IHVDIAG+IN.Z warning

Kris A. Kugel kak at hico2.UUCP
Mon Mar 18 05:14:13 AEST 1991

In checking out some of the details in the device driver
development guide (I still don't have a volunteer for providing
an temporary archive site), I looked at the include files in 
the IHVDIAG+IN.Z file in the att7300/STORE area on osu-cis.

Some of the include files have the same name as some of those already
existing on my version 3.51m, and, when I checked that out,
look like versions from a previous level.

I'd avoid adding these indescriminently into your header directories,
you might wipe out more current versions, and I have no idea what
effect using the other, unmatched include files for purposes other
than diagnostics will have.

Does anybody know how we can update this include file set?

                               Kris A. Kugel
                             ( 908 ) 842-2707
                      internet: kak at hico2.westmark.com

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