The endless question about SYS V.3 for 3B15s
Jonathan Sadler
sadler at
Wed Apr 13 04:42:14 AEST 1988
I know that people have asked this in the future, without any definate
answer from AT&T, but IF THEY ARE LISTENING....
When can I expect to be able to get System V Release 3 for the
3B15? I understand that this is necessary to get Version 2.1
of Wollingong's TCP/IP up and running. Seeing that we have a
high interest in gettng RFS up, we need this code.
If anyone at AT&T has any information on this, please don't leave us in
the dark. There are others out here in the real world that would like
to get this software.
(I'll now get off my soapbox...)
Thanks for any information that is supplied....
Jonathan Sadler
System Administrator (of OVER 120 AT&T machines...)
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin - Madison
INTERNET: sadler at SNAIL MAIL: Jonathan Sadler
sadler at 2350 Comp Sci + Stat (CSL)
UUCP : ...!uwvax!sadler University of Wisconsin
sadler at uwvax.UUCP Madison, WI 53706
BELL NET: (608) 262-2389 "For amongst all people there is prejudice."
INTERNET: sadler at SNAIL MAIL: Jonathan Sadler
sadler at 2350 Comp Sci + Stat (CSL)
UUCP : ...!uwvax!sadler University of Wisconsin
sadler at uwvax.UUCP Madison, WI 53706
BELL NET: (608) 262-2389 "For amongst all people there is injustice."
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