Help w/Unix-pc Clock battery

Kenneth Staffan x37507 staffan at
Wed Mar 13 00:01:19 AEST 1991

In article <9450 at mgweed.UUCP> prg at mgweed.UUCP (Gunsul) writes:
>In article <1991Feb19.133649.11150 at colnet.uucp>, res at colnet.uucp (Rob Stampfli) writes:
>> Your experience was better than mine.  Although Radio Shack does indeed carry
>> Lithium 3V batteries (even of the same size and shape as that found in my
>> Unix-PC, they did not have any with solder tabs, and the manager where I
>I just ordered and received three of the solder-in type batteries Rob.

When I posted to the net about my clock battery, someone suggested buying
a battery holder, mounting it at the back of the case, and wiring _that_
to the old connections.  Now I can change batteries without opening the
case or soldering.


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