How to write Trigraph like character sequences in a string (was:Re: to "OR" or not to "OR")

John F. Woods jfw at
Sat Jun 1 02:03:09 AEST 1991

mycroft at (Charles Hannum) writes:
>   and Borland doesn't even have trigraphs in its compiler anymore,
>   there's a program called that does the translation
>   for you, so just don't execute it!
>This is sloppy programming on Borland's part.

Why?  Does gcc have an option to do trigraph translation, and ONLY trigraph
translation, so that you can import a "portable character set" program into
your local character set so you don't have to waste the time preprocessing
trigraphs over and over again?  If so, why is it part of gcc?  Is it really
true that the Free Software Foundation is a secret conspiracy by memory

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