UNIC-PC hard disk help needed
root at dplace.UUCP
Mon Apr 25 14:31:35 AEST 1988
I need help! I am trying to expand the hard disk on my 67 meg UNIX-PC.
I changed the controller chip to a 2010 which should allow more tracks
to be addressed and added the new PAL which should allow 15 heads to
be used. I put in a Priam model 519 190 megabyte disk (15 heads,
1224 cyls). Entered the bad blocks and formatted the disk using the
diagnostic floppy. I told it 1224 cyls, 15 heads, 17 blocks/track.
The surface test found a few more bad blocks and said it entered them
in the badblock table. So far so good. When I used the boot floppy (2 and 3)
to try to make a file system on the disk, the script dies with
"mkfs: no such device or address". Stdout and stderr are redirected
to /dev/null in the script. If I break out of the script and run the mkfs
manually (no parameters) it runs for a while and then the disk makes
a scraping/buzzing sound which goes away after a few seconds. This repeats
15 or 20 times and then the mkfs dies reporting a write error at block
137010. If I manually enter the block in the bad table, reformat, and
retry the mkfs, the same thing happens at the same block.
Has anyone successfully used a 190 meg disk in a 7300? One thing I noticed
is that the number of inodes comes out to be more than 32K. What is
the maximum inode number 32K or 64K?
Dave Lampe
{ihnp4 | ames | lll-tis | sun | pyramid}!pacbell!dplace!djl
(415) 455-1571
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