Answering machine software

David B. Thomas dt at
Sun Mar 24 04:21:52 AEST 1991

mindel at netwrx1.NW1.COM (Joshua L Mindel) writes:

>I'm trying to obtain the OSU 3B1 Answering Machine software.  

I have written a very simple one (doesn't do as much as Gil's).
If you're into writing your own software anyway, but want something
to start from, mine is small and does the very basics, and is easy
to customize from there.

All my program does is answer the phone, say your greeting,
accept a message, allow interactive playback, replacement
and cancellation of the caller's message and hangs up.
You can also activate a message retreival mode, wherein
you step through your messages.

Features I'm planning on adding in the near future are
1. system checkup: who's logged in, disk free space,
   presence of email.
2. a special 'emergency' code given to friends, so they can
   activate the speaker and wake me up, whereas 'joe' can't.
3. a code to make the OBM answer, so everyone else can use my
   voice line for voice only, but I can call up and log in,
   even if the other computer lines are busy.
4. special messages for expected callers: "If this is byron,
   press a 5 for your special message."
5. Remote change of greetings.
6. toll-saver feature...answer on first ring only if there's
   messages waiting.

Gil's has some of these, but I wanted to do things my way --
you know how it is :-)

					little david
Bottom of stack = 0x40000
Stack pointer   = 0x3fffe
Don't push it!

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