Posting to comp.std.unix/std-unix.

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Sat Apr 16 04:23:26 AEST 1988

If you're reading this as comp.std.unix on USENET, to post you just
post as to any newsgroup, and the news software will forward your
submission to the moderator.  Assuming your news software is a) new
enough to have this feature, and b) set up correctly.

To post by mail, as you must if you received this by mail (presumably
as part of the std-unix mailing list), you can submit a message by
mailing it to
	std-unix at
if your mailer recognizes ARPA Internet style domains, or
if you have to deal with old-style UUCP source routes.  The UUNET
machine speaks to most of the known world, so I won't include paths
to it here.

This newsgroup/mailing list is moderated, so the moderator (me,
John S. Quarterman) reserves the right to not post any given submission.
This is a technical discussion group, so attacks on companies or
people are not appropriate, nor are flames in general.  It's best
to stick to the general topic, as well:  standards related to the
UNIX operating system.

Requests for subscriptions or deletions, and other non-submissions
have to be mailed, regardless of how you received this article.
The place for such messages is:
	std-unix-request at

You can also send through or uunet!longway, but those
are harder to find (e.g., from the Internet, your mail system must
understand nameserver MX records).

The former aliases at or uunet!ut-sally also still
work, but are not recommended at the moment, considering that the
ARPANET IMP that connects to the ARPA Internet is
going to be turned off 1 May 1988, and it's not clear when a connection
to NSFnet will be available.

Volume-Number: Volume 13, Number 55

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