Objective Benchmarks

David L. Summerville david at cis.ohio-state.edu
Sat Sep 15 04:51:15 AEST 1990

Submitted-by: david at cis.ohio-state.edu (David L. Summerville)

[ I don't know what the appropriate set of newsgroups is for this posting.
I've redirected it to comp.std.misc.  -comp.std.unix moderator ]

My organization is beginning a "Tier-II Assessment". 

The goal is to define what the Corporation needs in terms of 
computing services for sub-divisions of 170 users and under.  

Perhaps a Unix solution will accomodate our needs.  

Are there objective benchmarks that we can use or purchase to 
assess "Price/Performance" for Unix machines?  I'm looking for 
something as vendor-independent as possible.  
Thank You. 
David L. Summerville    		||||| osu-cis!mstar!topcat!david  
(614) 249-2712			    ||||||||| ||||||| ||||| |||||| ||||| 
CIS 76656,2031			||||||||||||| osu-cis!n8emr!topcat!david 

Volume-Number: Volume 21, Number 111

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