked his
  killed, the sender will disavow all knowledge  |  ATT rep for a source
  of their activities or whereabouts.            |  licence to "kill".

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