Smaller cluster size for 20M hard disk on 6300

beck at husc4.UUCP beck at husc4.UUCP
Fri Feb 6 10:11:19 AEST 1987

Summary:Can MSDOS do for the 6300 what PCDOS can do for the PC
Sender:Nathaniel Beck, Dept. of Gov.
Keywords:Cluster size

There have been several postings about how to reduce cluster size on a
hard disk from 8K down to either 1,2 or 4K. These postings were for the
IBM PC and do not seem to have worked for the 6300 (using MSDOS 3.1).

Does anyone know how to reduce cluster size on a 20M hard disk.

Thanks in advance.

Nathaniel Beck, Dept. of Gov., Harvard U.

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