Eth and Thorn characters

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Tue Apr 26 03:13:06 AEST 1988

From: peter at (Peter Salus)

In article <180 at longway.TIC.COM>:
> From: uunet!mcvax!!magnus (Magnus Gislason)
>         Magnus Gislason
>         University of Iceland,       Internet:  magnus at
>         Computing Center (RHI)       Uucp:  ...!mcvax!hafro!rhi!magnus

Despite the statement that edh (which I prefer to eth) and thorn 
are special Icelandic characters, it is worth noting that they 
occur in Old English as well.  For anyone involved in Germanic 
studies or phonetics they are important.  

I claim right to input as one who spent a delightful year at the 
University of Iceland a quarter century ago.

Peter H. Salus
Executive Director
USENIX Association

Volume-Number: Volume 14, Number 11

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