3B1 For Sale

william.t.rankin brankin at cbnewsk.att.com
Thu Apr 11 00:18:11 AEST 1991

AT&T 3B1 For Sale!


        - AT&T 3B1 (10Mhz 68010)
        - 2 Meg Motherboard
        - 67 Meg Drive (CDC Drive)
        - 1200 Baud Internal Modem
        - WD2010 and Vidpal upgrades installed.
        - Keyboard and Mouse
        - 3.51 OS (Unix System V Rel 2)
            plus lot of other software on disk
            including kernal objects (3.51m)

A great basic Unix platform!

All for $650.00 +shipping

Will sell the machine w/o the harddrive for $400.00!
Will consider a trade(+/-)cash for a large SCSI drive! (100M++)

Gimme a call or email!

-bill rankin
wtr at bromo.att.com
919-563-8618 (home)

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