Access to UNIX-Related Publications

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Sat Nov 12 15:02:29 AEST 1988

From: uunet!vsi!friedl

> Corrections and additions to this article are solicited.

> 	The C Users Journal

They moved last month -- they are now at:

 	The C Users Journal
	2120 W. 25th St, Suite B
	Lawrence, KS  66046-9972
	+1 913 841 1631

You might also want to include:

	Dr. Dobbs Journal of Software Tools]
	M&T Publishing, Inc
	501 Galveston Dr.
	Redwood City, CA  94063
	+1 415 366 3600 voice
	Mostly DOS, some UNIX, quite technical
	monthly, $29.97 per year


Steve Friedl    V-Systems, Inc.  +1 714 545 6442    3B2-kind-of-guy
friedl at     {backbones}!!friedl    attmail!vsi!friedl
------------Nancy Reagan on the worm: "Just say OH NO!"------------

Volume-Number: Volume 15, Number 26

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