difference between c++; and ++c;
Scott Amspoker
scott at bbxsda.UUCP
Tue Apr 9 05:14:02 AEST 1991
In article <1991Apr08.161444.10025 at cs.ruu.nl> hnridder at cs.ruu.nl (Ernst de Ridder) writes:
> while ( c < 100)
> ++c;
>instead of
> while ( c < 100)
> c++;
>Why should one of these forms be preferred over the other in such a situation,
>apart from personal preferences?
Apart from personal preference - none. Some people (like myself) prefer
the first form (++c) because the second form (c++) *implies* preserving
the current value of c prior to incrementing. Sure, that really doesn't
happen but you know how wierd programmers can be.
Scott Amspoker | Touch the peripheral convex of every
Basis International, Albuquerque, NM | kind, then various kinds of blaming
(505) 345-5232 | sound can be sent forth.
unmvax.cs.unm.edu!bbx!bbxsda!scott | - Instructions for a little box that
| blurts out obscenities.
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