How Standards?
Norman Diamond
diamond at
Wed Apr 17 14:40:01 AEST 1991
In article <HAGERMAN.91Apr16221024 at> hagerman at (John Hagerman) writes:
>How does ANSI work? Can/will ANSI C continue to evolve?
It will, exactly as ANSI Fortran, ANSI Cobol, and others have evolved.
It might be the way ANSI/ISO Pascal evolved (by giving the new language
a modified name instead of supplanting the old one), but this was unusual.
>Is there any point in my thinking about what I'd change in the language,
That's a matter of personal opinion.
>or in posting such thoughts here for comment?
Such posts will likely draw flames until the committee begins work on a
new standard, maybe in about 4 years or so. I believe there's another
newsgroup now for C futures.
>Is it possible for me to get my thoughts into serious consideration
Yes, but you'll have to wait for the call for public comments on the
new standard.
>with little pain?
No. (Some people would put a smiley on this, but it's really pretty accurate.)
Norman Diamond diamond at
If this were the company's opinion, I wouldn't be allowed to post it.
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