More silly 3b1 quesitons. :-)
Chuck Brunow
loci at killer.UUCP
Fri Apr 29 05:09:54 AEST 1988
In article <585 at flatline.UUCP>, erict at flatline.UUCP (eric townsend) writes:
> More silly questions that I couldn't find a quick and easy answer to:
> 1. Any simple way to make an on/off switch for the monitor? I get tired
> of using the little wheelie-dealie to postpone terminal phosphor-burn.
> (I'm *not* going to experiment on *my* machine, dammit. :-)
I like the name "wheelie-dealie", but more to the point if you
want someone else to experiment with YOUR machine, send it up
here and I'll do it for you. ;-)
> 2. Problem: the Sys V ver 3.0 manuals, for all intents and purposes, suck.
> Any good suggestion as to a companion set of manuals that give better
> explinations in more detail? I like the Motorola 5.2 or so manuals...
> the big 8.5x11 monsters. But those cost ~$150.
I was very pleased with the (v2) manuals: they're just like the
version 7 manuals that i originally learned unix from. I can't
understand why you don't like them. I agree that it doesn't come
easy, but you have lots of functionality, and that much power
just can't be summarized adequately. I know from my own experience
that the manuals are adequate to learn the system. And i know
that manual writing is very hard.
> 3. Anybody know of "The Right Uses" for the mouse buttons? I figured that
> B1 meant 'what ever is under the pointer', and B2 *should* be 'list
I think your problems are caused by UA. I don't use it, and many
stuff is nice to "wow" visitors, but it's not really useful.
> J. Eric Townsend ->uunet!nuchat!flatline!erict smail:511Parker#2,Hstn,Tx,77007
Charles Brunow clb at loci.UUCP
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