proper semi-portable use of signal()?

Guido van Rossum guido at
Wed Mar 27 19:18:23 AEST 1991

In article <3223 at> I asked:

>>... the declaration for signal() in <signal.h> looks as follows:
>>	extern void	(*signal(int, void (*) (int, ...)))(int, ...);
>>[gcc complains about:]
>>	#include <signal.h>
>>	void (*sigsave)();
>>	...
>>	signal(SIGINT, sigsave);

Norman Diamond replies:

>You did not declare void (*sigsave)(int, ...);

Indeed, but I believe my code conforms to the Standard: lists
the second argument of signal() as void (*func)(int), not as void
(*func)(int, ...).  I thought varargs (sorry, stdarg) functions *had*
to be declared with prototypes, while for functions with fixed
argument lists, old style declarations were also acceptable.

Therefore I believe my declaration is compatible with the standard,
while the <signal.h> in question (provided by SGI) is not.  Any other

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <guido at>
"The life of a Repo Man is always intense"

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