3b2/400 kernel query

Michael Meyer mm8s+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Apr 5 11:08:51 AEST 1988

I have 4 3b2/400's running System V 3.0 version 2.  These four machines have
(supposedly) identical hardware, and as far as I can ascertain identical

However the kernel (/unix) on one of the four machines is 5004 bytes smaller
than on the other three.  I've checked all the files in /boot and /etc/master.d
and they seem to be the same on all machines.

Now I wouldn't worry about the difference in size except that the machine in
question refuses to transfer files using FTP (We are running the AT&T supplied
version of Wollongong TCP/IP).  Actually the situation is a little more
complicated.  The "bad" 3b2 will ftp files to the other 3b2's but won't
transfer anything to my Unix microvaxes.   I've tried copying the tcp/ip
binaries and the files in /boot and /etc/master.d from a "good" 3b2 -- and then
rebuilt the kernel, but nothing seems to help.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this?  Does anyone have any idea what else I
should be doing?

Any help/hints appreciated.

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