a good mgr hack!!!!!!

Dave Ihnat ignatz at chinet.chi.il.us
Sun Mar 31 16:20:05 AEST 1991

In article <1991Mar29.063707.309 at yenta.alb.nm.us> dt at yenta.alb.nm.us (David B. Thomas) writes:
>This is great!!  Kids, try this at home!
	... misc. elided ...

>To do this, I made a shell script called start_mgr, which I call from
> mgr:23:respawn:/usr/mgr/bin/start_mgr < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
>It contains roughly:
>	SHELL=/bin/login
>	export SHELL
>	echo "press return to start mgr"
>	read x
>	exec mgr
>The reason for the "press return" part is because the initial "star trek"
>screen is a real CPU hog, and if the system starts up unattended, you don't
>want that fancy thing flashing all day long.

Er...excuse me...but if it's unattended, then...like...who's going to press

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