Report on ISO POSIX meeting of October 1990

Shane P. McCarron ahby at bungia.Bungia.MN.ORG
Wed Nov 21 02:32:57 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: ahby at bungia.Bungia.MN.ORG (Shane P. McCarron)

In article <14858 at> domo at writes:
>Submitted-by: domo at (Dominic Dunlop)
>In article <14723 at> fkittred at (Fletcher Kittredge)
>> How can I get copies of draft versions of the POSIX 1003.x standards?
>> I am particularly interested in the 1003.4[ab] draft.  I am a member
>> of the IEEE.
>The contact for IEEE TCOS mailings is
>	Charles Habermann

Actually, the contact for obtaining drafts is Lisa Granoien at the 
IEEE Computer Society (+1 202-371-0101).  NAPS does not distribute
draft standards piecemeal

>Subscribers do not have to be IEEE members.  Overseas subscribers must
>pay an additional $400 for express delivery independent of how many or
>few units that they pay for.  (This has always struck me as a rather
>strange approach -- why not just bump up the cost of each unit if
>express delivery is required?)

Actually, the exact cost of overseas express delivery is debited from
each subscribers "account" as materials are shipped.  The $400 is a
ballpark figure that IEEE uses.

Here is the subscription form, in case anyone needs it.  It is

		IEEE TCOS-Standards Document Distribution Service       6-20-90
			INVOICE and Fee Schedule

Name:	________________________________  Date:  _______________________




Phone:	________________________	E-Mail: ________________________

Master Card/Visa/AmEx #:  _______________________  Expiration: _________
         (circle one)
Signature:	________________________________________________________

Instructions:	Select the working groups from which you would like to 
receive information.  Next select the number of pages of material you would 
like to pay for at this time.

Group							All	Drafts	
						      Materials	Only
Status	(notices, status reports, document lists)	____	n/a

ALL	(You will receive materials for new groups	____	____
	automatically as they are created)
1003.0	POSIX Guide					____	____
1003.1	System Interface				____	____
1003.2	Shell & Utilities				____	____
1003.3	Test Methods					____	____
1003.4	Real Time					____	____
1003.5	Ada Bindings					____	____
1003.6	POSIX Security					____	____
1003.7	System Admin.					____	____
1003.8	Transparent File Access				____	____
1003.9	Fortran Bindings				____	____
1003.10	Supercomputing					____	____
1003.11	Transaction Processing				____	____
1003.12	Protocol Independent Interfaces			____	____
1003.ns	Name Space/Directory Services			____	____
1003.13	Real Time (assigned to .4) 			____	____
1003.14 Multiprocessing AEP				____	____
1003.15 Batch Services (assigned to .10)		____	____
1201.1	Windowing Toolkit API				____	____
1201.2	User Interface Driveability			____	____
1224	X.400 Gateway API				____	____
1237	RPC						____    ____
1238	Common OSI API & FTAM API			____	____

Number of 500 pages units you wish to pay for:	____ x US$40	_______
(an average mailing of all materials is over 2000 pages)

International Express Mail fee:			____ US$400	_______
(regular delivery can take up to 8 weeks)

Annual TCOS-Stds meeting attendance fees may be
prepaid:					____ US$400	_______
 (or may be paid quarterly at the meetings)

Total amount due for above services:				_______
		  Receipt Requested?  Yes  No

be made by charge card (above), or by check or money order payable to 
IEEE 1003.  Please retain a copy of this form for your records.  Send 
the materials to:

For Subscriptions Send to:	For inquiries about your current subscription:
TCOS Standards Subscriptions			Charles Habermann
c/o Lisa Granoien 				NAPS International
IEEE Computer Society				117 Mackubin St.  Suite 6
1730 Massachusetts Ave. NW			St. Paul, MN  55102
Washington DC  20036-1903			+1 (612) 224-9239
     202-371-0101				+1 (612) 222-2924 (fax)
						cjh at

Shane P. McCarron				Phone: +1 612-224-9239
Project Manager					Internet: ahby at

Volume-Number: Volume 22, Number 28

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