Access to UNIX User Groups and Publications

dale chayes uunet!lamont!dalesys at
Mon Apr 25 09:40:55 AEST 1988

From: uunet!lamont!dalesys at (dale chayes)

Thanks for the summary of Unix User Groups and Pubs. We are small but
growing, so please add the Masscomp Users Society to your list.

	Masscomp Users Society
	One Technology Park
	Westford, MA   01886
	Attn: Laurie Menard

	+1 (800) 451-1824

We hold an annual meeting in April. (The 1988 meeting was last week. The
date and location for the 1989 meeting will be posted to comp.sys.masscomp
as soon as it is set.)

We publish a news letter (Musings) quarterly (approximately.) 

Information is available from Laurie at the number above, by email or 
phone from me, or by posting to comp.sys.masscomp.

Dale Chayes Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University
usmail: Route 9W, Palisades, N.Y.  10964
voice:	(914) 359-2900 extension 434	fax: (914) 359-6817
UUCP:	...philabs!lamont!dale

Volume-Number: Volume 14, Number 10

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