Different boot problem...

guy.r.berentsen guy at cbnewsc.att.com
Sat Mar 2 09:01:58 AEST 1991

In article <1991Feb28.020612.11229 at ceilidh.beartrack.com>, dnichols at ceilidh.beartrack.com (DoN Nichols) writes:
> In article <12744 at helios.TAMU.EDU> n138ct at tamuts.tamu.edu (Brent Burton) writes:
> >I just got my 7300 today.  It has an intermittant problem, but first the
> >system:
> >  7300, 2Meg Ram, no cards, WD2010 (no other fix, just the chip exchange)
> >  and a 20Meg HD with "3.52jmC" operating system installed.
> 	What is "3.52jmC" ??  Where did you get it ???  What does it do
> different ????

The machine on my desk at work has been running 3.52jmC for more than
2 years (It was installed by the previous owner.)

I was told that this kernel was someone's private build,
including the same fixes that were released in the 3.51 fix disk.
I don't think that this kernel was ever officialy distributed.

I believe the letters "jmC" are the initials of the person
that developed or built the fixes.

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