need help with nroff for okidata

Mark Sommer msommer at altos86.UUCP
Sat Aug 13 06:47:09 AEST 1988

In article <280 at stc-auts.UUCP> kak at stc-auts.UUCP (Kris Kugel) writes:
>It seems to me that there must be some way of
>getting nroff to use the control sequences
>for the okidata itself, but I don't know how
>to do it.
I can't give you the specifics, because I don't have the manuals with me.  But I
can tell you that if you have the man pages for the utilities under 3.51 (can't
speak for earlier versions) for nroff and it's related doc prep stuff, you will
find the file format for a file called /usr/lib/nterm/tab.<name>.  <name> is
the printer acronym name.  This file is where you define the control strings
for all the various features of your unsupported printer.  It's really well
done in my opinion.  I haven't done it for may Mannesman Tally yet, but the
options are rather complete.  The manual I have which contains this info is the
User Manual Vol. 1.  Hope this helps.


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