Standards Update Poll (all responses)

John S. Quarterman jsq at
Thu Sep 13 05:09:07 AEST 1990

From: jsq at (John S. Quarterman)

Poll posted on 18 Aug 90 19:49:50 GMT
Results as of Mon Sep 10 11:47:10 GMT 1990
96 responses

1: Do you read (y or n):
1:                                                    =yes%, no%,bad%
1a: the newsgroup comp.std.unix?                      = 85%, 14%,  0%
1A: the snitch reports in comp.std.unix?              = 83%, 15%,  1%
1B: the EUUG and USENIX reports on WG15 in comp.std.un= 71%, 27%,  1%
1i: the standards column in UNIX Review?              = 69%, 29%,  1%
1c: the USENIX newsletter ;login:?                    = 61%, 38%,  0%
1E: the snitch reports in ;login:?                    = 51%, 48%,  0%
1w: standards articles in UNIX Today!?                = 47%, 51%,  1%
1F: the EUUG and USENIX reports on WG15 in ;login:?   = 44%, 55%,  0%
1j: the standards column in Sun Expert?               = 40%, 59%,  0%
1k: the standards column in IEEE Computer?            = 34%, 64%,  1%
1g: the UniForum POSIX Explored series of technical pa= 23%, 76%,  0%
1f: the USENIX white paper on System Administration fo= 20%, 78%,  1%
1H: the UniForum standards articles in CommUNIXations?= 19%, 77%,  3%
1e: the UniForum magazine CommUNIXations?             = 19%, 79%,  1%
1o: standards articles in IEEE Spectrum?              = 18%, 81%,  0%
1p: the IEEE Standards Bearer?                        = 15%, 84%,  0%
1s: the POSIX Tracking Report from Digital?           = 14%, 85%,  0%
1r: the IEEE/CS TCOS newsletter?                      = 13%, 86%,  0%
1q: the IEEE Computer Society's Standards Status Repor= 11%, 88%,  0%
1y: standards articles in UniForum's UniNews?         = 11%, 88%,  0%
1h: the UniForum white paper on Internationalization? = 10%, 88%,  1%
1d: the EUUG newsletter EUUGN?                        =  8%, 91%,  0%
1G: the EUUG and USENIX reports on WG15 in EUUGN?     =  7%, 90%,  2%
1n: standards articles in IEEE Micro Magazine?        =  7%, 92%,  0%
1C: the snitch reports in std-unix at      =  5%, 93%,  1%
1D: the EUUG and USENIX reports on WG15 in std-unix at uu=  5%, 93%,  1%
1b: the mailing list std-unix at           =  5%, 94%,  0%
1v: standards articles in UNIX Technology Advisor?    =  5%, 94%,  0%
1t: Nina Lytton's Open Systems Observer?              =  3%, 96%,  0%
1u: Marosi's standards newsletter?                    =  3%, 96%,  0%
1x: standards articles in UNIX Journal?               =  2%, 96%,  1%
1z: the book Information Technology Standardization by=  2%, 97%,  0%

2: Would you or your company (y or n):
2:                                                    =yes%, no%,bad%
2a: join USENIX ($40/year) to get the snitch reports i= 56%, 41%,  2%
2c: pay $20/year as a USENIX member for the standards = 51%, 47%,  1%
2b: pay $35/year to get a separate paper standards new= 37%, 61%,  1%
2d: pay $1000/year to be a patron of such a newsletter=  4%, 93%,  2%

3: What do you really hate (1) or like (5) about the snitch reports:
3:                                    =mean (  1%,  2%,  3%,  4%,  5%;bad%)
3f: opinions of snitches?             =3.73 (  4%,  3%, 23%, 42%, 23%;  2%)
3g: opinions of report editor?        =3.61 (  3%,  4%, 29%, 44%, 16%;  2%)
3e: context (effects on other committe=3.49 (  2%,  6%, 35%, 32%, 19%;  4%)
3c: accuracy?                         =3.47 (  2%,  4%, 35%, 40%, 13%;  4%)
3d: level of technical detail?        =3.46 (  0%, 15%, 30%, 36%, 15%;  2%)
3h: editing?                          =3.41 (  0%,  3%, 51%, 32%, 10%;  3%)
3i: editorials?                       =3.35 (  1%,  8%, 43%, 37%,  7%;  2%)
3a: timeliness?                       =3.34 (  2%, 10%, 40%, 23%, 18%;  4%)
3b: coordination with standards meetin=3.17 (  0%,  4%, 63%, 22%,  5%;  4%)
3j: oversight by publisher?           =2.92 (  3%, 12%, 61%, 14%,  4%;  4%)

4: What do you want less (1-2), the same (3), or more (4-5) of:
4:                                    =mean (  1%,  2%,  3%,  4%,  5%;bad%)
4d: level of technical detail?        =3.64 (  0%,  2%, 43%, 32%, 19%;  2%)
4l: number of committees covered?     =3.57 (  0%,  5%, 41%, 22%, 26%;  4%)
4e: context (effects on other committe=3.50 (  0%,  5%, 43%, 36%, 12%;  2%)
4a: timeliness?                       =3.48 (  0%,  1%, 46%, 29%, 17%;  5%)
4c: accuracy?                         =3.41 (  1%,  0%, 51%, 27%, 15%;  5%)
4k: analytical reports (like the UniFo=3.39 (  2%,  2%, 42%, 35%, 12%;  5%)
4m: number of reports?                =3.30 (  1%,  8%, 50%, 19%, 16%;  4%)
4b: coordination with standards meetin=3.22 (  0%,  1%, 64%, 19%,  9%;  5%)
4f: opinions of snitches?             =3.15 (  4%,  6%, 60%, 18%,  8%;  2%)
4g: opinions of report editor?        =3.09 (  4%,  6%, 60%, 18%,  7%;  3%)
4n: length of each report?            =3.06 (  0%,  7%, 66%, 12%,  8%;  5%)
4i: editorials?                       =3.01 (  3%,  6%, 68%, 14%,  4%;  3%)
4o: length of editorial?              =2.97 (  2%,  7%, 69%, 12%,  4%;  4%)
4h: editing?                          =2.94 (  0%,  3%, 82%,  6%,  3%;  5%)
4j: oversight by publisher?           =2.74 (  6%,  9%, 69%,  7%,  2%;  5%)

5: What should USENIX do less (1-2), the same (3), or more (4-5) of:
5:                                    =mean (  1%,  2%,  3%,  4%,  5%;bad%)
5i: Sponsor White Papers in particular=3.93 (  1%,  1%, 18%, 46%, 29%;  3%)
5f: Encourage appropriate people to ge=3.84 (  1%,  0%, 27%, 41%, 27%;  3%)
5k: Collaborate with other user groups=3.64 (  2%,  2%, 29%, 30%, 28%;  6%)
5g: Write and present proposals to sta=3.61 (  2%,  3%, 31%, 37%, 21%;  4%)
5b: Publish reports on standards activ=3.53 (  0%,  1%, 51%, 36%, 10%;  1%)
5h: Vote with specific comments on sta=3.43 (  4%,  3%, 39%, 31%, 17%;  4%)
5B: Collaborate with EUUG (European UN=3.42 (  3%,  1%, 44%, 19%, 22%;  6%)
5c: Hold informal Birds of a Feather (=3.32 (  0%,  6%, 55%, 28%,  8%;  2%)
5j: Lobby standards oversight bodies r=3.29 (  3%,  3%, 47%, 27%, 13%;  5%)
5D: Collaborate with AUUG (Australian =3.28 (  3%,  1%, 45%, 20%, 18%;  8%)
5a: Moderate newsgroups and mailing li=3.26 (  3%,  2%, 58%, 22%, 10%;  3%)
5e: Hold workshops on standards?      =3.24 (  2%,  8%, 46%, 28%, 10%;  4%)
5J: Collaborate with X/Open?          =3.23 (  4%,  5%, 45%, 19%, 16%;  6%)
5d: Hold formal sessions on standards =3.22 (  3%,  9%, 45%, 30%,  8%;  3%)
5A: Collaborate with UniForum?        =3.21 (  7%,  1%, 38%, 31%, 12%;  7%)
5F: Collaborate with JUS (Japan UNIX S=3.19 (  3%,  1%, 50%, 21%, 13%;  8%)
5I: Collaborate with UKUUG (The United=3.16 (  4%,  3%, 46%, 20%, 14%;  8%)
5l: Collaborate with vendor associatio=3.15 (  3%,  7%, 48%, 25%,  8%;  5%)
5E: Collaborate with GUUG (The German =3.14 (  4%,  1%, 52%, 18%, 13%;  8%)
5H: Collaborate with Sinix (The Singap=3.12 (  3%,  3%, 51%, 19%, 12%;  8%)
5G: Collaborate with NLUUG (The Nether=3.11 (  4%,  2%, 52%, 17%, 13%;  8%)
5C: Collaborate with AFUU (Association=3.10 (  4%,  3%, 51%, 17%, 13%;  8%)
5L: Collaborate with the Open Software=3.04 (  7%,  7%, 48%, 21%,  8%;  4%)
5K: Collaborate with Unix Internationa=3.02 (  4%, 10%, 46%, 20%,  9%;  6%)
5m: Collaborate with vendor-specific u=2.71 (  8%, 14%, 54%,  8%,  6%;  6%)
5Q: Collaborate with SUG (Sun User Gro=2.67 ( 10%, 10%, 56%,  7%,  6%;  7%)
5N: Collaborate with DECUS (Digital Eq=2.51 ( 12%, 11%, 59%,  5%,  2%;  7%)
5O: Collaborate with Interex (Internat=2.51 ( 13%, 11%, 56%,  7%,  2%;  7%)
5P: Collaborate with NUUG (NCR Unix Us=2.41 ( 13%, 11%, 58%,  3%,  2%;  9%)
5M: Collaborate with ADUS (Apollo DOMA=2.39 ( 16%, 10%, 57%,  3%,  2%;  8%)

6: Are you a member of (y or n):
6:                                                    =yes%, no%,bad%
6a: USENIX?                                           = 60%, 38%,  1%
6q: ACM?                                              = 51%, 47%,  1%
6o: IEEE Computer Society?                            = 46%, 52%,  1%
6Y: the paper correspondence list for a standards comm= 29%, 69%,  1%
6j: Other user group?                                 = 29%, 66%,  4%
6p: IEEE?                                             = 26%, 72%,  1%
6Z: in the balloting group for a standards committee? = 22%, 76%,  1%
6r: Other professional society?                       = 22%, 73%,  3%
6b: UniForum?                                         = 18%, 80%,  1%
6X: a standards committee working group (attend meetin= 17%, 81%,  1%
6c: EUUG?                                             =  7%, 91%,  1%
6g: UKUUG?                                            =  3%, 94%,  2%
6h: AUUG?                                             =  3%, 94%,  2%
6d: AFUU?                                             =  0%, 97%,  2%
6e: GUUG?                                             =  0%, 97%,  2%
6f: NLUUG?                                            =  0%, 97%,  2%
6i: JUS?                                              =  0%, 97%,  2%

7: Are you (y or n):
7:                                                    =yes%, no%,bad%
7a: a user?                                           = 93%,  5%,  1%
7b: an application implementor?                       = 73%, 25%,  1%
7c: a system interface implementor?                   = 55%, 43%,  1%
7h: a manager?                                        = 39%, 58%,  2%
7d: a test suite implementor?                         = 15%, 83%,  1%
7g: in procurement?                                   = 15%, 83%,  1%
7i: an executive?                                     = 11%, 86%,  2%
7e: in sales?                                         =  3%, 95%,  1%
7f: in marketing?                                     =  3%, 95%,  1%

Volume-Number: Volume 21, Number 99

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