TAM vs. MGR (was Getting rid of "disk almost full" message)

David B. Thomas dt at yenta.alb.nm.us
Sun Mar 24 04:31:47 AEST 1991

tkacik at rphroy.ph.gmr.com (Tom Tkacik) writes:

>How about programs that use the TAM library?  Do they work under mgr?

>I am talking about important programs like mahjongg and klondike.
>Will I have to re-write them?

>That is pretty much all that is keeping me from running mgr.

Go with MGR!  Against my will, I am still loading the window driver
at bootup.  As long as the window driver gets loaded, TAM stuff
can work as always.

MGR is just a user process.  You log in, and get a shell.  If you
feel like it, you can type 'mgr' and start up the menu system.  If
not, you can use the regular window and play mahjongg.  Or, you
can run mgr right from your .profile, but when you feel like running
a TAM application, just hit "buckey-Z" and mgr is suspended and you
get a shell.  Play your mahjongg game, then hit control-D and *boop*!
mgr is back.

You do not need smgr or wmgr to be running ... just have the wind.o
driver loaded.  I use cron, update and errord, and actually I would
love to quit loading the window driver (costs memory and boot time,
and I don't use it) but I haven't been able to get that working.
Has anybody ever managed to log onto /dev/console (from getty)?

					little david
Bottom of stack = 0x40000
Stack pointer   = 0x3fffe
Don't push it!

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