Ballot groups and mailing lists

Jason Zions jason at
Mon Feb 18 07:26:37 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: jason at (Jason Zions)

I've received several queries in the last few days as to how one might join
a ballot group or get on a mailing list for an IEEE TCOS working group
(POSIX et al). I think it's probably of sufficiently general interest that
posting it to the mailing list as a whole is worthwhile.

To join balloting groups for proposed IEEE TCOS standards (1003.*, 1201.*,
1224.*, 1238.*) you must become a member of the IEEE TCOS Standards
Subcommittee. Joining the TCOS-SS will not itself place you in any ballot
groups, but will cause Invitations to join forming ballot groups to be sent
to you. You cannot join a ballot group which has already "closed". Ballot
groups are generally "open" between 3 and 6 months. When writing, you should
probably inquire as to which ballot groups are still forming (i.e. open).

The sole prerequisite for membership is membership in either the IEEE itself
or the IEEE Computer Society. To join TCOS-SS, please write to:

Computer Society Secretariat
IEEE Standards Office
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ  08855

Give your name/address/phone&fax/e-mail addr and IEEE or IEEE-CS membership
number. Also, retain a copy of your application for your own records. You
should receive confirmation from the IEEE within 2-3 weeks; if you do not,
start looking into it.

 - - -

Belonging to the ballot group will only cause you to receive formally-
balloted drafts. To obtain information on joining working group mailing
lists, which contain interim drafts and other working documents, please
direct your inquiry to:

[[ Editor - please check the following address. I think Lisa's office is the
correct one; if so, the address is correct. I know writing to NAPS directly
is not the approved way of doing this. Help! ]]

Lisa Granoien
IEEE Computer Society
1730 Massachusettes Avenue NW
Washington DC  20036
Fax: +1 (202) 728-9614

Be aware that mailing list membership entails a charge based on the cost of
reproduction and distribution of the materials subscribed to; monies are
required up-front and costs are dedcuted from your balance as time goes on.
Additional details are included in the mailing list application form.

 - - -

Jason Zions
Chair, IEEE P1003.8 POSIX Transparent File Access

Volume-Number: Volume 22, Number 128

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