mailing list digests & newsgroups

rja rja at edison.GE.COM
Mon Dec 19 02:53:34 AEST 1988

I had earlier written:
% I'd like to suggest that perhaps it
% would be a useful service to digest the articles and post a weekly
% digest for each list or them all together.

Bill Kennedy then seemed to respond with talk of creating a new group.
I don't believe a new group is needed necessarily.  The folks who run
the 3Bx mailing list post their periodic digests into comp.sys.att
among other places and I think that the mailing lists that Bill moderates
and the new 6386 list could have their digests posted into the regular
comp.sys.att group as well.  

If it were up to me, we would have created comp.sys.att.3b for the bigger
machines based on the We32xxx last spring, or comp.sys.att.pc for the
smaller ones.  The UNIX-PC folks were quite violently opposed to the latter
and the users of the bigger machines, being fed up with the complexity
of news group creation, made their own u3b.* distribution.

The flattening out of the USENET namespace is A BAD THING.
         rja at edison.GE.COM      or      ...uunet!virginia!edison!rja  
     via Internet (preferable)          via uucp  (if you must)

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