C style and portability guides

David Keppel pardo at cs.washington.edu
Fri Jun 29 04:36:35 AEST 1990

[NSA submission eater: Pardon if this shows up twice; I tried posting
 a few days ago to comp.archives and it seems to have gotten lost.    ]

There is a document titled "Notes On Writing Portable Programs In C"
available via anon. ftp from sauna.hut.fi [].  The files
are `portableC.tex', `portableC.bib', `portableC.ps.Z' in
`~ftp/pub/CompSciLab/doc'.  The .bib and .tex files are also available
from `cs.washington.edu' [] in `~ftp/pub/cport.tar.Z'.

The latest version of "Recommended C Style and Coding Standards" (a
revised version of the "Indian Hill C Style and Coding Standards"
paper) is now available via anon ftp from `cs.washington.edu' as
`~ftp/pub/cstyle.tar.Z'.  The empty file that was there before has
been replaced (sorry for the inconvenience!).  In addition, I will
post the document to `comp.lang.c'.

Comments on ``Notes on Writing Portable C'' should go to
`ado at sauna.hut.fi'.  Comments on ``Recommended C Style and Coding
Standards'' should go to `pardo at cs.washignton.edu'.

We hope these documents are useful.  Enjoy!

Andre' Dolenc                              Helsinki University of Technology
TKO/Research Associate                     Otakaari 1
Email (Internet): ado at sauna.hut.fi         SF-02150 Espoo, Finland
	;-D on  ( My future's so bright my smiley wears shades )  Pardo
		    pardo at cs.washington.edu

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