USENIX White Paper for IEEE 1003.7
John S. Quarterman
jsq at
Sun Jan 7 12:27:14 AEST 1990
From: jsq at (John S. Quarterman)
Here is the White Paper on System Administration that USENIX
sponsored for IEEE 1003.7. I am posting it now for three reasons:
1) It never has been posted.
2) It was one of the main reasons for the network orientation of 1003.7
that was mentioned prominently in the recent 1003.7 snitch report.
3) There is much talk of a possible White Paper for IEEE 1201.
John S. Quarterman, Institutional Representative from USENIX to IEEE 1003.
White Paper
System Administration
for IEEE 1003.7
Susanne W. Smith
Windsound Consulting
John S. Quarterman
USENIX Association
The new POSIX committee on System Administra-
tion, IEEE 1003.7, is attempting to standardize an
area in which there is little prior art, and no
generally accepted solutions to many of the known
problems. It is a large area, and one that inter-
sects with other areas such as networking (IEEE
1003.8) and application programming (IEEE 1003.2).
Some of the most applicable prior art was not
designed for operating system administration, but
for network administration. Perhaps most impor-
tantly, there are two basic models for system
administration. One must be chosen from the
outset, and the choice will affect everything the
committee does.
The USENIX Association has coordinated the
production of this White Paper to set forth the
basic issues the committee must address, to recom-
mend certain choices it will have to make, and to
outline some of the existing solutions that must
be considered.
1. Introduction
The role of the systems administrator has evolved over
the years. Where once an administrator was responsible for
a single machine or machines from a single vendor there is
now often a network of machines from different vendors.
Both the homogeneous single machine case and the heterogene-
ous networked case must be addressed by the systems adminis-
tration committee in producing a standard. This paper
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offers a description of systems administration, its com-
ponent tasks, and its scope; it recommends a model upon
which to build the standard; it presents an overview of some
current systems administration practices; and it provides a
reference list.
2. The Basic Model
The most basic choice for a system administration stan-
dard is between a single machine model and a model based on
a network of machines.
2.1. A Single Machine
The results of 1003.7 will be applied to many machines
that are not connected to any other machines, except perhaps
by some indirect technique such as UUCP. The standard must
be applicable to such machines. For this purpose, it need
only specify a command interface and detail what the com-
mands are supposed to accomplish.
However, there is a problem with basing the standard on
a single machine as a model, because such a standard will
not adapt well to a network of machines. The traditional
methods used for administration of a single machine are not
readily extended for a networked environment. For example
maintaining user information on a single machine requires
modifications to the /etc/passwd file. In a networked
environment this further requires maintaining the con-
sistency of this file across many machines.
2.2. A Network of Machines
The number of machines connected to networks and the
number of networks of computers have grown exponentially in
the last several years. Many of us are accustomed to
interacting with hundreds of computers on a local area net-
work that is in turn connected to hundreds of thousands of
other computers through wide area networks.
2.2.1. Remote Access
Many machines do not even have local disks: files are
kept on a central server, which is accessed over the net-
work. There may be more than one server, and two machines
may even act as servers for each other for different parts
of their file system trees.
2.2.2. Distribution
Databases may not have a single location. The mapping
between login names and login IDs may be distributed among
several machines. The whole database may be duplicated for
redundancy. Parts of it may be kept in different places,
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for local control. A tree structure may be used.
2.2.3. Heterogeneity
Networked environments tend to have machines with many
different hardware types and many different variants of
operating systems. One machine may have /etc/passwd and
another may use a distributed database. The possible param-
eters to an operation may differ. Byte orders and word
lengths vary.
2.3. Specifications
A single interface specification is not sufficient for
a networking model of system administration. Three things
are needed:
2.3.1. Interface
A specification of a programming interface is needed
for a networked model, just as for a single machine model.
Additional commands may be required for a networked model.
But the specification of what the commands for the interface
do has to be more complex for a networked model.
2.3.2. Database
Because of differences among machines in a heterogene-
ous network, such as varying byte orders, word lengths, and
options supported, a generic specification of the informa-
tion to be managed is needed. It is not practical to pro-
vide specifications for every type of machine and software
and translations between them, because the numbers of
specifications needed would be very large.
2.3.3. Operations
Given the interface specification of a command, and the
database specification of the information it is to affect, a
specification is also needed of how to communicate the
necessary operation across the network. This should be done
in a manner that is not specific to any of the underlying
systems, but that can be translated into appropriate actions
on any of them.
2.4. Network Management Standards
These issues and this kind of model have been addressed
for the purpose of managing networks. It is possible that
the work can be adapted and extended for use by 1003.7. Two
components, a management station and a management agent,
work together to perform network management functions in the
following two protocols. The management station monitors and
controls network elements. Management agents perform
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functions requested by the management station on the network
2.4.1. CMIP
The Common Management Information Protocol is the
emerging ISO standard for network management. It uses a MIB
(Management Information Base) and defines operations to be
performed on it over a network.
2.4.2. SNMP
The Simple Network Management Protocol is in use now
with TCP/IP on NSFNET. It addresses many of the basic net-
work management problems and presents at least preliminary
solutions to them. It proves the concept of a MIB with
operations to manipulate it over a network.
2.4.3. ASN.1
Abstract Syntax Notation 1 is the ISO standard for
encoding of information at the presentation layer of the
seven layer ISO networking model. It is similar to Sun's
XDR (External Data Representation) or Apollo's NIDL (Network
Interface Definition Language) or NDR (Network Data
Representation), but is more general than either. ``ASN.1
is useful for describing structures in a machine-independent
fashion. Additionally, ASN.1 definitions can be written
which convey to the human reader the semantics of the
objects they define.''2 Both CMIP and SNMP are written in
terms of ASN.1.
2.5. Scope
The responsibilities of systems administrators vary
widely among installations. In some environments the tasks
of the systems administrator are defined as ``anything it
takes to keep computing services available for the user com-
munity.'' This definition could encompass everything from
hardware diagnostics to network management. In some situa-
tions the systems administrator may be responsible for user
support and consulting. In other situations the tasks of the
systems administrator could be rigidly defined to only
include password file maintenance and backups. Because
there is no commonly-accepted definition of the scope of
system administration, the committee needs to define which
specific areas are included as the functions of a systems
administrator. Scope and definitions are also required
parts of an IEEE standard. These should be addressed before
commands and facilities are defined.
The committee should consider previous work in network
management. The OSI model for network management consists
of five functional areas: configuration management,
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performance management, fault management, accounting manage-
ment, and security management. These functional areas map
very well from network management to operating system
2.5.1. Configuration Management
Configuration management in the network sense is
defined as ``detection and control of the state of the net-
work, both the logical and physical configurations of the
network.''1 Configuration management in a systems adminis-
tration context would refer to the management of the infor-
mation which defines a machine's functions. Configuration
information determines whether a machine is a file server or
client, a timesharing service or single user, diskless or
diskful. The configuration data identifies the location of
other machines and services.
2.5.2. Performance Management
Performance management could be defined as the collec-
tion and analysis of information that determines a
machine(s) performance. Examples could be disk throughput,
service access times, or cpu utilization.
2.5.3. Fault Management
Fault management is ``the detection, isolation, and
correction of abnormal operations in the network.''[1] For
systems administration this would be detection of a
service's failure, notification of the user community of
failure, and the initiation of a backup service.
2.5.4. Accounting Management
Accounting management would be the management of the
information required to determine the cost of using the sys-
tem. This type of information is traditionally collected in
units of disk storage blocks, cpu usage, and connect time.
2.5.5. Security Management
Security management is composed of the functions
required to regulate access to system resources. User
authentication, server verification, and security logs are
functions of security management.
2.6. Recommendations
We strongly recommend the adoption of a network model.
We also recommend that the committee focus on the entities
to be managed and not the underlying transport protocol.
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2.6.1. Specifications
Every command should be specified in terms of an inter-
face, an information database, and operations to be per-
formed over a network. Although the first of these alone
would be sufficient in a single machine case, it is not ade-
quate to a networked environment. A network model can be
reduced to handle a single machine as a special case, but a
single machine model cannot readily be expanded to support a
networked environment. This is the main reason that a net-
work model should be adopted instead of a single machine
2.6.2. Network Management
The committee should examine the work done to date on
SNMP and CMIP, and should follow the progress of the commit-
tees that are producing those protocols. The 1003.7 MIB
should be written in ASN.1.
3. Prior Art
We present here some examples of areas in which there
is prior art that the committee should consider. This is not
an exhaustive list of either the areas to be covered or the
prior art in a specific area. There are other such areas,
and we encourage others to submit proposals to the committee
outlining them.
The examples are grouped according to the OSI model
described above. Because system administration covers a
broader area than network management the categories have
been extended. Additional categories may be required to com-
pletely include all system administration functions.
3.1. Configuration Management
In addition to the description above configuration
management could include user configuration information.
This would include the information required to describe a
user and their environment (i.e. the location of their home
directory). This area could also include queueing systems.
3.1.1. /etc/passwd
The simplest database of user information is
/etc/passwd. It is a single file which contains information
about each user. /etc/passwd contains a user's login name,
user-id, group id, encrypted password, optional full name
and additional information, home directory location, and
program to be executed upon successful completion of the
login process. User information is added, changed, or
deleted by using the command vipw or one of many available
shell scripts and programs. Access to the information is
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controlled by file permissions.
This scheme works well in a single machine environment.
This method requires each machine to have an /etc/passwd
file. As the number of machines on a network and the number
of users increases, maintaining the file entries on each
individual machine becomes an overwhelming, if not impossi-
ble, task for the system administrator. Different methods
have been proposed to handle the task of maintaining an
/etc/passwd file on each machine in a network.
3.1.2. Yellow
Yellow Pages (yp) is a distributed network lookup ser-
vice. The Yellow Pages provide configuration information for
a group of machines called a domain. A machine requesting
information is a yp client and the machine providing the
information is a yp server.
The information for a particular domain is a set of
maps. Commonly the /etc/passwd and /etc/hosts files are
replaced by yp maps. However, yp is indifferent to the type
of data in the maps. A master flat file resides on a master
server machine. Updates to the master file are made here.
Dbm is used to transform the flat file into maps. The maps
are then propagated to all slave server machines. The number
of slave servers is dependent on network size and topology.
A single machine may serve more than one domain.
Once yp services are available (i.e. the maps have been
made and the server machines configured) routines on the yp
client machine must be modified to initiate yp requests
rather than reading local files. Yp requests are remote
procedure calls to a yp server.
3.1.3. Moira
``The purpose of Moira is to provide a single point of
contact for authoritative information about resources and
services in a distributed environment.''[3] Moira is used to
store information about users, the location of network ser-
vices, the information needed to create the configuration
files for network servers, as well as other information.
Updates to the database are made using an application inter-
face which is based on curses. Validity checks are per-
formed on data to be updated. Access to each object in the
database is controlled by an access control list. Statistics
are kept about who modified the object last.
Network server configuration files are created from the
Moira database and sent periodically to the appropriate
servers. This eliminates the need to modify configuration
files on individual machines. The Hesiod (see below)
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database is also created from the information in the Moira
3.1.4. Hesiod
Hesiod provides a read only front end for user infor-
mation and the location of network services. User informa-
tion is extracted from the Moira database and formated into
ASCII files in BIND-compatible resource record format.
Modifications have been made to BIND to accept and process
Hesiod type queries.
Hesiod is used by the login process to acquire user
information. Note however that Hesiod does not authenticate
the user. Authentication is performed by Kerberos. Hesiod is
also used by lpr to retrieve printer information tradition-
ally stored in the /etc/printcap file.
3.1.5. Berkeley Print Spooling
The Berkeley print spooling system was intended for use
with network print services where printers are connected
directly to the network or to the serial port of a host
machine on the network. The command lpr is used to start
the printing process. Line printer daemons (lpd) run on each
machine in the network to control the spool area, queue,
printing, and network transfers.
Lpr looks up information for the requested printer in
the /etc/printcap file. This file contains information about
each printer, such as location, filters needed, header page
format, etc. It determines what to do with this file from
this information.
The lpc command provides queue management functions.
Lpc is used to restart and flush queues, abort jobs, and
check the status of queues and printers.
3.1.6. MDQS - Multiple Device Queueing System
MDQS provides for local printer support, remote printer
support, local and remote batch job scheduling, conversion
of troff to device specific format, and sending graphics
data to plotters. MDQS consists of a queue management dae-
mon, a general-purpose spooler, a set of device specific
despooled-data processing slaves, and utilities for setting
form types, disabling service, viewing queues, etc.
A queue/device mapping table contains the queue name,
device name, and the command to be executed as a slave pro-
cess for the dequeued data. Remote printing and execution
are handled by having slave processes which respool the
data into the remote MDQS queues. The mapping table provides
the flexibility for multiple devices to process from the
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same queue or one device to process from multiple queues. If
NFS (network file system) or some similar mechanism is used
a single spooling area and daemon with control files can
reside on one machine. This eliminates the need for
respooling data into remote queues and the overhead of main-
taining a local spooling area, daemon and control files. The
remote devices simply process the queue from the remotely
mounted file system.
3.2. Security Management
Personal computers can be protected by making the
machine physically secure. In a timesharing environment the
operating system is used to protect one user from another.
In a networked environment there are three approaches to
prevent unauthorized access to network services: rely on the
host to authenticate the user and then trust the host;
require the host to prove its identity and then trust the
host as to who the user is; make the user prove who they are
for each network service.
3.2.1. Kerberos
``In an open network computing environment, a worksta-
tion cannot be trusted to identify its users correctly to
network services.''[4] Therefore Kerberos uses the third
approach to system security; make the user prove their iden-
tity for each network service. In order for a user to prove
their identity, they must be authenticated by Kerberos, not
the workstation they are using. Passwords are never sent
over the network, but are used locally to decrypt the
authentication message from Kerberos. To prevent unauthor-
ized use the local workstation destroys the user's password
after using it to decryt the initial Kerberos message.
Once a user has been authenticated they have the keys
to request various network services. Different applications
can choose different levels of protection. The first is
authentication at initiation but subsequent messages are
just accepted if from the same network address. The second
is where each message is authenticated but the contents of
the message are not encrypted. The third level of security
is private messages where each message is authenticated and
The Kerberos database contains a name, private key, and
expiration date for each entity that will use Kerberos ser-
vices. The master Kerberos database is kept and modified on
one machine. Slave servers have read only versions of the
database and provide read only types of services. Modifica-
tion to the master database is accomplished by the adminis-
tration server (KDBM server). There are two parts to this
service, a client which will run on any machine in the net-
work and a server that must run on the machine which houses
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the master database.
3.3. Accounting Management
Accounting is the recording and reporting of resource
usage. This information can then be used to determine
appropriate charges for a user.
3.3.1. Harvard Accounting System
This system would track disk usage, cpu time, logins,
connect time, printed pages, and budget on an account-by-
account basis and charge the appropriate accounts. It was
designed to run in a single machine environment.
3.4. Fault Management
In order to restore service after a disk failure a sen-
sible backup procedure needs to have been followed by the
administrative staff. Basic commands to move data from one
medium to another are described below.
Tar and cpio file archiving and data interchange for-
mats are the only backup formats specified in 1003.1.
3.4.1. System V Interface Definition (SVID) volcopy
The volcopy command will make a literal copy of a file
system. Copies can be made to another disk location or to
3.4.2. SVID & Berkeley tar
The tar command is used to create an archive file. Mul-
tiple files can be saved to and restored from a single tar-
file. The tarfile can reside on various physical media. tar
will read from standard input and write to standard output
so that it can be part of a pipeline. This feature can be
used for moving directories. cpio
cpio copies a list of files to from a cpio archive
file. Pathnames and status information are kept along with
the files.
3.4.3. Berkeley dump/rdump/restore/rrestore
The dump and rdump commands will copy all files in a
filesystem to backup media. The restore and rrestore
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commands will copy files stored via dump to a filesystem.
Rdump and rrestore provide the same functionality as dump
and restore over a network. Remote dump devices are speci-
fied as a host-device combination. The dump command allows
for different levels of back up. A level 0 dump copies every
file in the filesystem. A level 5 dump would copy every
file that has been modified since the last dump of a lower
3.5. Performance Management
Performance management analyzes the output from system
statistics to determine problem areas and develop solutions.
3.5.1. Berkeley Performance Monitoring Commands
The following commands are executable directly on each
machine to report local status. vmstat
The vmstat command provides information on the memory
usage, process status, and disk utilization. iostat
The iostat command reports statistics related to I/O
operations. Both terminal and disk I/O are included. netstat
The netstat command displays the contents of the
network-related data structures. Information is provided
about established connections and gateways.
4. Work in Progress
4.1. OSF RFT
The Open Software Foundation will be issuing an Request
for Technology (RFT) for Systems Administration software
from the Munich office some time in August 1989.
4.2. FDDI
A group is forming to determine which variables are
appropriate for inclusion in the MIB for FDDI.
4.3. Network Management Language
``NML is seen as a canonical interface between the net-
work management application programmer and the MIXP (Manage-
ment Information Exchange Protocol).''5 It isolates the
applications programmer from the specific MIXP being used.
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Extending this to systems administration would enable the
underlying protocol to be changed without the systems
administrators programming environment to be changed.
5. Acknowledgements
We would like to thank the following people for provid-
ing information, support, and inspiration, Carolyn D. Coun-
cill, John Lees, Jackie Carlson, Doug Gwyn, Keith Bostic,
Clifford Neuman, Mark Ozur, Martin Schoffstall, Frank Cun-
ningham, Paul Stutler, Ted Cook, and John Bossert.
6. Authors' Addresses
Susanne W. Smith
Windsound Consulting
6225 137th Place SW
Edmonds, WA 98020
<smith at>
John S. Quarterman
701 Brazos, Suite 500
Austin, TX 78701-3243
<jsq at>
1. Ben-Artzi, Amatzia, "The CMOT Network Management Archi-
tecture," ConneXions, vol. 3, pp. 14-19, Advanced Com-
puting Environments, Mountain View, California, March
2. McCloghrie, Keith and Marshall T. Ross, "Network
Management of TCP/IP-based internets," ConneXions, vol.
3, pp. 3-9, Advanced Computing Environments, Mountain
View, California, March 1989.
3. Rosenstein, Mark A., Daniel E. Geer, Jr., and Peter J.
Levine, "The Athena Service Management System," USENIX
Conference Proceedings, pp. 203-212, USENIX Associa-
tion, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
4. Steiner, Jennifer G., Clifford Neuman, and Jeffrey I.
Schiller, "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open
Network Systems," USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp.
191-202, USENIX Association, Dallas, Texas, February
9-12, 1988.
July 17, 1989
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5. Warrier, Unni, "A Network Management Language," ConneX-
ions, vol. 3, pp. 33-39, Advanced Computing Environ-
ments, Mountain View, California, March 1989.
1. System V Interface Definition, I, II, III, AT&T, 1986.
2. Networking on the Sun Workstation, Sun Microsystems,
Inc., Mountain View, California, February 1986.
3. System Administration for the Sun Workstation, Sun
Microsystems, Inc., Mountain View, California, February
4. USENIX Proceedings of the Large Installation Systems
Administrators Workshop, USENIX Association, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania, April 9-10, 1987.
5. USENIX Proceedings of the Large Installation Systems
Administrators Workshop, USENIX Association, Monterey,
California, November 17-18, 1988.
6. Arnold, Edward R. and Marc E. Nelson, "Automatic Unix
Backup in a Mass-Storage Environment," USENIX Confer-
ence Proceedings, pp. 131-136, USENIX Association, Dal-
las, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
7. Ben-Artzi, Amatzia, "The CMOT Network Management Archi-
tecture," ConneXions, vol. 3, pp. 14-19, Advanced Com-
puting Environments, Mountain View, California, March
8. DellaFera, C. Anthony, Mark W. Eichin, Robert S. French
-, David C. Jedlinsky, John T. Kohl, and William E.
Sommerfeld, "The Zephr Notification Service," USENIX
Conference Proceedings, pp. 213-220, USENIX Associa-
tion, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
9. Dyer, Stephen P., "The Hesiod Name Server," USENIX
Conference Proceedings, pp. 183-190, USENIX Associa-
tion, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
10. Eaton, Charles K., "Project Accounting on UNICOS,"
USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp. 163-170, USENIX
Association, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
11. Epstein, Mark E., Curt Vandetta, and John Sechrest,
"Asmodeus: A Daemon Servant for the System Administra-
tor," USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp. 377-392,
USENIX Association, San Francisco, California, June
20-24, 1988.
July 17, 1989
- 14 -
12. Fiedler, David and Bruce H. Hunter, UNIX System
Administration, Hayden Books, Indianapolis, Indiana,
13. Howard, John H., "An Overview of the Andrew File Sys-
tem," USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp. 23-36, USENIX
Association, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
14. Hume, Andrew, "An Incremental Backup System for UNIX,"
USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp. 61-72, USENIX Asso-
ciation, San Francisco, California, June 20-24, 1988.
15. III, Douglas P. Kingston, A Tour Through the Multi-
Device Queueing System, Ballistic Research Laboratory,
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, July 25, 1984.
16. Jatkowski, Paul, "PMON: Graphical Performance Monitor-
ing Tool," USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp. 111-118,
USENIX Association, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
17. Jones, Von, "System Administration Daemons," USENIX
Conference Proceedings, pp. 137-144, USENIX Associa-
tion, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
18. Krempel, Henry B. J. and John F. Fowler, "High-
Performance Workstations in a Model University Environ-
ment," Northeast Parallel Architectures Center Techni-
cal Report, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York,
April 7, 1988.
19. McCloghrie, Keith and Marshall T. Ross, "Network
Management of TCP/IP-based internets," ConneXions, vol.
3, pp. 3-9, Advanced Computing Environments, Mountain
View, California, March 1989.
20. Partridge, Craig, "A UNIX Implementation of HEMS,"
USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp. 89-96, USENIX Asso-
ciation, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
21. Pato, Joseph N., Elizabeth Martin, and Betsy Davis, "A
User Account Registration System for a Large (Hetero-
geneous) UNIX Network," USENIX Conference Proceedings,
pp. 155-172, USENIX Association, Dallas, Texas, Febru-
ary 9-12, 1988.
22. Peacock, Don and Mark Giuffrida, "Big Brother: A Net-
work Services Expert," USENIX Conference Proceedings,
pp. 393-398, USENIX Association, San Francisco, Cali-
fornia, June 20-24, 1988.
23. Rosenstein, Mark A., Daniel E. Geer, Jr., and Peter J.
Levine, "The Athena Service Management System," USENIX
Conference Proceedings, pp. 203-212, USENIX Associa-
tion, Dallas, Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
July 17, 1989
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24. Steiner, Jennifer G., Clifford Neuman, and Jeffrey I.
Schiller, "Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open
Network Systems," USENIX Conference Proceedings, pp.
191-202, USENIX Association, Dallas, Texas, February
9-12, 1988.
25. Treese, G. Winfield, "Berkeley UNIX on 1000 Worksta-
tions: Athena Changes to 4.3BSD," USENIX Conference
Proceedings, pp. 175-182, USENIX Association, Dallas,
Texas, February 9-12, 1988.
26. Warrier, Unni, "A Network Management Language," ConneX-
ions, vol. 3, pp. 33-39, Advanced Computing Environ-
ments, Mountain View, California, March 1989.
27. Yeong, Wengyik, Martin Lee Schoffstall, and Mark S.
Fedor, "A UNIX Implementation of the Simple Network
Management Protocol," USENIX Conference Proceedings,
pp. 209-218, USENIX Association, San Diego, California,
January 30 - February 3, 1989.
July 17, 1989
Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 9
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