reading the temp sensor

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sun Apr 10 15:39:09 AEST 1988

In article <1045 at edge.UUCP> walker at edge.UUCP (Dan Walker) writes:
|>I have a 3B1 with a variable speed fan. I assume that this speed varies
|>with the temperature "sensed" inside the unit.
|>Q: Is there a way for software to read the temperature, or at least
|>the over-temp indicator?
There is no way that I know of currently to read the temp of the 3B1 without
connecting some sort of device to do so.  The overhead temp indicator doesn't
give any indications, it's hardware only.  My experience has been that this
has cause problems with the FANS.  When the fan sucks the dust in it drys
out the oils and hence at the lower speed sometimes it will come to a
halt and not move.  This causes extreme overheating and hardware failures.

If you can disconnect this "overheat" indicator it would be better. Is there
anyone who has actually done this.  I have replaced my AT&T fan with a
12VDC fan from Radio Shack (which I posted a while back).  I would like to
get full power to these fans, and I assume the circuit is holding back
power to the fans while the machine is cool...

|>Q: Is this a 12V fan or 110VAC?
The fan inside the 3B1's is a 12VDC fan.

US MAIL  : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group        IIIII  CCC U   U  SSS
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AT&T MAIL: ...attmail!icus!lenny  
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