Single-DOS-user software licenses on multi-DOS-user '386 machines?

Prentiss Riddle riddle at woton.UUCP
Fri Apr 29 03:29:10 AEST 1988

We are evaluating an AT&T 6386 WSG, one of the new 80386 machines that
is supposed to run multiple DOS sessions under Unix.  (We don't know
how well yet because we still haven't received the VP/ix software.)

This raises an interesting and potentially important legal question: if
we intend to run multiple sessions of generic IBM-PC/DOS applications
programs on a 6386, are we obligated to buy multiple copies?  Or will a
single copy suffice because we're using a single CPU?  Do most license
agreements cover this question, or are we in unexplored territory? 

[Please send mail to me and I will summarize; or if you've got something
unique and authoritative to say, please cross-post to and
comp.sys.att.  Thanks.]

-- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.")
-- Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer.
-- riddle%woton.uucp at  {ihnp4,uunet}!ut-sally!im4u!woton!riddle

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