Not again (BSD etc. ports)

John R. MacMillan john at chance.UUCP
Wed Mar 27 16:31:59 AEST 1991

|I realize that I may be a MAJOR heretic in the UNIX world, but I really
|don't regard BSD as the Holy Grail of UNIX-dom.  I'd MUCH rather keep a
|small, fast kernel ( the SYS-V approach ) rather than the giant kernel
|of the BSD systems.

Doesn't qualify you as a heretic in my book...and some claim that V7
was the last decent UNIX.  The only thing I disagree with is that SysV
is small, especially V.4.

|Given the 4MB address space of the 3B1 (et. al.) it
|makes much more sense to adhere to the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, S...)

Like Minix... :-)

|As for MGR:
|I will probably install MGR (using the software vidpal) in the next week
|or so.  Still: where are any applications for MGR??  Yes, there is a
|ported TeX previewer, but beyond that ???
|We need at least a port of [x]fig, plus other USEFUL tools, else it's
|just a pretty demo of what could be/have been.

Even without a lot of tools it's still a good environment; they're
aren't too many tools for the native window system either.

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