comp.std.unix posting of balloting info

Moderator, John S. Quarterman std-unix at longway.TIC.COM
Fri Feb 10 02:19:50 AEST 1989

From: uunet!usenix!ucbvax!decvax!isaak (Jim Isaak)

	Please feel free to put the ballot info on the net, also the
agenda for the next meeting (below if you don't have it)


			IEEE TCOS Standards Working Group Meetings

	Date:		April 24-28
	Location:	Hyatt Regency Hotel, 1300 Nicollet Mall,
			Minneapolis, Minn.   612-370-1234
	Host:	Cray

Draft Meeting Schedule:
			M	T	W	Th	Fr	#/People
Registration		7:30am	8-5	8-5	8-5	8-3

WG15 US Tag		-        7:30PM (Delegates meeting)	20

1003.0	Guide		9-5	8:30-5	8:30-5	8:30-5	8:30-3	35

1003.1 System Interf.	 - 	 -	8-5	8-5	8-3	20

1003.2 UPE work		9-5	8-5	8-5			40
1003.2 ballot issues				8-5	8-3	40

1003.3 Test Methods	9-5	8-5	8-5	8-5	8-3	20

1003.4 Real Time	9-5	8-5	8-5	8-5	8-3	45-50

1003.5 Ada		9-5	8-4	8-5	8-5	8-3	25

1003.6 Security		9-5	8-5	8-5	8-5	8-3	50

1003.7 System Admin	9-5	8-5	8-5	8-5	8-3	30

1003.8 Networking	9-5	8-5	8-5	8-5	8-3	50

1003.9 Fortran		9-5	8-5	8-5	-	-	25

Supercomp. Joint.	 -	 -	8-5	8-5	8-3	50

Transaction Proc.	9-5	8-5	8-5	-	-	25

.5/.4/TP   BOF		-	7:30-9	-	-	-	50
Appl. Portabiltiy BOF	-	7:30-9	-	-	-	50

Proceedures  BOF	-	-	7:30-9	-	-	50
Lang. SSC  BOF		 -	-	7:30+	-	-	50

Minn. UNIX Users??	7:30+	-	-	-	-	100?
(Public Session)

--------- Administrative meetings:  ------------------------------

TCOS-SS/SEC Meeting	-	-	-	6-10	-	30
Logistics Committee	-	-	-	7AM	-	20

Future 1003  meetings:
	July 10-14, San Jose		Unisys Host?

	Oct. 11-13  Brussels  WG15 Meeting
	     16-20  Brussels  1003/1201	CEC Host

	Jan 90 -    New Orleans target

Volume-Number: Volume 16, Number 13

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