VPIX for SVR3.

Mitchell Lerner mitchell at cadovax.UUCP
Fri Aug 19 03:19:49 AEST 1988

Does VPIX for System V version 3 work?

How well?

Is Interactive Systems Corp. the main supplier of VPIX for System V?

How easy is it to install and get it to run DOS applications like
lotus and Word Perfect and games like Flight Simulator?

Does it still have some bugs with programs that access vidieo ram directly?
Which popular programs can't you run on VPIX?

Pleas email responses to me and I'll post them to the net if appropriate.


Mitchell Lerner -- UUCP:  {ucbvax,ihnp4,decvax}!trwrb!cadovax!mitchell
	Don't speak to him of your heartache, for he is speaking.
	He feels the touch of an ants foot.  If a stone moves under the 
	water he knows it.

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