3.51a Problems( Was: Re: tty000 'n' uucico ...)

Dave Hanna dave at dms3b1.UUCP
Sat Aug 6 23:04:26 AEST 1988

In article <706 at sialis.mn.org> rjg at sialis.mn.org (Robert J. Granvin) writes:
[ discussion of BREAK bug with ph0 affecting tty000 deleted]

>However, installing the 3.51
>fixdisks (3.51a kernel) will solve this problem (if not solved by
>3.51) as well as a few other nasties.
>Granted, 3.51a also creates a new problem, particularly attributed to
>the 3.51a fixdisk, but 3.51b (not yet completed) will resolve those
>issues as well.

What are the bugs introduced by the 3.51a kernel?  I've been running
if for a couple months, and haven't noticed anything, although it 
still doesn't seem to hang up the phone after a uucico, which was
one of the things I thought was supposed to be fixed.

BTW, I've had my system up since February with only 1 or 2 unexplained
crashes.  I've been real pleased.
>"I've been trying for some time to                           Robert J. Granvin

Dave Hanna,  Daltech MicroSystems    |  "Do or do not -- There is no try"
P.O. Box 584, Bedford, TX 76095      |                        - Yoda
(214) 358-4534   (817) 540-1524      |
UUCP:  ...!killer!gtmvax!dave        |

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