Eth and Thorn characters

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Wed Apr 20 19:40:26 AEST 1988

From: uunet!mcvax!!magnus (Magnus Gislason)

In article <170 at longway.TIC.COM>
> From: rja at edison.GE.COM (rja)
> A recent posting has inquired about what the Eth and Thorn characters
> look like.
>     [...long description of the Eth and Thorn characters...]
Unfortunately 'rja' doesn't seem to be very familiar with Icelandic or
these special Icelandic characters.

The only character he (she?) described correctly (at least as I could
understand it) was uppercase Eth.

This is what they approximately look like in Icelandic:

     ETH           eth                THORN        thorn

     ----          \ /                |            |
     |   \          \                 |            |
     |    \        / \                |---         |
    ---   |         _ \               |   >        |---
     |    /        / \|               |---         |   \
     |   /        |   |               |            |   /
     ----          \_/                |            |---

For those who don't know which sounds these characters represent, they
both sound like 'th' in English. 'Eth' as in 'this' and 'thorn' as in

        Magnus Gislason
        University of Iceland,       Internet:  magnus at
        Computing Center (RHI)       Uucp:  ...!mcvax!hafro!rhi!magnus

Volume-Number: Volume 14, Number 9

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