Institutional Rep to the IEEE TCOS

Ellie Young ellie at
Tue Mar 12 11:37:02 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: ellie at (Ellie Young)

At its January meeting, the USENIX Board of Directors
authorized funds for this year for an Institutional Representative to 
the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Operating Systems.    
It then appointed a search committee to fill this position.

On behalf of the USENIX Board, we are pleased to announce that
this position has been offered to Peter Collinson, of Hillside
systems, Kent, UK, and he has accepted.

Peter has been active in UNIX since 1976, and has a strong technical
background.  His  previous employment was as an academic, and he
has been active in EurOpen and USENIX for more than 10 years. 
He is currently a consultant, writer, and lecturer.  His 
knowledge of USENIX and EurOpen, as well as his technical 
expertise should serve him well as the USENIX IR.

Besides his duties at IEEE/CS TCOS meetings, he will
coordinate USENIX Standards BOFs, discuss standards issues
with USENIX membership, recruit and instruct snitches, as
well as work with the snitch editor in publishing the reports.

Peter will be attending the upcoming TAG and IEEE meetings in
Chicago.   He can be reached via email: pc at or
FAX: +44 227 762554.

Volume-Number: Volume 23, Number 8

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