Reports from Volunteers of the USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Moderator, John S. Quarterman
std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Wed Dec 14 06:33:12 AEST 1988
Reports from Volunteers
of the
USENIX Standards Watchdog Committee
Each volunteer on the USENIX Standards Watchdog Commi-
tee should provide a written report to the report editor
after each standards meeting. These need to be rather
high-level reports, unlike either the official minutes of
the meeting, or the reports of events that appear in
/usr/group's CommUNIXations magazine. More how, why, and
who, than just what.
Specific kinds of desirable information include:
Things that are new, important, controversial, or
chronically discussed. Although the Policy Committee
may suggest some specific things to watch for, mostly
picking issues to report is left to the discretion of
the volunteer.
on each side of the issues.
Who is promoting each side, preferably phrased as types
of parties, such as vendors, users, user groups, etc.
But when in doubt, give names and details; let the
report editor worry about paraphrasing for publication.
What you think should be watched closely, what you
think should happen, and what you think USENIX should
do about it.
Whatever else you think people should know.
December 13, 1988
Volume-Number: Volume 15, Number 47
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